37 research outputs found

    Applications of Contaminant Fate and Bioaccumulation Models in Assessing Ecological Risks of Chemicals:  A Case Study for Gasoline Hydrocarbons

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    Mass balance models of chemical fate and transport can be applied in ecological risk assessments for quantitative estimation of concentrations in air, water, soil and sediment. These concentrations can, in turn, be used to estimate organism exposures and ultimately internal tissue concentrations that can be compared to mode-of-action-based critical body residues that correspond to toxic effects. From this comparison, risks to the exposed organism can be evaluated. To illustrate the practical utility of fate models in ecological risk assessments of commercial products, the EQC model and a simple screening level biouptake model including three organisms, (a bird, a mammal and a fish) is applied to gasoline. In this analysis, gasoline is divided into 24 components or ''blocks'' with similar environmental fate properties that are assumed to elicit ecotoxicity via a narcotic mode of action. Results demonstrate that differences in chemical properties and mode of entry into the environment lead to profound differences in the efficiency of transport from emission to target biota. We discuss the implications of these results and insights gained into the regional fate and ecological risks associated with gasoline. This approach is particularly suitable for assessing mixtures of components that have similar modes of action. We conclude that the model-based methodologies presented are widely applicable for screening level ecological risk assessments that support effective chemicals management

    Sensitivity of the Indo-Pacific coral Acropora millepora to aromatic hydrocarbons

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    The risks posed by petroleum spills to coral reefs are poorly understood and quantifying acute toxicity thresholds for aromatic hydrocarbons to reef-building corals is required to assess their sensitivity relative to other taxa. In this study, we exposed Acropora millepora to toluene, naphthalene and 1-methylnaphthalene (1-MN) in a flow-through system and assessed survivorship and sublethal responses including growth, colour and the photosynthetic performance of symbionts. Median 50% lethal concentrations (LC50s) decreased over the 7-d exposure period, reaching asymptotic values of 22,921, 5,268, 1167 ÎŒg L−1 for toluene, naphthalene and 1-MN, respectively. Corresponding toxicokinetic parameters (ΔLC50) defining the time progression of toxicity were 0.830, 0.692, and 0.256 d−1, respectively. Latent effects after an additional 7-d recovery in uncontaminated seawater were not observed. Effect concentrations (EC50s) for 50% growth inhibition were 1.9- to 3.6-fold lower than the LC50s for each aromatic hydrocarbon. There were no observed effects of aromatic hydrocarbon exposure on colour score (a proxy for bleaching) or photosynthetic efficiency. Acute and chronic critical target lipid body burdens (CTLBBs) of 70.3 ± 16.3 and 13.6 ± 18.4 ÎŒmol g−1 octanol (± standard error) were calculated for survival and growth inhibition based on 7-d LC50 and EC10 values, respectively. These species-specific constants indicate adult A. millepora is more sensitive than other corals reported so far but is of average sensitivity in comparison with other aquatic taxa in the target lipid model database. These results advance our understanding of acute hazards of petroleum contaminants to key habitat-building tropical coral reef species

    Comparison of In Situ and Ex Situ Equilibrium Passive Sampling for Measuring Freely Dissolved Concentrations of Parent and Alkylated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Sediments

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    Equilibrium passive sampling methods (EPSMs) allow quantification of freely dissolved contaminant concentrations (Cfree) in sediment porewater. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is a convenient sampling polymer that can be equilibrated in field (in situ) or laboratory (ex situ) sediments to determine Cfree, providing reliable compound‐specific PDMS–water partition coefficients (KPDMS‐water) are available. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are an important class of sediment contaminants comprised of parent and alkylated homologs. However, application of EPSM to alkylated PAHs is challenged by lack of KPDMS‐water measurements. Our first objective was to obtain KPDMS‐water for 9 alkylated PAHs and biphenyls using 3 different PDMS‐coated fibers. Quantitative relationships were then established to define KPDMS‐water for 18 parent and 16 alkyl PAHs included in the US Environmental Protection Agency's sediment quality benchmark method for benthic life protection based on additive toxic units. The second objective was to compare Cfree in porewater obtained using both in situ and ex situ EPSMs at 6 Baltic Sea locations. The results indicated that in situ and ex situ Cfree for alkyl PAHs generally agreed within a factor of 3. Further, all sites exhibited additive toxic units <1, indicating that PAHs pose a low risk to benthos. The results extend practical application of EPSMs for improved risk assessment and derivation of porewater‐based remediation goals for PAH‐contaminated sediments. Environ Toxicol Chem 2020;39:2169–2179. © 2020 The Authors. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of SETAC

    Oil dispersants do facilitate biodegradation of spilled oil

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    Toxicity of two representative petroleum hydrocarbons, toluene and phenanthrene, to five Atlantic coral species

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    Coral reefs are keystone coastal ecosystems that can be exposed to petroleum hydrocarbons from multiple sources, and when selecting spill response methods to limit environmental damages, corals represent one of the highest valued resources for protection. Because previous research to characterize the sensitivity of coral species to petroleum hydrocarbon exposures is limited, a continuous-flow passive dosing system and toxicity testing protocol was designed to evaluate the acute effects of two representative petroleum compounds, toluene and phenanthrene, on five coral species: Acropora cervicornis, Porites astreoides, Siderastera siderea, Stephanocoenia intersepta, and Solenastrea bournoni. Using analytically confirmed exposures, sublethal and lethal endpoints were calculated for each species, and used as model inputs to determine critical target lipid body burdens (CTLBBs) for characterizing species sensitivity. Further, quantification of the time-dependent toxicity of single hydrocarbon exposures is described to provide model inputs for improved simulation of spill impacts to corals in coastal tropical environments

    Modeling the toxicity of dissolved crude oil exposures to characterize the sensitivity of cod (Gadus morhua) larvae and role of individual and unresolved hydrocarbons

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    Toxicity of weathered oil was investigated using Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) larvae. A novel exposure system was applied to differentiate effects associated with dissolved and droplet oil with and without dispersant. After a 4-day exposure and subsequent 4-day recovery period, survival and growth were determined. Analytical data characterizing test oil composition included polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) based on GC/MS and unresolved hydrocarbon classes obtained by two-dimensional chromatography coupled with flame ionization detection was used as input to an oil solubility model to calculate toxic units (TUs) of dissolved PAHs and whole oil, respectively. Critical target lipid body burdens derived from modeling characterizing the sensitivity of effect endpoints investigated were consistent across treatments and within the range previously reported for pelagic species. Individually measured PAHs captured only 3–11% of the TUs associated with the whole oil highlighting the limitations of traditional total PAH exposure metrics for expressing oil toxicity data.acceptedVersio