740 research outputs found

    Inhibition of the Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1/2 Family by Psoralen and Coumarin Derivatives

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    Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2), one of 19 ALDH superfamily members, catalyzes the NAD+-dependent oxidation of aldehydes to their respective carboxylic acids. In this study, we further characterized the inhibition of four psoralen and coumarin derivatives toward ALDH2 and compared them to the ALDH2 inhibitor daidzin for selectivity against five ALDH1/2 isoenzymes. Compound 2 (Ki = 19 nM) binds within the aldehyde-binding site of the free enzyme species of ALDH2. Thirty-three structural analogs were examined to develop a stronger SAR profile. Seven compounds maintained or improved upon the selectivity toward one of the five ALDH1/2 isoenzymes, including compound 36, a selective inhibitor for ALDH2 (Ki = 2.4 Ī¼M), and compound 32, which was 10-fold selective for ALDH1A1 (Ki = 1.2 Ī¼M) versus ALDH1A2. Further medicinal chemistry on the compoundsā€™ basic scaffold could enhance the potency and selectivity for ALDH1A1 or ALDH2 and generate chemical probes to examine the unique and overlapping functions of the ALDH1/2 isoenzymes

    Characterization of Two Distinct Structural Classes of Selective Aldehyde Dehydrogenase 1A1 Inhibitors.

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    Aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDH) catalyze the irreversible oxidation of aldehydes to their corresponding carboxylic acid. Alterations in ALDH1A1 activity are associated with such diverse diseases as cancer, Parkinson?s disease, obesity, and cataracts. Inhibitors of ALDH1A1 could aid in illuminating the role of this enzyme in disease processes. However, there are no commercially available selective inhibitors for ALDH1A1. Here we characterize two distinct chemical classes of inhibitors that are selective for human ALDH1A1 compared to eight other ALDH isoenzymes. The prototypical members of each structural class, CM026 and CM037, exhibit submicromolar inhibition constants but have different mechanisms of inhibition. The crystal structures of these compounds bound to ALDH1A1 demonstrate that they bind within the aldehyde binding pocket of ALDH1A1 and exploit the presence of a unique glycine residue to achieve their selectivity. These two novel and selective ALDH1A1 inhibitors may serve as chemical tools to better understand the contributions of ALDH1A1 to normal biology and to disease states

    Development of a high-throughput in vitro assay to identify selective inhibitors for human ALDH1A1

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    The human aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) superfamily consists of at least 19 enzymes that metabolize endogenous and exogenous aldehydes. Currently, there are no commercially available inhibitors that target ALDH1A1 but have little to no effect on the structurally and functionally similar ALDH2. Here we present the first human ALDH1A1 structure, as the apo-enzyme and in complex with its cofactor NADH to a resolution of 1.75 and 2.1ƅ, respectfully. Structural comparisons of the cofactor binding sites in ALDH1A1 with other closely related ALDH enzymes illustrate a high degree of similarity. In order to minimize discovery of compounds that inhibit both isoenzymes by interfering with their conserved cofactor binding sites, this study reports the use of an in vitro, NAD(+)-independent, esterase-based high-throughput screen (HTS) of 64,000 compounds to discover novel, selective inhibitors of ALDH1A1. We describe 256 hits that alter the esterase activity of ALDH1A1. The effects on aldehyde oxidation of 67 compounds were further analyzed, with 30 selectively inhibiting ALDH1A1 compared to ALDH2 and ALDH3A1. One compound inhibited ALDH1A1 and ALDH2, while another inhibited ALDH1A1, ALDH2, and the more distantly related ALDH3A1. The results presented here indicate that this in vitro enzyme activity screening protocol successfully identified ALDH1A1 inhibitors with a high degree of isoenzyme selectivity. The compounds identified via this screen plus the screening methodology itself represent a starting point for the development of highly potent and selective inhibitors of ALDH1A1 that may be utilized to better understand the role of this enzyme in both normal and disease states

    Discovery of a series of aromatic lactones as ALDH1/2-directed inhibitors

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    In humans, the aldehyde dehydrogenase superfamily consists of 19 isoenzymes which mostly catalyze the NAD(P)(+)-dependent oxidation of aldehydes. Many of these isoenzymes have overlapping substrate specificities and therefore their potential physiological functions may overlap. Thus the development of new isoenzyme-selective probes would be able to better delineate the function of a single isoenzyme and its individual contribution to the metabolism of a particular substrate. This specific study was designed to find a novel modulator of ALDH2, a mitochondrial ALDH isoenzyme most well-known for its role in acetaldehyde oxidation. 53 compounds were initially identified to modulate the activity of ALDH2 by a high-throughput esterase screen from a library of 63,000 compounds. Of these initial 53 compounds, 12 were found to also modulate the oxidation of propionaldehyde by ALDH2. Single concentration measurements at 10Ī¼M compound were performed using ALDH1A1, ALDH1A2, ALDH1A3, ALDH2, ALDH1B1, ALDH3A1, ALDH4A1, and/or ALDH5A1 to determine the selectivity of these 12 compounds toward ALDH2. Four of the twelve compounds shared an aromatic lactone structure and were found to be potent inhibitors of the ALDH1/2 isoenzymes, but have no inhibitory effect on ALDH3A1, ALDH4A1 or ALDH5A1. Two of the aromatic lactones show selectivity within the ALDH1/2 class, and one appears to be selective for ALDH2 compared to all other isoenzymes tested

    Selective ALDH3A1 Inhibition by Benzimidazole Analogues Increase Mafosfamide Sensitivity in Cancer Cells

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    Aldehyde dehydrogenase enzymes irreversibly oxidize aldehydes generated from metabolism of amino acids, fatty acids, food, smoke, additives, and xenobiotic drugs. Cyclophosphamide is one such xenobiotic used in cancer therapies. Upon activation, cyclophosphamide forms an intermediate, aldophosphamide, which can be detoxified to carboxyphosphamide by aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDH), especially ALDH1A1 and ALDH3A1. Consequently, selective inhibition of ALDH3A1 could increase chemosensitivity toward cyclophosphamide in ALDH3A1 expressing tumors. Here, we report detailed kinetics and structural characterization of a highly selective submicromolar inhibitor of ALDH3A1, 1-[(4-fluorophenyl)sulfonyl]-2-methyl-1H-benzimidazole (CB7, IC50 of 0.2 Ī¼M). CB7 does not inhibit ALDH1A1, ALDH1A2, ALDH1A3, ALDH1B1, or ALDH2 activity. Structural, kinetics, and mutagenesis studies show that CB7 binds to the aldehyde binding pocket of ALDH3A1. ALDH3A1-expressing lung adenocarcinoma and glioblastoma cell lines are sensitized toward mafosfamide (MF) treatment in the presence analogues of CB7, whereas primary lung fibroblasts lacking ALDH3A1 expression, are not

    Targeting Aldehyde Dehydrogenases to Eliminate Cancer Stem Cells in Gynecologic Malignancies

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    Gynecologic cancers cause over 600,000 deaths annually in women worldwide. The development of chemoresistance after initial rounds of chemotherapy contributes to tumor relapse and death due to gynecologic malignancies. In this regard, cancer stem cells (CSCs), a subpopulation of stem cells with the ability to undergo self-renewal and clonal evolution, play a key role in tumor progression and drug resistance. Aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDH) are a group of enzymes shown to be robust CSC markers in gynecologic and other malignancies. These enzymes also play functional roles in CSCs, including detoxification of aldehydes, scavenging of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and retinoic acid (RA) signaling, making ALDH an attractive therapeutic target in various clinical scenarios. In this review, we discuss the critical roles of the ALDH in driving stemness in different gynecologic malignancies. We review inhibitors of ALDH, both general and isoform-specific, which have been used to target CSCs in gynecologic cancers. Many of these inhibitors have been shown to be effective in preclinical models of gynecologic malignancies, supporting further development in the clinic. Furthermore, ALDH inhibitors, including 673A and CM037, synergize with chemotherapy to reduce tumor growth. Thus, ALDH-targeted therapies hold promise for improving patient outcomes in gynecologic malignancies

    On the Fe Enrichment during Anodic Polarization of Mg and Its Impact on Hydrogen Evolution

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    Iron (Fe) is an unintentional impurity present in pure magnesium (Mg) and Mg alloys, albeit nominally in low and innocuous concentrations (\u3c 100 ppmw). Since Fe, like most metals, is more noble than Mg, the presence of Fe impurities can serve as cathodic sites within the Mg matrix. During anodic polarization of Mg, incongruent dissolution can lead to undissolved Fe impurities accumulating upon the Mg surface, permitting an increase in the overall rate of hydrogen evolution. The experimental manifestation of the incongruent dissolution of Mg, has not yet been clarified, wherein, the extent and efficiency of Fe enrichment during anodic polarization is not known, and also the increase in the hydrogen evolution rate due to Fe enrichment has not been quantified. In this work, Mg specimens with Fe concentration between 40 to 13,000 ppmw were examined in 0.1 M NaCl to obtain a quantitative relation between the Fe concentration and the rate of cathodic hydrogen evolution. These base-line alloys were then anodically polarized to facilitate surface Fe enrichment, and subsequently again cathodically polarized to determine the impact of prior dissolution and Fe enrichment on the subsequent hydrogen evolution. A simple model to predict Fe enrichment was used to analyze the electrochemical data and predict the extent and efficiency of Fe enrichment

    Toward understanding the structure of Amotā€™s ACCH Domain

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    poster abstractAmots are a family of adaptor proteins widely involved in cell signaling and lipid binding. Amot80 has been linked to cellular proliferation in breast cancer via the VEGF and MAPK signaling pathways, while Amot130 and AmotL1 have been linked to cellular inhibition via the HIPPO signaling pathway. Amot family members also have a characteristic lipid-binding domain ā€“ named the ACCH Domain for its predicted coil-coil structure ā€“ that has the ability to selectively target phosphoinositols followed by deformation of the membrane. Understanding the structure-function relationship of this domain may provide options to modulate these signaling pathways, directly affecting cellular differentiation, proliferation, and migration. Extensive crystallization attempts for this domain have failed, leading to a bioinformatics and biophysics-combined approach. Using SAXS, data for the globular structure of Amot80 has been generated and analyzed. Additionally, the threading programs ITASSER and LOMETS were used to develop 20 computational theoretical models. By fitting the computational models to the SAXS data, potential ACCH domain models were generated, and then scored based on accuracy of fit via C-score, TMScore, and RMSD values. This 3D model can then be used to discover how Amot interacts with lipids and further the understanding of Amotā€™s role in the cancer-signaling cascade

    Molecular Recognition in a Diverse Set of Protein-Ligand Interactions Studied with Molecular Dynamics Simulations and End-Point Free Energy Calculations

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    End-point free energy calculations using MM-GBSA and MM-PBSA provide a detailed understanding of molecular recognition in protein-ligand interactions. The binding free energy can be used to rank-order protein-ligand structures in virtual screening for compound or target identification. Here, we carry out free energy calculations for a diverse set of 11 proteins bound to 14 small molecules using extensive explicit-solvent MD simulations. The structure of these complexes was previously solved by crystallography and their binding studied with isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) data enabling direct comparison to the MM-GBSA and MM-PBSA calculations. Four MM-GBSA and three MM-PBSA calculations reproduced the ITC free energy within 1 kcalā€¢molāˆ’1 highlighting the challenges in reproducing the absolute free energy from end-point free energy calculations. MM-GBSA exhibited better rank-ordering with a Spearman Ļ of 0.68 compared to 0.40 for MM-PBSA with dielectric constant (Īµ = 1). An increase in Īµ resulted in significantly better rank-ordering for MM-PBSA (Ļ = 0.91 for Īµ = 10). But larger Īµ significantly reduced the contributions of electrostatics, suggesting that the improvement is due to the non-polar and entropy components, rather than a better representation of the electrostatics. SVRKB scoring function applied to MD snapshots resulted in excellent rank-ordering (Ļ = 0.81). Calculations of the configurational entropy using normal mode analysis led to free energies that correlated significantly better to the ITC free energy than the MD-based quasi-harmonic approach, but the computed entropies showed no correlation with the ITC entropy. When the adaptation energy is taken into consideration by running separate simulations for complex, apo and ligand (MM-PBSAADAPT), there is less agreement with the ITC data for the individual free energies, but remarkably good rank-ordering is observed (Ļ = 0.89). Interestingly, filtering MD snapshots by pre-scoring protein-ligand complexes with a machine learning-based approach (SVMSP) resulted in a significant improvement in the MM-PBSA results (Īµ = 1) from Ļ = 0.40 to Ļ = 0.81. Finally, the non-polar components of MM-GBSA and MM-PBSA, but not the electrostatic components, showed strong correlation to the ITC free energy; the computed entropies did not correlate with the ITC entropy
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