2 research outputs found

    "Positive people always win" : en studie av hur kvinnor som livestreamar pÄ Twitch.tv upplever interaktionen med sina tittare i kanalchatten

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    I denna studie har vi undersökt kvinnor som livestreamar sitt datorspelande pĂ„ hemsidan Twitch.tv och deras erfarenheter gĂ€llande chattkommentarer pĂ„ deras livesĂ€ndningar. Vi har frĂ€mst fokuserat pĂ„ negativa chattkommentarer och hur dessa pĂ„verkar kvinnorna, dĂ„ tidigare forskning redan har visat pĂ„ att kvinnor utsĂ€tts för fler trakasserier Ă€n mĂ€n, bĂ„de generellt pĂ„ internet och pĂ„ Twitch.tv (Nakandala, Ciampaglia, Su & Ahn. 2016). Vidare ville vi ocksĂ„ se hur kvinnorna hanterar dessa negativa kommentarer, och vad de tycker om kommunikationen i sin chattkanal generellt. För att samla in data utformade vi en nĂ€tbaserad enkĂ€t genom Google Forms, som vi sedan skickade ut till kvinnliga sĂ€ndare genom Twitch.tv eller meddelanden pĂ„ Facebook. EnkĂ€ten var anonym och innehöll bĂ„de kvantitativa frĂ„gor samt kvalitativa frĂ„gor med frisvar. För att analysera vĂ„r data tog vi hjĂ€lp av John Sulers The online disinhibition effect samt The social identity model of deindividuation effects av Lea and Spears, bĂ„da teorier tolkade av Fox and Tang (2014). Även Burroughs och Ramas forskning kring Twitch.tv har varit till hjĂ€lp. Resultatet och analysen av datan visade att mĂ„nga kvinnor pĂ„verkades av de negativa chattkommentarerna, och Ă€ven om nĂ„gra menade att detta Ă€r normalt för en offentlig person uttryckte andra oro och önskade att de blev mer respekterade pĂ„ hemsidan och inom spelvĂ€rlden överlag. Alla förklarade dock att de huvudsakligen fĂ„r positiva kommentarer, och mĂ„nga valde att fokusera pĂ„ positiva meddelanden och fördelarna med interaktionen pĂ„ Twitch.tv snarare Ă€n negativa nackdelarna.In this study we aimed to examine the experiences of female broadcasters on the gaming website Twitch.tv, regarding chat comments in their live stream channel. We mainly focused on negative chat comments and their impact on the broadcasting women, since previous research has proven women to get more targeted by online harassment than men, both in general but also on the website itself (Nakandala, Ciampaglia, Su & Ahn. 2016). Furthermore, we also wanted to explore how the broadcasters deal with the comments, and what they think of the community's communication overall. To collect data we designed an online survey through Google Forms that was sent out to female streamers via Twitch.tv and Facebook groups. The survey was anonymous and included both quantitative questions as well as qualitative questions with open text answers. In order to aid the analysis of our data, we used John Suler’s The online disinhibition effect as well as The social identity model of deindividuation effects“ by Lea and Spears, both interpreted by Fox and Tang (2014). Burroughs and Rama’s (2015) research about Twitch.tv was also used. The result and analysis showed that the women were indeed affected by the negative chat comments, and although some argued that this is normal for a public person, others expressed concerns about being objectified and wished for more respect in the gaming community overall. However, all agreed that they get more positive messages than negative, and seem to focus more on them