759 research outputs found

    Relative directed homotopy theory of partially ordered spaces

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    Algebraic topological methods have been used successfully in concurrency theory, the domain of theoretical computer science that deals with distributed computing. L. Fajstrup, E. Goubault, and M. Raussen have introduced partially ordered spaces (pospaces) as a model for concurrent systems. In this paper it is shown that the category of pospaces under a fixed pospace is both a fibration and a cofibration category in the sense of H. Baues. The homotopy notion in this fibration and cofibration category is relative directed homotopy. It is also shown that the category of pospaces is a closed model category such that the homotopy notion is directed homotopy.Comment: 20 page

    Note on L.-S. category and DGA modules

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    Prova tipográfica (In Press)We define an algebraic approximation of the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of a map and show that this invariant lies between A-category and M-category. We derive from this result a characterization of the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of a rational space

    Estruturas algébricas

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    Apontamentos das aulas teóricas de Estruturas Algébricas da Licenciatura em Ciências da Computaçã

    Weak equivalence of higher-dimensional automata

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    This paper introduces a notion of equivalence for higher-dimensional automata, called weak equivalence. Weak equivalence focuses mainly on a traditional trace language and a new homology language, which captures the overall independence structure of an HDA. It is shown that weak equivalence is compatible with both the tensor product and the coproduct of HDAs and that, under certain conditions, HDAs may be reduced to weakly equivalent smaller ones by merging and collapsing cubes

    On the homology language of HDA models of transition systems

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    Given a transition system with an independence relation on the alphabet of labels, one can associate with it a usually very large symmetric higher-dimensional automaton. The purpose of this paper is to show that by choosing an acyclic relation whose symmetric closure is the given independence relation, it is possible to construct a much smaller nonsymmetric HDA with the same homology language.Comment: 17 page

    Some collapsing operations for 2-dimensional precubical sets

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    In this paper, we consider 2-dimensional precubical sets, which can be used to model systems of two concurrently executing processes. From the point of view of concurrency theory, two precubical sets can be considered equivalent if their geometric realizations have the same directed homotopy type relative to the extremal elements in the sense of P. Bubenik. We give easily verifiable conditions under which it is possible to reduce a 2-dimensional precubical set to an equivalent smaller one by collapsing an edge or eliminating a square and one or two free faces. We also look at some simple standard examples in order to illustrate how our results can be used to construct small models of 2-dimensional precubical sets.Comment: New title, completely revised version of "Reducing cubical set models of concurrent systems

    Weak equivalence of higher-dimensional automata

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    This paper introduces a notion of equivalence for higher-dimensional automata, called weak equivalence. Weak equivalence focuses mainly on a traditional trace language and a new homology language, which captures the overall independence structure of an HDA. It is shown that weak equivalence is compatible with both the tensor product and the coproduct of HDAs and that, under certain conditions, HDAs may be reduced to weakly equivalent smaller ones by merging and collapsing cubes.This research was partially supported by FCT (Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, Portugal) through project UID/MAT/00013/2013

    Simplicial resolutions and Ganea fibrations

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    In this work, we compare the two approximations of a path-connected space XX, by the Ganea spaces Gn(X)G_n(X) and by the realizations ∥Λ∙X∥n\|\Lambda_\bullet X\|_{n} of the truncated simplicial resolutions emerging from the loop-suspension cotriple ΣΩ\Sigma\Omega. For a simply connected space XX, we construct maps ∥Λ∙X∥n−1→Gn(X)→∥Λ∙X∥n\|\Lambda_\bullet X\|_{n-1}\to G_n(X)\to \|\Lambda_\bullet X\|_{n} over XX, up to homotopy. In the case n=2n=2, we prove the existence of a map G2(X)→∥Λ∙X∥1G_2(X)\to\|\Lambda_\bullet X\|_{1} over XX (up to homotopy) and conjecture that this map exists for any nn

    Joins of DGA modules and sectional category

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    We construct an explicit semifree model for the fiber join of two fibrations p: E --> B and p': E' --> B from semifree models of p and p'. Using this model, we introduce a lower bound of the sectional category of a fibration p which can be calculated from any Sullivan model of p and which is closer to the sectional category of p than the classical cohomological lower bound given by the nilpotency of the kernel of p^*: H^*(B;Q) --> H^*(E;Q). In the special case of the evaluation fibration X^I --> X x X we obtain a computable lower bound of Farber's topological complexity TC(X). We show that the difference between this lower bound and the classical cohomological lower bound can be arbitrarily large.Comment: This is the version published by Algebraic & Geometric Topology on 24 February 200
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