259 research outputs found

    The DeMaDs Open Source Modeling Framework for Power System Malfunction Detection

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    Modeling and simulation of electrical power systems are becoming increasingly important approaches for the development and operation of novel smart grid functionalities -- especially with regard to data-driven applications as data of certain operational states or misconfigurations can be next to impossible to obtain. The DeMaDs framework allows for the simulation and modeling of electric power grids and malfunctions therein. Furthermore, it serves as a testbed to assess the applicability of various data-driven malfunction detection methods. These include data mining techniques, traditional machine learning approaches as well as deep learning methods. The framework's capabilities and functionality are laid out here, as well as explained by the means of an illustrative example.Comment: 2023 Open Source Modelling and Simulation of Energy Systems (OSMSES

    Zeitverwendung und Lebensqualität in Wien

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    Erwerbsarbeit hat eine besondere Relevanz für die Lebensqualität. Die Ergebnisse sprechen eindeutig gegen die in der ökonomischen Theorie übliche Vorstellung, dass Erwerbsarbeit ein notwendiges Übel sei. Wenn die Befragten ihren Lebensunterhalt verdienen müssen wird als häufigster Wert eine gewünschte Erwerbsarbeitszeit von 30 Stunden/Woche angegeben. Die gewünschte Erwerbsarbeitszeit liegt damit deutlich niedriger als die aktuelle Normalarbeitszeit in Österreich. Die häufigste gewünschte Erwerbsarbeitszeit ohne das Erfordernis seinen Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen liegt bei 20 Stunden. Daran wird sichtbar, dass Erwerbsarbeit jenseits der Erzielung eines Einkommens eine wichtige Rolle für die Lebensqualität der Befragten spielt und intrinsische Arbeitsmotivation weit verbreitet ist. Auf die Frage ob für die gewünschte Zeitverwendung viel mehr, mehr, gleich viel oder weniger als das aktuelle Einkommen benötigt wird geben rund 33% der Befragten an, dass sie gleich viel oder weniger Einkommen benötigen. Wenn die Personen dieser Gruppe sich Verringerungen der Erwerbsarbeitszeit wünschen wären diese gegenüber Reallohnsteigerungen zu bevorzugen, da die Reallohnsteigerungen zu keiner Steigerung der Lebensqualität anhand der Zeitverwendung führen würden, Verringerungen der Erwerbsarbeitszeit jedoch schon. Anhand der deutlichen Ergebnisse zu den gewünschten Erwerbsarbeitszeiten lässt sich für eine Verringerung der Normalarbeitszeit auf bis zu 30 Stunden/Woche argumentieren. Anhand der Veränderungswünsche der Aktivitätszeiten konnten deutlich unterscheidbare Gruppen (Cluster) identifiziert werden. Der größte Cluster repräsentiert 51% der Personen und ähnelt sehr stark den Ergebnissen der gesamten Stichprobe. Darüber hinaus wurden drei weitere Cluster beschreiben die deutliche Unterschiede dazu aufweisen. 13% der Befragten gehören zum Cluster der "Erwerbsarbeitsverringerer". Diese haben eine vergleichsweise starke Tendenz zur Verringerung der Erwerbsarbeitszeit und entsprechend ausgeprägteren Ausweitung vieler anderer Aktivitäten. 10% gehören zum Cluster der "unzufriedenen Veränderer". Diese sind durch eine ausgeprägte Tendenz zu starken Umschichtung der aktuellen Zeitverwendung gekennzeichnet. 16% gehören zum Cluster der "zufriedenen Beibehalter". Sie sind durch einen großen Anteil von Personen gekennzeichnet, die für viele Aktivitäten ihre aktuellen Aktivitätszeiten beibehalten wollen. (authors' abstract)Series: SRE - Discussion Paper

    Lipolysis on Lipid Droplets: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Discretisation

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    Lipolysis is a life-essential metabolic process, which supplies fatty acids stored in lipid droplets to the body in order to match the demands of building new cells and providing cellular energy. In this paper, we present a first mathematical modelling approach for lipolysis, which takes into account that the involved enzymes act on the surface of lipid droplets. We postulate an active region near the surface where the substrates are within reach of the surface-bound enzymes and formulate a system of reaction-diffusion PDEs, which connect the active region to the inner core of lipid droplets via interface conditions. We establish two numerical discretisations based on finite element method and isogeometric analysis, and validate them to perform reliably. For numerical testing purposes, we introduce and analyse a testing model featuring a nontrivial explicit stationary state solution, which describes beside lipolysis also a reverse process (in a physiologically oversimplified way). We prove the unique existence of global and equilibrium solutions. We establish exponential convergence to the equilibrium solutions using the entropy method. We then study the stationary state model and compute explicitly for radially symmetric solutions. Concerning the finite element methods, we show numerically the linear and quadratic convergence of the errors with respect to the H1H^{1}- and L2L^{2}-norms, respectively. Finally, we present numerical simulations of a prototypical PDE model of lipolysis and illustrate that ATGL clustering on lipid droplets can significantly slow down lipolysis.Comment: 27 pages, 18 figure

    LIFE-SHARE Project: Developing a Digitisation Strategy Toolkit

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    This poster will outline the Digitisation Strategy Toolkit created as part of the LIFE-SHARE project. The toolkit is based on the lifecycle model created by the LIFE project and explores the creation, acquisition, ingest, preservation (bit-stream and content) and access requirements for a digitisation strategy. This covers the policies and infrastructure required in libraries to establish successful practices. The toolkit also provides both internal and external resources to support the service. This poster will illustrate how the toolkit works effectively to support digitisation with examples from three case studies at the Universities of Leeds, Sheffield and York

    Generation of Active Protein Phosphatase 2A Is Coupled to Holoenzyme Assembly

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    Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is a prime example of the multisubunit architecture of protein serine/threonine phosphatases. Until substrate-specific PP2A holoenzymes assemble, a constitutively active, but nonspecific, catalytic C subunit would constitute a risk to the cell. While it has been assumed that the severe proliferation impairment of yeast lacking the structural PP2A subunit, TPD3, is due to the unrestricted activity of the C subunit, we recently obtained evidence for the existence of the C subunit in a low-activity conformation that requires the RRD/PTPA proteins for the switch into the active conformation. To study whether and how maturation of the C subunit is coupled with holoenzyme assembly, we analyzed PP2A biogenesis in yeast. Here we show that the generation of the catalytically active C subunit depends on the physical and functional interaction between RRD2 and the structural subunit, TPD3. The phenotype of the tpd3Δ strain is therefore caused by impaired, rather than increased, PP2A activity. TPD3/RRD2-dependent C subunit maturation is under the surveillance of the PP2A methylesterase, PPE1, which upon malfunction of PP2A biogenesis, prevents premature generation of the active C subunit and holoenzyme assembly by counteracting the untimely methylation of the C subunit. We propose a novel model of PP2A biogenesis in which a tightly controlled activation cascade protects cells from untargeted activity of the free catalytic PP2A subunit

    Structural, Spectroscopic, and Computational Insights from Canavanine-Bound and Two Catalytically Compromised Variants of the Ethylene-Forming Enzyme

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    The ethylene-forming enzyme (EFE) is an Fe(II), 2-oxoglutarate (2OG), and l-arginine (l-Arg)-dependent oxygenase that either forms ethylene and three CO2/bicarbonate from 2OG or couples the decarboxylation of 2OG to C5 hydroxylation of l-Arg. l-Arg binds with C5 toward the metal center, causing 2OG to change from monodentate to chelate metal interaction and OD1 to OD2 switch of D191 metal coordination. We applied anaerobic UV-visible spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, and computational approaches to three EFE systems with high-resolution structures. The ineffective l-Arg analogue l-canavanine binds to the EFE with O5 pointing away from the metal center while promoting chelate formation by 2OG but fails to switch the D191 metal coordination from OD1 to OD2. Substituting alanine for R171 that interacts with 2OG and l-Arg inactivates the protein, prevents metal chelation by 2OG, and weakens l-Arg binding. The R171A EFE had electron density at the 2OG binding site that was identified by mass spectrometry as benzoic acid. The substitution by alanine of Y306 in the EFE, a residue 12 Å away from the catalytic metal center, generates an interior cavity that leads to multiple local and distal structural changes that reduce l-Arg binding and significantly reduce the enzyme activity. Flexibility analyses revealed correlated and anticorrelated motions in each system, with important distinctions from the wild-type enzyme. In combination, the results are congruent with the currently proposed enzyme mechanism, reinforce the importance of metal coordination by OD2 of D191, and highlight the importance of the second coordination sphere and longer range interactions in promoting EFE activity

    Data driven transformer level misconfiguration detection in power distribution grids

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    As more novel devices are integrated into the electricity grid due to the changes taking place in the energy system, ways of detecting deviations from the intended settings are needed. If misconfigurations of, for example, reactive power control curves of inverters go unnoticed, the safe and reliable operation of the power grid can no longer be ensured due to possible voltage violations or overloadings. Therefore, methods of detection of misconfigurations of said inverters using operational data at transformers are presented and compared. These methods include preprocessing by dimensionality reduction as well as detection by supervised learning approaches. The data used is of high reliability as it was collected in a lab setting reenacting typical and relevant grid operation situations. Furthermore, this data was recreated by simulation to validate the simulation data, which could also potentially be used for detection applications on a bigger scale. The results for both data sources were compared and conclusions drawn about applicability and usability for grid operators

    Survey Evidence on Conditional Norm Enforcement

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    We discuss survey evidence on individuals' willingness to sanction norm violations - such as evading taxes, drunk driving, fare dodging, or skiving o work - by expressing disapproval or social exclusion. Our data suggest that people condition their sanctioning behavior on their belief about the frequency of norm violations. The more commonly a norm violation is believed to occur, the lower the individuals' inclination to punish it. Based on an instrumental variable approach, we demonstrate that this pattern reflects a causal relationship

    Impact of route of access and stenosis subtype on outcome after transcatheter aortic valve replacement

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    Introduction: Previous analyses have reported the outcomes of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) for patients with low-flow, low-gradient (LFLG) aortic stenosis (AS), without stratifying according to the route of access. Differences in mortality rates among access routes have been established for high-gradient (HG) patients and hypothesized to be even more pronounced in LFLG AS patients. This study aims to compare the outcomes of patients with LFLG or HG AS following transfemoral (TF) or transapical (TA) TAVR. Methods: A total of 910 patients, who underwent either TF or TA TAVR with a median follow-up of 2.22 (IQR: 1.22-4.03) years, were included in this multicenter cohort study. In total, 146 patients (16.04%) suffered from LFLG AS. The patients with HG and LFLG AS were stratified according to the route of access and compared statistically. Results: The operative mortality rates of patients with HG and LFLG were found to be comparable following TF access. The operative mortality rate was significantly increased for patients who underwent TA access [odds ratio (OR): 2.91 (1.54-5.48), p = 0.001] and patients with LFLG AS [OR: 2.27 (1.13-4.56), p = 0.02], which could be corroborated in a propensity score-matched subanalysis. The observed increase in the risk of operative mortality demonstrated an additive effect [OR for TA LFLG: 5.45 (2.35-12.62), p < 0.001]. LFLG patients who underwent TA access had significantly higher operative mortality rates (17.78%) compared with TF LFLG (3.96%, p = 0.016) and TA HG patients (6.36%, p = 0.024). Conclusions: HG patients experienced a twofold increase in operative mortality rates following TA compared with TF access, while LFLG patients had a fivefold increase in operative mortality rates. TA TAVR appears suboptimal for patients with LFLG AS. Prospective studies should be conducted to evaluate alternative options in cases where TF is not possible

    Impact of route of access and stenosis subtype on outcome after transcatheter aortic valve replacement.

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    INTRODUCTION Previous analyses have reported the outcomes of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) for patients with low-flow, low-gradient (LFLG) aortic stenosis (AS), without stratifying according to the route of access. Differences in mortality rates among access routes have been established for high-gradient (HG) patients and hypothesized to be even more pronounced in LFLG AS patients. This study aims to compare the outcomes of patients with LFLG or HG AS following transfemoral (TF) or transapical (TA) TAVR. METHODS A total of 910 patients, who underwent either TF or TA TAVR with a median follow-up of 2.22 (IQR: 1.22-4.03) years, were included in this multicenter cohort study. In total, 146 patients (16.04%) suffered from LFLG AS. The patients with HG and LFLG AS were stratified according to the route of access and compared statistically. RESULTS The operative mortality rates of patients with HG and LFLG were found to be comparable following TF access. The operative mortality rate was significantly increased for patients who underwent TA access [odds ratio (OR): 2.91 (1.54-5.48), p = 0.001] and patients with LFLG AS [OR: 2.27 (1.13-4.56), p = 0.02], which could be corroborated in a propensity score-matched subanalysis. The observed increase in the risk of operative mortality demonstrated an additive effect [OR for TA LFLG: 5.45 (2.35-12.62), p < 0.001]. LFLG patients who underwent TA access had significantly higher operative mortality rates (17.78%) compared with TF LFLG (3.96%, p = 0.016) and TA HG patients (6.36%, p = 0.024). CONCLUSIONS HG patients experienced a twofold increase in operative mortality rates following TA compared with TF access, while LFLG patients had a fivefold increase in operative mortality rates. TA TAVR appears suboptimal for patients with LFLG AS. Prospective studies should be conducted to evaluate alternative options in cases where TF is not possible