24 research outputs found

    Contribution à l’étude du recrutement des écoles d’Officiers de la Marine (1945-1960)

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    Le développement de la société industrielle et l'évolution de la conduite des guerres modernes ont provoqué dans la société militaire contemporaine de profonds bouleversements, dont les conséquences sur le recrutement des cadres de carrière n'ont pas toujours pu être exactement mesurées. On pourrait sans doute faire l'hypothèse que, dans la mesure où un conflit futur ferait davantage appel à la qualification technique qu'à l'héroïsme individuel, le métier des armes tendrait à perdre sa spécificité et à devenir une profession parmi d'autres. [Premier paragraphe]An examination of empirical data collected from student officers of the French Navy has led the authors to define the concept of « traditional family » on the basis of the following indicators : father's profession, size of the family of origin, status (public or private) of the schools attended. The combination of these three variables gives a typology of eight types. The type corresponding to the « traditional family » is constituted by student officers whose father is either a military career man, or of a high socio-economic status, belonging to a family of at least four children, and who has attended private schools. This type would furnish the main recruitment for the Ecole Navale which forms deck-officers. At the other extreme, the type constituting a sort of « negative » of the traditional family seems to provide an important proportion of the recruits for the school of mechanical engineers. Traditional recruitment appears to have increased between 1945 and 1960, officer and engineer graduates seem to have rather « military » motivations, whereas the opposite type of students would rather have technical motivations

    Segmented flow generator for serial crystallography at the European X-ray free electron laser

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    Serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) with X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) allows structure determination of membrane proteins and time-resolved crystallography. Common liquid sample delivery continuously jets the protein crystal suspension into the path of the XFEL, wasting a vast amount of sample due to the pulsed nature of all current XFEL sources. The European XFEL (EuXFEL) delivers femtosecond (fs) X-ray pulses in trains spaced 100 ms apart whereas pulses within trains are currently separated by 889 ns. Therefore, continuous sample delivery via fast jets wastes >99% of sample. Here, we introduce a microfluidic device delivering crystal laden droplets segmented with an immiscible oil reducing sample waste and demonstrate droplet injection at the EuXFEL compatible with high pressure liquid delivery of an SFX experiment. While achieving ~60% reduction in sample waste, we determine the structure of the enzyme 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonate-8-phosphate synthase from microcrystals delivered in droplets revealing distinct structural features not previously reported

    Contribution à l'étude du recrutement des écoles d'Officiers de la Marine (1945-1960)

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    Guy Michelat, Jean-Pierre Thomas : Beiträge zur Studie über Schüleranwerbung in den französischen Seeoffiziersschulen. Die Prüfung von bei Seekadetten der französischen Marine empirisch erlangten Daten führte die Verfasser dazu, den Begriff « traditionelle Familie » zu bestimmen, indem sie von den drei folgenden Hauptanzeigern ausgingen: Beruf des Vaters, Grosse der Familie der sie angehoren, Stellung der vorher besuchten Schulen (oeffentliche oder Privatschulen) . Durch die Verbindung dieser drei Variabeln kann eine Typologie von 8 Typen aufgestellt werden. Dem sogenannten « traditionellen » Familientypus entsprechen Seekadetten, deren Vater entweder Berufsoffizier ist oder eine hohe sozial-wirtschaftliche Stellung einnimmt, deren Familie mindestens 4 Kinder zählt und die Privatschulen besucht haben. Die meisten Schüler der Marineoffiziersschule (Ecole Navale) scheinen diesem Typus anzugehoren. Im Gegensatz dazu würde der Typus, der sozusagen das Negativbild der « traditionellen » Familie darstellt, einen wichtigen Prozentsatz der Schiiler der seetechnischen Hochschule (Ecole des Ingénieurs-mécaniciens) liefern. Von 1945 bis 1960 ware der Anteil dem traditionellen Typus entsprechender Schuler in stetigem Anstieg begriffen. Die Beweggrunde der in diesen Schulen geformten Offiziere und Ingenieure wären eher militarischer Art und die der Schüler des entgegengesetzten Typus eher technischer Natur.Г. Мишела и Ж.-П. Тома : К изучению состава учеников морских офицерских школ (1945-1960). Анализ конкретных данных, полученных в результате опроса аспирантов Французского Флота позволил авторам настоящей статьи определить понятие « традиционной семьи », исходя из трех показателей, а именно: профессии отца, размеров семьи, из которой происходит аспирант, и категории школы (государсвенная или частная) в которой обучались члены семьи. Комбинация этих трех переменных величин позволила построить типологию, состоящую из восьми типов. Тип, соответсвующий определению « традиционной семьи » включает в себя аспирантов, сыновей кадровых военных, членов четырех-детных семей, (минимум) обучавшихся в частной школе. К этому типу относится большинство аспирантов Высшего Морского Училища Франции, выпускающего флотских офицеров. Напротив, из семей, составляющих как бы « негатив » традиционной семьи набирается большое число учеников Училища Инженеров-Механиков. В период от 1945-го до 1960-го года « традиционный » контингент значительно возрос; мотивация выпускников офицеров и инженеров скорее « военная », мотивация учеников противоположного типа скорее « техническая ».Guy Michelat, Jean-Pierre Thomas : Contribution to the study of recruitment for naval officers schools. An examination of empirical data collected from student officers of the French Navy has led the authors to define the concept of « traditional family » on the basis of the following indicators : father's profession, size of the family of origin, status (public or private) of the schools attended. The combination of these three variables gives a typology of eight types. The type corresponding to the « traditional family » is constituted by student officers whose father is either a military career man, or of a high socio-economic status, belonging to a family of at least four children, and who has attended private schools. This type would furnish the main recruitment for the Ecole Navale which forms deck-officers. At the other extreme, the type constituting a sort of « negative » of the traditional family seems to provide an important proportion of the recruits for the school of mechanical engineers. Traditional recruitment appears to have increased between 1945 and 1960, officer and engineer graduates seem to have rather « military » motivations, whereas the opposite type of students would rather have technical motivations.Guy Michelat et Jean-Pierre H. Thomas : Contribuciones al estudio de la recluta en las escuelas de oficiales de marina (1945-1960). El examen de los datos empíricos recogidos entre los alumnos oficiales de la Marina francesa incitó los autores a définir el concepto de la « familia tradicional » basándose en los très puntos siguientes : el oficio del padre, la extension de la familia, el estatuto (público o privado) de los establecimientos escolares que frecuentan. La combination de esas très variables permite construir una tipologia de ocho tipos. El tipo que corresponde a la definition de la « familia tradicional » se halla constituido por los alumnos oficiales cuyo padre es militar de carrera, о tiene un estatuto socio-económico elevado, o que pertenecen a una familia de cuatro hijos, a lo menos, y que frecuentaron establecimientos privados. Ese tipo acaso constituye lo esencial de la recluta de la Escuela Naval de la cual provienen los oficiales de navio ; al contrario el tipo que forma en cierto modo el negativo de la familia tradicional abasteceria una proportion importante de la recluta de la Escuela de los ingenieros-mecánicos. La recluta « tradicional » seria en aumento sensible desde 1945 hasta 1960; las motivaciones de los oficiales y de los ingénieros que pertenecen a dichas Escuelas serían más bien « militares », las de los alumnos del tipo opuesto nias bien « técnicas ».Michelat Guy, Thomas Jean-Pierre. Contribution à l'étude du recrutement des écoles d'Officiers de la Marine (1945-1960). In: Revue française de sociologie, 1968, 9-1. pp. 51-70

    Dimensions du nationalisme

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    Restoration of the Drugeon River and adjacent wetlands (northeastern France): impact on breeding birds

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    International audienceThe channelizing of the minor bed of the Drugeon river and the drainage of adjacent marshes were carried out from 1961 to 1973 in the hope of gaining 2000 ha of farmland. Those works led to important damage to the wetlands of the Drugeon basin, a Ramsar site since 2003, under the protection of several national and European laws since 1992. Actually, two hundred hectares only were gained and the stream length was shortened by 30% (8km). This changed the river into a rectilinear channel with subsequent erosion increasing the river bottom depth from some tens of centimetres to two meters, decreasing the fish populations and leading to the extinction of the White-footed Crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes). From 1993 to 1997 the combination of EU directives and national and regional protection laws led to achieve a LIFE programme aiming at restoring 30km of the Drugeon river. This included re-meandering the stream over 20km and filling the drains that have been dug in marshes in order to re-elevate the water table in adjacent areas. The first works begun in 1997 upstream and ended in 2001. Based on the IPA method (IBCC, 1977), the present study aims at comparing the nesting bird community between 1998-1999 (at the very beginning of the works) and 2006-2007 (5 years after the end of the works). A total of 104 nesting bird species were contacted at least once; 74 in 1998 on 15 IPAs, 80 in 1998, 94 in 2006 an 83 in 2007 on 20 IPAs. Total species richness per IPA was multiplied by 1.3 ten years after the beginning of the works and by 1.9 considering wetland species only (FIG. 2). Remarkably, bird abundance represented by the sum of the IPA scores also increased significantly (FIG. 3). Species number increase was observed all along the river but was neatly larger downstream (FIG. 4). Twelve species show a significant population increase (p < 0.05) or possibly an increase (0.05 < p < 0.1). The Willow Warbler, the MarshWarbler, the Coot, the Reed Bunting, the Mallard, the Northern Lapwing and the Little Grebe increased; the Meadow Pipit increased only in the Coot area (p < 0,05). The Common Pochard, the Tufted Duck and the Grey Wagtail possibly increased (0.05 < p < 0,1). Only theWhinchat showed a trend to decrease (0.05 < p < 0.1). Those results are discussed and compared with other bird censuses achieved along the first 80 kilometres of 5 French rivers (Seine, Saône, Loire, Allier, Loue). A remarkably high diversity of bird species was observed along the Drugeon river. The rehabilitation of the river led to improve the ecological conditions and the population of wetland species. Some of those species showed an increase in the area rehabilitated although they are known to markedly decline at European, French, Swiss and regional scales

    Shock Damage Analysis in Serial Femtosecond Crystallography Data Collected at MHz X-ray Free-Electron Lasers

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    International audienceSerial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) data were recorded at the European X-ray free-electron laser facility (EuXFEL) with protein microcrystals delivered via a microscopic liquid jet. An XFEL beam striking such a jet may launch supersonic shock waves up the jet, compromising the oncoming sample. To investigate this efficiently, we employed a novel XFEL pulse pattern to nominally expose the sample to between zero and four shock waves before being probed. Analyzing hit rate, indexing rate, and resolution for diffraction data recorded at MHz pulse rates, we found no evidence of damage. Notably, however, this conclusion could only be drawn after careful identification and assimilation of numerous interrelated experimental factors, which we describe in detail. Failure to do so would have led to an erroneous conclusion. Femtosecond photography of the sample-carrying jet revealed critically different jet behavior from that of all homogeneous liquid jets studied to date in this manner

    Femtosecond timing synchronization at megahertz repetition rates for an x-ray free-electron laser

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    A critical challenge of pump-probe experiments with x-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) is accurate synchronization of x-ray and optical pulses. At the European XFEL we observed megahertz rate timing jitter of 24.0±12.4fs

    The Karabo distributed control system

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    The Karabo distributed control system has been developed to address the challenging requirements of the European X-ray Free Electron Laser facility, including complex and custom-made hardware, high data rates and volumes, and close integration of data analysis for distributed processing and rapid feedback. Karabo is a pluggable, distributed application management system forming a supervisory control and data acquisition environment as part of a distributed control system. Karabo provides integrated control of hardware, monitoring, data acquisition and data analysis on distributed hardware, allowing rapid control feedback based on complex algorithms. Services exist for access control, data logging, configuration management and situational awareness through alarm indicators. The flexible framework enables quick response to the changing requirements in control and analysis, and provides an efficient environment for development, and a single interface to make all changes immediately available to operators and experimentalists.</p