49 research outputs found

    Further caries decline in Swiss recruits from 1996 to 2006

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    Swiss army recruits (N = 606) from the army base at Thun were dentally examined with a standardized method in the year 2006. The results were compared with those of previous surveys (1985 and 1996). The mean DM6FT-value in the year 2006 was 3.11, whereas in 1996 it had been clearly higher (4.95). This corresponds to a caries decline of 37%. The observed caries decline can only partly be explained. Recruits, who were smokers, showed an increased caries experience. Recruits of the German-speaking part of Switzerland who had profited from oral health lessons by oral health instructors in Kindergarten and primary schools did not differ in caries experience from recruits of the French-speaking part of Switzerland

    Weiterer Kariesrückgang bei Schweizer Rekruten von 1996 bis 2006

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    Rekruten der Rekrutenschule Thun (N = 606) wurden im Jahr 2006 mit einer standardisierten Methode zahnmedizinisch untersucht. Die Resultate wurden mit denjenigen aus früheren Erhebungen (1985 und 1996) verglichen. Der DM6FT-Wert betrug im Jahr 2006 im Durchschnitt 3,11; im Jahr 1996 lag er noch deutlich höher (4,95). Dies entspricht einem Kariesrückgang von 37%. Der beobachtete Kariesrückgang konnte nur zum Teil erklärt werden. Rekruten, die rauchten, zeigten einen erhöhten Kariesbefall. Rekruten aus der Deutschschweiz, die in Kindergarten und Primarschule von Schulzahnpflege- Instruktorinnen betreut worden waren, unterschieden sich im Kariesbefall nicht von den Rekruten aus der Romandie

    Climate stories: enabling and sustaining arts interventions in climate science communication

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    This is the final version. Available from Copernicus Publications via the DOI in this record. Data availability. The research data used for this paper are not available in the public domain because of the ethical implications of making full transcripts available. The research was undertaken with a small sample of individuals from two institutions (University of Exeter and UK Met Office). The nature of the interview conversations held, which comprise the qualitative data in this paper, would enable individuals to be identified. Interviewees were specifically asked to discuss potentially sensitive issues related to their research training, experiences, emotions, feelings, and ethical positionality as part of the process of data collection. Because of this, publishing full interview transcripts would breach the ethical standard set for the research and approved by the Geography Ethics Committee at the University of Exeter, which stated that data would not be reported in a way that an individual could be identified. This was the basis for participants signing a consent form regarding how their data would be stored and used.The climate science community faces a major challenge with respect to communicating the risks associated with climate change within a heavily politicised landscape that is characterised by varying degrees of denial, scepticism, distrust in scientific enterprise, and an increased prevalence of misinformation (“fake news”). This issue is particularly significant given the reliance on conventional “deficit” communication approaches, which are based on the assumption that scientific information provision will necessarily lead to desired behavioural changes. Indeed, the constrained orthodoxy of scientific practices in seeking to maintain strict objectivity and political separation imposes very tangible limits on the potential effectiveness of climate scientists for communicating risk in many contemporary settings. To address these challenges, this paper uses insights from a collaboration between UK climate scientists and artist researchers to argue for a more creative and emotionally attentive approach to climate science engagement and advocacy. In so doing, the paper highlights innovative ways in which climate change communication can be reimagined through different art forms to enable complex concepts to become knowable. We suggest that in learning to express their work through forms of art, including print-making, theatre and performance, song-writing, and creative writing, researchers experienced not only a sense of liberation from the rigid communicative framework operating in their familiar scientific environment but also a growing self-confidence in their ability and willingness to engage in new ways of expressing their work. As such, we argue that scientific institutions and funding bodies should recognise the potential value of climate scientists engaging in advocacy through art–science collaborations and that these personal investments and contributions to science engagement by individuals should be rewarded and valued alongside conventional scientific outputs.Natural Environment Research Counci

    Quality of life in Maltese Adults with Congenital Heart Disease : a Second Look – An APPROACH-IS Substudy

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    Background A first quality of life (QOL) study among Maltese adults with congenital heart disease (ACHD) in 2016 found no significant differences when compared to the general population. The aims of the present study were to (1) compare QOL between Maltese and other European ACHD patients and (2) investigate medical predictors (i.e. number of surgical/non-surgical interventions, heart failure, arrhythmias, pacemaker/implantable cardioverter-defibrillator, cardiac hospitalisation during preceding year, follow-up frequency, other medical conditions, mood/anxiety/psychiatric disorders) of QOL in Maltese patients. Methods Data collected during \u201cAssessment of Patterns of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Adults with Congenital Heart disease\u2013International Study\u201d (APPROACH-IS) was used. QOL was measured using linear analog scale (LAS) and Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). QOL in 109 Maltese and 1510 European participants was compared. Multivariable logistic regression was used to test the predictive value of medical factors on QOL in Maltese patients. Results There were no significant differences in QOL between the two cohorts [mean LAS Malta 80.51 (95% CI 77.96,83.07) vs. European 79.43 (95% CI 78.65,80.21) (p=0.776); mean SWLS Malta 26.00 (95% CI 24.94,27.06) vs. European 26.26 (95% CI 25.95,26.57) (p=0.288)] and no significant differences when cohorts were divided by gender and age. Only a mood/anxiety/other psychiatric disorder significantly predicted poorer QOL on both scales in Maltese patients (LAS ( f=-.389, p<0.001), SWLS ( f=-.352, p=0.001)). Conclusions Maltese ACHD patients have a good QOL comparable to that of European counterparts. Mood, anxiety and other psychiatric disorders can negatively impact Maltese patients\u2019 QOL. Better access to clinical psychology services should be ensured

    Rationale, design and methodology of APPROACH-IS II: International study of patient-reported outcomes and frailty phenotyping in adults with congenital heart disease.

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    In recent years, patient-reported outcomes (PROs) have received increasing prominence in cardiovascular research and clinical care. An understanding of the variability and global experience of PROs in adults with congenital heart disease (CHD), however, is still lacking. Moreover, information on epidemiological characteristics and the frailty phenotype of older adults with CHD is minimal. The APPROACH-IS II study was established to address these knowledge gaps. This paper presents the design and methodology of APPROACH-IS II. APPROACH-IS II is a cross-sectional global multicentric study that includes Part 1 (assessing PROs) and Part 2 (investigating the frailty phenotype of older adults). With 53 participating centers, located in 32 countries across six continents, the aim is to enroll 8000 patients with CHD. In Part 1, self-report surveys are used to collect data on PROs (e.g., quality of life, perceived health, depressive symptoms, autonomy support), and explanatory variables (e.g., social support, stigma, illness identity, empowerment). In Part 2, the cognitive functioning and frailty phenotype of older adults are measured using validated assessments. APPROACH-IS II will generate a rich dataset representing the international experience of individuals in adult CHD care. The results of this project will provide a global view of PROs and the frailty phenotype of adults with CHD and will thereby address important knowledge gaps. Undoubtedly, the project will contribute to the overarching aim of improving optimal living and care provision for adults with CHD

    Assessment of dental fluorosis prevalence in Swiss populations

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    Summary In 1996 and 2006, recruits of the Swiss army participated in a dental survey. Similarly in 1995/96 and 2004/05, randomly selected schoolchildren from 16 rural communities of the Canton of Zurich participated in a dental survey. As part of these surveys, color slides were taken of the incisor teeth of all recruits, as well as of third and fourth grade schoolchildren. The slides (N = 2049) were examined for the presence of fluoride-associated enamel opacities (FOP), using the Thylstrup- Fejerskov (TF) index. Two examiners (A and B) assessed all slides. The examiners were blind as to the year of survey. Examiner A recorded prevalences of FOP between 18% and 27% depending on population; examiner B recorded prevalences between 7% and 12%. The examiners’ influence on the estimation of the prevalence was obvious. The prevalences reported should, therefore, be considered as rough estimates. FOP of TF score 2 were only observed in approximately 1% of the participants. One examiner recorded a TF score 3 in a single individual. FOP therefore are not a cosmetic problem and certainly not a public health concern. The prevalence of FOP decreased slightly during observation period I (recruits born 1975–77 vs 1985–87) and period II (schoolchildren born 1985–87 vs 1994–96). However, the decline was statistically supported in only one instance (Period I, Examiner B)

    Projekt "Weidekuh-Genetik": Produktion, Fruchtbarkeit und Gesundheit

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    Ziel dieses Versuchs war es, die Schweizer Milchkuhrassen Holstein-Friesian (CH HF), Fleckvieh (CH FV) und Brown Swiss (CH BS) in Weidesystemen mit Blockabkalbung Ende Winter hinsichtlich Produktions-, Fruchtbarkeitsund Gesundheitsleistungen mit neuseeländischen Holstein-Friesian (NZ HF) zu vergleichen, die als Referenz für diesen Systemtyp gewählt wurden. Von 2007 bis 2009 wurden auf 15 Praxisbetrieben NZ HF Kühe Schweizer Kühen gegenübergestellt, wobei der Versuch insgesamt 259 Laktationen und 134 Kühe beinhaltete. Die CH HF und NZ HF wiesen die besseren Milchleistungen auf als die CH FV und CH BS (50,2 und 52,1 kg ECM / kg LG0,75 gegen 44,3 und 43,6 kg; P < 0,05). Der Anteil der nach sechs Wochen Besamungssaison trächtigen CH FV war tendenziell höher als bei den CH HF (81 % gegen 46% P < 0,10), die Rassen NZ HF und CH BS lagen dazwischen (66 % und 64 %). Die CH HF Kühe verfügen heute über ungenügende Fruchtbarkeitsleistungen für Systeme mit Blockabkalbung. Die Zweinutzungsrasse CH FV ist zwar weniger effizient in der Milchproduktion, scheint aber durch ihre guten Fruchtbarkeitsleistungen für diese Systeme geeignet zu sei

    Projet "Quelle vache pour la pâture?": Production, reproduction et santé

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    L'objectif de cette étude était de comparer, en systèmes pâturants avec vêlages groupés de fin d'hiver, les performances de production, de reproduction et de santé de vaches laitières suisses de races Holstein (CH HF), Fleckvieh (CH FV) et Brown Swiss (CH BS) à des Holstein- Friesian d'origine néo-zélandaise (NZ HF) prises comme référence pour ce type de système. De 2007 à 2009, des vaches NZ HF ont été appariéesavec des vaches suisses sur 15 fermes commerciales, incluant au final 259 lactations de 134 vaches. Les vaches CH HF et NZ HF ont eu des meilleures performances laitières que les CH FV et CH BS (50,2 et 52,1 kg ECM / kg PV0,75 contre 44,3 et 43,6 kg; P < 0,05). La proportionde vaches CH FV gestantes en 6 semaines de reproduction était tendanciellement plus élevée que pour les vaches CH HF (81 % contre 46 %, P < 0,10), NZ HF et CH BS étant intermédiaires (66 et 64 %). Les vaches CH HF présentent aujourd'hui des performances de reproduction insuffisantes pour les systèmes en vêlages groupés. Inversement, les vaches mixtes CH FV sont moins efficaces en termes de production laitière mais apparaissent adaptées à ces systèmes de par leurs bonnes performances de reproduction

    Caries prevalence in 2-year-old children in the city of Zurich

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    OBJECTIVES: To establish caries prevalence in 2-year-olds in the city of Zurich; and to investigate the relationship between caries prevalence and dietary habits, and oral hygiene practices in native children and children with immigrant background. METHOD: 1,000 randomly selected 2-year-olds were invited to participate in a clinical examination, at which parents were interviewed about the child's oral hygiene and dietary habits. Caries diagnosis was based on visual inspection of all tooth surfaces and included both initial (d1) and cavitated (d2) lesions. Univariate and multivariate logistic regressions for two subgroups of children (children of Swiss and foreign-born mothers) were performed in order to assess the association between predictor variables and caries. RESULTS: 771 children were examined (participation rate 78%; mean age 2.4 years (age range 2.06-2.90 years)). Although the majority (94%) was born in Switzerland, 61% of children had immigrant backgrounds (mother not born in Switzerland). Cavitated teeth (d2mft) were observed in 12.6% of children (95% CI: 10.4-15.1%). Caries including initial lesions (dl2mft) affected 25.3% of children (95% CI: 22.4-28.5%). There were 34 (4.4%) children with severe caries (all maxillary incisors cavitated). For children with caries, the mean d2mft was 4.3 (+/- 2.8). Children with foreign-born mothers (mothers not born in Switzerland) exhibited a significantly higher caries prevalence than those with Swiss-born mothers (17.4% versus 5.0% with d2mft > 0). CONCLUSIONS: Children with foreign-born mothers exhibited significantly higher caries prevalence rates than those with Swiss-born mothers. Poor oral hygiene and night-time bottle use were identified as risk indicators for caries in all children. Further risk indicators identified in children of foreign-born mothers were a preference for sugar-containing non-milk drinks, no pacifier use, child's age and male gender

    Projekt "Weidekuh-Genetik": Produktion, Zusammenfassung und Perspektiven

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    Der Versuch hatte zum Ziel, die Schweizer Rassen Holstein, Fleckvieh und Brown Swiss mit derjenigen neuseeländischer Holstein- Friesian auf Vollweidebetrieben mit saisonaler Abkalbung Ende Winter zu vergleichen. Die zwei Holsteintypen wiesen die besseren Milchleistungen auf, die Schweizer Fleckvieh des Versuchs dagegen eine optimale Fruchtbarkeit. Die Schweizer Holstein ist auch in Low-Input-Systemen eine effiziente Milchkuh, sie müsste jedoch für Blockabkalbung bessere Fruchtbarkeitsleistungen aufweisen, obwohl unsere Modellrechnungen allerdings darauf hin deuten, dass die Milchproduktion einen grösseren Einfluss als die Fruchtbarkeit oder die Fleischleistung hat, was hier den zwei milchbetonteren Holsteintypen einen wirtschaftlichen Vorteil verschafft. Die erhobenen Datensätze für diese spezifische Systeme müssen jedoch vervollständigt werden. Die Wahl von Produktionssystemen und effizienten Tieren für diese Systeme bleibt ein grosses und sich weiter entwickelndes Forschungsfeld. Die Effizienz eines Tieres hängt vom System ab und die Definition t der «Ressourcen- Effizienz» selbst entwickelt sich mit den wissenschaftlichen Fortschritten in der Tierproduktion, der menschlichen Ernährung, der Klimatologie und Ökologie weiter