94,114 research outputs found

    Early Results on Radioactive Background Characterization for Sanford Laboratory and DUSEL Experiments

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    Measuring external sources of background for a deep underground laboratory at the Homestake Mine is an important step for the planned low-background experiments. The naturally occurring Îł\gamma-ray fluxes at different levels in the Homestake Mine are studied using NaI detectors and Monte Carlo simulations. A simple algorithm is developed to convert the measured Îł\gamma-ray rates into Îł\gamma-ray fluxes. A good agreement between the measured and simulated Îł\gamma-ray fluxes is achieved with the knowledge of the chemical composition and radioactivity levels in the rock. The neutron fluxes and Îł\gamma-ray fluxes are predicted by Monte Carlo simulations for different levels including inaccessible levels that are under construction for the planned low background experiments.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, and 9 table

    Simultaneous fine structure observation of wind and temperature profiles by the Arecibo 430-MHz radar and in situ measurements

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    A simultaneous campaign of balloon and radar measurements took place on March 14 to 16, 1984, above the Arecibo 430-MHz radar. This radar was operating with a vertical resolution of 150 m following two antenna beam directions: 15 deg. from the zenith, respectively, in the N-S and E-W directions. The main results concerning the comparison between the flight and simultaneous radar measurements obtained on March 15, 1984 are analyzed. The radar return power profile (S/N ratio in dB) exhibits maxima which are generally well correlated with step-like structures in the potential temperature profile. These structures are generally considered as the consequence of the mixing processes induced by the turbulence. A good correlation appears in the altitude range 12.5 to 19 km between wind shears induced by a wave structure observed in the meridional wind and the radar echo power maxima. This wave structure is characterized by a vertical wavelength of about 2.5 km, and a period in the range 30 to 40 hours. These characteristics are deduced from the twice daily rawinsonde data launched from the San Juan Airport by the National Weather Service. These results pointed out an example of the interaction between wave and turbulence in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. Turbulent layers are observed at locations where wind shears related to an internal inertia-gravity wave are maxima

    Groups and semigroups with a one-counter word problem

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    We prove that a finitely generated semigroup whose word problem is a one-counter language has a linear growth function. This provides us with a very strong restriction on the structure of such a semigroup, which, in particular, yields an elementary proof of a result of Herbst, that a group with a one-counter word problem is virtually cyclic. We prove also that the word problem of a group is an intersection of finitely many one-counter languages if and only if the group is virtually abelian

    Wear and Friction Modeling on Lifeboat Launch Systems

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    The RNLI provides search and rescue cover along the UK and RoI coast using a variety of lifeboats and launch techniques. In locations where there is no natural harbour it is necessary to use a slipway to launch the lifeboat into the sea. Lifeboat slipway stations consist of an initial section where the boat is held on rollers followed by an inclined keelway lined with low friction composite materials, the lifeboat is released from the top of the slipway and proceeds under its own weight into the water. The lifeboat is later recovered using a winch line. It is common to manually apply grease to the composite slipway lining before each launch and recovery in order to ensure sufficiently low friction for successful operation. With the introduction of the Tamar class lifeboat it is necessary to upgrade existing boathouses and standardise slipway operational procedures to ensure consistent operation. The higher contact pressures associated with the new lifeboat have led to issues of high friction and wear on the composite slipway linings and the manual application of grease to reduce friction is to be restricted due to environmental impact and cost factors. This paper presents a multidisciplinary approach to modelling slipway panel wear and friction using tribometer testing in conjunction with finite element analysis and slipway condition surveys to incorporate common real-world effects such as panel misalignments. Finally, it is shown that a freshwater lubrication system is effective, reducing cost and environmental impacts while maintaining good friction and wear performance

    Electroweak Bremsstrahlung in Dark Matter Annihilation

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    A conservative upper bound on the total dark matter (DM) annihilation rate can be obtained by constraining the appearance rate of the annihilation products which are hardest to detect. The production of neutrinos, via the process χχ→νˉν\chi \chi \to \bar\nu \nu , has thus been used to set a strong general bound on the dark matter annihilation rate. However, Standard Model radiative corrections to this process will inevitably produce photons which may be easier to detect. We present an explicit calculation of the branching ratios for the electroweak bremsstrahlung processes χχ→νˉνZ\chi \chi \to \bar\nu \nu Z and χχ→νˉeW\chi \chi \to \bar\nu e W. These modes inevitably lead to electromagnetic showers and further constraints on the DM annihilation cross-section. In addition to annihilation, our calculations are also applicable to the case of dark matter decay.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. New appendix with an extensive discussion of Majorana fermions and helicity suppression

    Affine maps of density matrices

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    For quantum systems described by finite matrices, linear and affine maps of matrices are shown to provide equivalent descriptions of evolution of density matrices for a subsystem caused by unitary Hamiltonian evolution in a larger system; an affine map can be replaced by a linear map, and a linear map can be replaced by an affine map. There may be significant advantage in using an affine map. The linear map is generally not completely positive, but the linear part of an equivalent affine map can be chosen to be completely positive and related in the simplest possible way to the unitary Hamiltonian evolution in the larger system.Comment: 4 pages, title changed, sentence added, reference update

    Heavy-quark axial charges to non-leading order

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    We combine Witten's renormalization group with the matching conditions of Bernreuther and Wetzel to calculate at next-to-leading order the complete heavy-quark contribution to the neutral-current axial-charge measurable in neutrino-proton elastic scattering. Our results are manifestly renormalization group invariant.Comment: 5 pages, revtex styl

    Developing a partcipatory approach to seed production and varietal selection

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    The performance of UK winter wheat varieties was tested under organic conditions involving farmer participation. Three breadmaking varieties (Hereward, Solstice and Xi19) and their mixture (1:1:1) were grown at 19 UK farms in 2003/04 and 2004/05. The variability of productivity on organic farms was illustrated with more variation among farm sites than among varieties. Seed health was generally high over all sites. Although the trials were successful, more time was needed at project initiation to improve farmer involvement. Some farmers expected more researcher visits, and were reticent about assessing the trials themselves. In contrast, some participants valued the variety performance data on their farms particularly when related to that of other growers. The balance between the goals of the researchers relative to the farmers needs to be defined at project initiation

    Phenomenology of Dirac Neutrinogenesis in Split Supersymmetry

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    In Split Supersymmetry scenarios the possibility of having a very heavy gravitino opens the door to alleviate or completely solve the worrisome "gravitino problem'' in the context of supersymmetric baryogenesis models. Here we assume that the gravitino may indeed be heavy and that Majorana masses for neutrinos are forbidden as well as direct Higgs Yukawa couplings between left and right handed neutrinos. We investigate the viability of the mechansim known as Dirac leptogenesis (or neutrinogenesis), both in solving the baryogenesis puzzle and explaining the observed neutrino sector phenomenology. To successfully address these issues, the scenario requires the introduction of at least two new heavy fields. If a hierarchy among these new fields is introduced, and some reasonable stipulations are made on the couplings that appear in the superpotential, it becomes a generic feature to obtain the observed large lepton mixing angles. We show that in this case, it is possible simultaneously to obtain both the correct neutrino phenomenology and enough baryon number, making thermal Dirac neutrinogenesis viable. However, due to cosmological constraints, its ability to satisfy these constraints depends nontrivially on model parameters of the overall theory, particularly the gravitino mass. Split supersymmetry with m_{3/2} between 10^{5} and 10^{10} GeV emerges as a "natural habitat" for thermal Dirac neutrinogenesis.Comment: 37 pages, 8 figure
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