3,721 research outputs found

    Yucca Mountain Saturated Zone Carbon-14

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    This Scientific Investigation Plan (SIP) provides an overview of the work described in “Yucca Mountain Saturated Zone Carbon-14”, a proposal funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Repository Development under the UCCSN/YMP Co-op in support of the Science and Technology Initiatives. The objective of this work is to provide improved estimates of the time required for ground water to travel from the site of the proposed high-level radioactive waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, to the accessible environment

    Large NcN_c QCD at non-zero chemical potential

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    The general issue of large NcN_c QCD at nonzero chemical potential is considered with a focus on understanding the difference between large NcN_c QCD with an isospin chemical potential and large NcN_c QCD with a baryon chemical potential. A simple diagrammatic analysis analogous to `t Hooft's analysis at μ=0\mu=0 implies that the free energy with a given baryon chemical potential is equal to the free energy with an isospin chemical potential of the same value plus 1/Nc1/N_c corrections. Phenomenologically, these two systems behave quite differently. A scenario to explain this difference in light of the diagrammatic analysis is explored. This scenario is based on a phase transition associated with pion condensation when the isospin chemical potential exceeds mπ/2m_\pi/2; associated with this transition there is breakdown of the 1/Nc1/N_c expansion--in the pion condensed phase there is a distinct 1/Nc1/N_c expansion including a larger set of diagrams. While this scenario is natural, there are a number of theoretical issues which at least superficially challenge it. Most of these can be accommodated. However, the behavior of quenched QCD which raises a number of apparently analogous issues cannot be easily understood completely in terms of an analogous scenario. Thus, the overall issue remains open

    Dispersal of protoplanetary discs: How stellar properties and the local environment determine the pathway of evolution

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    We study the evolution and final dispersal of protoplanetary discs that evolve under the action of internal and external photoevaporation, and different degrees of viscous transport. We identify five distinct dispersal pathways, which are i) very long lived discs (>20>20\,Myr), ii) inside-out dispersal where internal photoevaporation dominates and opens inner holes, iii) outside-in dispersal where external photoevaporation dominates through disc truncation and two intermediate regimes characterised by lingering material in the inner disc with the outer disc dispersed predominantly by either internal or external photoevaporation. We determine how the lifetime, relative impact of internal and external winds and clearing pathway varies over a wide, plausible, parameter space of stellar/disc/radiation properties. There are a number of implications, for example in high UV environments because the outer disc lifetime is shorter than the time-scale for clearing the inner disc we do not expect transition discs to be common, which appears to be reflected in the location of transition disc populations towards the Orion Nebular Cluster. Irrespective of environment, we find that ongoing star formation is required to reproduce observed disc fractions as a function of stellar cluster age. This work demonstrates the importance of including both internal and external winds for understanding protoplanetary disc evolution.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS. 19 pages, 15 figure

    Influence of Different Cotton Fruit Sizes on Boll Weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Oviposition and Survival to Adulthood

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    Understanding the critical host plant factors that determine oviposition behavior and survival of boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman, on cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., is important for developing successful pest management strategies. However, published information is both conflicting and limited regarding how different cotton fruit sizes affect boll weevil oviposition choices and subsequent larval survival to adulthood. Consequently, we used a standard based on fruit size diameter to evaluate boll weevil feeding and oviposition punctures, and survival to adulthood on 10 different cotton fruit sizes: squares of diameter 1.5–2.0 (pinhead), 3.0–3.5 (matchhead), 5–6, 7–8, or 9–10 mm; candle; and bolls of diameter 10–15, 15–20, 20–30, or \u3e30 mm. Oviposition and feeding punctures were significantly affected by cotton fruit size. Females did not oviposit in pinhead squares. The fewest eggs were oviposited in boll sizes \u3e30 mm. The highest number of eggs was recorded in square sizes of 5–6 and 7–8 mm. Boll weevil survival to adulthood was highest on square sizes of 7–8 or 9–10 mm (58.6–59.7%). No survival occurred in matchhead squares or bolls \u3e30 mm. Duration of development was longest on boll sizes of 15–20 and 20–30 mm (18.2–18.8 d). The growth index (percentage immature survival divided by immature developmental time) of female boll weevils was 2.8-fold higher in 7–8- or 9–10-mm diameter squares than in 20–30-mm diameter bolls. This study will improve our capacity to develop methods to predict fruit losses and changes in boll weevil populations in the field, given a starting density of fruit suitable for oviposition, and a corresponding initial population density of weevils

    Planet formation via pebble accretion in externally photoevaporating discs

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    We demonstrate that planet formation via pebble accretion is sensitive to external photoevaporation of the outer disc. In pebble accretion, planets grow by accreting from a flux of solids (pebbles) that radially drift inwards from the pebble production front. If external photoevaporation truncates the outer disc fast enough, it can shorten the time before the pebble production front reaches the disc outer edge, cutting off the supply of pebble flux for accretion, hence limiting the pebble mass reservoir for planet growth. Conversely, cloud shielding can protect the disc from strong external photoevaporation and preserve the pebble reservoir. Because grain growth and drift can occur quickly, shielding even on a short time-scale (<1 Myr) can have a non-linear impact on the properties of planets growing by pebble accretion. For example a 103M10^{-3} M_\oplus planetary seed at 25 au stays at 25 au with a lunar mass if the disc is immediately irradiated by a 10310^3 G0_0 field, but grows and migrates to be approximately Earth-like in both mass and orbital radius if the disc is shielded for just 1 Myr. In NGC 2024, external photoevaporation is thought to happen to discs that are <0.5 Myr old, which coupled with the results here suggests that the exact planetary parameters can be very sensitive to the star forming environment. Universal shielding for time-scales of at least 1.5\sim1.5 Myr would be required to completely nullify the environmental impact on planetary architectures.Comment: Accepted for publication in mnras, 12 pages, 8 figure

    Effects of Conventional vs. Conservation Tillage Systems on Population Dynamics of Boll Weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Dryland Cotton

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    Studies were conducted during 2000-2001 to determine the effects of a conservation tillage system in dryland cotton on soil surface temperatures, soil moisture, plant canopy structure, light interception, timing of fruit set, and how these factors affect crop yield and boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman, populations compared with a conventional moldboard tillage system. Soil moisture at the 10-40 cm depth was 1.6-1.9-fold higher in the conservation tillage treatment than in the conventional tillage treatment throughout the first 90 days of crop growth due to the decreased evaporation from crop residue mulch. The conventional tillage cotton treatment had a greater water stress, causing plants to shed squares and bolls. Cotton plants in the conventional tillage treatment allocated more resources into vegetative growth while the conservation tillage cotton responded by fruiting at a higher rate. At 110 days after planting the conservation tillage cotton had an average height of 42.4 cm per plant versus 63.0 cm in conventional tillage, and the number of leaves per plant was 32.4 versus 51.7, while fruit numbers were 13.0 versus 7.1, respectively. Increased plant height and number of leaves in the conventional tillage provided significantly more light interception and shading of the soil surface. In the conservation tillage cotton, 60.2% of the incoming sunlight reached the soil surface, while the conventional tillage had only 36.2%. Soil temperatures between the rows in conservation tillage cotton were 8-11º C higher than in conventional tillage and significantly influenced boll weevil mortality in infested squares shed from plants. The number of boll weevils per plant was 2.3 to 3.4-fold higher in the conventional tillage compared with the conservation tillage. Trap counts of weevil populations followed a similar trend with 1.6 to 2.8-fold more weevils in the conventional tillage compared to conservation tillage. The mortality of boll weevils in fallen, naturally infested squares, and in cohorts of laboratory-infested squares collected from the middle of the rows was 1.5-1.8-fold higher in the conservation tillage field than in the conventional. Percent punctured squares by boll weevils during the growing season averaged 2.1-fold higher in conventional than in conservation tillage fields