3,735 research outputs found

    Waveforms for the Massive MIMO Downlink: Amplifier Efficiency, Distortion and Performance

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    In massive MIMO, most precoders result in downlink signals that suffer from high PAR, independently of modulation order and whether single-carrier or OFDM transmission is used. The high PAR lowers the power efficiency of the base station amplifiers. To increase power efficiency, low-PAR precoders have been proposed. In this article, we compare different transmission schemes for massive MIMO in terms of the power consumed by the amplifiers. It is found that (i) OFDM and single-carrier transmission have the same performance over a hardened massive MIMO channel and (ii) when the higher amplifier power efficiency of low-PAR precoding is taken into account, conventional and low-PAR precoders lead to approximately the same power consumption. Since downlink signals with low PAR allow for simpler and cheaper hardware, than signals with high PAR, therefore, the results suggest that low-PAR precoding with either single-carrier or OFDM transmission should be used in a massive MIMO base station

    Massive MU-MIMO Downlink TDD Systems with Linear Precoding and Downlink Pilots

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    We consider a massive MU-MIMO downlink time-division duplex system where a base station (BS) equipped with many antennas serves several single-antenna users in the same time-frequency resource. We assume that the BS uses linear precoding for the transmission. To reliably decode the signals transmitted from the BS, each user should have an estimate of its channel. In this work, we consider an efficient channel estimation scheme to acquire CSI at each user, called beamforming training scheme. With the beamforming training scheme, the BS precodes the pilot sequences and forwards to all users. Then, based on the received pilots, each user uses minimum mean-square error channel estimation to estimate the effective channel gains. The channel estimation overhead of this scheme does not depend on the number of BS antennas, and is only proportional to the number of users. We then derive a lower bound on the capacity for maximum-ratio transmission and zero-forcing precoding techniques which enables us to evaluate the spectral efficiency taking into account the spectral efficiency loss associated with the transmission of the downlink pilots. Comparing with previous work where each user uses only the statistical channel properties to decode the transmitted signals, we see that the proposed beamforming training scheme is preferable for moderate and low-mobility environments.Comment: Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, Oct. 201

    Out-of-Band Radiation Measure for MIMO Arrays with Beamformed Transmission

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    The spatial characteristics of the out-of-band radiation that a multiuser MIMO system emits in the environment, due to its power amplifiers (modeled by a polynomial model) are nonlinear, is studied by deriving an analytical expression for the continuous-time cross-correlation of the transmit signals. At a random spatial point, the same power is received at any frequency on average with a MIMO base station as with a SISO base station when the two radiate the same amount of power. For a specific channel realization however, the received power depends on the channel. We show that the power received out-of-band only deviates little from the average in a MIMO system with multiple users and that the deviation can be significant with only one user. Using an ergodicity argument, we conclude that out-of-band radiation is less of a problem in massive MIMO, where total radiated power is lower compared to SISO systems and that requirements on spectral regrowth can be relaxed in MIMO systems without causing more total out-of-band radiation

    Impact of Spatial Filtering on Distortion from Low-Noise Amplifiers in Massive MIMO Base Stations

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    In massive MIMO base stations, power consumption and cost of the low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) can be substantial because of the many antennas. We investigate the feasibility of inexpensive, power efficient LNAs, which inherently are less linear. A polynomial model is used to characterize the nonlinear LNAs and to derive the second-order statistics and spatial correlation of the distortion. We show that, with spatial matched filtering (maximum-ratio combining) at the receiver, some distortion terms combine coherently, and that the SINR of the symbol estimates therefore is limited by the linearity of the LNAs. Furthermore, it is studied how the power from a blocker in the adjacent frequency band leaks into the main band and creates distortion. The distortion term that scales cubically with the power received from the blocker has a spatial correlation that can be filtered out by spatial processing and only the coherent term that scales quadratically with the power remains. When the blocker is in free-space line-of-sight and the LNAs are identical, this quadratic term has the same spatial direction as the desired signal, and hence cannot be removed by linear receiver processing

    Spatial Characteristics of Distortion Radiated from Antenna Arrays with Transceiver Nonlinearities

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    The distortion from massive MIMO (multiple-input--multiple-output) base stations with nonlinear amplifiers is studied and its radiation pattern is derived. The distortion is analyzed both in-band and out-of-band. By using an orthogonal Hermite representation of the amplified signal, the spatial cross-correlation matrix of the nonlinear distortion is obtained. It shows that, if the input signal to the amplifiers has a dominant beam, the distortion is beamformed in the same way as that beam. When there are multiple beams without any one being dominant, it is shown that the distortion is practically isotropic. The derived theory is useful to predict how the nonlinear distortion will behave, to analyze the out-of-band radiation, to do reciprocity calibration, and to schedule users in the frequency plane to minimize the effect of in-band distortion

    Aspects of Favorable Propagation in Massive MIMO

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    Favorable propagation, defined as mutual orthogonality among the vector-valued channels to the terminals, is one of the key properties of the radio channel that is exploited in Massive MIMO. However, there has been little work that studies this topic in detail. In this paper, we first show that favorable propagation offers the most desirable scenario in terms of maximizing the sum-capacity. One useful proxy for whether propagation is favorable or not is the channel condition number. However, this proxy is not good for the case where the norms of the channel vectors may not be equal. For this case, to evaluate how favorable the propagation offered by the channel is, we propose a ``distance from favorable propagation'' measure, which is the gap between the sum-capacity and the maximum capacity obtained under favorable propagation. Secondly, we examine how favorable the channels can be for two extreme scenarios: i.i.d. Rayleigh fading and uniform random line-of-sight (UR-LoS). Both environments offer (nearly) favorable propagation. Furthermore, to analyze the UR-LoS model, we propose an urns-and-balls model. This model is simple and explains the singular value spread characteristic of the UR-LoS model well

    Massive MIMO for Next Generation Wireless Systems

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    Multi-user Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) offers big advantages over conventional point-to-point MIMO: it works with cheap single-antenna terminals, a rich scattering environment is not required, and resource allocation is simplified because every active terminal utilizes all of the time-frequency bins. However, multi-user MIMO, as originally envisioned with roughly equal numbers of service-antennas and terminals and frequency division duplex operation, is not a scalable technology. Massive MIMO (also known as "Large-Scale Antenna Systems", "Very Large MIMO", "Hyper MIMO", "Full-Dimension MIMO" & "ARGOS") makes a clean break with current practice through the use of a large excess of service-antennas over active terminals and time division duplex operation. Extra antennas help by focusing energy into ever-smaller regions of space to bring huge improvements in throughput and radiated energy efficiency. Other benefits of massive MIMO include the extensive use of inexpensive low-power components, reduced latency, simplification of the media access control (MAC) layer, and robustness to intentional jamming. The anticipated throughput depend on the propagation environment providing asymptotically orthogonal channels to the terminals, but so far experiments have not disclosed any limitations in this regard. While massive MIMO renders many traditional research problems irrelevant, it uncovers entirely new problems that urgently need attention: the challenge of making many low-cost low-precision components that work effectively together, acquisition and synchronization for newly-joined terminals, the exploitation of extra degrees of freedom provided by the excess of service-antennas, reducing internal power consumption to achieve total energy efficiency reductions, and finding new deployment scenarios. This paper presents an overview of the massive MIMO concept and contemporary research.Comment: Final manuscript, to appear in IEEE Communications Magazin

    The application of fuzzy text recognition and -manipulation technologies to clean-up, idealize, improve, and integrate sets of unstructured data

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    Master's thesis in Computer scienceThe application of fuzzy text recognition and -manipulation technologies to clean-up, idealize, improve, and integrate sets of unstructured data

    Nilpferd und Papyrusdickicht in den Gräbern des Alten Reiches

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    Competence Portals are software tools that are intended to make it easier for persons that have had no previous contact to find and contact each other. The portals can address areas ranging from finding an expert within an organisation to the marketing of the competence of a region or a research centre to other organisations. The purpose of the thesis is to examine the necessity of Competence Portals in research-intensive organisations. Important characteristics of the information in such portals have been identified and used as a basis for recommendations regarding how Competence Portals could be designed. Furthermore, the thesis focuses on the task of finding a source of knowledge within an organisation. The study is of a general nature and is supposed to be of interest to anyone who has an interest in knowledge management and tools to enable easy contacts within and between organisations. The study includes research organisations from Sweden, Germany and the United Kingdom and privately owned Swedish companies. The focus is on the German research organisations and Swedish companies. The empirical data was gathered using two surveys and multiple interviews with both persons featured in a Competence Portal as well as prospective users. We have found that is uncommon to have access to tools such as Competence Portals in the studied groups. The tasks that a portal is meant to make easier is most often already solved in an efficient way or not performed frequently enough to merit a larger investment. Furthermore, the general opinion regarding Competence Systems in the studied group is very sceptical. We have therefore reached the conclusion that the demand for a software solution such as Competence Portals is low in the studied group. As a result of the little room for improvement in current work procedures and a general low demand we conclude that the necessity of Competence Portals is low in the studied group. However, Competence Portals are likely to be useful to very large or geographically scattered organisations. We have summarized our findings regarding the quality aspects of the information inCompetence Portals in a model that illustrates the important areas to consider when designing a Competence Portal. The model emphasise the importance of processes for updating and maintaining the information in the portal