516 research outputs found

    Emerging Cross Border Tourism Region Macau-Zhuhai: Place in Play/Place to Play

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    This paper explores the new tourism region Macau-Zhuhai which is emerging in the south-western part of the Pearl River Delta (PRD). Since Macau’s handover to the People’s Republic of China in 1999, the former Portuguese enclave is becoming increasingly integrated into the PRD. Together with its mainland neighbor Zhuhai it is creating a bi-city region; although without coordinated planning. Currently, both cities embark on a first joint project encouraged by the Chinese Central Government on the island Hengqin. The paper is investigating the attempts of both cities to reinvent themselves as places to play and how they find themselves on the playing field of global and national forces. The paper ends with the suggestion of an alternative understanding of tourism and destinations which learns from spatial practices of a new generation of tourists in Asia.Este artículo explora la nueva región turística Macao- Zhuhai que está emergiendo en la región sudoeste del Delta del Río de las Perlas (DRP). Desde la entrega de Macao a la República Popular de China en 1999, el anterior enclave portugués se encuentra cada vez más integrado en el DPR. Junto con su vecino de territorio Zhuhai, está creando una región bi-ciudad; aunque sin un planeamiento coordinado. Actualmente, las dos ciudades se embarcan en un primer proyecto conjunto impulsado por el Gobierno Central Chino en la isla de Hengqin. El artículo se centra en los esfuerzos de las dos ciudades por reinventarse en lugares para jugar y en cómo se encuentran en el campo del juego a nivel de fuerzas globales y nacionales. El artículo finaliza con una sugerencia de entendimiento alternativo del turismo y los destinos turísticos basada en las prácticas espaciales de la nueva generación de turistas en Asia. 

    Emerging cross border tourism Region Macau-Zhuhai: place in play/place to play

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    This paper explores the new tourism region Macau-Zhuhai which is emerging in the south-western part of the Pearl River Delta (PRD). Since Macau’s handover to the People’s Republic of China in 1999, the former Portuguese enclave is becoming increasingly integrated into the PRD. Together with its mainland neighbor Zhuhai it is creating a bi-city region; although without coordinated planning. Currently, both cities embark on a first joint project encouraged by the Chinese Central Government on the island Hengqin. The paper is investigating the attempts of both cities to re-invent themselves as places to play and how they find themselves on the playing field of global and national forces. The paper ends with the suggestion of an alternative understanding of tourism and destinations which learns from spatial practices of a new generation of tourists in Asia.Peer Reviewe

    A Room With a View

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    My first words to my sister were “Middle School! I must be crazy.” And I wasn’t sure but what I was. I had left a high school media center where I had lived and worked for 15 years, where I had added family pictures, flowers, and curiosities with swinging dolphins and with curved metal bars that went in circles just missing each other every time they went around. I had spent so much time there that I had wanted to personalize this area to make it seem like home. Then came the feeling that I needed a change—and maybe some windows

    A Historical Investigation

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    Visser, H. [Promotor]Blaug, M. [Promotor

    Activating play : a design research study on how to elicit playful interaction from teenagers

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    Emerging cross border tourism Region Macau-Zhuhai: place in play/place to play

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    This paper explores the new tourism region Macau-Zhuhai which is emerging in the south-western part of the Pearl River Delta (PRD). Since Macau’s handover to the People’s Republic of China in 1999, the former Portuguese enclave is becoming increasingly integrated into the PRD. Together with its mainland neighbor Zhuhai it is creating a bi-city region; although without coordinated planning. Currently, both cities embark on a first joint project encouraged by the Chinese Central Government on the island Hengqin. The paper is investigating the attempts of both cities to re-invent themselves as places to play and how they find themselves on the playing field of global and national forces. The paper ends with the suggestion of an alternative understanding of tourism and destinations which learns from spatial practices of a new generation of tourists in Asia.Peer Reviewe

    Fingerprinting Defects in Hexagonal Boron Nitride via Multi-Phonon Excitation

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    Single photon emitters in hexagonal boron nitride have gathered a lot of attention due to their favourable emission properties and the manifold of possible applications. Despite extensive scientific effort, the exact atomic origin of these emitters has remained unkown thus far. Recently, several studies have tied the emission in the yellow spectral region to carbon-related defects, but the exact atomic structure of the defects remains elusive. In this study, photoluminescence emission and excitation spectroscopy is performed on a large number of emitters within this region. By comparison of the experimental data with theoretical predictions, the origin of yellow single photon emission in hexagonal boron nitride is determined. Knowledge of this atomic structure and its optical properties is crucial for the reliable implementation of these emitters in quantum technologies

    Verkenning MKBA werkwijzer Energie

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    Resultaten Er moet een werkwijzer komen voor maatschappelijke kosten-batenanalyses (MKBA’s) van energiebeleid. Belangrijke aspecten zijn het aanpassingsvermogen van energiemarkten, de flexibiliteit van de energievoorziening, kosten van stroomuitval en betaalbaarheid van energie. Het onderzoek In 2013 is de Algemene leidraad voor maatschappelijke kosten-batenanalyse (MKBA) vastgesteld door het kabinet. Hierna volgden werkwijzers voor het sociale domein, milieu en natuur. Het ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat (EZK) heeft SEO en de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen gevraagd om na te gaan of een werkwijzer voor MKBA van energiebeleid nuttig is, en welke onderwerpen daarin moeten worden behandeld. Gebruikte methode De kosten en baten van energiebeleid worden beschreven aan de hand van doelen van het beleid: voorzieningszekerheid, leveringszekerheid, vermindering van milieueffecten en betaalbaarheid. Daarnaast wordt aandacht besteed aan effecten van beleid op de flexibiliteit van de energievoorziening. Bij elk onderdeel wordt op hoofdlijnen aangegeven hoe een MKBA-werkwijzer daar aandacht aan kan besteden