8 research outputs found

    Uma exploração sociojurídica dos nexos entre o emprego informal, a proteção social e o direito trabalhista na América Latina.

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    13 páginasDurante décadas, las sociedades latinoamericanas y los decisores de política han intentado hacer frente a los retos sociales, políticos y económicos provocados por los altos niveles de empleo informal y la actividad empresarial. La exclusión social, las bajas tasas de participación política, los esquemas de protección social disfuncionales y la desconfianza de la ley son algunos de los fenómenos sociales que están inextricablemente ligados a la informalidad. Este artículo de investigación parte de un enfoque socio-jurídico para explorar los vínculos entre el empleo informal, la protección social y la legislación laboral al proponer que aproximaciones puramente económicas o jurídicas ignoran problemáticas cruciales coyunturales que limitan la formulación de políticas regulatorias apropiadas. Así, esta investigación desarrolla una perspectiva analítica basada en el discurso de derechos sociales y ciudadanía que cuestiona las políticas sociales actuales y el papel de la legislación laboral.For decades Latin American societies and policy-makers have attempted to confront the social, political and economic challenges brought about by high levels of informal employment and entrepreneurial activity. Social exclusion, low rates of political participation, dysfunctional social protection schemes and mistrust of the law are some of the social phenomena that are inextricably linked to informality. This research article takes a socio-legal approach to explore linkages between informal employment, social protection and labour law proposing that purely economic or legal approaches overlook crucial contextual issues that hinder the formulation of sound regulatory policies. Thus this paper develops an analytical perspective based on the social rights and citizenship discourse questioning current social policies and the role of labour law

    Weimar Germany’s foreign policy and the protection of minorities: The case of the German minority in Poland

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    32 páginasThe protection of minorities in Central Europe became a deeply controversial issue in the aftermath of World War One. The presence of a sizeable German minority in what had become Polish territory following the Versailles settlement played into the hands of political extremists on both sides when the German anti-Weimar right and Polish nationalists saw an opportunity to use the minority issue as a tool for revisionism. Whilst acknowledging that certain revisionist objectives were indeed pursued by Weimar governments, this article argues that democratic and republican forces did not use the minority problem as a direct tool for German expansionism in Eastern Europe

    El uso estratégico del discurso de los derechos laborales – retomando el debate sobre la "cláusula social" en tratados comerciales

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    12 páginasThis reflection article takes a fresh look at the neglected policy device of the so-called "social clause" in trade accords that seeks to tame the capitalist forces dominating contemporary globalization. In many countries deregulatory policies, and the incapacity, or in some cases unwillingness, of governments to enforce regulation to protect workers and their representatives, have undermined labour rights. Instead, recent decades have witnessed a proliferation of free trade agreements (FTAs) that tend to favour the interests of global corporations over the concerns of workers. This paper reinvigorates the debate on the "social clause" in trade agreements by tracking its historical development and analysing recent, albeit feeble, attempts that may contribute to levelling the playing field between capital and labour.Este artículo de reflexión, retoma desde una nueva mirada el mecanismo político de la denominada “cláusula social” en los acuerdos comerciales que busca moderar las fuerzas capitalistas dominantes de la globalización contemporánea. En muchos países, las políticas de desregulación, y la incapacidad, o en algunos casos la falta de voluntad, de los gobiernos para hacer cumplir la regulación para proteger a los trabajadores y sus representantes, han socavado los derechos laborales. Por otra parte, en las décadas recientes, se ha evidenciado una proliferación de acuerdos de libre comercio (TLCs) que tienden a favorecer los intereses de las corporaciones globales sobre las preocupaciones de los trabajadores. Este documento revitaliza el debate sobre la “cláusula social” en los acuerdos comerciales al rastrear su desarrollo histórico y analizar intentos recientes, aunque débiles, que pueden contribuir a nivelar las condiciones entre el capital y el trabajo

    Stretching the scope of reflective law: Labour and the regulation of corporate conduct in the world society

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    44 páginasLa actual globalización representa serios retos frente a la regulación de la conducta de corporaciones multinacionales. Específicamente, la ley laboral está siendo atacada por las fuerzas de la política económica neoliberal, la inadecuada legislación transnacional y la limitada capacidad del Estado-Nación para hacer cumplir la ley, en particular en los países en desarrollo. Este documento enriquece el debate alrededor de la regulación social y empresarial desde una perspectiva de la teoría sociológica de sistemas. Basándose en el análisis de comunicaciones de Luhmann en lugar de las acciones o interacciones, el paradigma de la ley reflexiva reconcilia los objetivos regulatorios sociales y económicos, contribuyendo a modos de gobernanza regulatorios más efectivos y participativos. No obstante, más allá de las economías industrializadas, las realidades de las relaciones industriales conflictivas y la profunda inequidad hasta ahora han limitado la adopción analítica de la ley reflexiva, presentando oportunidades para reflexiones teóricas y metodológicas adicionales.Current globalization poses serious challenges facing the regulation of conduct of multinational corporations. Specifically, the labor law is being attacked by the forces of neoliberal economic policy, inadequate transnational law and the limited capacity of the nation state to enforce the law, especially in developing countries. This paper enriches the debate about the social and business regulation from the perspective of sociological systems theory. Based on the analysis of Luhmann communications rather than the actions or interactions, the paradigm of reflexive law reconciles social and economic regulatory objectives, contributing to more effective modes of regulatory governance and participatory. However, beyond the industrialized economies, the realities of industrial relations conflict and deep inequality have so far limited the adoption of reflective analytical law, presenting opportunities for additional theoretical and methodological reflections

    Financial inclusion in Colombia: A scoping literature review

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    33 páginasPurpose: The paper provides an extensive, comprehensive and up-to-date qualitative scoping literature review of financial inclusion and other related concepts, and focuses in particular on the Colombian context, and the accessibility as well as barriers to banking services. It structures the themes and dimensions of scholarly debates on financial inclusion in the literature highlighting avenues for future research to fill various gaps. Design/methodology: This scoping literature review rigorously identifies the most relevant research and variables pertaining to financial inclusion and social innovation. Findings: Based on a scoping literature review, a comprehensive framework of key concepts of financial inclusion, scholarly contributions, countries and variables is presented. Research limitations/implications: Owing to the methodological approach of this paper and its rather theoretical nature, this research seeks to enrich scientific debates pertaining to the empirical data displayed, especially on the case of Colombia. Practical implications: The most central variables that are linked to the theme of financial inclusion are explored, and hence this paper forms a basis for future qualitative and quantitative studies. Social implications: This research article contributes to public policy making on financial inclusion aimed at reducing levels of socio-economic inequality. Originality/value: In business and management research a degree of conceptual confusion prevails on the theme of financial inclusion. This paper attempts to clarify different types of variables and one country specific case to provide more solid analytical tools for scholars and analysts


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    20 páginasEl objetivo de este artículo es identificar los posibles desafíos que tendrá que enfrentar la Alianza del Pacífico en materia de políticas de competencia económica. Para ello se toma el caso del modelo de política de competencia de la Unión Europea, donde se consolida un mercado único dentro de un Acuerdo de Comercio Regional analizado a partir de la teoría de la integración regional. Entre las conclusiones del artículo se destaca que la Alianza del Pacífico no solo es un esfuerzo de integración comercial, sino que también aborda objetivos sociales y políticos. Sin embargo, la Alianza del Pacífico se encuentra en una etapa inicial con respecto a su estructura institucional y se espera que se produzcan mayores avances que le permitan hacer frente a las diferentes problemáticas de la integración regional, así como en el área de la competenciaThe objective of this article is to identify possible challenges the Pacific Alliance will have to face in terms of economic competition policy. To this end, the case of the competition policy model of the European Union, which consolidates a single market within a Regional Trade Agreement analyzed from the regional integration theory, is taken. Among the conclusions in the article it is important ot highlight that the Pacific Alliance is not only a trade integration efffort, but also addresses social and political objectives. However, the Pacific Alliance is still in its initial stages in terms of its institutional structure and greater progress is expected for it to be able to face the diverse problems of regionalism, as well as in the competition area. Member countries will need to adjust their sociopolitical and legal regulations and stipulations taking into account the current developmental stage of their economies

    Knowledge Workers and Virtues in Peter Drucker’s Management Theory

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    9 páginasThe fallout of the 2008 global financial crisis and frequent disregard for labor, environmental, and social standards have instilled new vigor into the study of ethics and virtues. In the contemporary knowledge society, the issue of which virtues the modern day workforce needs to possess is of crucial significance. This study specifies the virtues laid out in the management theory of Peter Drucker (1909-2005), focusing upon the conceptual category of the knowledge worker as the primary unit of the contemporary information and innovation-based knowledge society. The idea and role of intellectual virtues are not yet fully developed in the literature, especially as those identified in this article are the source of critical and creative thinking. This intervention, therefore, identifies prudence, effectiveness, excellence, integrity, and truthfulness as the knowledge worker’s intellectual virtues, whereas practical wisdom, responsibility, cooperation, and courage are seen to constitute the knowledge worker’s moral character

    Sources, availability and uses of knowledge in enterprises in Bogotá, Colombia

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    22 páginasPurpose: The present article aims to analyse the main sources, availability, and uses of knowledge relating to enterprise performance in Bogotá, Colombia. Design/methodology/approach: This exploratory descriptive study used a survey of 919 executives and non-executives of 59 enterprises from different economic sectors in Bogotá. Information was gathered via a questionnaire elaborated by the researchers consisting of 11 closed multiple-choice questions. Findings: Results indicate that in the participant enterprises knowledge management activities do not have any emphasis either on the use of technologies or on activities relating to individuals’ behaviour as sources of competitive advantage, as occurs in North American enterprises (emphasising the intensive and effective use of technologies in their different activities), and in Japanese enterprises (emphasising the development of individuals’ potential as their competitive advantage). Research limitations/implications: It is an exploratory and descriptive study from which it is not pertinent to make generalisations of the previously described results about the whole group of enterprises in Bogotá motivating the development of new studies that allow the in-depth identification of the true role of knowledge management activities in enterprise performance. Practical implications: Contributes to the empirical knowledge of business reality and to the need for designing strategies allowing a better use of knowledge management to improve the competitive capacities of enterprises. Social implications: Contributes to the reflection on the importance of the essential differences providing sustainable competitive advantages to nations, organisations, and individuals over prolonged periods of time understanding knowledge as the strategic resource of contemporary society. Developing countries require best practices in the identification, transfer, spread, and use of knowledge management. Originality/value: Compares the theory on knowledge management with the empirical evidence of what really happens internally in enterprises in developing countries with respect to knowledge management activities as a competitive strategy