21 research outputs found

    Les risques liés à la contraception orale œstroprogestative : évolution décennale de l'information médicale dans le dictionnaire Vidal entre 1967 et 2017

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    La contraception orale œstroprogestative (COO) consiste à prendre quotidiennement et de manière cyclique chez la femme un comprimé contenant des hormones à visée œstrogénique et des hormones à visée progestative. Cette thèse s'intéresse aux risques de la COO en analysant l'information scientifique publiée dans le dictionnaire Vidal. L'étude s’étend de 1967, année de la légalisation de la contraception en France, à 2017. La méthodologie est basée sur une analyse qualitative de l'information contenue dans les dictionnaires Vidal des années 1977, 1987, 1997, 2007 et 2017. L'outil d'analyse des données recueillies est un tableau qui recense les risques de la COO. Quelques rappels sont donnés sur la physiologie de la procréation, et comment la COO agit pour bloquer ce phénomène. L'analyse est faite par tranche de dix ans. Pour chaque période, il est fait un bilan de l'information publiée dans le dictionnaire Vidal, avec un focus sur les effets indésirables (EI) mentionnés. On observe une augmentation quantitative et qualitative de l'information sur les risques de la COO. De plus, les termes utilisés pour décrire les EI sont de plus en plus précis et scientifiquement validés. Cet enrichissement de l'information est le reflet de la prise de conscience : il a fallu du temps et du recul pour mettre en évidence et publier tous ces risques. Les principaux risques sont les thrombo-embolies artérielles et veineuses, le développement de tumeurs des organes génitaux et du sein et la toxicité hépatique. La COO n'est pas une solution idéale. Le problème est qu'il n'existe pas d'alternative fiable et dénuée de risques sur le marché. La contraception idéale reste encore à trouver

    Identification and valuation of ecosystem services provided by coralligenous habitats

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    Le bassin méditerranéen est reconnu comme un "point chaud" de biodiversité soumis à de fortes pressions anthropiques. En domaine marin, les habitats coralligènes participent grandement à cette biodiversité et leur situation côtière les rend accessibles aux hommes. La thèse porte sur l'identification et l'évaluation de leurs services écosystémiques. J’ai utilisé le concept de \textit{service écosystémique} à une échelle locale : la Baie de Marseille (anthropisée) et le Parc national de Port-Cros (sous pression humaine minimale). Le premier volet de la thèse porte sur l'identification et la description des services rendus par les habitats coralligènes dans les zones d’étude. Les services les plus évidents (production de ressource alimentaire, production de corail rouge et sites de plongée) font l’objet d’une étude plus approfondie. Le deuxième volet de la thèse teste le concept de cascade de service écosystémique d'Haines-Young et Potschin pour décrire les éléments et fonctions de l'écosystème impliqués dans chaque service, les bénéficiaires et les types de valeurs économiques qui en sont issus, et des indicateurs pour mesurer chaque niveau de la cascade. Le troisième volet de la thèse porte sur une analyse de l'activité de plongée sur les habitats coralligènes de la baie de Marseille. Le dernier volet de la thèse est une étude des préférences déclarées dans les secteurs de Marseille et Port-Cros concernant les services rendus par les habitats coralligènes, grâce à la méthode des choix discrets. Ce dernier volet comprend une étude de l’impact de la connaissance initiale et de l’apport d’information dans la formation des préférences.The Mediterranean basin is recognized as a "hotspot" of biodiversity subjected to strong anthropic pressures. In the marine domain, coralligenous habitats greatly contribute to the basin’s biodiversity and their coastal location makes them accessible to humans. The thesis attempts to identify and economically evaluate some of those ecosystem services. I used the concept of \textit{ecosystem service} at a local scale, focusing on the Bay of Marseille (anthropized) and the Port-Cros national park (under minimal human pressure). The first part of the thesis deals with the identification and description of the services rendered by coralligenous habitats in the study areas. The second part of the thesis describes the provisionning services through the application of the concept of ecosystem service cascade as developed by Haines-Young and Potschin. This approach helps to identify the elements and functions of the ecosystem involved in each service, the human beneficiaries and the types of economic benefits associated with the services. This chapter also proposes variables to measure each level of the cascade. The third part of the thesis deals with an analysis of the relationship between the presence of coralligenous habitat and the frequency of dives in the Bay of Marseille. The last part of the thesis employs the method of discrete choices experiment to study the declared preferences in the study areas of Marseille and Port-Cros concerning the services rendered by the coralligenous habitats. This analysis provided insight into how preferences can evolve as initial knowledge is enhanced through the provision of additional information

    Application of the ecosystem service concept at a small-scale: The cases of coralligenous habitats in the North-western Mediterranean Sea

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    International audienceThe understanding of ecosystem services is essential to support sustainable use and preservation of ecosystems. Coralligenous habitats, main contributors of the Med iterranean marine biod iversity, are yet und erstud ied in term of services provid ed. This stud y presents an original small-scale approach to investigate the services provided by coralligenous habitats of a French stud y area consisting of two marine sites (Marseille and Port-Cros sites) in order to cover two contrasted anthropogenic pressure despite the small-scale. Our results are based on the opinions of 43 experts who ranked 15 services in terms of existence and level of importance for human well-being: supporting ecological functions were consid ered the most important, then provisioning and cultural services. Regulating services were consid ered uncertain d ue to a lack of knowled ge. The small-scale approach highlighted a need for a referential frame to determine the existence of services (e.g. geographical and temporal scales, benefits and beneficiaries levels)

    Application of the Ecosystem Service Concept to a Local-Scale: The Cases of Coralligenous Habitats in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea

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    In an era when we witness the erosion of biodiversity it is essential to understand the benefits provided by ecosystems and find ways to maintain them. The concept of ecosystem service has been applied in this perspective, but mainly in large-scale surveys and on terrestrial ecosystems. The primary objective of this project is to validate the inclusion of the concept of ecosystem service as a useful input to local (small-scale) community decision making in the marine environment. A second objective is to define the beneficial services provided to local areas by the coralligenous habitats. The application of the concept of ecosystem service at a local scale is more appropriate to local regulatory and management issues. This research was focused on the complex and threatened coralligenous habitats, about which the benefits and services provided are relatively little understood. To address these issues and get around the paucity of prior research, we collected the opinions of 43 experts for two marine sites (Bay of Marseille and Port-Cros National Park) on 15 services using interviews, an online questionnaire and workshops. This work validated 10 services: the most evident were "food", "diving sites", "research" and "inspiration". We also showed that even in very close-by sites, slight differences in the bundle of services may occur, and we highlighted knowledge gaps especially concerning those services (so-called regulating services) that help to regulate environmental impacts of other phenomena. This work concluded that there is a strong need to employ a referential frame to identify and then estimate services based on local criteria such as: geographical and temporal scale, size of the population of beneficiaries, value of the benefits, and state of ecosystem well-being. These results are a basis for further evaluation of these ecosystem services and can indicate their positive contribution to local decision-making concerning the regulation and management of coralligenous habitats

    CIGESMED’s protocol and network (Coralligenous basEd. Indicators to evaluate and monitor the “Good Environmental Status” of Mediterranean coastal waters)

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    International audienceCoralligenous habitats are part of the most important Mediterranean marine ecosystems in terms of complexity and biodiversity. They provide protection, feeding and reproduction areas for more than 1600 species. This biodiversity is essential for economic activities such as fishing and scuba diving. The European program CIGESMED (ERA-NET funding), involving France, Greece and Turkey, investigates the “Good Environmental Status” of these habitats in the framework of the MFSD (Marine Strategy Framework Directive). One major objective of CIGESMED is to propose an operational, long-term, large-scale protocol to monitor coralligenous habitats in the Mediterranean Sea. This protocol is currently tested in French sites: the effects of (sampling) methods, materials and operators are studied in order to evaluate the influence of protocol implementation, and to find the easiest and most reliable procedure that could be implemented by and for a large public, also consisting of non-scientists, and would provide workable data for longterm monitoring. This protocol is based on photo-quadrats observations. The analyses are done on occurrences, relative abundances, species associations and species’ favourite environmental profile. In parallel, complementary protocols are implemented: one concerns the cartography of coralligenous habitats, and two are about population genetics of significant habitat-forming species Myriapora truncata (Pallas, 1766) and Lithophyllum cabiochiae ((Areschoug) Hauck, 1877)). All the data and results are organized as a non-centralized information system, with configurable plugins that can be installed free by all new partner

    CIGESMED’s protocol and network (Coralligenous based Indicators to evaluate and monitor the “Good Environmental Status” of Mediterranean coastal waters)

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    International audienceCoralligenous habitats are part of the most important Mediterranean marine ecosystems in terms of complexity and biodiversity. They provide protection, feeding and reproduction areas for more than 1600 species. This biodiversity is essential for economic activities such as fishing and scuba diving. The European program CIGESMED (ERA-NET funding), involving France, Greece and Turkey, investigates the “Good Environmental Status” of these habitats in the framework of the MFSD (Marine Strategy Framework Directive). One major objective of CIGESMED is to propose an operational, long-term, large-scale protocol to monitor coralligenous habitats in the Mediterranean Sea.This protocol is currently tested in French sites: the effects of (sampling) methods, materials and operators are studied in order to evaluate the influence of protocol implementation, and to find the easiest and most reliable procedure that could be implemented by and for a large public, also consisting of non-scientists, and would provide workable data for longterm monitoring. This protocol is based on photo-quadrats observations. The analyses are done on occurrences, relative abundances, species associations and species’ favourite environmental profile. In parallel, complementary protocols are implemented: one concerns the cartography of coralligenous habitats, and two are about population genetics of significant habitat-forming species Myriapora truncata (Pallas, 1766) and Lithophyllum cabiochiae ((Areschoug) Hauck, 1877)). All the data and results are organized as a non-centralized information system, with configurable plugins that can be installed free by all new partner

    CIGESMED. Protocols: how to implement a multidisciplinary approach on a large scale for coralligenous habitats surveys

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    International audienceThe European program CIGESMED addresses the Good Environmental Status of the coralligenous habitats. Its implementation on the field is firstly attempted by 4 protocols to be applied in France, Greece and Turkey. They have been tested in Marseille's region, since early 2014. These protocols are the following: (i) cartography of chosen coralligenous sites, (ii) spatial variability analysis by means of photo-quadrats and image processing, (iii) population genetics study of two common biobuilding species that may be cryptic (the bryozoan Myriapora truncata, and the rhodophyta Lithophyllum cabiochiae), and (iv) metagenomic approach of benthic species. The ultimate aim of these protocols is to link the results from the population genetics analysis and the spatial variability analysis to the sites' features thanks to the cartography. First results suggest that different clades exist for both complex of the previous species. Cartography forshadows models of repartition for species assemblages; they will then be compared between regions in the second part of the project

    CIGESMED habitat's characterization: a simple ans reusable typology at the Mediterranean scale

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    International audienceThe so-called coralligenous makes Mediterranean marine habitats that are of the most important in terms of complexity and biodiversity. Coralligenous is formed by the development of several types of communities where bio-constructor, bio-erodor engeneer and " habitat " species interact to build complex structures. The European program CIGESMED studies the Good Environmental Status (G.E.S.) of these habitats. Several protocols are implemented, in particular the cartography of abiotic context, and species observation by means of photo-quadrats. The cartography inventories the profiles types of the coralligenous sites with as robust as possible categories: depth, orientation, slope, roughness, and main coralligenous stands. The objective is to establish a link between the species occurrence features, and the profiles features in order to understand the " natural " spatial variability of coralligenous habitats

    CIGESMED habitat's characterization: a simple ans reusable typology at the Mediterranean scale

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    International audienceThe so-called coralligenous makes Mediterranean marine habitats that are of the most important in terms of complexity and biodiversity. Coralligenous is formed by the development of several types of communities where bio-constructor, bio-erodor engeneer and " habitat " species interact to build complex structures. The European program CIGESMED studies the Good Environmental Status (G.E.S.) of these habitats. Several protocols are implemented, in particular the cartography of abiotic context, and species observation by means of photo-quadrats. The cartography inventories the profiles types of the coralligenous sites with as robust as possible categories: depth, orientation, slope, roughness, and main coralligenous stands. The objective is to establish a link between the species occurrence features, and the profiles features in order to understand the " natural " spatial variability of coralligenous habitats