670 research outputs found

    A Conserved Mitochondrial ATP-binding Cassette Transporter Exports Glutathione Polysulfide for Cytosolic Metal Cofactor Assembly

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    An ATP-binding cassette transporter located in the inner mitochondrial membrane is involved in iron-sulfur cluster and molybdenum cofactor assembly in the cytosol, but the transported substrate is unknown. ATM3 (ABCB25) from Arabidopsis thaliana and its functional orthologue Atm1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae were expressed in Lactococcus lactis and studied in inside-out membrane vesicles and in purified form. Both proteins selectively transported glutathione disulfide (GSSG) but not reduced glutathione in agreement with a 3-fold stimulation of ATPase activity by GSSG. By contrast, Fe(2+) alone or in combination with glutathione did not stimulate ATPase activity. Arabidopsis atm3 mutants were hypersensitive to an inhibitor of glutathione biosynthesis and accumulated GSSG in the mitochondria. The growth phenotype of atm3-1 was strongly enhanced by depletion of the mitochondrion-localized, GSH-dependent persulfide oxygenase ETHE1, suggesting that the physiological substrate of ATM3 contains persulfide in addition to glutathione. Consistent with this idea, a transportomics approach using mass spectrometry showed that glutathione trisulfide (GS-S-SG) was transported by Atm1. We propose that mitochondria export glutathione polysulfide, containing glutathione and persulfide, for iron-sulfur cluster assembly in the cytosol.This work was supported in part by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Grant BB/H00288X/1

    MRI biomarker assessment of neuromuscular disease progression: a prospective observational cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: A substantial impediment to progress in trials of new therapies in neuromuscular disorders is the absence of responsive outcome measures that correlate with patient functional deficits and are sensitive to early disease processes. Irrespective of the primary molecular defect, neuromuscular disorder pathological processes include disturbance of intramuscular water distribution followed by intramuscular fat accumulation, both quantifiable by MRI. In pathologically distinct neuromuscular disorders, we aimed to determine the comparative responsiveness of MRI outcome measures over 1 year, the validity of MRI outcome measures by cross-sectional correlation against functionally relevant clinical measures, and the sensitivity of specific MRI indices to early muscle water changes before intramuscular fat accumulation beyond the healthy control range. METHODS: We did a prospective observational cohort study of patients with either Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 1A or inclusion body myositis who were attending the inherited neuropathy or muscle clinics at the Medical Research Council (MRC) Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, UK. Genetic confirmation of the chromosome 17p11·2 duplication was required for Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 1A, and classification as pathologically or clinically definite by MRC criteria was required for inclusion body myositis. Exclusion criteria were concomitant diseases and safety-related MRI contraindications. Healthy age-matched and sex-matched controls were also recruited. Assessments were done at baseline and 1 year. The MRI outcomes-fat fraction, transverse relaxation time (T2), and magnetisation transfer ratio (MTR)-were analysed during the 12-month follow-up, by measuring correlation with functionally relevant clinical measures, and for T2 and MTR, sensitivity in muscles with fat fraction less than the 95th percentile of the control group. FINDINGS: Between Jan 19, 2010, and July 7, 2011, we recruited 20 patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 1A, 20 patients with inclusion body myositis, and 29 healthy controls (allocated to one or both of the 20-participant matched-control subgroups). Whole muscle fat fraction increased significantly during the 12-month follow-up at calf level (mean absolute change 1·2%, 95% CI 0·5-1·9, p=0·002) but not thigh level (0·2%, -0·2 to 0·6, p=0·38) in patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 1A, and at calf level (2·6%, 1·3-4·0, p=0·002) and thigh level (3·3%, 1·8-4·9, p=0·0007) in patients with inclusion body myositis. Fat fraction correlated with the lower limb components of the inclusion body myositis functional rating score (ρ=-0·64, p=0·002) and the Charcot-Marie-Tooth examination score (ρ=0·63, p=0·003). Longitudinal T2 and MTR changed consistently with fat fraction but more variably. In muscles with a fat fraction lower than the control group 95th percentile, T2 was increased in patients compared with controls (regression coefficients: inclusion body myositis thigh 4·0 ms [SE 0·5], calf 3·5 ms [0·6]; Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1A thigh 1·0 ms [0·3], calf 2·0 ms [0·3]) and MTR reduced compared with controls (inclusion body myositis thigh -1·5 percentage units [pu; 0·2], calf -1·1 pu [0·2]; Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1A thigh -0·3 pu [0·1], calf -0·7 pu [0·1]). INTERPRETATION: MRI outcome measures can monitor intramuscular fat accumulation with high responsiveness, show validity by correlation with conventional functional measures, and detect muscle water changes preceding marked intramuscular fat accumulation. Confirmation of our results in further cohorts with these and other muscle-wasting disorders would suggest that MRI biomarkers might prove valuable in experimental trials. FUNDING: Medical Research Council UK

    Somatotopic organization of corticospinal/corticobulbar motor tracts in controls and patients with tumours: A combined fMRI–DTI study

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    Objectives: To investigate the relative somatotopic organization of the motor corticospinal/corticobulbar foot, hand, lip and tongue fascicles by combining fMRI with DTI and to examine the influence of subjacent intrinsic tumours on these fascicles. Methods: The study was approved by the local ethics committee. Seven male and three female volunteers (median age: 35 years) and one female and eight male patients with brain tumours (median age: 37 years) were scanned on a 1.5-T MRI scanner. fMRI data, analysed using SPM5, identified the motor task-driven fMRI grey matter activations of the hand, foot, lips and tongue as seed regions for probabilistic tractography. The relationship between the components of the CST was assessed and the distances between them were measured. A statistical comparison was performed comparing these distances in the group of healthy hemispheres with those of the group of non-affected hemispheres and healthy hemispheres. Results: Hand fascicles were identified in all subjects (38/38, 100%), followed by foot (32/38, 84%), lip (31/38, 81%) and tongue fascicles (28/38, 74%). At superior levels, the hand fascicles were anterolateral to the foot fascicles in 77–93% of healthy hemispheres (HH), in 50–71% of non-affected patients' hemispheres (pH) and in 67–89% of affected PH. At inferior levels, the hand fascicles were either anteromedial in 46–45% of HH or anterior in 75% of non-affected PH and in 67–83% of affected PH. Tongue and lip fascicles overlapped in 25–45% of HH, in 10–20% of non-affected PH and in 15–25% of affected PH. No significant difference was found between the group of affected hemispheres and that of healthy and non-affected hemispheres. Conclusion: The somatotopy of the hand fascicles in relation to the foot fascicles was anterolateral in patients and volunteers at superior levels but anteromedial in volunteers and mostly anterior in patients at inferior levels. The lip and tongue fascicles generally overlapped. Intracranial tumours displaced the motor fascicles without affecting their relative somatotopy

    Muscle MRI reveals distinct abnormalities in genetically proven non-dystrophic myotonias.

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    We assessed the presence, frequency and pattern of MRI abnormalities in non-dystrophic myotonia patients. We reviewed T1-weighted and STIR (short-tau-inversion-recovery) 3T MRI sequences of lower limb muscles at thigh and calf level in 21 patients with genetically confirmed non-dystrophic myotonia: 11 with CLCN1 mutations and 10 with SCN4A mutations, and 19 healthy volunteers. The MRI examinations of all patients showed hyperintensity within muscles on either T1-weighted or STIR images. Mild extensive or marked T1-weighted changes were noted in 10/21 patients and no volunteers. Muscles in the thigh were equally likely to be affected but in the calf there was sparing of tibialis posterior. Oedema was common in calf musculature especially in the medial gastrocnemius with STIR hyperintensity observed in 18/21 patients. In 10/11 CLCN1 patients this included a previously unreported "central stripe", also present in 3/10 SCN4A patients but no volunteers. Degree of fatty infiltration correlated with age (rho=0.46, p<0.05). Muscle MRI is frequently abnormal in non-dystrophic myotonia providing evidence of fatty infiltration and/or oedema. The pattern is distinct from other myotonic disorders; in particular the "central stripe" has not been reported in other conditions. Correlations with clinical parameters suggest a potential role for MRI as a biomarker

    NADPH oxidases regulate septin-mediated cytoskeletal remodeling during plant infection by the rice blast fungus

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    notes: PMCID: PMC3581893types: Journal Article; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tThe rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae infects plants with a specialized cell called an appressorium, which uses turgor to drive a rigid penetration peg through the rice leaf cuticle. Here, we show that NADPH oxidases (Nox) are necessary for septin-mediated reorientation of the F-actin cytoskeleton to facilitate cuticle rupture and plant cell invasion. We report that the Nox2-NoxR complex spatially organizes a heteroligomeric septin ring at the appressorium pore, required for assembly of a toroidal F-actin network at the point of penetration peg emergence. Maintenance of the cortical F-actin network during plant infection independently requires Nox1, a second NADPH oxidase, which is necessary for penetration hypha elongation. Organization of F-actin in appressoria is disrupted by application of antioxidants, whereas latrunculin-mediated depolymerization of appressorial F-actin is competitively inhibited by reactive oxygen species, providing evidence that regulated synthesis of reactive oxygen species by fungal NADPH oxidases directly controls septin and F-actin dynamics.Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaHalpin ScholarshipEuropean Research Council Advanced Investigator Awar

    Stability and sensitivity of water T2 obtained with IDEAL-CPMG in healthy and fat-infiltrated skeletal muscle

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    Quantifying muscle water T2 (T2 -water) independently of intramuscular fat content is essential in establishing T2 -water as an outcome measure for imminent new therapy trials in neuromuscular diseases. IDEAL-CPMG combines chemical shift fat-water separation with T2 relaxometry to obtain such a measure. Here we evaluate the reproducibility and B1 sensitivity of IDEAL-CPMG T2 -water and fat fraction (f.f.) values in healthy subjects, and demonstrate the potential of the method to quantify T2 -water variation in diseased muscle displaying varying degrees of fatty infiltration. The calf muscles of 11 healthy individuals (40.5 ± 10.2 years) were scanned twice at 3 T with an inter-scan interval of 4 weeks using IDEAL-CPMG, and 12 patients with hypokalemic periodic paralysis (HypoPP) (42.3 ± 11.5 years) were also imaged. An exponential was fitted to the signal decay of the separated water and fat components to determine T2 -water and the fat signal amplitude muscle regions manually segmented. Overall mean calf-level muscle T2 -water in healthy subjects was 31.2 ± 2.0 ms, without significant inter-muscle differences (p = 0.37). Inter-subject and inter-scan coefficients of variation were 5.7% and 3.2% respectively for T2 -water and 41.1% and 15.4% for f.f. Bland-Altman mean bias and ±95% coefficients of repeatability were for T2 -water (0.15, -2.65, 2.95) ms and f.f. (-0.02, -1.99, 2.03)%. There was no relationship between T2 -water (ρ = 0.16, p = 0.07) or f.f. (ρ = 0.03, p = 0.7761) and B1 error or any correlation between T2 -water and f.f. in the healthy subjects (ρ = 0.07, p = 0.40). In HypoPP there was a measurable relationship between T2 -water and f.f. (ρ = 0.59, p < 0.001). IDEAL-CPMG provides a feasible way to quantify T2 -water in muscle that is reproducible and sensitive to meaningful physiological changes without post hoc modeling of the fat contribution. In patients, IDEAL-CPMG measured elevations in T2 -water and f.f. while showing a weak relationship between these parameters, thus showing promise as a practical means of quantifying muscle water in patient populations

    Emerging technologies in physics education

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    Three emerging technologies in physics education are evaluated from the interdisciplinary perspective of cognitive science and physics education research. The technologies - Physlet Physics, the Andes Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), and Microcomputer-Based Laboratory (MBL) Tools - are assessed particularly in terms of their potential at promoting conceptual change, developing expert-like problem-solving skills, and achieving the goals of the traditional physics laboratory. Pedagogical methods to maximize the potential of each educational technology are suggested.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Journal of Science Education and Technology; 20 page

    FLAIR-only joint volumetric analysis of brain lesions and atrophy in clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) suggestive of multiple sclerosis

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    Background: MRI assessment in multiple sclerosis (MS) focuses on the presence of typical white matter (WM) lesions. Neurodegeneration characterised by brain atrophy is recognised in the research field as an important prognostic factor. It is not routinely reported clinically, in part due to difficulty in achieving reproducible measurements. Automated MRI quantification of WM lesions and brain volume could provide important clinical monitoring data. In general, lesion quantification relies on both T1 and FLAIR input images, while tissue volumetry relies on T1. However, T1-weighted scans are not routinely included in the clinical MS protocol, limiting the utility of automated quantification. Objectives: We address an aspect of this important translational challenge by assessing the performance of FLAIR-only lesion and brain segmentation, against a conventional approach requiring multi-contrast acquisition. We explore whether FLAIR-only grey matter (GM) segmentation yields more variability in performance compared with two-channel segmentation; whether this is related to field strength; and whether the results meet a level of clinical acceptability demonstrated by the ability to reproduce established biological associations. Methods: We used a multicentre dataset of subjects with a CIS suggestive of MS scanned at 1.5T and 3T in the same week. WM lesions were manually segmented by two raters, ‘manual 1′ guided by consensus reading of CIS-specific lesions and ‘manual 2′ by any WM hyperintensity. An existing brain segmentation method was adapted for FLAIR-only input. Automated segmentation of WM hyperintensity and brain volumes were performed with conventional (T1/T1 + FLAIR) and FLAIR-only methods. Results: WM lesion volumes were comparable at 1.5T between ‘manual 2′ and FLAIR-only methods and at 3T between ‘manual 2′, T1 + FLAIR and FLAIR-only methods. For cortical GM volume, linear regression measures between conventional and FLAIR-only segmentation were high (1.5T: α = 1.029, R2 = 0.997, standard error (SE) = 0.007; 3T: α = 1.019, R2 = 0.998, SE = 0.006). Age-associated change in cortical GM volume was a significant covariate in both T1 (p = 0.001) and FLAIR-only (p = 0.005) methods, confirming the expected relationship between age and GM volume for FLAIR-only segmentations. Conclusions: FLAIR-only automated segmentation of WM lesions and brain volumes were consistent with results obtained through conventional methods and had the ability to demonstrate biological effects in our study population. Imaging protocol harmonisation and validation with other MS phenotypes could facilitate the integration of automated WM lesion volume and brain atrophy analysis as clinical tools in radiological MS reporting

    Reproducibility, and age, body-weight and gender dependency of candidate skeletal muscle MRI outcome measures in healthy volunteers

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    Quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can potentially meet the pressing need for objective, sensitive, reproducible outcome measures in neuromuscular disease trials. We tested, in healthy volunteers, the consistency, reliability and sensitivity to normal inter-subject variation of MRI methods targeted to lower limb muscle pathology to inform the design of practical but comprehensive MRI outcome measure protocols for use in imminent patient studies