24 research outputs found

    Liver transplantation in patients with post-hepatectomy liver failure - A Northern European multicenter cohort study

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    Background: Liver transplantation (LTX) has been described as a rescue treatment option in severe, intractable post-hepatectomy liver failure (PHLF), but is not considered to be indicated for this condition by many hepatobiliary and transplant surgeons. In this article we describe the clinical experience of five northern European tertiary centers in using LTX to treat selected patients with severe PHLF. Methods: All patients subjected to LTX due to PHLF at the participating centers were identified from prospective clinical databases. Preoperative variables, surgical outcome (both resection surgery and LTX) and follow-up data were assessed.Results: A total of 10 patients treated with LTX due to severe PHLF from September 2008 to May 2020 were identified and included in the study. All patients but one were male and the median age was 70 years (range 49-72). In all patients the indication for liver resection was suspected malignancy, but in six patients post-resection pathology revealed benign or pre-malignant disease. There was no 90-day mortality after LTX. Patients were followed for a median of 49 months (13-153) and eight patients were alive without recurrence at last follow-up.Discussion: In selected patients with PHLF LTX can be a life-saving procedure with low short-term risk.Peer reviewe

    Introduction: Social Democracy in the 21st Century

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    Since the end of the Cold War in 1989, Social Democrats around the world have been the victims of drastically changing fortunes. After 2015, these mixed fortunes took in several instances, in Greece, France and the Netherlands most prominently, the form of an outright collapse in terms of electoral support. At the same time, the world economy is increasingly dominated by an unfettered brand of international financial capitalism, leading to a progressively more ruthless exploitation of workers around the world. Both these trends entail that Social Democrats need to come up with new answers to the most pressing political issues of our time. In this introductory chapter, the first order of business is to provide the reader with an idea of what Social Democracy might signify in the twenty-first century, focussing on the basic ideas of human rights, democracy and personal freedom. The chapter then moves on to describe and discuss some of the problems facing the world today. Global warming and resource depletion, poverty and economic inequality, as well as sudden shocks to the political system such as the coronavirus pandemic of 2020 will likely continue to set a large part of the political agenda for the remainder of this century. If Social Democrats continue to be part of a truly world-transforming labour movement, they must address and engage with these issues, and with the yet unknown political problems of tomorrow

    On Berlin’s liberal pluralism : an examination of the political theories of Sir Isaiah Berlin, concentrated around the problem of combining value pluralism and liberalism

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    Isaiah Berlin (1909-1997) has contributed greatly to the fields of ethical and political theory, as well as in the study of the history of ideas, with probably his lectures on the intellectual history of freedom – Four Essays on Liberty – and his critique of Utopian political theory – The Crooked Timber of Humanity – being the most widely read and discussed. In this study, however, it is mainly his combination of value pluralism in ethical theory – the belief that there are several objective values or ends and that these on occasion collide, leaving us with hard choices – and a cautious and moderate liberalism in political affairs that is drawn to the readers’ attention. It has been said in recent times, most prominently by John Gray and John Kekes that Berlin’s attempt at combining value pluralism and liberalism was and will always be a failure, as an endorsement of ethical pluralism actually leads away from liberal conclusions in politics. Against this view, I have pointed to the fact that both these authors base their rejection of any possibility of liberal pluralism on their own subtle, but in the end far-reaching, changes to Berlin’s ethical theory, as well as in an unhelpfully restrictive view of what kind of theory liberalism is. What they have found, I argue, is not that liberalism and value pluralism simpliciter are perpetually locked in metaphysical combat – a finding which would indeed be devastating to Berlin’s political theories – but the far less disturbing discovery that their own rather eccentric versions of ethical pluralism and some more ambitious forms of liberal theory are incompatible. During the last years, also, several defences of liberal pluralism have been published, most notably by George Crowder and William Galston. While both of them rather astutely point to several compelling arguments against there being any fundamental and unbridgeable conflicts between liberalism and value pluralism, I find the fact that they believe that pluralism leads directly to quite different types of liberal theory to raise a few questions of their own. I have therefore attempted to argue that pluralism instead has few direct, political consequences outside of a commitment to moderation and prudence, and that pluralists, and anyone else for that matter, should instead be persuaded by the apparent successes of liberalism and liberal ways of organising societies, and equally discouraged by the demerits of its alternatives

    The Politics of Freedom : A Study of the Political Thought of Isaiah Berlin and Karl Popper, and of the Challenge of Neoliberalism

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    The concept of freedom is a perennial bone of contention in normative political theory, and also the fundamental topic of this thesis. The thesis is divided into an introductory chapter, and three parts with two chapters each. In the first part, the political thought of Isaiah Berlin is examined. Berlin's ethical theory, commonly called value pluralism is considered especially, together with his conceptual divide between positive and negative liberty, as well as his idea that successful political action is dependent upon sound political judgment and a sense of reality. It is emphasised that value pluralism can indeed provide a basis for a strong preference for liberal democracy, and that the type of liberalism advocated by Berlin is more moderate and egalitarian than traditional economic liberalism or neoliberalism. The second part of the thesis is an examination of Karl Popper's political theories. It is found that there are several links between his epistemological and political theories, often originating in and running through a rather sketchily developed set of moral considerations. It is especially his view that one should minimise avoidable human suffering, an idea Popper called negative utilitarianism, which links his various theories together so that they become parts of a philosophical system. Because ignorance, unfreedom, and economic exploitation in Popper's mind lead to much avoidable suffering, it was his view that the state should actively protect the freedom and integrity of all. Popper's political thought is therefore described as a form of organised liberalism, or as a combination of liberalism and democratic socialism. The central topic of the third part of this thesis is neoliberalism, and the history of that tradition of political thought. Neoliberals support the establishment of minimal and dispersed government institutions, which in practical terms entail massive deregulation and privatisation of the economy in most modern societies. The thesis ends with a comparison of neoliberalism and the egalitarian liberalism recommended by Berlin and Popper. Their kind of liberalism is clearly far removed from neoliberalism, and may serve as the beginnings of a critique of the economic policies associated with neoliberal political theories

    Foreldrevurderingar og ny rammeplan: Brukarundersøkingar før og etter implementeringa av ny rammeplan for barnehagen

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    Dette er ein undervegsrapport frå prosjektet «Evaluering av implementering av rammeplan for barnehagen». Rapporten er knytt til arbeidspakke 3: Forskjellar i kvalitet mellom barnehagar. Arbeidspakka er skal undersøka korleis foreldre vurderer kvaliteten på barnehagetilbodet – sentrale element i rammeplanen, føremål og innhald i barnehagen og samarbeid mellom foreldre og barnehage – før og etter implementeringa av den reviderte rammeplanen av 2017. Me nyttar Utdanningsdirektoratets foreldreundersøking kopla på barnehaganes statistikkinnrapportering frå åra 2016 til 2019. Analysane våre stadfestar at foreldre til barn i norske barnehagar i gjennomsnitt er særs fornøgde med alle aspekt ved tenesta, også dei som ny rammeplan kan vera venta å påverka. Me finn ikkje støtte for å seia at implementeringa av rammeplanen representerer ei substansiell endring i tilfredsheit. Designet på denne studien gjer det også vanskeleg å trekka slutningar om årsaksforhold. Enkelte faktorar på kommune- og barnehagenivå – som kommunestorleik, (privat) eigarform og kostpengar – har statistisk signifikante samband med den totale tilfredsheita, men desse sambanda endrar seg ikkje substansielt etter implementeringa. Analyser av varianskomposisjonen syner også at delen variasjon i tilfredsheit som kan forklarast på kommune- og barnehagenivå, ligg stabilt over alle undersøkingsåra – før og etter implementeringa.publishedVersio