199 research outputs found

    Local Government Policy Model in Utilization of Rice Harvested by the Merauke Community

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    The harvest of farmers has not been absorbed optimally, Merauke rice is hampered in marketing, the government has the responsibility to pay attention to the needs of the community, especially farmers in the utilization of the rice harvest which is very abundant. local government policy making in the utilization of rice yields in Merauke district. This research is a normative and socio-legal legal research. This research was conducted at the Regional Secretariat of the Legal Division of Merauke Regency. The location of this research was chosen based on the approach of authority and the level of involvement of the agency. Primary data, and secondary data. The data collection used was literature study, observation and interviews. The analysis technique uses qualitative-descriptive data analysis. Characteristics and concepts of the policy model in the utilization of rice yields, is the existence of government and/or private policies to expand agricultural land. There is communication between government officials or private business entities with the utilization of the rice harvest. There are economic benefits for farmers. The land is dominated by land that is still forested and has not become agricultural land. It needs the support of human resources, water resources, infrastructure and financing. Influencing and livelihood conditions and the economy of local landowners and territories. Policy model in the utilization of rice yields” in this study with the main and supporting theories after being elaborated from the literature study and abstracted from the themes in the field, namely by looking at the existence of government and/or private policies to expand agricultural land. There is communication between government officials or private business entities with the utilization of the rice harvest. There are economic benefits for farmers. The land is dominated by land that is still forested and has not become agricultural lan


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    Berdasarkan Pasal 1 Ayat (1) PMK Nomor 06 Tahun 2005 yang dimaksud pengujian adalah pengujian formil dan/atau materil. Sedangkan Hak dan/atau kewenangan konstitusional adalah hak dan/atau kewenangan yang diatur dalam Undang – Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Terhadap hal diatas maka Mahkamah Konstitusi telah memeriksa dan mengadili serta memutuskan perkara dengan Nomor Register 44/PUU- XII/2014 Tentang Pengujian Undang – Undang. Putusan ini bersifat prinsip, masif dan sistematis sehingga mempengaruhi hak konstitusionalitas pemohon. Berdasarkan hal tersebut diatas, mahkamah konstitusi berwenang untuk memeriksa, mengadili, dan memutus permohonan pengujian undang – undang yang diajukan para pemohon. Karena dianggap sebagai badan yudisial yang menjaga hak asasi manusia sebagai manifestasi peran penjaga dan penafsir tunggal konstitusi. Dengan demikian, Mahkamah Konstitusi memiliki perluasan kewenangan dalam memutus Perkara Pengujian Undang-Undang berdasarkan UUD 1945. Kewenangan mahkamah konstitusi dalam memeriksa perkara pengujian undang-undang didasarkan atas keadilan. Demi keadilan mahkamah konstitusi mengesampingkan kepastian hukum, demikian juga demi keadilan mahkamah konstitusi mengutamakan kepastian hukum. Sehingga dasar pertimbangan yang diambil oleh mahkamah konstitusi dalam menolak permohonan pemohon sesuai dengan pasal 36 huruf b dan c PMK No. 06/2005 didasarkan atas kedudukan dan kewenangan mahkamah konstitusi sebagai pengawal konstitusi untuk menjaga jangan sampai ada ketentuan konstitusi yang dilanggar dengan tetap memperhatikan asas proporsional

    Implementation of the Legislative Function of the Village Consultative Body in Kaliki Village, Kurik District - Merauke Regency

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    This research aims to analyze how the effectiveness of the implementation of the ruling of the Administrative Court of the State and what are the factors that influence the effectiveness of the Court ruling The country. The research was carried out on the courts of The State of Makassar, data collection techniques are carried out by means of interviews and read scientific books, magazines, newspapers and other readings related to research. Results of the study showed that the effectiveness of the implementation of the ruling of the Court of The Country has not been effective, because so far there are still many Administrative Bodies and Officials of countries that are unwilling to comply with the ruling of the Court of The country, then plus the lack of participation of the parties to the dispute has led to a court could not ascertain whether a State Administrative Court ruling that has a magnitude of law has been implemented or not. As for the factors that influence the Court ruling The Country, among which is the absence of a special eksekutorial institution or institution of sanctions in carrying out the Court ruling The country, The official low awareness Countries in obeying the Court ruling The Country, the absence of more detailed provisions governing sanctions if the verdict is not implemented. Advice from the research is that, should the Government contains provisions governing the institutions executorial institutions or special sanctions ruling of The judiciary of the State, so the State Administrative Court's verdict can be run and judicial administration can emerge again in the eyes of the community

    Les bandes dessinées numériques et les bibliothèques : une réalité virtuelle ?

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    Mémoire de fin d\u27étude du diplôme de conservateur, promotion 29, proposant des solutions afin d\u27intégrer aux mieux les bandes-dessinées numériques au pratiques culturelles de l\u27établissement


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    The purpose of this research is to find out how far the laws and regulations govern the authority of indigenous peoples in resolving customary disputes. The research method used in this study is Sociolegal. This research is a study that looks at law through a combination of normative analysis (legal norms, juridical) and non-legal science approaches. Socio-legal nature is prescriptive Giving solutions to legal problems by combining normative analysis and non-legal approaches / social aspects. The authority between the Marind Imbuti Indigenous Peoples Institution and the Marind Indigenous Peoples Institution Community of Kanum Tomer is the Marind Imbuti Indigenous Peoples Institution having the authority to carry out customary justice for each tribe / community in the disputed indigenous community while the customary community does not have the authority to conduct customary hearings for each member of the tribe disputes but all customary justice mechanisms carried out by the Marind Imbuti Community Institution and the Marind Kanum Indigenous Community as regulated in Article 10 of Perdasus Number 20 of 2008 cannot yet be legally accounted for because they are not in accordance with the instructions of article 10 paragraph (2) of Perdasus Number 20 Year 2008. Keywords: Indigenous Peoples Institutions, Indigenous Dispute

    Intention to use Medical Apps Among Older Adults in the Netherlands: Cross-Sectional Study

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    BACKGROUND: The increasing health service demand driven by the aging of the global population calls for the development of modes of health service delivery that are less human resource-intensive. Electronic health (eHealth) and medical apps are expected to play an important role in this development. Although evidence shows mobile medical apps might be effective in improving the care, self-management, self-efficacy, health-related behavior, and medication adherence of older adults, little is known about older adults' intention to use these technologies when needed, or the factors influencing this intention. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship of technology acceptance factors and intention to use mobile medical apps among community-dwelling older adults. METHODS: Data was collected using questionnaires. The factors selected from the literature have been validated using Cronbach α and tested for significance using logistic regressions. RESULTS: Almost half (49.7%) of the included older adults reported no intention to use medical apps. Adjusted logistic regression analysis per factor showed that the factors Attitude toward use (odds ratio [OR] 8.50), Perceived usefulness (OR 5.25), Perceived ease of use (OR 4.22), Service availability (OR 3.46), Sense of control (OR 3.40), Self-perceived effectiveness (OR 2.69), Facilities (OR 2.45), Personal innovativeness (OR 2.08), Social relationships (OR 1.79), Subjective norm (OR 1.48), and Feelings of anxiety (OR 0.62) significantly influenced the intention to use mobile medical apps among older adults, whereas the factor Finance (OR 0.98) did not. When considered together, a controlled multivariate logistic regression yielded high explained variances of 0.542 (Cox-Snell R2) and 0.728 (Nagelkerke R2). CONCLUSIONS: The high odds ratios and explained variance indicate that the factors associated with the intention to use medical apps are largely understood and the most important factors have been identified. To advance the evidence base, experimental controlled research should investigate the causality between the factors, intention to use, and actual use. For this purpose, our evidence suggests that policies designed to improve Attitude toward use appear most effective, followed by policies addressing Perceived usefulness, Perceived ease of use, Service availability, and Sense of control

    Automated analysis of morphometric parameters for accurate definition of erythrocyte cell shape

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    none6openM.C.Albertini; L.Teodori; E.Piatti; M.P.Piacentini; A.Accorsi; M.B.L.RocchiAlbertini, MARIA CRISTINA; L., Teodori; Piatti, Elena; Piacentini, MARIA PIERA; Accorsi, Augusto; Rocchi, MARCO BRUNO LUIG

    Biosurfactant production by Bacillus subtilis using corn steep liquor as culture medium

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    In this work, biosurfactant production by Bacillus subtilis #573 was evaluated using corn steep liquor (CSL) as culture medium. The best results were obtained in a culture medium consisting of 10% (v/v) of CSL, with a biosurfactant production of about 1.3 g/l. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report describing biosurfactant production by B. subtilis using CSL as culture medium. Subsequently, the effect of different metals (iron, manganese, and magnesium) on biosurfactant production was evaluated using the medium CSL 10%. It was found that for all the metals tested, the biosurfactant production was increased (up to 4.1, 4.4, and 3.5 g/l for iron, manganese, and magnesium, respectively). When the culture medium was supplemented with the optimum concentration of the three metals simultaneously, the biosurfactant production was increased up to 4.8 g/l. Furthermore, the biosurfactant exhibited a good performance in oil recovery assays when compared with chemical surfactants, which suggests its possible application in microbial enhanced oil recovery or bioremediation.The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Strategic Project PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2013 and project ref. RECI/BBB-EBI/0179/2012 (project number FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027462) funded by Fundacao para aCiencia e a Tecnologia, and from AdI (Agencia de Inovacao, S.A.), through the project BIOCLEAN - "Development of biosurfactant- based products for surfaces cleaning and desinfection in the food industry" (QREN Ref. 30215)