1,153 research outputs found

    High-z radio starbursts host obscured X-ray AGN

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    We use Virtual Observatory methods to investigate the association between radio and X-ray emission at high redshifts. Fifty-five of the 92 HDF(N) sources resolved by combining MERLIN+VLA data were detected by Chandra, of which 18 are hard enough and bright enough to be obscured AGN. The high-z population of microJy radio sources is dominated by starbursts an order of magnitude more active and more extended than any found at z<1 and at least a quarter of these simultaneously host highly X-ray-luminous obscured AGN.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, To appear in the proceedings of 'At the Edge of the Universe' (9-13 October 2006, Sintra, Portugal

    Population Dynamics and Genetics of Plant Disease: A Case Study of Anther-Smut Disease

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://www.jstor.org/stable/info/2265569A model by Levin and Udovic (1977) emphasizes the need for integration of studies of the numerical abundances and genetic composition of host and pathogen species. We use their conceptual framework to summarize our collaborative research on the ecological genetics of the anther-smut disease of Silene alba caused by the fungus Ustilago violacea. Our theoretical investigations have revealed the importance of the rate and mode of disease transmission on the likelihood of coexistence between host and pathogen. Our empirical studies have quantified patterns of disease spread on local and regional spatial scales and have shown that host genotypes differ greatly in resistance. Comparable genetic variation in pathogen virulence has not yet been demonstrated. The genetic composition of host populations alters numerical dynamics in experimental populations: disease declines in resistant populations, while host and pathogen appear to coexist in susceptible populations. Ecological outcomes also may be affected by the negative relationship between disease incidence and host flowering time, which may constitute a "cost" to resistance. We are currently expanding our work on the ecology and genetics of metapopulation dynamics of host and pathogen

    Host promiscuity in symbiont associations can influence exotic legume establishment and colonization of novel ranges

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    Aim Invasive Acacia species have negatively impacted natural areas in multiple regions around the globe. Almost 400 Acacia species have been introduced outside their native ranges in Australia; approximately 6% have become invasive, 12% are naturalized, and 82% have no record of naturalization or invasion. This variation in invasiveness provides a comparative framework in which to examine mechanisms that either promote or constrain establishment and colonization of species in novel regions. Here, we experimentally examine the role that the legume–rhizobia symbiosis plays in the differential invasiveness of acacias introduced outside their native Australian ranges. Location Canberra, Australia. Methods We paired 12 Acacia species ranging in invasiveness globally with 12 rhizobial strains ranging in average symbiotic effectiveness. We measured plant growth and nodulation success and abundance to assess whether invasive acacias were more promiscuous hosts, that is had positive growth and nodulation responses to a broader range of rhizobial strains than naturalized and non-invasive species. Results Invasive acacias had a higher growth response across more rhizobial strains (six of 12 strains) than naturalized and non-invasive species, but invasiveness categories differed only moderately with regard to the percentage of plants with nodules and nodulation abundance. Main conclusion With respect to plant growth, invasive acacias appear to be more promiscuous hosts than naturalized and non-invasive Australian Acacia species. Plant growth response to nodulation, however, is likely more important than nodulation alone in the successful invasion of species in novel ranges. Results from this study help elucidate an important mechanism in the invasive capacity of legumes

    Availability of soil mutualists may not limit non‐native Acacia invasion but could increase their impact on native soil communities

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    The availability of compatible mutualistic soil microbes could influence the invasion success of non-native plant species. Specifically, there may be spatial variation in the distribution of compatible microbes, and species-specific variation in plant host ability to associate with available microbes. Although either or both factors could promote or limit invasion, the scale over which most studies are conducted makes it difficult to examine these two possibilities simultaneously. However, this is critical to identifying a role of soil microbes in invasion. A series of recent research projects focused on interactions between Australian Acacia and nitrogen-fixing bacteria (rhizobia) at multiple spatial scales, from the local to the inter-continental, has allowed us to evaluate this question. Collectively, this research reveals that nodulation, performance and rhizobial community composition are all broadly similar across spatial scales and differentially invasive species. Synthesis and applications. We argue that current research provides convincing evidence that interactions with rhizobia do not determine invasion success in Acacia, but instead highlights key knowledge gaps that remain unfilled. Importantly, the ease with which non-native Acacia species form mutualistic associations with rhizobia, regardless of invasive status, highlights the critical need to understand the impacts of all non-native Acacia on native soil communities

    Differential plant invasiveness is not always driven by host promiscuity with bacterial symbionts

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    Identification of mechanisms that allow some species to outcompete others is a fundamental goal in ecology and invasive species management. One useful approach is to examine congeners varying in invasiveness in a comparative framework across native and invaded ranges. Acacia species have been widely introduced outside their native range of Australia, and a subset of these species have become invasive in multiple parts of the world. Within specific regions, the invasive status of these species varies. Our study examined whether a key mechanism in the life history of Acacia species, the legume-rhizobia symbiosis, influences acacia invasiveness on a regional scale. To assess the extent to which species varying in invasiveness correspondingly differ with regard to the diversity of rhizobia they associate with, we grew seven Acacia species ranging in invasiveness in California in multiple soils from both their native (Australia) and introduced (California) ranges. In particular, the aim was to determine whether more invasive species formed symbioses with a wider diversity of rhizobial strains (i.e. are more promiscuous hosts). We measured and compared plant performance, including aboveground biomass, survival, and nodulation response, as well as rhizobial community composition and richness. Host promiscuity did not differ among invasiveness categories. Acacia species that varied in invasiveness differed in aboveground biomass for only one soil and did not differ in survival or nodulation within individual soils. In addition, acacias did not differ in rhizobial richness among invasiveness categories. However, nodulation differed between regions and was generally higher in the native than introduced range. Our results suggest that all Acacia species introduced to California are promiscuous hosts and that host promiscuity per se does not explain the observed differences in invasiveness within this region. Our study also highlights the utility of assessing potential mechanisms of invasion in species’ native and introduced ranges

    Starburst Galaxies

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    Star-formation and the Starburst phenomenon are presented with respect to a number of nearby star-forming galaxies where our understanding of the process can be calibrated. Methods of estimating star-formation rates are discussed together with the role played in the investigation of the process by multi-wavelength studies of a few selected starburst galaxies (especially the well studied galaxy M82). Our understanding of nearby systems allows us to study the star-formation history of the Universe by observing high-redshift starburst galaxies. These begin to dominate the radio source populations at centimetric wavelengths at flux densities below a few 10s of Jy. New very sensitive, high resolution telescopes in the sub-mm and radio will revolutionize our understanding of these distant star-forming systems, some of which may contain embedded AGN.Comment: 15 pages, 19 figures, To appear in the proceedings of `The 8th European VLBI Network Symposium on New Developments in VLBI Science and Technology', ed. A. Marecki et al., held in Torun, Poland, on September 26-29, 2006 (Invited Review

    The Distribution of Mating-Type Bias in Natural Populations of the Anther-Smut Ustilago violacea on Silene alba in Virginia

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://www.jstor.org/stable/info/3761395.Complete individual-wide mating-type bias (retrieval of sporidia of only one mating type from germinated teliospores of one fungal individual) was observed to be a common and widespread feature of the anther-smut fungus, Ustilago violacea, collected from natural populations of its host, Silene alba. The bias was usually to mating type A1, but the frequency of bias and its spatial distribution varied from region to region. Populations with high frequencies of bias still showed high rates of disease transmission. Crosses between A1 mating type sporidial lines from completely biased individuals and A2 mating types from unbiased individuals showed no bias in the progeny. During teliospore germination, biased individuals often showed conjugation among adjacent cells of the promycelium, suggesting that both mating types are present in the germinating teliospore but one mating type is unable to grow as free-living sporidia. The complete bias was most readily interpreted as evidence of "haploid lethals" linked to mating type that cause poor survival or growth of the sporidial stage. The results show that such "haploid lethals" may be a common occurrence in natural populations, and that fungal mating systems may vary considerably over short distances
