126 research outputs found

    Dynamic Interactive Voice Response System Using Ontology and Java Expert System Shell

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    AbstractInteractive Voice Response (IVR) System is a technology that permits automated technologies to interact by way of customers via voice or Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) signalling keypad. An IVR system (IVRS) receives a combination of speech telephone input and keypad choice and affords suitable responses in the custom of voice. This paper is about the Dynamic IVRS for service oriented applications. In this system the request and response are handled as a services. The services can co-operate with each further to convey sophisticated added-value services. Ontologies are designed to maintain the insufficient information, hidden facts, knowledge sharing and also to handle the complete service functionalities. An ontology is a depiction (like a proper specification of a program) of the concepts and relationships that can exist for a customer. This system uses Java Expert System Shell for dynamic menu generation. JESS is a rule-engine and scripting environment which has the capability to context analysing by its intelligence. The objective of this paper is to reduce the execution delay which is measured in terms of the call length. This research optimizes the search space using Finite State Machine (FSM). It leads to better utilization and virtualization of IVR system

    A Review on Security Attacks in Vehicular Ad hoc Network

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    Whenever a communication takes place between two or more vehicles there has been a need for protection. The attacker can gain access to the network by compromising either the vehicle or road side unit or the communication medium that transfers the messages between vehicles. Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) have motivated the interest towards the passenger comfort and secure driving environment. However, the open-wide communication becomes a tedious challenge for VANET organization. Because of the wireless self-structured background, VANET are prone to many attackers. In this paper, we are focusing on security issues like DoS, Sybil, DDoS, jamming and flooding attacks as well as techniques like TESLA which causes harm to VANET and also security countermeasures like digital signature which are used to prevent the mentioned security issues that alleviate VANET

    Evaluation of Change Factors for Web Service Change Management

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    AbstractService oriented architecture (SOA) is a smart designing principle which has been evolved for integrating business tasks. Business activities that have to be designed based on SOA are implemented via web services. Using web services (WS) one can exchange data between different applications and different platforms. Service providers register their services in the service registry and consumer obtains the required services from the same. The main concern in this routine which directly sways business growth rate is change management. Change management is an emerging issue in web service computing where clients might want to change the obtained services at some period of time. But in order to do it they should be requesting the provider programmers each and every time and separate payment has to be done for that task. In order to reduce this complexity we propose a new model for implementing change requests by business analysts themselves. Here we propose a new dynamic schema driven business logic model using Finite State Machine (FSM) to accomplish WS change management in a best manner so that business growth rate can be increased. This model is distinctively done for business analysts to perform changes in the services on their own instead of depending on the programmers. Furthermore a predictive model is contrived using cellular automata for supporting business analysts. The predictive model includes the change factors like order of execution; similarity measure, schema validation, and mapping function and time/space complexity which appears when a particular change request is executed

    Incremental Hierarchical Clustering driven Automatic Annotations for Unifying IoT Streaming Data

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    In the Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), and sensor technologies huge and variety of streaming sensor data is generated. The unification of streaming sensor data is a challenging problem. Moreover, the huge amount of raw data has implied the insufficiency of manual and semi-automatic annotation and leads to an increase of the research of automatic semantic annotation. However, many of the existing semantic annotation mechanisms require many joint conditions that could generate redundant processing of transitional results for annotating the sensor data using SPARQL queries. In this paper, we present an Incremental Clustering Driven Automatic Annotation for IoT Streaming Data (IHC-AA-IoTSD) using SPARQL to improve the annotation efficiency. The processes and corresponding algorithms of the incremental hierarchical clustering driven automatic annotation mechanism are presented in detail, including data classification, incremental hierarchical clustering, querying the extracted data, semantic data annotation, and semantic data integration. The IHCAA-IoTSD has been implemented and experimented on three healthcare datasets and compared with leading approaches namely- Agent-based Text Labelling and Automatic Selection (ATLAS), Fuzzy-based Automatic Semantic Annotation Method (FBASAM), and an Ontology-based Semantic Annotation Approach (OBSAA), yielding encouraging results with Accuracy of 86.67%, Precision of 87.36%, Recall of 85.48%, and F-score of 85.92% at 100k triple data

    Evaluation and Comparison of Plasma miRNA-31 in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    Background/Purpose: Oral Squamous cell carcinoma is sixth most common cancer with considerable morbidity and mortality. The microRNAs (miRNAs) are set of short RNAs involved in regulating the expression of protein coding genes. They are up or down-regulated in carcinogenesis and in oral cancer. The miRNA-31 (miR-31) is increased in oral cancer. Objective: To evaluate and compare the expression of miRNA-31 in plasma of Oral squamous cell carcinoma and control subjects. Materials and Methods: Case control study was carried out in 25 cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma subjects and 25 normal control subjects. The level of miRNA-31 in blood plasma was evaluated by miRNA easy kit (quagen) and miRNA-based qRT-PCR. The fold change was observed and compared between OSCC and controls. Results: The plasma level of miRNA-31 was significantly increased in OSCC patients compared to controls (p<0.001). The patients with moderately differentiated, grade 4 OSCC patients showed significant increase in fold change compared to control, well differentiated and grade 3 OSCC (p<0.001). Conclusion: Our results indicate that plasma miR-31 may be used as an adjuvant biomarker the detection of OSCC patient

    Učinak faktora rasta i antioksidanta na in vitro dozrijevanje i diobu oocita in vitro proizvedenih embrija indijskog bivola (Bubalus bubalis).

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    The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of growth factor in combination with antioxidant on the in vitro maturation (IVM) rate of oocytes and cleavage rates of in vitro fertilized (IVF) Indian Bubalus bubalis embryos. The cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) were collected from slaughterhouse ovaries by aspirating follicles, and kept in maturation media (MM) for 24 h. The MM consisted of Group-1 (Control MM) - TCM 199 + 10% FBS + PMSG (20 IU/mL) + hCG (10 IU/mL) + Sodium pyruvate (0.80 mM) + L-glutamine (2 mM) + Gentamicin (50 μg/mL), Group-2 - Control MM + Epidermal growth factor (EGF) (10 ng/mL) + β-mercaptoethanol (β-ME) (25 μM), Group -3 - Control MM + EGF (20 ng/mL) + β-ME (100 μM), Group-4 - Control MM + EGF (100 ng/mL) + β-ME (500 μM). After maturation in diverse maturation media, the media used for IVF and the subsequent development of embryos was the same in all groups. The present results revealed that 20 ng/mL EGF + 100 μM β-ME concentrations were optimum and showed a significant effect on oocyte maturation and further development. Also high concentrations of EGF + β-ME (100 ng/mL + 500 μM), showed a decrease in the cumulus expansion rate, polar body formation rate and cleavage rates. A significant improvement in cleavage rate was observed when oocytes were matured in maturation medium with 20 ng/mL EGF + 100 μM β-ME and capacitation and fertilization was carried out in BO medium compared with TALP medium (64.8 ± 3.8 vs 44.1 ± 2.9). No significant difference in cleavage rate was observed for oocytes matured in the control group, control group + 10 ng/mL EGF + 25 μM β-ME and control group + 100 ng/mL EGF + 500 μM β-ME, between BO and TALP medium, indicating the beneficial effect of the addition of 20 ng/mL EGF + 100 μM β-ME to the maturation media for improved Bubalus bubalis embryo production under in vitro culture.Istraživanje je poduzeto s ciljem da se procijeni učinak kombinacije čimbenika rasta i antioksidanta na in vitro dozrijevanje oocita i diobu in vitro proizvedenih zametaka indijskog bivola (Bubalus bubalis). Kompleksi kumulus oocita bili su prikupljeni s jajnika na klaonici aspiracijom folikula i držani u mediju za dozrijevanje tijekom 24 sata. Medij za dozrijevanje 1. skupine (kontrolne) sadržavao je TCM 199, 10% FBS, PMSG (20 IJ/mL), hCG (10 IJ/mL), natrijev piruvat (0,80 mM), L-glutamin (2 mM) i gentamicin (50 μg/mL). Mediji za dozrijevanje pokusnih skupina bili su sljedećeg sastava: 2. skupina, isto kao kontrolna uz dodatak epidermalnog faktora rasta EGF (10 ng/mL) i β-merkaptoetanola (β-ME) (25 μM); 3. skupina, kao i medij u kontrolnoj skupini s dodatkom EGF (20 ng/mL) i β-ME (100 μM) i 4. skupina, kao i kontrolna uz dodatak EGF (100 ng/mL) i β-ME (500 μM). Nakon dozrijevanja u različitim medijima, za in vitro oplodnju i razvoj embrija u svim skupinama korišten je isti medij. Rezultati pokazuju da su koncntracije od 20 ng/mL EGF i 100 μM β-ME bile optimalne i pokazivale značajan učinak na dozrijevanje oocita i budući razvoj. Također, visoke koncentracije EGF i β-ME (100 ng/mL + 500 μM) pokazale su smanjenje stupnja ekspanzije kumulusa, stupnja formiranja polarnog tijela i stupnja diobe. Signifikantno poboljšanje stupnja diobe opaženo je kod dozrijevanja oocita u mediju kojem je dodano 20 ng/mL EGF i 100 μM β-ME, a kapacitacija i oplodnja provedena je u BO mediju u usporedbi s TALP medijem (64,8 ± 3,8 prema 44,1 ± 2,9). Signifikantna razlika nije utvrđena za stupanj diobe kod oocita koje su dozrijevale u kontrolnoj skupini, u skupini s dodatkom 10 ng/mL EGF i 25 μM β-ME, skupini s dodatkom 100 ng/mL EGF i 500 μM β-ME, kao i između BO and TALP medija. Navedeno ukazuje na povoljan učinak dodavanja 20 ng/mL EGF i 100 μM β-ME u medij za dozrijevanje embrija indijskog bivola (Bubalus bubalis) koji su proizvedeni uz pomoć in vitro kulture

    (2,2′-Bipyridine-κ2 N,N′)bis­(N-ethyl-N-methyl­dithio­carbamato-κ2 S,S′)zinc(II)

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    The complete mol­ecule of the title compound, [Zn(C4H8NS2)2(C10H8N2)], is generated by crystallographic twofold symmetry, with the Zn atom lying on the rotation axis; the axis also bis­ects the central C—C bond of the 2,2′-bipyridine mol­ecule. The metal atom is chelated by two S,S′-bidentate dithio­carbamate anions and the N,N′-bidentate heterocycle, resulting in a distorted cis-ZnN2S4 octa­hedral geometry. The methyl and ethyl groups of the anion are statistically disordered

    Do patients with femoroacetabular impingement syndrome who undergo hip arthroscopy display improved alpha angle (magnetic resonance imaging) and radiographic hip morphology?

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    AIMS To compare (a) the change in radiological bony morphology between participants with femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) syndrome who underwent arthroscopic hip surgery compared to physiotherapist-led non-surgical care and (b) the change in radiological bony morphology between participants with FAI syndrome who underwent arthroscopic hip surgery involving cam resection or acetabular rim trimming or combined cam resection and acetabular rim trimming. METHODS Maximum alpha angle measurements on magnetic resonance imaging and Hip2 Norm standardized hip measurements on radiographs were recorded at baseline and at 12 months postoperatively. One-way analysis of covariance and independent T tests were conducted between participants who underwent arthroscopic hip surgery and physiotherapist-led non-surgical care. Independent T tests and analysis of variance were conducted between participants who underwent the 3 different arthroscopic hip procedures. RESULTS Arthroscopic hip surgery resulted in significant improvements to mean alpha angle measurements (decreased from 70.8° to 62.1°) (P value < .001, 95% CI -11.776, -4.772), lateral center edge angle (LCEA) (P value = .030, 95% CI -3.403, -0.180) and extrusion index (P value = 0.002, 95% CI 0.882, 3.968) compared to physiotherapist-led management. Mean maximum 1-year postoperative alpha angle was 59.0° (P value = .003, 95% CI 4.845, 18.768) for participants who underwent isolated cam resection. Measurements comparing the 3 different arthroscopic hip procedures only differed in total femoral head coverage (F[2,37] = 3.470, P = .042). CONCLUSION Arthroscopic hip surgery resulted in statistically significant improvements to LCEA, extrusion index and alpha angle as compared to physiotherapist-led management. Measured outcomes between participants who underwent cam resection and/or acetabular rim trimming only differed in total femoral head coverage

    The Influence of Sex, Ethnicity, and CYP2B6 Genotype on Bupropion Metabolism as an Index of Hepatic CYP2B6 Activity in Humans

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    The effects of sex, ethnicity, and genetic polymorphism on hepatic CYP2B6 (cytochrome P450 2B6) expression and activity were previously demonstrated in vitro. Race/ethnic differences in CYP2B6 genotype and phenotype were observed only in women. To identify important covariates associated with interindividual variation in CYP2B6 activity in vivo, we evaluated these effects in healthy volunteers using bupropion (Wellbutrin SR GlaxoSmithKline, Research Triangle Park, NC) as a CYP2B6 probe substrate. A fixed 150-mg oral sustained-release dose of bupropion was administered to 100 healthy volunteers comprising four sex/ethnicity cohorts (n = 25 each): Caucasian men and Caucasian, African American, and Hispanic women. Blood samples were obtained at 0 and 6 hours postdose for the measurement of serum bupropion (BU) and hydroxybupropion (HB) concentrations. Whole blood was obtained at baseline for CYP2B6 genotyping. To characterize the relationship between CYP2B6 activity and ethnicity, sex, and genotype when accounting for serum BU concentrations (dose-adjusted log10-transformed), analysis of covariance model was fitted in which the dependent variable was CYP2B6 activity represented as the log10-transformed, metabolic ratio of HB to BU concentrations. Several CYP2B6 polymorphisms were associated with CYP2B6 activity. Evidence of dependence of CYP2B6 activity on ethnicity or genotype-by-ethnicity interactions was not detected in women. These results suggest that CYP2B6 genotype is the most important patient variable for predicting the level of CYP2B6 activity in women, when measured by the metabolism of bupropion. The bupropion metabolic ratio appears to detect known differences in CYP2B6 activity associated with genetic polymorphism, across different ethnic groups. Prospective studies will be needed to validate the use of bupropion as a probe substrate for clinical use