650 research outputs found

    Análise de logs do sistema Agritempo por meio do log do PHPNuke e WebAlizer.

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    O foco deste trabalho é a análise dos logs do sistema Agritempo, um sistema de monitoramento agrometeorológico que disponibiliza informações meteorológicas e agrometeorológicas de diferentes regiões brasileiras gratuitamente na internet3. O Agritempo possui um amplo público-alvo: produtores, extensionistas, consultores, agentes do governo, estudantes e professores universitários, além da iniciativa privada


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    The drag reduction by addition of high molecular additives has been investigated by a number of researchers since it was reported by Toms more than 60 years ago. One of the most significant limitations in drag reduction is the polymer degradation, which is caused by the turbulent structures. Researches have demonstrated that many parameters affect the polymer efficient, as: molecular weight, Reynolds number, concentration and temperature. In the present work we investigate this degradation phenomenon in a pipe flow apparatus device, for aqueous solutions of three different polymers: Polyethylene Oxide (PEO), Polyacrylamide (PAM) and Xanthan Gum (XG).The first two are known as flexible molecules while the last one is considered rigid. The dependence of polymer scission on molecular weight, concentration and Reynolds number is analyzed. We report how the drag reduction decreases when the flow pass repeatedly through the pipe and how the pressure loss measured in the apparatus increases, despite to the fact that the experiment was conducted at a fixed inlet pressure. It is worth noting that the mechanism of loss of efficiency for the XG solutions seems to be completely different from that observed for PEO and PAM, the flexible materials

    Balanço energético da produção de Eucalyptus benthamii para uso em programas de bioenergia.

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    Avaliação do efeito da adubação NPK no crescimento de gravioleira no município de São Francisco do Pará.

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    Chemotaxis Study Using Optical Tweezers To Observe The Strength And Directionality Of Forces Of Leishmania Amazonensis

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    The displacements of a dielectric microspheres trapped by an optical tweezers (OT) can be used as a force transducer for mechanical measurements in life sciences. This system can measure forces on the 50 femto Newtons to 200 pico Newtons range, of the same order of magnitude of a typical forces induced by flagellar motion. The process in which living microorganisms search for food and run away from poison chemicals is known is chemotaxy. Optical tweezers can be used to obtain a better understanding of chemotaxy by observing the force response of the microorganism when placed in a gradient of attractors and or repelling chemicals. This report shows such observations for the protozoa Leishmania amazomenzis, responsible for the leishmaniasis, a serious tropical disease. We used a quadrant detector to monitor the movement of the protozoa for different chemicals gradient. This way we have been able to observe both the force strength and its directionality. The characterization of the chemotaxis of these parasites can help to understand the infection mechanics and improve the diagnosis and the treatments employed for this disease.6326Law, A.M.J., Aitken, M.D., Continuous-flow capillary assay for measuring bacterial chemotaxi (2005) Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 71 (6), pp. 3137-3143Khan, S., Jain, S., Reid, G.P., Trentham, D.R., The fast tumble signal in bacterial chemotaxis (2004) Biophysical Journal, 86 (6), pp. 4049-4058Neuman, K.C., Chadd, E.H., Liou, G.F., Bergman, K., Block, S.M., Characterization of photodamage to Escherichia coli in optical traps (1999) Biophysical Journal, 77 (5), pp. 2856-2863Who, World Health Organization, 2001Gontijo, B., Carvalho, M.L.R., Leishmaniose tegumentar Americana (2003) Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 36 (1), pp. 71-80Handman, E., Cell biology of Leishmania (2000) Advances in Parasitology, 44, pp. 1-39Rice, S.E., Purcell, T.J., Spudich, J.A., Building and using optical traps to study properties of molecular motors (2003) Biophotonics, PT B, 361, pp. 112-133Rohrbach, A., Stelzer, E.H.K., Three-dimensional position detection of optically trapped dielectric particles (2002) Journal of Applied Physics, 91 (8), pp. 5474-5488Gittes, F., Schmidt, C.F., Interference model for back-focal-plane displacement detection in optical tweezers (1998) Optics Letters, 23 (1), pp. 7-9Allersma, M.W., Gittes, F., DeCastro, M.J., Stewart, R.J., Schmidt, C.F., Two-dimensional tracking of ncd motiliry by back focal plane interferometry (1998) Biophysical Journal, 74 (2), pp. 1074-108

    Efeito da omissão de macronutrientes no crescimento, nos sintomas de deficiências nutricionais e na composição mineral de gravioleiras.

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    Publicado também: FRAZÃO, D. A. C.; HOMMA, A. K. O; VIÉGAS, I. de J. M. (Ed.). Contribuição ao desenvolvimento da fruticultura na Amazônia. Belém, PA: Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, 2006. p. 509-517

    Recognition Of Serous Ovarian Tumors In Human Samples By Multimodal Nonlinear Optical Microscopy.

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    We used a multimodal nonlinear optics microscopy, specifically two-photon excited fluorescence (TPEF), second and third harmonic generation (SHG∕THG) microscopies, to observe pathological conditions of ovarian tissues obtained from human samples. We show that strong TPEF + SHG + THG signals can be obtained in fixed samples stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stored for a very long time, and that H&E staining enhanced the THG signal. We then used the multimodal TPEF-SHG-THG microscopies in a stored file of H&E stained samples of human ovarian cancer to obtain complementary information about the epithelium∕stromal interface, such as the transformation of epithelium surface (THG) and the overall fibrillary tissue architecture (SHG). This multicontrast nonlinear optics microscopy is able to not only differentiate between cancerous and healthy tissue, but can also distinguish between normal, benign, borderline, and malignant specimens according to their collagen disposition and compression levels within the extracellular matrix. The dimensions of the layers of epithelia can also be measured precisely and automatically. Our data demonstrate that optical techniques can detect pathological changes associated with ovarian cancer.1609601