254 research outputs found

    Calibrant Delivery for Mass Spectrometry

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    This article describes a means of sampling ions that are created at a location remote from the primary ion source used for mass spectral analysis. Such a source can be used for delivery of calibrant ions on demand. Calibrant ions are sprayed into an atmospheric pressure chamber, at a position substantially removed from the sampling inlet. A gas flow sweeps the calibrants towards the sampling inlet, and a new means for toggling the second ion beam into the instrument can be achieved with the use of a repelling field established by an electrode in front of the sampling inlet. The physical separation of two or more sources of ions eliminates detrimental interactions due to gas flows or fields. When using a nanoflow electrospray tip as the primary ion source, the potential applied to the tip completely repels calibrant ions and there is no compromise in terms of electrospray performance. When calibrant ions are desired, the potential applied to the nanoflow electrospray tip is lowered for a short period of time to allow calibrant ions to be sampled into the instrument, thus providing a means for external calibration that avoids the typical complications and compromises associated with dual spray sources. It is also possible to simultaneously sample ions from multiple ion beams if necessary for internal mass calibration purposes. This method of transporting additional ion beams to a sampling inlet can also be used with different types of atmospheric pressure sources such as AP MALDI, as well as sources configured to deliver ions of different polarity

    The Angular Momentum Content and Evolution of Class I and Flat-Spectrum Protostars

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    We report on the angular momentum content of heavily embedded protostars based on our analysis of the projected rotation velocities (v sin i s) of 38 Class I/flat spectrum young stellar objects presented by Doppmann et al (2005). After correcting for projection effects, we find that infrared-selected Class I/flat spectrum objects rotate significantly more quickly (median equatorial rotation velocity ~ 38 km/sec) than Classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs; median equatorial rotation velocity ~ 18 km/sec) in the Rho Ophiuchi and Taurus-Aurigae regions. The detected difference in rotation speeds between Class I/flat spectrum sources and CTTSs proves difficult to explain without some mechanism which transfers angular momentum out of the protostar between the two phases. Assuming Class I/flat spectrum sources possess physical characteristics (M_*,R_*,B_*) typical of pre-main sequence stars, fully disk locked Class I objects should have co-rotation radii within their protostellar disks that match well (within 30%) with the predicted magnetic coupling radii of Shu et al (1994). The factor of two difference in rotation rates between Class I/flat spectrum and CTTS sources, when interpreted in the context of disk locking models, also imply a factor of 5 or greater difference in mass accretion rates between the two phases.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal (tentatively for June 2005 edition

    The Radial Velocity Distribution of Class I and Flat-Spectrum Protostars

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    We analyze radial velocities for a sample of 31 Class I and flat spectrum protostars in Taurus-Auriga, rho Ophiuchi and Serpens for evidence of the global dynamical state of extremely young stellar populations buried within parental molecular clouds. Comparing the radial velocity of each protostar to that of the local CO gas, we are able to constrain the one dimensional radial velocity dispersion of Class I and flat spectrum objects to ~ 2.5 km/sec or below. This upper limit to the protostellar velocity dispersion is consistent with the velocity dispersions of surrounding CO gas which we measure to be ~ 1.4 km/sec, suggesting that the motions of protostars and local CO gas are dynamically linked and dominated by the gravitational potential of the molecular cloud. However, the upper limit on the protostellar velocity dispersion could still allow for slightly inflated motions of protostars relative to the local molecular gas. Four of the protostars analyzed appear to have velocities more than 3 sigma (7.5 km/sec) away from the central local CO gas velocity while showing spectroscopic indicators of youth and accretion such as H_2 emission, HI Br Gamma emission, or K band continuum veiling. These radial velocity outliers may represent protostellar spectroscopic binaries or ejected cluster members.Comment: 9 pages in emulate ApJ format, accepted for publication in A

    Kepler-503b: An Object at the Hydrogen Burning Mass Limit Orbiting a Subgiant Star

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    Using spectroscopic radial velocities with the APOGEE instrument and Gaia distance estimates, we demonstrate that Kepler-503b, currently considered a validated Kepler planet, is in fact a brown-dwarf/low-mass star in a nearly circular 7.2-day orbit around a subgiant star. Using a mass estimate for the primary star derived from stellar models, we derive a companion mass and radius of 0.075±0.003 M0.075\pm0.003 \ M_{\odot} (78.6±3.1 MJup78.6\pm3.1 \ M_{Jup}) and 0.0990.004+0.006 R0.099^{+0.006}_{-0.004}\ R_{\odot} (0.960.04+0.06 RJup0.96^{+0.06}_{-0.04}\ R_{Jup}), respectively. Assuming the system is coeval, the evolutionary state of the primary indicates the age is 6.7\sim6.7 Gyr. Kepler-503b sits right at the hydrogen burning mass limit, straddling the boundary between brown dwarfs and very low-mass stars. More precise radial velocities and secondary eclipse spectroscopy with James Webb Space Telescope will provide improved measurements of the physical parameters and age of this important system to better constrain and understand the physics of these objects and their spectra. This system emphasizes the value of radial velocity observations to distinguish a genuine planet from astrophysical false positives, and is the first result from the SDSS-IV monitoring of Kepler planet candidates with the multi-object APOGEE instrument.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJL, 12 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Two Rare Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables with Extreme Cyclotron Features Identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    Two newly identified magnetic cataclysmic variables discovered in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), SDSSJ155331.12+551614.5 and SDSSJ132411.57+032050.5, have spectra showing highly prominent, narrow, strongly polarized cyclotron humps with amplitudes that vary on orbital periods of 4.39 and 2.6 hrs, respectively. In the former, the spacing of the humps indicates the 3rd and 4th harmonics in a magnetic field of ~60 MG. The narrowness of the cyclotron features and the lack of strong emission lines imply very low temperature plasmas and very low accretion rates, so that the accreting area is heated by particle collisions rather than accretion shocks. The detection of rare systems like these exemplifies the ability of the SDSS to find the lowest accretion rate close binaries.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, vol. 583, February 1, 2003; slight revisions and additions in response to referee's comments; 17 pages, 6 figures, AASTeX v4.

    Stellar and Planetary Characterization of the Ross 128 Exoplanetary System from APOGEE Spectra

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    The first detailed chemical abundance analysis of the M dwarf (M4.0) exoplanet-hosting star Ross 128 is presented here, based upon near-infrared (1.5--1.7 \micron) high-resolution (RR\sim22,500) spectra from the SDSS-APOGEE survey. We determined precise atmospheric parameters TeffT_{\rm eff}=3231±\pm100K, loggg=4.96±\pm0.11 dex and chemical abundances of eight elements (C, O, Mg, Al, K, Ca, Ti, and Fe), finding Ross 128 to have near solar metallicity ([Fe/H] = +0.03±\pm0.09 dex). The derived results were obtained via spectral synthesis (1-D LTE) adopting both MARCS and PHOENIX model atmospheres; stellar parameters and chemical abundances derived from the different adopted models do not show significant offsets. Mass-radius modeling of Ross 128b indicate that it lies below the pure rock composition curve, suggesting that it contains a mixture of rock and iron, with the relative amounts of each set by the ratio of Fe/Mg. If Ross 128b formed with a sub-solar Si/Mg ratio, and assuming the planet's composition matches that of the host-star, it likely has a larger core size relative to the Earth. The derived planetary parameters -- insolation flux (SEarth_{\rm Earth}=1.79±\pm0.26) and equilibrium temperature (TeqT_{\rm eq}=294±\pm10K) -- support previous findings that Ross 128b is a temperate exoplanet in the inner edge of the habitable zone.Comment: Accepted in ApJLetters, 3 figures, 2 tables, 12 page

    Fast quantitation of opioid isomers in human plasma by differential mobility spectrometry/mass spectrometry via SPME/open-port probe sampling interface

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2017.08.023 © 2017. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Mass spectrometry (MS) based quantitative approaches typically require a thorough sample clean-up and a decent chromatographic step in order to achieve needed figures of merit. However, in most cases, such processes are not optimal for urgent assessments and high-throughput determinations. The direct coupling of solid phase microextraction (SPME) to MS has shown great potential to shorten the total sample analysis time of complex matrices, as well as to diminish potential matrix effects and instrument contamination. In this study, we demonstrate the use of the open-port probe (OPP) as a direct and robust sampling interface to couple biocompatible-SPME (Bio-SPME) fibres to MS for the rapid quantitation of opioid isomers (i.e. codeine and hydrocodone) in human plasma. In place of chromatography, a differential mobility spectrometry (DMS) device was implemented to provide the essential selectivity required to quantify these constitutional isomers. Taking advantage of the simplified sample preparation process based on Bio-SPME and the fast separation with DMS-MS coupling via OPP, a high-throughput assay (10–15 s per sample) with limits of detection in the sub-ng/mL range was developed. Succinctly, we demonstrated that by tuning adequate ion mobility separation conditions, SPME-OPP-MS can be employed to quantify non-resolved compounds or those otherwise hindered by co-extracted isobaric interferences without further need of coupling to other separation platforms.SCIEXNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canad

    Sloan Digital Sky Survey Imaging of Low Galactic Latitude Fields: Technical Summary and Data Release

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    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) mosaic camera and telescope have obtained five-band optical-wavelength imaging near the Galactic plane outside of the nominal survey boundaries. These additional data were obtained during commissioning and subsequent testing of the SDSS observing system, and they provide unique wide-area imaging data in regions of high obscuration and star formation, including numerous young stellar objects, Herbig-Haro objects and young star clusters. Because these data are outside the Survey regions in the Galactic caps, they are not part of the standard SDSS data releases. This paper presents imaging data for 832 square degrees of sky (including repeats), in the star-forming regions of Orion, Taurus, and Cygnus. About 470 square degrees are now released to the public, with the remainder to follow at the time of SDSS Data Release 4. The public data in Orion include the star-forming region NGC 2068/NGC 2071/HH24 and a large part of Barnard's loop.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures (3 missing to save space), accepted by AJ, in press, see http://photo.astro.princeton.edu/oriondatarelease for data and paper with all figure