45 research outputs found

    Five decades of corporate entrepreneurship research : measuring and mapping the field

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    Research on corporate entrepreneurship venturing activities by established corporations has received increasing scholarly attention. We employ bibliometric methods to analyze the literature on corporate entrepreneurship published over the last five decades. Based on the results of citation and co-citation analyses, we reveal central works in the field and how they are interconnected. We investigate the underlying intellectual structure of the field. Our findings provide evidence of the growing maturity and interdisciplinarity of corporate entrepreneurship and provide insight into research themes. We find that resource-based view and its extensions still remain the predominant theoretical perspectives in the field. Drawing on these findings, we suggest directions for future research

    How Will We Dine? Prospective Shifts in International Haute Cuisine and Innovation beyond Kitchen and Plate

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    Haute cuisine, the cooking style for fine dining at gourmet restaurants, has changed over the last decades and can be expected to evolve in the upcoming years. To engage in foresight, the purpose of this study is to identify a plausible future trend scenario for the haute cuisine sector within the next five to ten years, based on today’s chefs’ views. To achieve this goal, an international, two-stage Delphi study was conducted. The derived scenario suggests that the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic will lead to significant restaurant bankruptcies and will raise creativity and innovation among the remaining ones. It is expected that haute cuisine tourism will grow and that menu prices will differ for customer segments. More haute cuisine restaurants will open in Asia and America. Local food will remain a major trend and will be complemented by insect as well as plant-based proteins and sophisticated nonalcoholic food pairings. Restaurant design and the use of scents will become more relevant. Also, private dining and fine dining at home will become more important. The scenario also includes negative projections. These findings can serve as a research agenda for future research in haute cuisine, including the extension of the innovation lens towards the restaurant and the business model. Practical implications include the necessity for haute cuisine restaurants to innovate to cope with increasing competition in several regions. Customers should be seen as co-creators of the value of haute cuisine

    Corporate Citizenship: Structuring the Research Field

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    Corporate citizenship, which is firms’ societal engagement beyond customer and shareholder interests, is a prominent topic in management practice and has led to extensive research. This increased interest resulted in a complex and fragmented scholarly literature. In order to structure and map the field quantitatively, we conducted a temporal analysis of publications and citations, an analysis of the productivity of involved disciplines, an analysis of the productivity of publication forms including journal impact factors, an author productivity and citation analysis, a co-author analysis, an article citation analysis, an article co-citation analysis, and a keyword co-occurrence analysis. Results of these bibliometric analyses show that corporate citizenship research seems to have been in a phase of stagnation since 2014 and shows a rather low degree of interdisciplinarity. Papers are predominantly published in high impact journals. Authors show little collaboration with other researchers. Current research relates to other business ethics topics, addresses philosophical foundations, and starts to relate to human resource management and organization studies

    Value configurations in sharing economy business models

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    The sharing economy gains momentum and develops a major economic impact on traditional markets and firms. However, only rudimentary theoretical and empirical insights exist on how sharing networks, i.e., focal firms, shared goods providers and customers, create and capture value in their sharing-based business models. We conduct a qualitative study to find key differences in sharing-based business models that are decisive for their value configurations. Our results show that (1) customization versus standardization of shared goods and (2) the centralization versus particularization of property rights over the shared goods are two important dimensions to distinguish value configurations. A second, quantitative study confirms the visibility and relevance of these dimensions to customers. We discuss strategic options for focal firms to design value configurations regarding the two dimensions to optimize value creation and value capture in sharing networks. Firms can use this two-dimensional search grid to explore untapped opportunities in the sharing economy

    Benchmarking electric power companies’ sustainability and circular economy behaviors : using a hybrid PLS-SEM and MCDM approach

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    This research examines the impact of firms’ decision-making, crisis management, and risk-taking behaviors on their sustainability and circular economy behaviors through the mediating role of their eco-innovation behavior in the energy industry in Iraq. Firms are exploring applicable mechanisms to increase green practices. This requires the industry to possess the essential skills to overcome the challenges that reduce sustainable activities. We applied a dual-stage structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) approach to explore the linear relationships between variables, determine the weight of the criteria, and rank energy companies based on a circular economy. The online questionnaire was sent to 549 managers and heads of departments of Iraqi electric power companies. Out of these, 384 questionnaires were collected. The results indicate that firms’ crisis management, decision-making, and risk-taking behaviors are significantly and positively linked to their eco-innovation behavior. This study confirms the significant and positive impact of firms’ eco-innovation behavior on their sustainability and circular economy behaviors. Likewise, eco-innovation behavior has a fully mediating role. For the MCDM methods, ranking energy companies according to the circular economy can support policymakers’ decisions to renew contracts with leading companies in the ranking. Practitioners can also impose government regulations on low-ranked companies. Thus, governments can reduce the problems of greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental pollution.peer-reviewe


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    With an incidence of 11,5% in Brazil prematurity is a primary cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. Among its risk factors is a short cervix, with length of less than 25 mm, being the predictive method for transvaginal assessment of the uterine cervix. Patient VC, G1, 19 years old, GA:22, brings to the prenatal consultation a transvaginal USG with a 26 mm cervix, suggestive of cervical shortening, and fetal weight of 515 g. Utrogestan 200 mg 1 tablet was prescribed vaginally every 12 hours, advised on rest and a TV USG was requested. She returned at 27 weeks, cervix measuring 19 mm and fetal weight of 1045 g. Patient does not adhere to rest. Medication was increased to 3 times a day absolute rest was advised and TV USG was requested. Patient returned with a USG at 33 weeks, cervix measuring 23 mm and fetal weight of 1749 g, with adherence to absolute rest. Patient returns with USG at 36 weeks, cervix measuring 21 mm and fetal weight of 2631 g. At 37 weeks, she stopped taking medication and resting. At 39 weeks, a newborn via vaginal delivery, without complications, weighing 3735 g, 47.5 cm long, with Apgar 10/10. After 2 days, both were discharged. The present report demonstrates the importance of treating cervical shortening through absolute rest and vaginal micronized progesterone, as this pathology leads to high rates of neonatal morbidity and mortality. Thus, illustrating a positive outcome on one of the main risk factors for prematurity.A prematuridade, com incidência de 11,5% no Brasil1, é a primordial causa de morbimortalidade neonatal2. Entre seus fatores de risco, encontra-se o colo curto3, referente a um comprimento menor que 25 mm, sendo o método preditivo a avaliação transvaginal do colo uterino5. VC, G1, 19 anos, IG: 22 semanas, traz à consulta de pré-natal um USG transvaginal com colo de 26 mm, sugestivo de encurtamento cervical, e peso fetal de 515 g. Foi prescrito Utrogestan 200 mg 1 comprimido via vaginal de 12/12 horas, orientada sobre repouso e solicitado um USG TV. Retornou com a USG de 27 semanas, colo de 19 mm e peso fetal de 1045 g. Paciente não adere ao repouso. Foi aumentada a medicação para 3 vezes ao dia, orientada sobre repouso absoluto e solicitado USG TV. Retornou com USG de 33 semanas, colo de 23 mm e peso fetal de 1749 g, com adesão ao repouso absoluto. Solicitado USG TV e mantido a medicação. Paciente retorna com USG de 36 semanas, colo de 21 mm e peso fetal de 2631 g. Com 37 semanas, parou com a medicação e repouso. Com 39 semanas, nasce RN, via parto vaginal, sem intercorrências, com 3735 g, 47,5 cm de comprimento e Apgar 10/10. Após 2 dias, ambos tiveram alta. O presente relato demonstra a importância do tratamento de encurtamento cervical por meio do repouso absoluto e da progesterona micronizada via vaginal, visto que tal patologia leva a altas taxas de morbimortalidade neonatal. Ilustrando assim, um desfecho positivo sobre um dos principais fatores de risco da prematuridade

    Lane Determination With GPS Precise Point Positioning

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