1,170 research outputs found

    Field Documentation of Summer and Fall Diet in Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrels, Ictidomys Tridecemlineatus

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    Prior work has shown a shift in stable carbon isotope values of Ictidomys tridecemlineatus incisors and fecal pellets late in the active season (Jang et al., 2012 and Chacko, 2013). The purpose of this study was to find out if the diet of I. tridecemlineatus shifts from C3 to C4 plants during the late part of the active season through direct observation of feeding activities. Observations were made at the Andrews University Airpark in SW Michigan from July to late September, 2013. Representative samples of plant and insect material fed on were collected and analyzed for stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition. We found no shift from C3 to C4 plant diet. However, there was a C13 enrichment of plant and insect material over the course of the active season

    Structure and spacing of cellulose microfibrils in woody cell walls of dicots

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    The structure of cellulose microfibrils in situ in wood from the dicotyledonous (hardwood) species cherry and birch, and the vascular tissue from sunflower stems, was examined by wide-angle X-ray and neutron scattering (WAXS and WANS) and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). Deuteration of accessible cellulose chains followed by WANS showed that these chains were packed at similar spacings to crystalline cellulose, consistent with their inclusion in the microfibril dimensions and with a location at the surface of the microfibrils. Using the Scherrer equation and correcting for considerable lateral disorder, the microfibril dimensions of cherry, birch and sunflower microfibrils perpendicular to the [200] crystal plane were estimated as 3.0, 3.4 and 3.3 nm respectively. The lateral dimensions in other directions were more difficult to correct for disorder but appeared to be 3 nm or less. However for cherry and sunflower, the microfibril spacing estimated by SANS was about 4 nm and was insensitive to the presence of moisture. If the microfibril width was 3 nm as estimated by WAXS, the SANS spacing suggests that a non-cellulosic polymer segment might in places separate the aggregated cellulose microfibrils

    Modification of erythrocyte Na+/Li+ countertransport kinetics by two types of thiol group

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    AbstractErythrocyte Na−/Li+ countertransport activity is decreased by reagents that react with thiol groups. An understanding of the role of these groups in control of Na+/Li+ countertransport may help to explain its association with disease states. The effect of thiol reactive agents on the kinetic parameters of Na+/Li+ countertransport has not previously been described. In choline medium, N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) and iodoacetamide (IAamide) cause a rapid decrease of about 40% in Km for external sodium (Km(So)) that is complete in 10 s with a much smaller change in Vmax and an increase in the Vmax/Km ratio. In Na medium, NEM and IAamide both cause a rapid decrease in Km(So) and Vmax. With NEM the partial reduction in Vmax is complete in 100 s although the NEM is sufficient to reduce Vmax up to 15 min. With IAamide the decrease in Vmax is initially slower but it continues apparently towards complete inhibition. These results indicate at least two types of thiol group controlling Na+/Li+ countertransport kinetics. The type 1 thiol reaction is Na independent and causes an increase in the apparent rate constant for Na association with the unloaded carrier so that Vmax/Km rises and Km(So) decreases. The type 2 thiol reaction is facilitated by Na at the outside ion-binding site and causes a decrease in Vmax, possibly by total blockage of carriers with IAamide but by a different mechanism with NEM such as reduced turnover rate

    Insulin resistance in adult polycystic kidney disease

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    Insulin resistance in adult polycystic kidney disease. Adult polycystic kidney disease (APKD) is a common hereditary disease with renal and extra-renal manifestations. There are at least three genes responsible for this disease. The polycystic kidney disease 1 (PKD1) gene product is a membrane protein involved in cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions and has a widespread tissue distribution. Abnormal membrane fluidity in erythrocytes from APKD patients is due to altered membrane proteins. Membrane fluidity of mononuclear cells is related to whole body insulin sensitivity. Insulin sensitivity might therefore be disturbed in APKD if the erythrocyte membrane abnormality is also present in other cells. Therefore, we investigated insulin sensitivity in 15 APKD patients and 20 normal subjects matched for age and sex. Insulin sensitivity was assessed by a short insulin tolerance test to derive the first-order rate constant for the disappearance of glucose (Kitt) and mononuclear leukocyte membrane fluidity was measured by fluorescence anisotropy. The Kitt value (% mmol·liter−1·min−1) was lower in APKD patients than in normal subjects [median (range) 2.2 (1.5 to 6.3) vs. 4.1 (2.0 to 5.4), P < 0.001]. Fasting plasma insulin concentrations were negatively correlated with the Kitt values (r = −0.66, P < 0.001). Core region anisotropy was significantly lower (higher fluidity) in leukocytes from APKD patients [mean (SEM) 0.164 (0.003) vs. 0.174 (0.001), P < 0.001]. Insulin sensitivity was positively correlated with the fluorescence anisotropy of the core region of leukocyte membranes (r = 0.81, P = 0.0001). In conclusion, APKD patients were insulin resistant and some patients were hyperinsulinemic, which may indicate increased cardiovascular risk. The cellular basis of the insulin resistance may be directly related to the proteins causing the disease or to the general change in membrane properties

    Reduction of radiation biases by incorporating the missing cloud variability by means of downscaling techniques: a study using the 3-D MoCaRT model

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    Handling complexity to the smallest detail in atmospheric radiative transfer models is unfeasible in practice. On the one hand, the properties of the interacting medium, i.e., the atmosphere and the surface, are only available at a limited spatial resolution. On the other hand, the computational cost of accurate radiation models accounting for three-dimensional heterogeneous media are prohibitive for some applications, especially for climate modelling and operational remote-sensing algorithms. Hence, it is still common practice to use simplified models for atmospheric radiation applications. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; Three-dimensional radiation models can deal with complex scenarios providing an accurate solution to the radiative transfer. In contrast, one-dimensional models are computationally more efficient, but introduce biases to the radiation results. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; With the help of stochastic models that consider the multi-fractal nature of clouds, it is possible to scale cloud properties given at a coarse spatial resolution down to a higher resolution. Performing the radiative transfer within the cloud fields at higher spatial resolution noticeably helps to improve the radiation results. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; We present a new Monte Carlo model, MoCaRT, that computes the radiative transfer in three-dimensional inhomogeneous atmospheres. The MoCaRT model is validated by comparison with the consensus results of the Intercomparison of Three-Dimensional Radiation Codes (I3RC) project. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; In the framework of this paper, we aim at characterising cloud heterogeneity effects on radiances and broadband fluxes, namely: the errors due to unresolved variability (the so-called plane parallel homogeneous, PPH, bias) and the errors due to the neglect of transversal photon displacements (independent pixel approximation, IPA, bias). First, we study the effect of the missing cloud variability on reflectivities. We will show that the generation of subscale variability by means of stochastic methods greatly reduce or nearly eliminate the reflectivity biases. Secondly, three-dimensional broadband fluxes in the presence of realistic inhomogeneous cloud fields sampled at high spatial resolutions are calculated and compared to their one-dimensional counterparts at coarser resolutions. We found that one-dimensional calculations at coarsely resolved cloudy atmospheres systematically overestimate broadband reflected and absorbed fluxes and underestimate transmitted ones

    Test-retest reliability and effects of repeated testing and satiety on performance of an Emotional Test Battery

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    The P1vitalÂź Oxford Emotional Test Battery (ETB) comprises five computerized tasks designed to assess cognition and emotional processing in human participants. It has been used in between-subjects experimental designs; however, it is unclear whether the battery can be used in crossover designs. This is of particular importance given the increasing use of ETB tasks for repeated assessment of depressed patients in clinical trials and clinical practice. In addition, although satiety state has been reported to affect performance on some cognitive and emotional tasks, it is not known whether it can influence performance on the ETB. Two studies explored these issues. In Experiment 1, 30 healthy women were tested on the ETB on 4 separate occasions (each a week apart) in a within-subjects design. In Experiment 2, another 30 healthy women were randomized to either a satiated or a hungry condition, where they were given an ad libitum lunch of cheese sandwiches, before (satiated) or after (hungry) they were asked to complete the ETB. Experiment 1 demonstrated good test-retest reliability for the ETB. One of the tasks was free from practice effects, whilst performance on the other four tasks stabilized after the first two sessions. In Experiment 2, eating to satiety only affected performance on a single ETB task. These results suggest that the ETB can be used in crossover designs after two initial training sessions. Further, as a robust satiety manipulation had only a limited effect on a single ETB task, it is unlikely that appetitive state will confound ETB performance
