6,009 research outputs found

    Datenerfassung und Visualisierung von Vitalparametern und Primärsignalen auf dem Computer und auf mobilen Endgeräten

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    In Kliniken besteht der Bedarf nach einer lückenlosen Aufzeichnung der Vitalparameter (z. B. Herzfrequenz, Blutdruck) und Primärsignale (z. B. EKG). Besonders in der Notfallmedizin ist eine ständige Patientenüberwachung lebensnotwendig. Zudem dienen die erfassten Daten der aktuellen Patienten-Dokumentation, aber auch zur Analyse im Bereich der Forschung und für Studien. Für diesen Zweck wurde das Telematik-System »Multi-Patientenmonitoring« entwickelt. Dieses System dient der Datenerfassung, Signalvisualisierung und Echtzeitübertragung von Vitalparametern an beliebig viele PCs und mobile Geräte des Krankenhausnetzwerkes. Motiviert durch das Universitätsklinikum Tübingen wurde das Projekt von der Wildauer Firma ixellence initiiert und in interdisziplinärer Zusammenarbeit mit medizinischen Einrichtungen, dem Fachgebiet Telematik an der TFH Wildau und der Philips Medizin-Systeme GmbH realisiert.Hospitals need a complete recording of vital parameters (e.g. heart frequency, blood pressure) and primary signals (e.g. ECG). Especially in intensive care units the permanent monitoring and the recording of the current status of the patient is vital. Furthermore, these data are useful for the patient documentation and in fields of research and studies. For this purpose a multi-monitoring system was developed. This system provides the data acquisition, signal visualization and real time transmission of vital parameters to PCs and mobile devices in the hospital network. With this system it is possible to get a fast overview of the current patient status and its history. Furthermore physicians can monitor the patients mobile and in real time. The project was developed in co-operation with medical research facilities, the Chair of Telematics at the University of Applied Sciences in Wildau, and with the companies Philips Medical Systems and ixellence

    Political ambition and opposition legislative review: Bill scrutiny as an intra-party signalling device

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    Recent research on executive–legislative relations in parliamentary democracies has shown that members of majority parties submit amendments to government bills to police the coalition compromise and to distinguish themselves from their coalition partners. It is poorly understood, however, what motivates members of the opposition to engage in the resource-intensive work of proposing changes to government bills. Not only are amendment proposals by the opposition often unsuccessful (lack of policy motivation), they are largely invisible to the electorate (lack of vote motivation). We argue that amendments by the opposition are best understood as reflecting office motivations of legislators. Ambitious legislators draft amendments to signal skill and expertise to their party peers, which is rewarded with promotions to higher office. We confirm our argument with original data from a German state parliament. The findings further our understanding of legislative review, individual legislative efforts and career trajectories

    Entwicklung eines Gatewaysystems für telematikbasiertes Gerätemonitoring

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    In den vergangenen Jahren waren Bestrebungen der marktführenden Hersteller im Bereich der Automatisierungstechnik (z. B. Siemens, ABB, Jetter) zu beobachten, ihre Systeme für einen transparenten, vertikalen Informationstransport von der Feldbus- bis zur Leit-, Planungsoder Managementebene aufzurüsten und nach außen entsprechende Internetschnittstellen zur Verfügung zu stellen. All diese Bemühungen verfolgen jedoch homogene, proprietäre Lösungen, zugeschnitten auf die spezielle Hardware des jeweiligen Herstellers, mit dem Ziel, die jeweils neueste Generation dieser Hardwarekomponenten auf dem zunehmend auf die Informationstechnik ausgerichteten Markt positionieren zu können

    Erwerbsverläufe und gesundheitsbezogene Statuspassagen

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    Tätigkeiten, die aus gesundheitlichen Gründen nur zeitlich befristet ausgeübt werden können, führen für eine Vielzahl von auf solchen Arbeitsplätzen Beschäftigten lange vor Erreichen des gesetzlichen Rentenalters zu Statuspassagen im Erwerbsverlauf. Vielmehr von der Art der erreichbaren Arbeitsplätze als von der psycho-physischen Leistungsfähigkeit ist abhängig, ob eine Person relativ gesund am Erwerbsleben partizipieren kann oder relativ krank von ihm ausgeschlossen wird. Der Beitrag stellt auf der Basis zweier repräsentativer Datenkörper empirische Identifizierungsstrategien für die soziodemographischen, arbeitsplatz- und berufsbezogenen Determinanten begrenzter Tätigkeitsdauer vor (Sozio-ökonomisches Panel, SOEP, Gesundheitssurveys der Deutschen Herz-Kreislauf-Präventionsstudie, DHP). Die Wirkung des sozioökonomischen Status hängt mit bestimmten Arbeitsbelastungen am letzten Arbeitsplatz zusammen. Die beste Bewältigung des Problems, bestimmte Tätigkeiten nur begrenzte Zeit und nicht bis ins gesetzliche Rentenalter ausüben zu können, ist der Wechsel im Rahmen von Karrieren oder Laufbahnen. Stellenwechsel aus gesundheitlichen Gründen haben jedoch häufig ungünstige Folgen für den weiteren Erwerbsverlauf und deuten auf Abwärtsspiralen bis hin zur vermutlich endgültigen Beendigung der Erwerbstätigkeit hin. Gegenüber einer solchen Externalisierung des Problems begrenzter Tätigkeitsdauer sind alternative betriebliche Strategien zu stärken.Work activities which for health reasons can only be performed for a limited time lead for many persons engaged in such work-places to occupational status passages long before normal retirement age. Whether a person can participate in occupational life as 'relatively healthy' or is excluded due to being 'relatively ill' depends much more on the type of obtainable work-places than on his/her psychophysical abilities. On the basis of two representative data sets, the article presents empirical identification strategies for socio-demographic, work-place and job-related determinants of limited work-time (German Socio-economic Panel, National and Regional Health Surveys of the German Cardiovascular Prevention Study). The effect of socioeconomic status was interrelated with certain working conditions at the last work place. The best way of coping with the problem that certain work activities can only be performed for a limited time and not until normal retirement age are changes within careers. However, changing the job because of health-related reasons often had unfavourable effects for the further occupational course and referred to down-spirals until the presumably final finishing of occupation. Instead of such an externalization of the problem of limited work-time the alternative strategies of employers should be strengthened

    Tadeusz Mazowiecki - Politik und Werte

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    Mit Tadeusz Mazowiecki ist in Polen einer der Gründerväter der Dritten Republik gestorben. Er wurde 86 Jahre alt. Als hervorragender Vertreter der jüngeren Generation der katholischen Intelligenz im kommunistischen Polen seit den 1950er Jahren und geistiger Vordenker der Solidarność war er einer der Hauptakteure bei der Moderation des Systemwechsels am Ende der 1980er Jahre. Anschließend legte er als Ministerpräsident der Jahre 1989/90 die Fundamente für ein freies Polen und machte sich maßgeblich um die Versöhnung und Verständigung mit Deutschland im europäischen Einigungsprozess verdient

    STS Stack Recordation Interpretive Drawings

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    Substitute location : semiotics and perception of substitute location : in fiction film : A Road Movie

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    Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Audiovisuais), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2016My thesis, the result of an Artistic Research Project, is composed of a theoretical part, which is titled “Semiotics and Perception of Substitute Location in Fiction Film” and a practical work, a Road Movie. The Road Movie will take us through a coordinate system of topics (alienation, assimilation, ideological interpellation, immediacy, etc.) that the theoretical work approaches from a different angle: For the theoretical part, I have analyzed a number of fiction films and artworks with a special focus on the question how places and locations are perceived by the human visual system, which operates as an interface or even as a translation centre between seeing, perceiving, mapping and being. Visual perception is at the same time the source that anchors semiotic information perceived as representative for a real, physical location and the projection point for mapping the world in schemes of virtual environments. Any filmmaker or photographer has to find his own position on a scale that goes from 'total subjective projection' to 'total objective documentation'. Hence, the semiotics of a filmic/photographic narrative space is not only a geographical, geometrical, or a cinematographic category, but always also a moral category. This is expressed in the double meaning of the term point of view, which designates simultaneously a topological and an ethical dimension. As the object of my theoretical research I have chosen a practice that is common in feature film production. It should serve as a point of departure for my speculative journey, and this phenomenon is called 'Substitute Location'. The James Bond movie Die another Day (Lee Tamahori, 2002) is one of many mainstream movies, which illustrate this practice. The film has a plot that takes place in part in Havana, Cuba and some of the scenes show the actor Pierce Brosnan as agent 007 walking along the famous Malecón in Havana, but these scenes were actually shot in Cádiz, Spain, so Cádiz serves as a ‘Substitute Location’ for Havana. A location is a place where a film or a TV series is wholly or partially produced, in addition to the scenes that are shot in a film studio or on extra sets produced for the film. Since Roberto Rossellini and Italian neo-realism, many filmmakers prefer to shoot in real locations because they believe that they will catch more realism if they are in a real place, and not in an artificial studio set pretending to be a real place. The realists - among them many documentary filmmakers - assume, in the philosophical tradition of Aristotle, that the basic structures of reality are reliable, can be reflected by experience, and, in principle, can be represented adequately in linguistic or other symbolic (iconographic) form. The particular phenomenon of ‘Substitute Location’ addresses in a concrete way, how disembodiment and the ideological semiotics of 'make-believe' work hand in hand. Substitute Location allow us simultaneously to assume that somebody in the film team (the responsible producer/ director/ location scout) believed that location A 'looks more historically appropriate than' or 'will be perceived as' location B while exploring moments of convergence and conflict between the signifier and the signified. A Substitute Location then becomes a potential, yet involuntary, environment for a dialectics of seeing, where the blind spots of our projections become an integral part of our individual and collective perception of identities and their ideological interpellation. My artistic approach to reality is influenced by the discipline of Psychogeography. There is no universal definition of what Psychogeography means, however, this discipline was undoubtedly influenced, if not created by Guy Debord and the Situationist International (SI). The body of work which has been created by the SI may seem trivial today but I think that the current state of our society, which has raised passive consumption and its prerequisite, individual financial success, to the measure of all things, can not only be grasped, but it also can be effectively countered with the methods and strategies of the SI. Psychogeography endeavors to develop relevant insights into past, contemporary and future environments, and today, these environments are constructed to a significant degree by mass and social media. In some respect, Psychogeography seeks to reclaim a form of travel that was once synonymous with adventure. Today, one can only state a demise of real travel that is no longer individualizing or heroic. Psychogeographers are disenchanted at the sense of inertia, with which modern travelers seem to move around the globe, taking no risks and facing no unknowns. Prior to the breakdown of global barriers in the semiosphere, travel was not an almost instant change of places, but a transforming event filled with historical and psychological significance. Since the question of identity is closely related to places and their meaning, my research focused on the changes that the ongoing process of mediatization brings about and in particular, the role of the screen device in that process. I assume that the ubiquitous presence of screens brings forth a collective sense of dissociation, as identity is increasingly constructed outside of an anchoring body. With this in mind, I propose to broaden the concept of Substitute Location and apply it to all our projections. The interfacial approach to the lifeworld generates a universe beyond, that is, like Walter Benjamin's Arcades, an abortive ersatz dream-space (substitute location), which serves predominantly to stir desires for consumerist impulses. Once our desires are projected into this dream media space, our bodies are left behind. Occasionally, an opening appears, and we can look back onto the world outside of the dream, which looks like a gigantic landfill for waste and debris. I define my task as a researcher in the field of Psychogeography as to find and construct dialectical images from that historical depository. However, I am equally interested in finding out, how the measure of a human lifetime can resist that collective sense of dissociation. Therefore, my practical work, the Road Movie took on the form of a biography. Biographies look back on a past, which is topical. If people had no ties to a place, there would be no identity, no culture. My research analyzes the modifications and transformations of places into mediated space, from 'site' to 'sight', as it is constituted in the film narrative. The memory of a real, physical body or place, and their uses as disembodied signifiers helps creating the shape of a grand narrative, which constitutes a structured landscape of thinking. The film narrative is solipsistic. Subjectivity becomes distanced and is applied to society as a whole, which collects thousands of narratives. Not only things and memories but also signs are located. By focusing on a spatial description, the narrative can be organized in relation towards History as well as towards its ideological interpellation with individual identity. At a first glance, there is only a road and its name: Rua Ricardo Chibanga. Toponymy is an important part of historical geography and henceforth of Psychogeography: toponyms are often very stable in time, and they document the history of a settlement. Migratory movements of individuals are reflected in the origin of names, the anthroponyms, which are particularly instructive. Residential site names like Lourenço Marques (city), Mount Everest (mountain) or Rhodesia (country) represent the reference of general toponyms to the names of explorers and colonizers in the strict sense, which means, those places are ideologically interpellated by their very names. What struck me when I came across this road sign are the absent signifiers: the sign says that Ricardo Chibanga is a bullfighter, but it does not say that he is of African origin. However, his name makes this fact conspicuous by its absence and nevertheless influences the meaning of a signifier actually used. Another form of absence has the specific label of 'that which goes without saying', in this case, the fact that usually bullfighting is an activity reserved for a predominantly white, Iberian aristocratic class. Suddenly, the divisibility of this place emerges from the name, from the language that came to inscribe this place, just as a ‘point de capture’ keeps a floating signifier in place. As such a language must communicate something (something other than itself) the road sign does not exactly name the just the place, but it creates a whole system of values. The street name refers to a person, an African bullfighter, who came to live in Portugal. Portugal had been a colonial power at the time when he came. The official ideology in Portugal stated that all territories in Africa were actually an integral part of Portugal and there was no such thing as a colony - the natives of these territories were actually citizens of Portugal. The road that I encountered now turns into a place where a tension emerges with the split between the topographic vision of colonial Africa and the proper name Rua Ricardo Chibanga haunts this urban space with an additional meaning that needed to be addressed: the name of a living person has become the name of a road. This act of assimilation is actually a historical 'closure'. The Road Movie, which is in my case a film about a road, aims at reopening this 'closed case'

    Der Ball rollt: Fußball in Polen und die EURO 2012

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    Am 17. November 2010 feierte die polnische Fußball-Nationalelf mit einem 3:1 gegen die Mannschaft der Elfenbeinküste ihren ersten Sieg im neu eröffneten EM-Stadion von Posen. In den Wochen vor Weihnachten reisten zwei fröhliche, bunte Maskottchen mit Punkfrisur - Slavek und Slavko - quer durch Polen, um Werbung für ein Großereignis zu machen, das seine Schatten voraus wirft: Die Fußball-Europameisterschaft 2012 in Polen und der Ukraine. Aus diesem Anlass soll ein Überblick über den Polnischen Fußballverband, seine Historie und die Probleme der letzten Jahre gegeben werden. Im Anschluss befasst sich ein Exkurs mit den deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen im Bereich der Nationalmannschaften, bevor das Projekt "EURO 2012" in den Blick genommen wird. Wie wird die EURO organisiert, welche wirtschaftlichen Erwartungen weckt das Turnier in Polen und welche gesellschaftlich-politische Bedeutung knüpft sich an die Austragung des weltweit drittgrößten Sport-Events

    The Arctic Sea ice in the CMIP3 climate model ensemble – variability and anthropogenic change

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    The strongest manifestation of global warming is observed in the Arctic. The warming in the Arctic during the recent decades is about twice as strong as in the global average and has been accompanied by a summer sea ice decline that is very likely unprecedented during the last millennium. Here, Arctic sea ice variability is analyzed in the ensemble of CMIP3 models. Complementary to several previous studies, we focus on regional aspects, in particular on the Barents Sea. We also investigate the changes in the seasonal cycle and interannual variability. In all regions, the models predict a reduction in sea ice area and sea ice volume during 1900–2100. Toward the end of the 21st century, the models simulate higher sea ice area variability in September than in March, whereas the variability in the preindustrial control runs is higher in March. Furthermore, the amplitude and phase of the sea ice seasonal cycle change in response to enhanced greenhouse warming. The amplitude of the sea ice area seasonal cycle increases due to the very strong sea ice area decline in September. The seasonal cycle amplitude of the sea ice volume decreases due to the stronger reduction of sea ice volume in March. Multi-model mean estimates for the late 20th century are comparable with observational data only for the entire Arctic and the Central Arctic. In the Barents Sea, differences between the multi-model mean and the observational data are more pronounced. Regional sea ice sensitivity to Northern Hemisphere average surface warming has been investigated