620 research outputs found

    Reliability-Based Design of Thermal Protection Systems with Support Vector Machines

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    The primary objective of this work was to develop a computationally efficient and accurate approach to reliability analysis of thermal protection systems using support vector machines. An adaptive sampling approach was introduced informs a iterative support vector machine approximation of the limit state function used for measuring reliability. The proposed sampling approach efficient adds samples along the limit state function until the reliability approximation is converged. This methodology is applied to two samples, mathematical functions to test and demonstrate the applicability. Then, the adaptive sampling-based support vector machine approach is applied to the reliability analysis of a thermal protection system. The results of all three problems highlight the potential capability of the new approach in terms of accuracy and computational saving in determining thermal protection system reliability

    Calibration Probe Uncertainty and Validation for the Hypersonic Material Environmental Test System

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    This paper presents an uncertainty analysis of the stagnation-point calibration probe surface predictions for conditions that span the performance envelope of the Hypersonic Materials Environmental Test System facility located at NASA Langley Research Center. A second-order stochastic expansion was constructed over 47 uncertain parameters to evaluate the sensitivities, identify the most significant uncertain variables, and quantify the uncertainty in the stagnation-point heat flux and pressure predictions of the calibration probe for a low- and high-enthalpy test condition. A sensitivity analysis showed that measurement bias uncertainty is the most significant contributor to the stagnation-point pressure and heat flux variance for the low-enthalpy condition. For the high-enthalpy condition, a paradigm shift in sensitivities revealed the computational fluid dynamics model input uncertainty as the main contributor. A comparison between the prediction and measurement of the stagnation-point conditions under uncertainty showed that there was evidence of statistical disagreement. A validation metric was proposed and applied to the prediction uncertainty to account for the statistical disagreement when compared to the possible stagnation-point heat flux and pressure measurements

    The Public Conscience of Chicago: The Chicago Reporter and Four Decades of Investigating Race and Poverty

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    ABSTRACT Title of Thesis: THE PUBLIC CONSCIENCE OF CHICAGO: THE CHICAGO REPORTER AND FOUR DECADES OF INVESTIGATING RACE AND POVERTY Thomas Brune, Master of Arts, Journalism, 2015 Thesis Directed By: Richard Eaton Professor of Broadcast Journalism Mark Feldstein, Philip Merrill College of Journalism, University of Maryland The Chicago Reporter is a small nonprofit news organization founded in 1972 to use investigative and data-driven journalism to uncover and highlight racial and economic disparities in Chicago. It is written for local elites who can implement reforms. Its stories have prompted changes, and it has trained a diverse group of journalists in the process. But it never has built a broad readership or developed a business plan that doesn’t rely on charity. The question of this thesis is: How has the Chicago Reporter survived for four decades? A review of its history and interviews with its publishers found the Reporter still exists because it has a base at a stable nonprofit, and its reporting on race and poverty draws support from a core group of funders, leaders, and academics. Yet its singular focus has limited expansion, and its recent move to an all-digital operation poses challenges for its future

    A path integral for classical dynamics, entanglement, and Jaynes-Cummings model at the quantum-classical divide

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    The Liouville equation differs from the von Neumann equation 'only' by a characteristic superoperator. We demonstrate this for Hamiltonian dynamics, in general, and for the Jaynes-Cummings model, in particular. -- Employing superspace (instead of Hilbert space), we describe time evolution of density matrices in terms of path integrals which are formally identical for quantum and classical mechanics. They only differ by the interaction contributing to the action. This allows to import tools developed for Feynman path integrals, in order to deal with superoperators instead of quantum mechanical commutators in real time evolution. Perturbation theory is derived. Besides applications in classical statistical physics, the "classical path integral" and the parallel study of classical and quantum evolution indicate new aspects of (dynamically assisted) entanglement (generation). Our findings suggest to distinguish 'intra'- from 'inter-space' entanglement.Comment: 22 pages; based on invited talk at Quantum 2010 - Advances in Foundations of Quantum mechanics and Quantum Information with Atoms and Photons (Torino, May 2010). To appear in Int. J. Qu. Inf

    Partitioned aquaculture system

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    The present invention generally relates to a process and system for raising aquatic organisms, such as shellfish, shrimp and fish. More particularly, the present invention is directed to an automated partitioned aquaculture system for raising catfish. The aquiculture system comprises an algal growth channel; at least one raceway for producing and maintaining the aquatic organisms; and a first and second flow control device. The first flow control device is configured to control the flowrate of water through the algal growth channel substantially independently of the flowrate of water in the raceway. By changing the water flowrate, in response to factors in the aquaculture environment, production of aquatic organisms can be substantially increased

    Estimates of the ground accelerations at Point Reyes Station during the 1906 San Francisco earthquake

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    We have developed an analytical solution for the rocking and overturning response of a two-dimensional, symmetric rigid block subject to a full sine wave of horizontal ground acceleration. We use this solution to provide lower-bound estimates of the peak ground acceleration at Point Reyes Station, California, during the 1906 San Francisco earthquake that toppled the San Francisco-bound train. Our results, for a 3% damping ratio, indicate that for a single cycle of a sine wave the minimum toppling accelerations at 1, 1.5, and 2 Hz are 0.35g, 0.5g, and 1.05g, respectively. For more realistic accelerograms the toppling accelerations are about 1.1g (complex synthetic) and 0.76g (Lucerne record of the 1992 Landers earthquake)

    Human Mars Entry, Descent and Landing Architecture Study: Deployable Decelerators

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    NASAs Entry, Descent and Landing Architecture Study uses a trajectory simulation framework to evaluate various technologies and concepts of operations for human scale EDL at Mars. The study results inform agency technology investments. This paper summarizes the design assumptions and analysis of two deployable entry concepts performed in Phase 2 of the study. The entry concepts include a rigid deployable called the Adaptable Deployable Entry Placement Technology and an inflatable concept called the Hypersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerator. This paper describes the concept operations of these vehicles to deliver a 20-metric ton payload to the surface of Mars. Details of vehicle design and flight performance are summarized along with results of analysis on the aft body heating and its effect on the payload. Finally, recommended technology investments based on the results are presented

    Long-term persistence and effects of fetal microchimerisms on disease onset and status in a cohort of women with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus

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    BACKGROUND: The discovery of a fetal cells transfer to the mother is a phenomenon with multiple implications for autoimmunity and tolerance. The prevalence and meaning of the feto-maternal microchimerism (MC) in rheumatic diseases has not been thoroughly investigated. The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of fetal MC in patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases and to investigate the association of MC with disease onset and current status. METHODS: A total of 142 women who gave birth to at least one male offspring were recruited: 72 women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 16 women with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and 54 healthy women. For the detection of fetal microchimerism a nested PCR method was used to amplify a Y chromosome specific sequence (TSPY1). For characterization of disease activity we analyzed autoantibody profiles and X-rays in RA, and in addition complement levels in SLE respectively. RESULTS: A significant higher prevalence of fetal MC was found in RA (18%) and SLE (31%) compared to controls (3.7%) (p = 0.02 and p = 0.006, resp.). The mean age at disease onset was comparable in MC + and MC- RA patients. Disease onset occurred 18.7 (MC +) and 19.8 (MC-) years post partum of the first son, respectively. The presence of anti-CCP and RF did not differ significantly, anti-CCP were found in 75% of MC + and 87% of MC- patients, RF in 75% of both MC + and MC- patients. A slightly higher mean Steinbrocker score in MC + patients was associated with longer disease duration in MC + compared to MC- RA. In SLE patients the mean age at disease onset was 42.6 years in MC + and 49.1 years in MC- patients. Disease onset occurred 24.0 and 26.4 years post partum of the first son for MC + and MC- patients, respectively. The presence of ANA and anti-dsDNA antibodies, C3, C4 and CH50 did not differ significantly. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate a higher frequency of long-term male MC in RA and SLE patients compared with controls without impact on disease onset and status in RA and SLE

    Controlled eutrophication system and process

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    A controlled eutrophication system and process are disclosed. The system includes the combination of a partitioned aquaculture system in conjunction with an anaerobic digester. Wastewater containing pollutants, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, are fed to the partitioned aquaculture system. Algae within the system converts the pollutants into algal biomass. Fish populations, in turn, control the algal populations. The fish populations may then be periodically harvested for human or animal consumption. A polishing chamber is contained in the system in which aquatic organisms remove substantial amounts of the algae from batch fed additions of water. The water is then discharged to an external water source containing virtually no pollutants. In one embodiment, the biomass excreted by the aquatic organisms in the system are collected and fed to a digester. In the digester, the biomass is converted to a hydrocarbon gas and collected for its fuel value, while the liquid fraction is collected for its fertilizer value

    Backshell Radiative Heating on Human-Scale Mars Entry Vehicles

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    This work quantifies the backshell radiative heating experienced by payloads on human- scale vehicles entering the Martian atmosphere. Three underlying configurations were studied: a generic sphere, a sphere-cone forebody with a cylindrical payload, and an ellipsled. Computational fluid dynamics simulations of the flow field and radiation were performed using the LAURA and HARA codes, respectively. Results of this work indicated the primary contributor to radiative heating is emission from the CO2 IR band system. Furthermore, the backshell radiation component of heating can persist lower than 2 km/s during entry and descent. For the sphere-cone configuration a peak heat flux of about 3.5 W/cm(exp. 2) was observed at the payload juncture during entry. At similar conditions, the ellipsled geometry experienced about 1.25 W/cm(exp. 2) on the backshell, but as much as 8 W/cm(exp. 2) on the base at very high angle of attack. Overall, this study sheds light on the potential magnitudes of backshell radiative heating that various configurations may experience. These results may serve as a starting point for thermal protection system design or configuration changes necessary to accommodate thermal radiation levels
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