226 research outputs found

    Virtuelle fonter og norsk orddeling i LATEX

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    Denne hovedfagsoppgaven tar for seg to forskjellige emner, begge relatert til dokumentproduksjonssystemet LATEX. Del I tar for seg virtuelle fonter, og del II tar for seg norsk orddeling. LATEX,som er et påbygg på TEX, benytter normalt en samling med egne skrifttyper, fonter. Disse er kodet i henhold til ASCII-standarden, men med enkelte unntak. Problemet med slike fonter er bruk av særnorske bokstaver og andre symboler som benyttes ofte. Jeg har derfor ønsket å kode disse fontene i henhold til ISO 8859/1, Latin-1, ved hjelp av virtuelle fonter. I del I kartlegger jeg hvilken informasjon som er tilgjengelig før en konvertering, klassifisering av bokstaver og tegn, og konstruksjonsmetoder for bokstaver og tegn som ikke finnes i den opprinnelige fonten. Videre har jeg implementert et program som er i stand til å konvertere en gitt font til ISO 8859/1-koding. Denne oppgaven er satt med fonter laget med dette programmet. I del II tar jeg for meg norsk orddeling til bruk i LATEX. LATEX benytter seg av en mønsterbasert orddelingsalgoritme til deling av ord. En liste med mønstre gjenspeiler språket, slik at en engelsk liste ikke vil duge for norsk språk. Til bruk for norsk har vi tidligere hatt en omarbeidet dansk mønsterliste, men denne gjenspeiler ikke dagens orddelingsregler. Å lage nye norske mønstre krever kjennskap til gjeldende regler som langt fra er entydige og fullstendige. Videre er jeg avhengig av en liste med ferdig delte ord. Utarbeidelsen av en slik ordliste, på basis av en egen frekvensordliste, er sentralt. Tilslutt skal mønstre lages på basis av orddelingslisten ved hjelp av programmet patgen. Orddelinger ved linjeskift er i denne oppgaven gjort automatisk av LATEX på basis av mønstre laget i del II

    Optimalisering av prosessbetingelser for ekstraksjon av fosfolipider fra silderogn

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    Umoden silderogn inneholder høye nivåer av fosfolipider og omega-3 fettsyrer og er et godt utgangspunkt for utvikling av produkter rettet mot kosttilskudd og helsekostmarkedet. Det er i prosjektet optimalisert en prosess for ekstraksjon av fosfolipider fra tørket rogn basert på etanol-vann ekstraksjon. Optimal vann% i etanolfasen er funnet å være 11,3 %. Det ble ikke funnet effekt av temperatur i området 20-60 °C. Høyeste oppnådde utbytte av fosfolipider ved bruk av ett ekstraksjonstrinn er 83 %. Etanolekstraksjon gir økende co-ekstraksjon av salt og protein med økende vann%, men ingen effekt på farge. Lipidekstraktet har høy viskositet som kan reduseres ved tilsetting av makrellolje. Direkte ekstraksjon av våt rogn ga 25 % lavere utbytte sammenlignet med spraytørket rogn. Nivå av organiske miljøgifter (POPs) og tungmetaller i lipidekstraktet er lave og godt under gjeldende grenseverdier. Rapporten inkluderer også en oversikt over patenter med relevans for den studerte teknologi.Optimalisering av prosessbetingelser for ekstraksjon av fosfolipider fra silderognpublishedVersio

    The deleterious effect of crossfostering in rat pups on hypoxic-ischemic injury tolerance and hypothermic neuroprotection

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    We study the effect of hypothermia (HT) following hypoxic-ischemic (HI) brain injury in postnatal day 7 (P7) rats. In 2015, new European Union animal transport regulations prompted a change in practice at the breeding facility, which henceforth crossfostered P3 litters to P8 older lactating dam prior to transportation. It is generally assumed that crossfostering does not significantly affect the experimental results. The aim of this study was to examine whether crossfostering affects our model consistency by modifying injury susceptibility and hypothermic neuroprotection. We analysed 219 pups (56 litters) from 11 experiments conducted between 2013 and 2015: 73 non-crossfostered and 146 crossfostered pups. At P7, all pups underwent unilateral common carotid artery ligation followed by 50min of hypoxia (8% O2, 36°C). Immediately after this mild insult, the pups were randomised to post-insult normothermia (NT) or HT treatment. Pups were culled at P14. Injury was assessed by area loss of the ipsilateral hemisphere and histopathology scoring of hippocampus, cortex, thalamus, and basal ganglia. Crossfostered pups had double the injury compared to non-crossfostered pups irrespective of treatment group. Hypothermic neuroprotection was statistically significant, but with a smaller and less consistent effect in crossfostered pups (relative neuroprotection 16% vs. 31% in non-crossfostered). These results demonstrate hypothermic neuroprotection following a mild HI insult. A representative subset of 41 animals were also assessed for evidence of microglial reactivity, however no detectable difference in microglial reactivity was observed between any of the groups. In conclusion, crossfostering alters outcomes in our established model through reduced insult tolerance and variable neuroprotection. Crossfostering as a common breeding practice is a largely unexplored variable in animal research that may result in invalid research conclusions if inadequately adjusted for by larger group sizes. As a result, crossfostering is likely to be inconsistent with the principles of replacement, reduction, and refinement

    Fractionation of Oil from Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Hermetia illucens)

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    Black soldier fly larvae (BSFL; Hermetia illucens) are subjected to a conventional fishmeal process, or room-temperature formic acid hydrolysis, and lipid yield and composition between the two processes compared. Acid hydrolysis of BSFL results in higher protein yield in the meal and higher oil yield. Oils separated after acid hydrolysis have a lower trilaurin content (triacyglycerol with lauric acid (12:0) in all sn-positions) and a lower melting point (23 °C) compared to oils separated after conventional (fishmeal) processing (26 °C). Further reduction of trilaurin content and melting point (20 °C) are achieved by dry-fractionation (winterization) of the oil. Practical Applications: Fractionation of black soldier fly larvae oil could yield products with targeted levels of trilaurin and melting points adapted to different applications in feeds, foods, and cosmetics.publishedVersio

    Shift in representation and symbolisation of affective experience:a paradoxical outcome in therapy

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    Defining outcome represents a key challenge for psychotherapy theory, research and practice. The present paper uses a case study of a client with anorexia nervosa to contribute to the development of conceptual understanding of the nature of paradoxical outcome. In this case, different sources of outcome data offered different answers to the question of whether or not the therapy had been successful. Qualitative thematic analysis of therapy transcriptions was carried out, using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Both the process of change that occurred in this case, and the conflicting outcome indicators, could be explained in terms of a model of affect elaboration. These findings are discussed in terms of the need for caution when interpreting results from outcome measures in psychotherapy research and practice

    Is the association between acne and mental distress influenced by diet? Results from a cross-sectional population study among 3775 late adolescents in Oslo, Norway

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    Background Several studies with conflicting findings have investigated the association between acne and mental health problems. Acne usually starts in adolescents, as does an increase in the prevalence of depression and anxiety. Recently, there has been more focus on the link between diet and acne and diet and mental health problems. The objective of this study is to investigate the association between acne and mental distress and to explore a possible influence of dietary factors on the relation. Methods A population-based cross-sectional study in Oslo of 18 or 19 year old adolescents. The participation rate was 80%. Acne was self-reported. To measure mental distress, the Hopkins Symptom Checklist 10 was used. Diet and lifestyle variables were also collected by questionnaire and socio-demographic variables were obtained from Statistics Norway. Results The prevalence of acne was 14.4% among the males and 12.8% among the females. The mean score of mental distress increased when the severity of acne increased. In the crude analyses, the significant associations with acne among the males were: mental distress OR = 1.63, frequent consumption of chocolate/sweets OR = 1.40, frequent consumption of potato chips OR = 1.54. The significant crude associations with acne among the females were: mental distress OR = 2.16, infrequent consumption of raw vegetables OR = 1.41, non-Western background OR = 1.77 and low family income OR = 2.14. No crude associations with acne were identified in either gender for the consumption of sugary soft drinks, fatty fish, cigarette smoking or alcohol. In adjusted models which included diet and socio-demographic variables, the association between acne and mental distress was unchanged for both males (OR = 1.68) and females (OR = 2.04), and between acne and infrequent consumption of raw vegetables among the females (OR = 1.38). Conclusion Among late adolescents in Oslo, self-reported acne is significantly associated with mental distress and, among girls, with infrequent consumption of raw vegetables. Our finding does not support the hypothesis that dietary factors alter the relationship between acne and mental distress

    Own and parental war experience as a risk factor for mental health problems among adolescents with an immigrant background: results from a cross sectional study in Oslo, Norway

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    BACKGROUND: An increasing proportion of immigrants to Western countries in the past decade are from war affected countries. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of war experience among adolescents and their parents and to investigate possible differences in internalizing and externalizing mental health problems between adolescents exposed and unexposed to own and parental war experience. METHOD: The study is based on a cross-sectional population-based survey of all 10(th )grade pupils in Oslo for two consecutive years. A total of 1,758 aadolescents were included, all with both parents born outside of Norway. Internalizing and externalizing mental health problems were measured by Hopkins Symptom Checklist-10 and subscales of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, respectively. Own and parental war experience is based on adolescent self-report. RESULTS: The proportion of adolescents with own war experience was 14% with the highest prevalence in immigrants from Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. The proportion of parental war experience was 33% with Sub-Saharan Africa being highest. Adolescents reporting own war experience had higher scores for both internalizing and externalizing mental health problems compared to immigrants without war experience, but only externalizing problems reached statistically significant differences. For parental war experience there was a statistically significant relationship between parental war experience and internalizing mental health problems. The association remained significant after adjustment for parental educational level and adolescents' own war experience. CONCLUSION: War exposure is highly prevalent among immigrants living in Oslo, Norway, both among adolescents themselves and their parents. Among immigrants to Norway, parental war experience appears to be stronger associated with mental health problems than adolescents own exposure to war experience

    Utnyttelse av restråstoff fra makrell og sild, ekstraksjon av fosfolipider - Faglig sluttrapport

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    I prosjektet er det studert egnethet til restråstoff fra filetering av makrell og sild til ekstraksjon av fosfolipider. Makrellavskjær er funnet lite egnet sammenlignet med sild og spesielt umoden silderogn. Konsentrasjon av fosfolipider på tørrstoffbasis kan økes ved å foreta en varmebehandling og pressing/separasjon for fjerning av olje (triglyserider) i samfengt restråstoff. Det er utviklet en prosessoppskrift for kostnadseffektiv ekstraksjon av fosfolipider basert på etanolekstraksjon av spraytørket umoden silderogn. Fremgangsmåten gir høyt utbytte av lipidekstrakt med >65 % fosfolipider og 31 % n-3 PUFA. Optimale betingelser er funnet å være 11,3 % vann i etanolfasen med ingen effekt av temperatur i området 20-60 °C. Direkte ekstraksjon av våt rogn gir 25 % lavere utbytte sammenlignet med spraytørket rogn. Ekstraktet har en lys farge, lavt oksidasjonsnivå og nivå av uønskede forbindelser godt under gjeldende grenseverdier. Effekt på viskositet ved tilsetting av raffinert makrellolje er dokumentert. Forsøk på stabilisering av lipidekstraktet har ikke dokumentert effekt av tilsetting av naturlige tokoferoler eller rosmarinekstrakt. Rapporten gir også en oversikt over patenter med relevans for den anvendte teknologi.Utnyttelse av restråstoff fra makrell og sild, ekstraksjon av fosfolipider - Faglig sluttrapportpublishedVersio