46 research outputs found

    Development and validation of a deep learning-based model to distinguish acetabular fractures on pelvic anteroposterior radiographs

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    Objective: To develop and test a deep learning (DL) model to distinguish acetabular fractures (AFs) on pelvic anteroposterior radiographs (PARs) and compare its performance to that of clinicians.Materials and methods: A total of 1,120 patients from a big level-I trauma center were enrolled and allocated at a 3:1 ratio for the DL modelā€™s development and internal test. Another 86 patients from two independent hospitals were collected for external validation. A DL model for identifying AFs was constructed based on DenseNet. AFs were classified into types A, B, and C according to the three-column classification theory. Ten clinicians were recruited for AF detection. A potential misdiagnosed case (PMC) was defined based on cliniciansā€™ detection results. The detection performance of the clinicians and DL model were evaluated and compared. The detection performance of different subtypes using DL was assessed using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC).Results: The means of 10 cliniciansā€™ sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy to identify AFs were 0.750/0.735, 0.909/0.909, and 0.829/0.822, in the internal test/external validation set, respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of the DL detection model were 0.926/0.872, 0.978/0.988, and 0.952/0.930, respectively. The DL model identified type A fractures with an AUC of 0.963 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.927ā€“0.985]/0.950 (95% CI: 0.867ā€“0.989); type B fractures with an AUC of 0.991 (95% CI: 0.967ā€“0.999)/0.989 (95% CI: 0.930ā€“1.000); and type C fractures with an AUC of 1.000 (95% CI: 0.975ā€“1.000)/1.000 (95% CI: 0.897ā€“1.000) in the test/validation set. The DL model correctly recognized 56.5% (26/46) of PMCs.Conclusion: A DL model for distinguishing AFs on PARs is feasible. In this study, the DL model achieved a diagnostic performance comparable to or even superior to that of clinicians

    An interlaboratory comparison of aerosol inorganic ion measurements by ion chromatography : Implications for aerosol pH estimate

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    Water-soluble inorganic ions such as ammonium, nitrate and sulfate are major components of fine aerosols in the atmosphere and are widely used in the estimation of aerosol acidity. However, different experimental practices and instrumentation may lead to uncertainties in ion concentrations. Here, an intercomparison experiment was conducted in 10 different laboratories (labs) to investigate the consistency of inorganic ion concentrations and resultant aerosol acidity estimates using the same set of aerosol filter samples. The results mostly exhibited good agreement for major ions Cl-, SO2-4, NO-3, NHC4 and KC. However, F-, Mg2C and Ca2C were observed with more variations across the different labs. The Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM) data of nonrefractory SO2-4, NO-3 and NHC4 generally correlated very well with the filter-analysis-based data in our study, but the absolute concentrations differ by up to 42 %. Cl-from the two methods are correlated, but the concentration differ by more than a factor of 3. The analyses of certified reference materials (CRMs) generally showed a good detection accuracy (DA) of all ions in all the labs, the majority of which ranged between 90 % and 110 %. The DA was also used to correct the ion concentrations to showcase the importance of using CRMs for calibration check and quality control. Better agreements were found for Cl-, SO2-4, NO-3, NHC4 and KC across the labs after their concentrations were corrected with DA; the coefficient of variation (CV) of Cl-, SO2-4, NO-3, NHC4 and KC decreased by 1.7 %, 3.4 %, 3.4 %, 1.2 % and 2.6 %, respectively, after DA correction. We found that the ratio of anion to cation equivalent concentrations (AE/CE) and ion balance (anions-cations) are not good indicators for aerosol acidity estimates, as the results in different labs did not agree well with each other. In situ aerosol pH calculated from the ISORROPIA II thermodynamic equilibrium model with measured ion and ammonia concentrations showed a similar trend and good agreement across the 10 labs. Our results indicate that although there are important uncertainties in aerosol ion concentration measurements, the estimated aerosol pH from the ISORROPIA II model is more consistent

    Research data supporting ā€œPM2.5 source apportionment using organic marker-based CMB modeling: influence of inorganic markers and sensitivity to source profileā€

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    Organic components (including 11 n-alkanes, 17 PAHs, 3 hopanes, 2 fatty acids, levoglucosan and cholesterol) in ambient PM2.5 samples were detected. There were 64 PM2.5 samples collected from January to December in 2018 in a Chinese megacity

    Research data supporting ā€œPM2.5 source apportionment using organic marker-based CMB modeling: influence of inorganic markers and sensitivity to source profileā€

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    Organic components (including 11 n-alkanes, 17 PAHs, 3 hopanes, 2 fatty acids, levoglucosan and cholesterol) in ambient PM2.5 samples were detected. There were 64 PM2.5 samples collected from January to December in 2018 in a Chinese megacity

    Can Data Assimilation Improve Short-Term Prediction of Land Surface Variables?

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    Data assimilation methods have been used to improve the performances of land surface models by integrating remote sensing and in situ measurements. However, the impact of data assimilation on improving the forecast of land surface variables has not been well studied, which is essential for weather and hydrology forecasting. In this study, a multi-pass land data assimilation scheme (MLDAS) based on the Noah-MP model was used to predict short-term land surface variables (e.g., sensible heat fluxes (H), latent heat fluxes (LE), and surface soil moisture (SM)) by jointly assimilating soil moisture, leaf area index (LAI) and solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF). The test was conducted at the Mead site during the growing season (1 May to 30 September) in 2003, 2004, and 2005. Four assimilation-prediction scenarios (assimilating for 15 days, 45 days, 75 days, and 105 days from 1 May, then predicting one future month) are adapted to evaluate the influence of assimilation on subsequent prediction against Noah-MP open-loop simulation (OL). On average, MLDAS produces 28.65%, 27.79%, and 19.15% lower root square deviations (RMSD) for daily H, LE, and SM prediction compared to open-loop run, respectively. The influence of assimilation on prediction can reach around 60 days and 100 days for H (LE) and SM, respectively. Our findings indicate that data assimilation can improve the accuracy of land surface variables in a short-term prediction period

    Can Data Assimilation Improve Short-Term Prediction of Land Surface Variables?

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    Data assimilation methods have been used to improve the performances of land surface models by integrating remote sensing and in situ measurements. However, the impact of data assimilation on improving the forecast of land surface variables has not been well studied, which is essential for weather and hydrology forecasting. In this study, a multi-pass land data assimilation scheme (MLDAS) based on the Noah-MP model was used to predict short-term land surface variables (e.g., sensible heat fluxes (H), latent heat fluxes (LE), and surface soil moisture (SM)) by jointly assimilating soil moisture, leaf area index (LAI) and solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF). The test was conducted at the Mead site during the growing season (1 May to 30 September) in 2003, 2004, and 2005. Four assimilation-prediction scenarios (assimilating for 15 days, 45 days, 75 days, and 105 days from 1 May, then predicting one future month) are adapted to evaluate the influence of assimilation on subsequent prediction against Noah-MP open-loop simulation (OL). On average, MLDAS produces 28.65%, 27.79%, and 19.15% lower root square deviations (RMSD) for daily H, LE, and SM prediction compared to open-loop run, respectively. The influence of assimilation on prediction can reach around 60 days and 100 days for H (LE) and SM, respectively. Our findings indicate that data assimilation can improve the accuracy of land surface variables in a short-term prediction period

    Spatial, Seasonal And Diurnal Patterns In Physicochemical Characteristics And Sources Of Pm2.5 In Both Inland And Coastal Regions Within A Megacity In China

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    Day and night PM2.5 samples were collected at coastal and inland stations in a megacity in China. Temporal, spatial, and directional characteristics of PM2.5 concentrations and compositions were investigated. Average PM2.5 concentration was higher at inland (153.28 Ī¼g/m3) than at coastal (114.46 Ī¼g/m3). PM2.5 were significantly influenced by season and site but insignificantly by diurnal pattern. Sources were quantified by a two-way and a newly developed three-way receptor models conducted using ME2. Secondary sulfate and SOC (SS&SOC, 25% and 23%), coal and biomass burning (CC&BB, 20% and 21%), crustal and cement dust (CRD&CED, 19% and 21%), secondary nitrate (SN, 13% and 18%), vehicular exhaust (VE, 14% and 17%), and sea salt (SEA, 6% and 2%) were major sources for coastal and inland. Different mechanisms of heavy pollution were observed: heavy PM2.5 caused by primary sources and secondary sources showed similar frequency at coast, while most of heavy pollutions at inland site might be associated with the elevation of secondary particles. For spatial characteristics, SS&SOC, CRD&CED contributions were higher at coastal; SN and VE presented higher fractions at inland. Higher SS&SOC, SN and CC&BB in winter might be attributed to intensive coal combustion for residential warming and to stable meteorological conditions

    Effects of Isothermal Temperature and Soaking Time on Water Quenched Microstructure of Nickel-Based Superalloy GH3536 Semi-Solid Billets

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    Semi-solid billets of GH3536 alloy were prepared by semi-solid isothermal treatment of wrought superalloy method. GH3536 samples were soaked at several semi-solid temperatures (1350 Ā°C, 1360 Ā°C, 1364 Ā°C, and 1367 Ā°C) for 5ā€“120 min. The effects of temperature and soaking time on the microstructure of GH3536 billets were studied. The results indicated that the microstructure was affected by coalescence mechanism, Ostwald ripening mechanism, and breaking up mechanism. Semi-solid microstructure of GH3536 alloy was composed of spherical solid particles and liquid phases, and the liquid phases affected the microstructure greatly. At 1350 Ā°C, the coalescence mechanism was dominant at the early stage of isothermal treatment, then the Ostwald ripening mechanism played a major role for the longer soaking times. At higher temperatures, the breaking up mechanism occurred to form large irregular grains and small spherical grains. As the heating continued, the Ostwald ripening mechanism was dominant. However, at 1364 Ā°C and 1367 Ā°C, the solid grains had irregular shapes and large sizes when the isothermal time was 120 min. The optimum parameters for the preparation of GH3536 semi-solid billets were: temperature of 1364ā€“1367 Ā°C and soaking time of 60ā€“90 min