1,540 research outputs found

    A discontinuity in the low-mass initial mass function

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    The origin of brown dwarfs (BDs) is still an unsolved mystery. While the standard model describes the formation of BDs and stars in a similar way recent data on the multiplicity properties of stars and BDs show them to have different binary distribution functions. Here we show that proper treatment of these uncovers a discontinuity of the multiplicity-corrected mass distribution in the very-low-mass star (VLMS) and BD mass regime. A continuous IMF can be discarded with extremely high confidence. This suggests that VLMSs and BDs on the one hand, and stars on the other, are two correlated but disjoint populations with different dynamical histories. The analysis presented here suggests that about one BD forms per five stars and that the BD-star binary fraction is about 2%-3% among stellar systems.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, uses emulateapj.cls. Minor corrections and 1 reference added after being accepted by the Ap

    Phase transition in the 3-D massive Gross-Neveu model

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    We consider the 3-dimensional massive Gross-Neveu model at finite temperature as an effective theory for strong interactions. Using the Matsubara imaginary time formalism, we derive a closed form for the renormalized TT-dependent four-point function. This gives a singularity, suggesting a phase transition. Considering the free energy we obtain the TT-dependent mass, which goes to zero for some temperature. These results lead us to the conclusion that there is a second-order phase transition.Comment: 06 pages, 02 figures, LATE

    Functional Determinants in Quantum Field Theory

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    Functional determinants of differential operators play a prominent role in theoretical and mathematical physics, and in particular in quantum field theory. They are, however, difficult to compute in non-trivial cases. For one dimensional problems, a classical result of Gel'fand and Yaglom dramatically simplifies the problem so that the functional determinant can be computed without computing the spectrum of eigenvalues. Here I report recent progress in extending this approach to higher dimensions (i.e., functional determinants of partial differential operators), with applications in quantum field theory.Comment: Plenary talk at QTS5 (Quantum Theory and Symmetries); 16 pp, 2 fig

    Self-diffusion coefficients of charged particles: Prediction of Nonlinear volume fraction dependence

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    We report on calculations of the translational and rotational short-time self-diffusion coefficients DstD^t_s and DsrD^r_s for suspensions of charge-stabilized colloidal spheres. These diffusion coefficients are affected by electrostatic forces and many-body hydrodynamic interactions (HI). Our computations account for both two-body and three-body HI. For strongly charged particles, we predict interesting nonlinear scaling relations Dst1atϕ4/3D^t_s\propto 1-a_t\phi^{4/3} and Dsr1arϕ2D^r_s\propto 1-a_r\phi^2 depending on volume fraction ϕ\phi, with essentially charge-independent parameters ata_t and ara_r. These scaling relations are strikingly different from the corresponding results for hard spheres. Our numerical results can be explained using a model of effective hard spheres. Moreover, we perceptibly improve the known result for DstD^t_s of hard sphere suspensions.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 3 Postscript figures included using eps

    Complex and flexible catabolism in Aromatoleum aromaticum pCyN1

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    Large quantities of organic matter are continuously deposited, and (a)biotic gradients intersect in the soil-rhizosphere, where biodegradation contributes to the global cycles of elements. The betaproteobacterial genus Aromatoleum comprises cosmopolitan, facultative denitrifying degradation specialists. Aromatoleum aromaticum. pCyN1 stands out for anaerobically decomposing plant-derived monoterpenes in addition to monoaromatic hydrocarbons, polar aromatics and aliphatics. The catabolic network's structure and flexibility in A. aromaticum pCyN1 were studied across 34 growth conditions by superimposing proteome profiles onto the manually annotated 4.37 Mbp genome. Strain pCyN1 employs three fundamentally different enzymes for C-H-bond cleavage at the methyl groups of p-cymene/4-ethyltoluene, toluene and p-cresol respectively. Regulation of degradation modules displayed substrate specificities ranging from narrow (toluene and cyclohexane carboxylate) via medium-wide (one module shared by p-cymene, 4-ethyltoluene, alpha-phellandrene, alpha-terpinene, gamma-terpinene and limonene) to broad (central benzoyl-CoA pathway serving 16 aromatic substrates). Remarkably, three variants of ATP-dependent (class I) benzoyl-CoA reductase and four different beta-oxidation routes establish a degradation hub that accommodates the substrate diversity. The respiratory system displayed several conspicuous profiles, e.g. the presence of nitrous oxide reductase under oxic and of low-affinity oxidase under anoxic conditions. Overall, nutritional versatility in conjunction with network regulation endow A. aromaticum pCyN1 with broad adaptability

    Photoproduction of scalar mesons on protons and nuclei

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    We study the photoproduction of scalar mesons close to the threshold of f_0(980) and a_0(980) using a unitary chiral model. Peaks for both resonances show up in the invariant mass distributions of pairs of pseudoscalar mesons. A discussion is made on the photoproduction of these resonances in nuclei, which can shed light on their nature, a subject of continuous debate.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Phys Rev

    Quantum Mechanics of the Vacuum State in Two-Dimensional QCD with Adjoint Fermions

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    A study of two-dimensional QCD on a spatial circle with Majorana fermions in the adjoint representation of the gauge groups SU(2) and SU(3) has been performed. The main emphasis is put on the symmetry properties related to the homotopically non-trivial gauge transformations and the discrete axial symmetry of this model. Within a gauge fixed canonical framework, the delicate interplay of topology on the one hand and Jacobians and boundary conditions arising in the course of resolving Gauss's law on the other hand is exhibited. As a result, a consistent description of the residual ZNZ_N gauge symmetry (for SU(N)) and the ``axial anomaly" emerges. For illustrative purposes, the vacuum of the model is determined analytically in the limit of a small circle. There, the Born-Oppenheimer approximation is justified and reduces the vacuum problem to simple quantum mechanics. The issue of fermion condensates is addressed and residual discrepancies with other approaches are pointed out.Comment: 44 pages; for hardcopies of figures, contact [email protected]

    Enhanced structural correlations accelerate diffusion in charge-stabilized colloidal suspensions

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    Theoretical calculations for colloidal charge-stabilized and hard sphere suspensions show that hydrodynamic interactions yield a qualitatively different particle concentration dependence of the short-time self-diffusion coefficient. The effect, however, is numerically small and hardly accessible by conventional light scattering experiments. Applying multiple-scattering decorrelation equipment and a careful data analysis we show that the theoretical prediction for charged particles is in agreement with our experimental results from aqueous polystyrene latex suspensions.Comment: 1 ps-file (MS-Word), 14 page

    Low-dose mistletoe lectin-I reduces melanoma growth and spread in a scid mouse xenograft model

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    This study investigates the effects of mistletoe lectin-I (ML-I) on melanoma growth and spread in vivo. The human melanoma cell line MV3 was xenografted into severe combined immunodeficient mice and vehicle solution or purified ML-I was administered at 30, 150 and 500 ng per kg body weight (20 mice per group) daily. After 19 days, mice were killed, primary tumours (PTs) and lungs were dissected out, and tumour weights, number of lung metastases (LMs), number of tumour-infiltrating dendritic cells (DCs), and apoptosis rates in the melanoma cells and in the DCs were assessed. A 35% reduction of PT weight (P=0.03) and a 55% decrease in number of LMs (P=0.016) were evident for low-dose ML-I (30 ng kg−1) treatment but not for higher doses. Mistletoe lectin-I increased apoptosis rates in the melanoma cells of PTs at all doses, while no induction of apoptosis was noted in the LMs. Low-dose ML-I significantly increased the number of DCs infiltrating the PTs (P<0.0001) and protected DCs against apoptosis, while higher doses induced apoptosis in the DCs (P<0.01). Our results demonstrate that low-dose ML-I reduced melanoma growth and number of metastases in vivo, primarily due to immunomodulatory effects