2,210 research outputs found

    Estimating Relevant Portion of Stability Region using Lyapunov Approach and Sum of Squares

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    Traditional Lyapunov based transient stability assessment approaches focus on identifying the stability region (SR) of the equilibrium point under study. When trying to estimate this region using Lyapunov functions, the shape of the final estimate is often limited by the degree of the function chosen, a limitation that results in conservativeness in the estimate of the SR. More conservative the estimate is in a particular region of state space, smaller is the estimate of the critical clearing time for disturbances that drive the system towards that region. In order to reduce this conservativeness, we propose a methodology that uses the disturbance trajectory data to skew the shape of the final Lyapunov based SR estimate. We exploit the advances made in the theory of sum of squares decomposition to algorithmically estimate this region. The effectiveness of this technique is demonstrated on a power systems classical model.Comment: Under review as a conference paper at IEEE PESGM 201

    Flexible insurance for long-term care: A study of stated preferences

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    Aging societies need efficient and flexible systems to finance care for the frail elderly. We study pre-retirees' demand for flexible insurance that can finance informal long-term care by paying income in poor health states instead of reimbursing formal care costs. We collect and analyze stated preferences for this long-term care income product, and preferences for informal care. When asked to allocate wealth to a life annuity, a liquid investment and flexible long-term care insurance, around 75% of our sample of 1008 pre-retirees choose some long-term care cover. Study participants treat long-term care income insurance as a complement to informal care from their families. Females who expect to rely exclusively on extensive care from family members prefer more cover than similar males. We also find that if long-term care income insurance were available, some healthier seniors would purchase additional longevity insurance, using liquid funds otherwise set aside to self-insure long-term care risk

    Retirement investor risk tolerance in tranquil and crisis periods: Experimental survey evidence

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    We conduct a choice experiment to investigate the impact of the financial crisis of 2008 on retirement saver investment choice and risk aversion. Analysis of estimated individual risk parameters shows a small increase in mean risk aversion between the relatively tranquil period of early 2007 and the crisis conditions of late 2008. Investment preferences of survey respondents, estimated using the scale-adjusted version of a latent class choice model, also change during the crisis. We identify age and income as important determinants of preference classes in both surveys and age is also identified as a key determinant of variability (scale). Young and low income individuals make choices that are more consistent with standard mean- variance analysis, but older and higher income individuals react positively to both higher returns and increasing risk in returns. Overall we find a mild moderating of retirement investor risk tolerance in 2008. © The Institute of Behavioral Finance

    Robust Nonlinear Control of Brushless DC Motors for Direct-Drive Robotic Applications

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    The control problem associated with brushless DC motors (BLDCMs) for direct-drive robotic applications is considered. In order to guarantee the high-performance operation of BLDCMs in such applications, the effects of reluctance variations and magnetic saturation are accounted for in the model. Such a BLDCM model constitutes a highly coupled and nonlinear dynamic system. Using the transformation theory of nonlinear systems, a feedback control law, which is shown to compensate for the system nonlinearities, is derived. Conditions under which such a control law is possible are presented. The need for the derivation of explicit commutation strategies is eliminated, resulting in reduction of the computations involved. To guarantee the high-performance operation of the system under substantial uncertainties, a robust control law is derived and appended to the overall control structure. The inclusion of the robust controller results in good tracking performance when there are modeling and measurement errors and payload uncertainties. The efficacy of the overall control law is investigated by considering a single-link direct-drive arm actuated by a BLDCM

    Investment decisions for retirement savings

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    We conducted a choice experiment to investigate whether retirement savers follow simple portfolio theory when choosing investments. We modeled experimental survey data on 693 participants using a scale-adjusted version of the latent class choice model. Results show that underlying variability in response was explained by age and " risk profile" score and that preferences varied with income and age. Younger individuals were conventionally risk averse, but older, higher-income individuals may react positively to both higher returns and increasing risk, when risk is presented as widening ranges of possible outcomes. Respondents tended to choose among a few similar investment options. Copyright 2010 by The American Council on Consumer Interests

    Long-term carbon and nitrogen dynamics at SPRUCE revealed through stable isotopes in peat profiles

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    Peatlands encode information about past vegetation dynamics, climate, and microbial processes. Here, we used δ15N and δ13C patterns from 16 peat profiles to deduce how the biogeochemistry of the Marcell S1 forested bog in northern Minnesota responded to environmental and vegetation change over the past  ∼ 10000 years. In multiple regression analyses, δ15N and δ13C correlated strongly with depth, plot location, C∕N, %N, and each other. Correlations with %N, %C, C∕N, and the other isotope accounted for 80% of variance for δ15N and 38% of variance for δ13C, reflecting N and C losses. In contrast, correlations with depth and topography (hummock or hollow) reflected peatland successional history and climate. Higher δ15N in plots closer to uplands may reflect upland-derived DON inputs and accompanying shifts in N dynamics in the lagg drainage area surrounding the bog. The Suess effect (declining δ13CO2 since the Industrial Revolution) lowered δ13C in recent surficial samples. High δ15N from −35 to −55cm probably indicated the depth of ectomycorrhizal activity after tree colonization of the peatland over the last 400 years, as confirmed by the occasional presence of wood down to −35cm depth. High δ13C at  ∼ 4000 years BP (−65 to −105cm) could reflect a transition at that time to slower rates of peat accumulation, when 13C discrimination during peat decomposition may increase in importance. Low δ13C and high δ15N at −213 and −225cm ( ∼ 8500 years BP) corresponded to a warm period during a sedge-dominated rich fen stage. The above processes appear to be the primary drivers of the observed isotopic patterns, whereas there was no clear evidence for methane dynamics influencing δ13C patterns

    Robust Nonlinear Control of Brushless DC Motors in the Presence of Magnetic Saturation

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    A robust control law is derived and examined for a direct-drive robot arm driven by a brushless DC motor (BLDCM). The complete dynamics of the motor and its interaction with the robot arm are accounted for. This is important, since in a direct-drive servo system the torque generated by the motor is directly transmitted to the load. Effects of magnetic saturation as well as reluctance variations are accounted for, in order to ensure accuracy. The effectiveness of the method is examined through computer simulations. The computational complexity of the overall control scheme is such that it can be readily used for real-time contro

    Reply Brief of the United States

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