373 research outputs found

    Archival researchers: An endangered species?

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    In recent years accounting historiography has been enriched by a considerable volume of debate surrounding the chronology and evolution of accounting theory and practice. By virtue of their attempts to explain the processes of change, accounting historians have become identified with a paradigm or world view that constitutes the theoretical context within which their research findings are couched. Scholars have either self-avowed their paradigmatic affiliations or have had their work so classified in the writings of others. Fleischman et al. [1996a], for example, trichotomized the field of industrial revolution cost accounting into three schools : the Neoclassical (economic rationalist), the Foucauldian, and the Marxist (labor process). A dichotomized schemata might be employed to distinguish critical and traditional historians. Critical historians tend to question the objectivity of much primary source material, particularly accounting documents, which can serve the self-interest of those in positions of power. Traditionalists have more faith that surviving business records provide a less partisan approximation of some sort of objective reality. A distinction can likewise be made between the new accounting history and older approaches, typically with a narrower focus. The new genre casts a wider net, deploying a variety of contexts to coexist with those economic aspects traditionally privileged in much accounting historiography. Many new accounting historians attempt to amplify the voices of suppressed groups (women, the poor, the illiterate) which have not been heard in mainstream literature

    Accounting for interned Japanese-American civilians during World War II: Creating incentives and establishing controls for captive workers

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    On February 19, 1942, following the attack on Pearl Har­bor and the declaration of war against Japan, President Roosevelt is­sued Executive Order 9066 which empowered the Secretary of War to exclude any and all persons from designated areas in the United States. Shortly thereafter, some 120,000 civilians of Japanese descent were prohibited from living, working, or traveling on the West Coast. By October 1942, over 100,000 evacuees were relocated and con­fined to ten remote internment camps for the duration of the war. The War Relocation Authority (WRA) administered these camps and had the responsibility to feed, house, educate, and provide em­ployment for the evacuees. This article describes the WRA\u27s use of ac­counting information and situates the role of accounting within a la­bor-process framework. It initially discusses labor-process theory and provides an overview of the internment episode and cooperative ac­counting in the U.S. It then focuses on particular accounting policies, procedures, and reports that were used by the WRA to manage en­terprises, monitor internment activities, and socialize evacuees with American capitalistic values

    Accounting, coercion and social control during apprenticeship: Converting slave workers to wage workers in the British West Indies, c1834-1838

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    The paper describes the nature and role of accounting during apprenticeship the transition period from slavery to waged labor in the British West Indies. Planters, colonial legislators, and Parliamentary leaders all feared that freed slaves would flee to open lands unless they were bound to plantations. Thus, rather than relying entirely on economic incentives to maintain viable plantations, the Abolition Act and subsequent local ordinances embodied a complex synthesis of paternalism, categorization, penalties, punishments, and social controls that were collectively intended to create a class of willing waged laborers. The primary role of accounting within this structure was to police work arrangements rather than to induce ap­prentices to become willing workers. This post-emancipation, pre­industrial formalization of punishment, valuation, and task systems furnish powerful insights into the extent of accountancy\u27s role in sustaining Caribbean slave regimes

    Trace amounts of 8-oxo-dGTP in mitochondrial dNTP pools reduce DNA polymerase γ replication fidelity

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    Replication of the mitochondrial genome by DNA polymerase γ requires dNTP precursors that are subject to oxidation by reactive oxygen species generated by the mitochondrial respiratory chain. One such oxidation product is 8-oxo-dGTP, which can compete with dTTP for incorporation opposite template adenine to yield A-T to C-G transversions. Recent reports indicate that the ratio of undamaged dGTP to dTTP in mitochondrial dNTP pools from rodent tissues varies from ∼1:1 to >100:1. Within this wide range, we report here the proportion of 8-oxo-dGTP in the dNTP pool that would be needed to reduce the replication fidelity of human DNA polymerase γ. When various in vivo mitochondrial dNTP pools reported previously were used here in reactions performed in vitro, 8-oxo-dGTP was readily incorporated opposite template A and the resulting 8-oxo-G-A mismatch was not proofread efficiently by the intrinsic 3′ exonuclease activity of pol γ. At the dNTP ratios reported in rodent tissues, whether highly imbalanced or relatively balanced, the amount of 8-oxo-dGTP needed to reduce fidelity was <1% of dGTP. Moreover, direct measurements reveal that 8-oxo-dGTP is present at such concentrations in the mitochondrial dNTP pools of several rat tissues. The results suggest that oxidized dNTP precursors may contribute to mitochondrial mutagenesis in vivo, which could contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction and disease

    Pleasant and unpleasant odour-face combinations influence face and odour perception: An event-related potential study.

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Odours alter evaluations of concurrent visual stimuli. However, neural mechanisms underlying the effects of congruent and incongruent odours on facial expression perception are not clear. Moreover, the influence of emotional faces on odour perception is not established. We investigated the effects of one pleasant and one unpleasant odour paired with happy and disgusted faces, on subjective ratings and ERP responses to faces. Participants rated the pleasantness of happy and disgusted faces that appeared during 3 s pleasant or unpleasant odour pulses, or without odour. Odour pleasantness and intensity ratings were recorded in each trial. EEG was recorded continuously using a 128-channel system. Happy and disgusted faces paired with pleasant and unpleasant odour were rated as more or less pleasant, respectively, compared to the same faces presented in the other odour conditions. Odours were rated as more pleasant when paired with happy faces, and unpleasant odour was rated more intense when paired with disgusted faces. Unpleasant odour paired with disgusted faces also decreased inspiration. Odour-face interactions were evident in the N200 and N400 components. Our results reveal bi-directional effects of odours and faces, and suggest that odour-face interactions may be represented in ERP components. Pairings of unpleasant odour and disgusted faces resulted in stronger hedonic ratings, ERP changes, increased odour intensity ratings and respiratory adjustment. This finding likely represents heightened adaptive responses to multimodal unpleasant stimuli, prompting appropriate behaviour in the presence of danger

    Talk the talk, walk the walk: Defining Critical Race Theory in research

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    Over the last decade there has been a noticeable growth in published works citing Critical Race Theory (CRT). This has led to a growth in interest in the UK of practical research projects utilising CRT as their framework. It is clear that research on 'race' is an emerging topic of study. What is less visible is a debate on how CRT is positioned in relation to methodic practice, substantive theory and epistemological underpinnings. The efficacy of categories of data gathering tools, both traditional and non-traditional is a discussion point here to explore the complexities underpinning decisions to advocate a CRT framework. Notwithstanding intersectional issues, a CRT methodology is recognisable by how philosophical, political and ethical questions are established and maintained in relation to racialised problematics. This paper examines these tensions in establishing CRT methodologies and explores some of the essential criteria for researchers to consider in utilising a CRT framework. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC

    Inverse bifurcation analysis: application to simple gene systems

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    BACKGROUND: Bifurcation analysis has proven to be a powerful method for understanding the qualitative behavior of gene regulatory networks. In addition to the more traditional forward problem of determining the mapping from parameter space to the space of model behavior, the inverse problem of determining model parameters to result in certain desired properties of the bifurcation diagram provides an attractive methodology for addressing important biological problems. These include understanding how the robustness of qualitative behavior arises from system design as well as providing a way to engineer biological networks with qualitative properties. RESULTS: We demonstrate that certain inverse bifurcation problems of biological interest may be cast as optimization problems involving minimal distances of reference parameter sets to bifurcation manifolds. This formulation allows for an iterative solution procedure based on performing a sequence of eigen-system computations and one-parameter continuations of solutions, the latter being a standard capability in existing numerical bifurcation software. As applications of the proposed method, we show that the problem of maximizing regions of a given qualitative behavior as well as the reverse engineering of bistable gene switches can be modelled and efficiently solved

    Growth, profits and technological choice: The case of the Lancashire cotton textile industry

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    Using Lancashire textile industry company case studies and financial records, mainly from the period just before the First World War, the processes of growth and decline are re-examined. These are considered by reference to the nature of Lancashire entrepreneurship and the impact on technological choice. Capital accumulation, associated wealth distributions and the character of Lancashire business organisation were sybiotically linked to the success of the industry before 1914. However, the legacy of that accumulation in later decades, chronic overcapacity, formed a barrier to reconstruction and enhanced the preciptious decline of a once great industry