9,620 research outputs found

    Characterisation of carbohydrate conformations by chiroptical methods

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    Advanced indium antimonide monolithic charge coupled infrared imaging arrays

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    The continued process development of SiO2 insulators for use in advanced InSb monolithic charge coupled infrared imaging arrays is described. Specific investigations into the use of plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposited (PECVD) SiO2 as a gate insulator for InSb charge coupled devices is discussed, as are investigations of other chemical vapor deposited SiO2 materials

    Catastrophic regime shifts in model ecological communities are true phase transitions

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    Ecosystems often undergo abrupt regime shifts in response to gradual external changes. These shifts are theoretically understood as a regime switch between alternative stable states of the ecosystem dynamical response to smooth changes in external conditions. Usual models introduce nonlinearities in the macroscopic dynamics of the ecosystem that lead to different stable attractors among which the shift takes place. Here we propose an alternative explanation of catastrophic regime shifts based on a recent model that pictures ecological communities as systems in continuous fluctuation, according to certain transition probabilities, between different micro-states in the phase space of viable communities. We introduce a spontaneous extinction rate that accounts for gradual changes in external conditions, and upon variations on this control parameter the system undergoes a regime shift with similar features to those previously reported. Under our microscopic viewpoint we recover the main results obtained in previous theoretical and empirical work (anomalous variance, hysteresis cycles, trophic cascades). The model predicts a gradual loss of species in trophic levels from bottom to top near the transition. But more importantly, the spectral analysis of the transition probability matrix allows us to rigorously establish that we are observing the fingerprints, in a finite size system, of a true phase transition driven by background extinctions.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, revised versio

    Copper resorption in isolated rat hepatocytes

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    Open-source development experiences in scientific software: the HANDE quantum Monte Carlo project

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    The HANDE quantum Monte Carlo project offers accessible stochastic algorithms for general use for scientists in the field of quantum chemistry. HANDE is an ambitious and general high-performance code developed by a geographically-dispersed team with a variety of backgrounds in computational science. In the course of preparing a public, open-source release, we have taken this opportunity to step back and look at what we have done and what we hope to do in the future. We pay particular attention to development processes, the approach taken to train students joining the project, and how a flat hierarchical structure aids communicationComment: 6 pages. Submission to WSSSPE

    Milk Production from Cows Grazing Perennial Ryegrass Pastures Infected with Wild or AR1 Endophyte in New Zealand

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    Most perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) cultivars in New Zealand are available with either the natural wild endophyte (Neotyphodium lolii); the AR1 novel endophyte (no lolitrem B or ergovaline production); or endophyte-free. Although wild endophyte protects ryegrass against insect attack, improving pasture persistence, it can also cause ryegrass staggers and reduced animal performance. Endophyte AR1 does not cause ryegrass staggers but still protects against insect pests such as Argentine stem weevil (Listronotus bonariensis). A 3-year farmlet experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of AR1 and wild endophyte-infected ryegrass on pasture performance, milk production and cow health

    Thermo-rheological analysis of WMA-additive modified binders

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    Thermo-rheological characteristics of unmodified and modified bitumen have significant impacts on the mechanical response of asphalt. This study investigates the impacts of an organic and a chemical Warm Mix Asphalt additive on bitumen thermo-rheological and mechanical characteristics. Modified binders with different concentrations of each additive were studied and analysed comparatively to a 40/60 penetration grade bitumen. Frequency sweep tests were performed at different ageing levels to characterise the Linear Viscoelastic properties. The multiple stress creep and recovery, linear amplitude sweep (LAS) and low temperature creep stiffness tests, together with the Glover–Rowe (G–R) fatigue parameter (determined from fitting of the 2S2P1D model to the complex shear modulus and phase angle master curves) were used to analyse the performance of the binders at critical operating temperatures. The results demonstrated the necessity to analyse the behavior of the studied binders beyond the limits of linear viscoelasticity to better characterise these types of bitumen. The results also indicated that both additives retarded bitumen ageing with the organic additive increasing bitumen elastic response while the chemical additive increased its viscous response. The results also showed an excellent correlation between the G–R parameter and LAS results which suggests the ability to use this parameter in characterising fatigue performance of the studied binders. This also suggests that bitumen fatigue life may be improving over time due to the increased elastic behahviour during ageing so long as a certain critical level of ageing is not reached

    Metastable Quantum Phase Transitions in a Periodic One-dimensional Bose Gas: Mean-Field and Bogoliubov Analyses

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    We generalize the concept of quantum phase transitions, which is conventionally defined for a ground state and usually applied in the thermodynamic limit, to one for \emph{metastable states} in \emph{finite size systems}. In particular, we treat the one-dimensional Bose gas on a ring in the presence of both interactions and rotation. To support our study, we bring to bear mean-field theory, i.e., the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation, and linear perturbation or Bogoliubov-de Gennes theory. Both methods give a consistent result in the weakly interacting regime: there exist \emph{two topologically distinct quantum phases}. The first is the typical picture of superfluidity in a Bose-Einstein condensate on a ring: average angular momentum is quantized and the superflow is uniform. The second is new: one or more dark solitons appear as stationary states, breaking the symmetry, the average angular momentum becomes a continuous quantity, and the phase of the condensate can be continuously wound and unwound

    Universal Mandelbrot Set as a Model of Phase Transition Theory

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    The study of Mandelbrot Sets (MS) is a promising new approach to the phase transition theory. We suggest two improvements which drastically simplify the construction of MS. They could be used to modify the existing computer programs so that they start building MS properly not only for the simplest families. This allows us to add one more parameter to the base function of MS and demonstrate that this is not enough to make the phase diagram connectedComment: 5 pages, 3 figure
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