10 research outputs found

    Koncept ekonomske ovisnosti prema MOR-u u slovenskom radnom pravu

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    The objective of this article is to highlight the phenomenon of economic dependence inasmuch as it has been established in various publications of the ILO to be an element of the personal scope of national labour legislation. Following the example of Spain, in Slovenia the concept of economic dependence has been a part of labour legislation since 2013. In addition to providing an outline of the legislation in force, the author identifies various weaknesses of the regulation in practice that have become apparent since the implementation of the institution of economic dependence. The author critically calls attention to the identified weaknesses and offers possible alternatives for consideration. Regardless of the fact that the author in principle agrees that economic dependence is recognised as an element that justifies limited labour law protection of economic dependents, he expresses reservations regarding the idea of the Slovenian legislature to adopt a special act regulating the position of economic dependents.Slovensko tržište rada već dulje karakterizira činjenica da se radi izvršenja osobnog rada sklapaju ugovori građanskog, obveznog prava. To nije samo po sebi protuzakonito, no povlači određene rizike. Ugovor o radu najprikladniji je i u Republici Sloveniji jedini valjani pravni temelj za obavljanje osobnog, ovisnog i dugotrajnog rada. Svaki osobni rad, naravno, nije ovisan te stoga u odsutnosti elementa osobne podređenosti građansko pravo može biti sasvim odgovarajući i zakonit temelj. Jedan od oblika takvog rada je rad u okolnostima tzv. ekonomske ovisnosti. Riječ je o obliku rada koji uređuje Zakon o delovnih razmerjih (Zakon o radnim odnosima) i koji se temelji na građanskopravnom ugovoru. Pritom je bitno obratiti pozornost na pravni položaj ekonomski ovisne osobe u svjetlu standarda MOR-a, koji jasno upozoravaju na mogućnost prekarnog odnosa. Čimbenici koji mogu dovesti do prekarnog odnosa su nesigurnost zaposlenja, nesigurnost prihoda, radno vrijeme, sigurnost i zaštita na radu, nedostatno socijalno osiguranje, obučenost te reprezentativnost. Radi smanjenja rizika od prekarnog rada potrebne su izmjene radnog zakonodavstva. Pritom bi trebalo uzeti u obzir barem sljedeće: a) jasnije definirati pojam ekonomske ovisnosti radi lakšeg i preciznijeg razgraničenja prema radnopravnom odnosu; b) ispitati prikladnost postojećeg modela ekonomske ovisnosti i istražiti moguće alternative; c) eksplicitno propisati stvarnu nadležnost radnopravnih sudova glede ekonomske ovisnosti

    Mobing kot motnja v komunikaciji pri delu in dejavnik duševnega zdravja dostojanstva posameznika

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    Avtor opozarja na vsebinsko kompleksnost pojma mobing, pri čemer pa se v njegovo vsebino ne spušča, četudi je tesno in pomembno povezan s temeljno človekovo pravico do dostojanstva. Izhaja iz predpostavke, da mobing pomeni motnjo v komunikaciji med ljudmi in da je kot tak prej predmet socioloških in psiholoških znanstvenih razprav kot poglobljene pravne analize. Zato izpostavi zgolj eno opredelitev mobinga, z namenom, da bi seznanile bralca z njegovo osnovno vsebino. Pravno razpravo pa omeji na zakonsko terminologijo poimenovanja ravnanj, do katerih prihaja na delovnem mestu in ki se vsebinsko bolj ali manj ujemajo z vsebino mobinga. Avtor natančno analizira pojma nadlegovanja in trpinčenja, kot sta opredeljena v Zakonu o delovnih razmerjih, in v nadaljevanju skuša oceniti delovno zakonodajo v luči zagotovitve vzvodov za učinkovito pravno in sodno varstvo oseb, žrtev nadlegovanja ali trpinčenja na delovnem mestu. Nenazadnje avtor izpostavi pomen motenj v komunikaciji za posameznikovo duševno zdravje.Being a human means a constant interaction between people. We interact at home within family, in schools, with friends, with business partners, at work. Especially at work the communication has unique and important meaning, partly because we spend at work a major part of the day, partly because a sphere of work consists of unique and very special (close) relationships between workers or between them and their employers. Mobbing is a manifestation of a disturbance or anomaly in communication, in the sphere of work, with such intensity that victims of such behaviour cannot be, at least temporarily, part of a working team anymore. Mobbing influences a mental integrity of an individual.In legal sense mobbing is not a very useful term because with the phenomena as such sociological and psychological scientists primarily deal with it. The definition of mobbing might be too vague and therefore inappropriate for certain legal action of those being mobbed. In the Slovene labour legislation the term mobbing is not used. Instead of that the legislation defines two different ways of behaviour at work similar to mobbing, which form a legal ground for a legal and judicial protection. One is harassment, the other is bullying. Harassment is any undesired behaviour associated with any personal circumstance with the effect or intent of adversely affecting the dignity of a person or of creating an intimidating, hateful, degrading, shaming or insulting environment. On the other hand, bullying at the workplace is any repetitive or systematic, reprehensible or clearly negative and insulting action or behaviour aimed at individual workers at the workplace or in connection with work. Looking at both definitions some similarities and differences as well can be found. The fact is that the term bullying is closer to the content of mobbing defined by Lehman.One of the basic aims of this article is to encourage the awareness of the special nature of the employment relationship creating a fertile field for the communication being abused. A subordination of a worker is a given fact which offers to a superior a wide space for instructions to the worker or a control of his performance, which exceeds normal intensity and consequently forms harassment or bullying. As far as a legal position of the worker being mobbed is concerned, there has to be mentioned a specific statutory obligation of an employer. The latter is bound to provide such a working environment in which none of the workers is subjected to sexual and other harassments or bullying on the part of the employer,, superior or co-workers. To this end the employer must take appropriate steps to protect the workers from the sexual and other harassments or from bullying at the workplace. That means that an employer can be liable although he did not perform the act of harassment or bullying. In such cases a victim has a higher possibility to get a proper compensation. Mobbing is a collateral damage of a modern and intense working environment being part of an entire life. Therefore, preserving our mental health is one the most challenging efforts of every individual

    Svoboda izražanja v razmerju z varstvom drugih pred obrekovanjem

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    Sodišče je v obravnavanem primeru presojalo zatrjevano kršitev 10. člena Konvencije s strani francoskih sodišč, ki so obsodila pritožnike (avtorja knjige, založnika in izdajatelja) zaradi dejanja razžalitve. Pritožnik je v knjižnem delu podal svoje videnje nekaterih zgodovinskih dejstev iz obdobja med drugo svetovno vojno, pri tem pa je zatrjeval, da zakonca Aubrac, ki v Franciji veljata za narodna heroja, nista odigrala pozitivne vloge v okviru uporniškega gibanja proti okupatorju. Sodišče je v knjigi uporabljene metode raziskovanja ocenilo kot neprimerne. Kot taka je ovrednotilo tudi v knjigi uporabljena dokazna sredstva, saj njihov izbor ni temeljil na kritični analizi njihove vsebine in tudi ne na potrebnem razvrščanju dokazov po pomembnosti. Tako je avtor knjige zagrešil dejanje neupravičenega posega v dobro ime in ugled v knjigi vpletenih akterjev. Argumentacije vseh treh stopenj francoskih sodišč po oceni Sodišča upoštevajo konvencijska merila za omejevanje svobode izražanja, določena v drugem odstavku 10. člena, zato do nedopustnega posega v svobodo izražanja po prepričanju ESČP ni prišlo.The European Court of Human Rights has judged on alleged breach of right to freedom of expression within the meaning of Article 10 of the Convention, caused by the French courts. They convicted the author of the book and others on offence of public defamation. French Courts found used methods of investigation as inappropriate and also valued as such used evidence material. Collection of used evidence was done without critical analyses and evaluation based on their importance for the case. French Courts judged that the author has acted defamatory to good name and reputation of actors in the book. The Court has found the argumentation of French Courts as compliable with merits for justified restrictions of freedom of expression. Therefore there has been no violation of Article 10 of the Convention

    Ustavnopravni vidiki prepovedi konkurence v delovnem pravu

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    V članku je predstavljena in razčlenjena nova delovnopravna zakonoska ureditev (ZDR, Uradni list RS, št. 42/02), ki delavcem prepoveduje konkurirati svojemu delodajalcu. Nova ureditev obravnava zakonsko prepoved konkurence in pogodbeno prepoved konkurence. Avtor primerja novo ureditev s staro, predvsem zato ker je bila slednja razveljavljena z določbo ustavnega sodišča zaradi kršitve ustavno zagotovljene svobode dela in svobodne gospodarske pobude. V članku izpostavlja obseg omenjenih ustavnih svoboščin in jasen namen zakonodajalca, da pri novem zakonskem urejanju prepovedi konkurence sledi razlogovanju ustavnega sodišča.The purpose of this article is to present and analyse new Labour law legislative solutions of workers prohibition to compete employers interests. New Labour Law Legislation deals with legal prohibition of competitive activity as well as with contractual prohibition of competitive activity (Competition clause). The author compares the new legislation with the old one, primarily because the latter was annulled by decisions of Constitutional Court of Republic of Slovenia; there was a conflict with constitutional Freedom of work and Free enterprise. The purpose is to emphasize the relevant scope of those two constitutional phenomena and the clear intent of the legislator to follow the Arguments of Slovene Constitutional Court while creating the new legislative scope of prohibition of competition

    Svoboda izražanja v razmerju z varstvom drugih pred obrekovanjem

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    Sodišče je v obravnavanem primeru presojalo zatrjevano kršitev 10. člena Konvencije s strani francoskih sodišč, ki so obsodila pritožnike (avtorja knjige, založnika in izdajatelja) zaradi dejanja razžalitve. Pritožnik je v knjižnem delu podal svoje videnje nekaterih zgodovinskih dejstev iz obdobja med drugo svetovno vojno, pri tem pa je zatrjeval, da zakonca Aubrac, ki v Franciji veljata za narodna heroja, nista odigrala pozitivne vloge v okviru uporniškega gibanja proti okupatorju. Sodišče je v knjigi uporabljene metode raziskovanja ocenilo kot neprimerne. Kot taka je ovrednotilo tudi v knjigi uporabljena dokazna sredstva, saj njihov izbor ni temeljil na kritični analizi njihove vsebine in tudi ne na potrebnem razvrščanju dokazov po pomembnosti. Tako je avtor knjige zagrešil dejanje neupravičenega posega v dobro ime in ugled v knjigi vpletenih akterjev. Argumentacije vseh treh stopenj francoskih sodišč po oceni Sodišča upoštevajo konvencijska merila za omejevanje svobode izražanja, določena v drugem odstavku 10. člena, zato do nedopustnega posega v svobodo izražanja po prepričanju ESČP ni prišlo.The European Court of Human Rights has judged on alleged breach of right to freedom of expression within the meaning of Article 10 of the Convention, caused by the French courts. They convicted the author of the book and others on offence of public defamation. French Courts found used methods of investigation as inappropriate and also valued as such used evidence material. Collection of used evidence was done without critical analyses and evaluation based on their importance for the case. French Courts judged that the author has acted defamatory to good name and reputation of actors in the book. The Court has found the argumentation of French Courts as compliable with merits for justified restrictions of freedom of expression. Therefore there has been no violation of Article 10 of the Convention

    Fenomenologija delovnopravnega varstva

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    Avtor obravnava in razpravlja o fenomenologiji delovnopravnega varstva v sodobnem delovnem pravu, pri čemer posebno pozornost namenja položaju tistih posameznikov, ki dela ne opravljajo v okviru delovnega razmerja. Uvodni prikaz pravnih vprašanj namenja lažjemu razumevanju predstavitve najnovejše sodne prakse Vrhovnega sodišča RS s tega področja. Sledu ugotovitev, da se sodna praksa poslužuje v tem prispevku predstavljenih vzvodov za preseganje marginalnih situacij v sferi dela, vzvodov, favoriziranih tudi v mednarodnopravnem okolju. Predstavljena je osrednja pravna podlaga za sprejem odločitve Vrhovnega sodišča, slovenska zakonodaja pa ocenjena kot bistveni dejavnik razvoja sodobne delovnopravne misli. Ob koncu je nakazana ustavnopravna dimenzija fenomena delovnopravnega varstva.In time of traditional labour law the identification of worker was not an issue. Basic productive relations did not cause any problems concerning personal scope of labour protection. Therefore the main focus of labour law and its legislation was to ensure rights steaming from employment relationship. With progress within civil societies as such, technologies, business relations and when globalisation occurred the world of labour law has changed. Means used by capitalists, factory owners or investors used to overcome challenges of the modern economics were never at stake, although these processes have been diminishing the level of acquired labour law protection. All that caused reorientation of labour law from material scope of labour law protection to its personal scope. The main issue today is to identify persons in situation needing protection and find a way to ensure them at least some layers of labour protection. Through activities taken up by International Labour Organisation there have been developed several techniques for overcoming the present and difficult situation. At the beginning they tried to define the term contract labour and they failed. Then they wanted to find consensus among the member states on common and broader definition of employment relationship as the legal basis for labour protection and they almost failed. They were aware of the fact that each national labour law consists of unique concepts and traditional solutions which make an effort to achieve some sort of labour law unification even heavier. What they succeed to achieve is to accept employment relationship as global concept which has to be nourished and further developed. The ILO identified and defined two legal issues concerning the existence of employment relationship: disguised and objective ambiguous employment relationships. The first which are relevant for this article are relationships which are lent an appearance that is different from the underlying reality, with the intention of nullifying or attenuating the protection afforded by the law. The basic aim of the present article is to emphasise the meaning of the latest Slovene supreme court jurisprudence which has accepted modern concepts identifying persons that need labour protection. The case was brought before court by a lady student who has worked as the stewardess for almost ten years. She worked as a student and not as worker. Employer did not treat her as a worker despite was working as such. She was not acknowledged with basic employment relationship rights. Supreme Court annulled first instance and higher court rulings which have refused students’ claim for recognition of employment relationship and all rights out of it. Those courts ruled that the statuses of student and worker at same time are not compatible and pointed out the need of respect the will of contracting parties. They agreed to perform work on the basis different from employment relationship. The first two courts insisted on such argumentation despite labour law prohibition of civil law contractual agreements in case of existence of elements of employment relationship. Constitutional context of Supreme Court jurisprudence and labour law solutions concerning labour protection is very difficult to draw. The basic phenomena are the concept of Social State, right to social security and free economic initiative

    Legitimnost ustavnosodnega odločanja

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    V tej številki so objavljeni prispevki danskega, francoskih in nemškega avtorja ter slovenskih avtorjev in prevajalcev. In this issue, there are papers written by authors from France, Danmark and Germany, as well as by authors and translators from Slovenia