57 research outputs found

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    A humanista Báthory István

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    Az RNS silencing mechanizmusának vizsgálata állati és növényi modelleken = Mechanism of RNS silencing in animal and plant model organism

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    A Cymbidium ringspot vírussal fertőzött növényekből származó kis RNS-ek analízise során azt találtuk, hogy a virális kis RNS-ek a genom kitüntetett helyeiről keletkeznek és a a virális kis RNS-ek 80%-a a pozitív, 20%-a a negatív szálról képződik. Ez az arány megegyezik a genomi RNS-ek szálarányával. Eredményeinkből az következik, hogy a virális kis RNS-ek nem a virus ds replikatív intermedierjéről, hanem az egyszálú genomi RNS-ek másodlagos szerkezettel rendelkező régióiról keletkeznek. Az RNS silencing szupresszorokkal végzett munkánk alapján megállapítottuk, hogy a vizsgált virális szupresszorok mind a növényi, mind az állati rendszerekben a kis RNS-ek megkötésével gátolják a RISC komplexek, ezáltal a si- és miRNS indukálta RNS silencing kialakulását. Mivel az általunk vizsgált vírusok taxonómiailag különböző családokba sorolhatók, ezért azt a következtetés is levonhatjuk, hogy a siRNS kötésen alapuló RNS silencing gátlás egy széleskörűen elterjedt RNS silencing szupressziós stratégia. Jól jellemzett kis RNS kötő RNS silencing szupresszorral rendelkező vírusok hatását vizsgáltuk a a kis RNS-ek 3 vessző vég metilációjára. Eredményeink azt mutatják, hogy a TEV HCPro hatékonyan, míg a CIRV p19 kevéssé gátolja meg a virális siRNS-ek és bizonyos endogén miRNS-ek 3 vessző végének metilációját. Sejtfrakcionálásos eredményeink alapján feltételezhetjük, hogy a kis RNS-ek metilációja nemcsak a sejtmagban, hanem a citoplazmában is bekövetkezhet. | A survey of virus-specific siRNAs characterized by a sequence analysis of siRNAs from plants infected with Cymbidium ringspot virus showed that viral siRNA sequences have a nonrandom distribution along the length of the viral genome, suggesting that viral siRNAs derived from highly structured regions of the single stranded viral genome, rather than the ds replicative intermedier. Analyzing several silencing suppressors representing different families of viruses showed that each inhibit the intermediate step of RNA silencing via binding to siRNAs, although the molecular features required for duplex siRNA binding differ among these proteins. None of the suppressors affected the activity of preassembled RISC complexes. In contrast, each suppressor uniformly inhibited the siRNA-initiated RISC assembly pathway by preventing RNA silencing initiator complex formation. We investigated the 3' modification of silencing-related small RNAs in plants infected with viruses expressing small RNA silencing suppressors. We found that CIRV had only a slight effect on viral siRNA 3' modification, but TEV significantly inhibited the 3' modification of si/miRNAs. This suggests that the 3' modification of viral siRNAs occurs in the cytoplasm, though miRNA 3' modification likely takes place in the nucleus as well

    miR824/AGAMOUS-LIKE16 Module Integrates Recurring Environmental Heat Stress Changes to Fine-Tune Poststress Development

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    Plant development is continually fine-tuned based on environmental factors. How environmental perturbations are integrated into the developmental programs and how poststress adaptation is regulated remains an important topic to dissect. Vegetative to reproductive phase change is a very important developmental transition that is complexly regulated based on endogenous and exogenous cues. Proper timing of flowering is vital for reproductive success. It has been shown previously that AGAMOUS LIKE 16 (AGL16), a MADS-box transcription factor negatively regulates flowering time transition through FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), a central downstream floral integrator. AGL16 itself is negatively regulated by the microRNA miR824. Here we present a comprehensive molecular analysis of miR824/AGL16 module changes in response to mild and recurring heat stress. We show that miR824 accumulates gradually in response to heat due to the combination of transient transcriptional induction and posttranscriptional stability. miR824 induction requires heat shock cis-elements and activity of the HSFA1 family and HSFA2 transcription factors. Parallel to miR824 induction, its target AGL16 is decreased, implying direct causality. AGL16 posttranscriptional repression during heat stress, however, is more complex, comprising of a miRNA-independent, and a miR824-dependent pathway. We also show that AGL16 expression is leaf vein-specific and overlaps with miR824 (and FT) expression. AGL16 downregulation in response to heat leads to a mild derepression of FT. Finally, we present evidence showing that heat stress regulation of miR824/AGL16 is conserved within Brassicaceae. In conclusion, due to the enhanced post-transcriptional stability of miR824, stable repression of AGL16 is achieved following heat stress. This may serve to fine-tune FT levels and alter flowering time transition. Stress-induced miR824, therefore, can act as a "posttranscriptional memory factor" to extend the acute impact of environmental fluctuations in the poststress period