335 research outputs found

    Implementing a multi-model estimation method

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    This work is realized within the scope of a general attempt to understand parametric adaptation, regarding visual perception. The key idea is to analyze how we may use multi-model parametric estimation as a 1st step towards categorization. More generally, the goal is to formalize how the notion of ``objects'' or ``events'' in an application may be reduced to a choice in a hierarchy of parametric models used to estimate the underlying data categorization. These mechanisms are to be linked with what occurs in the cerebral cortex where object recognition corresponds to a parametric neuronal estimation (see for instanced Page 2000 for a discussion and Freedman et al 2001 for an example regarding the primate visual cortex). We thus hope to bring here an algorithmic element in relation with the ``grand-ma'' neuron modelization. We thus revisit the problem of parameter estimation in computer vision, presented here as a simple optimization problem, considering (i) non-linear implicit measurement equations and parameter constraints, plus (ii) robust estimation in the presence of outliers and (iii) multi-model comparisons. Here, (1) a projection algorithm based on generalizations of square-root decompositions allows an efficient and numerically stable local resolution of a set of non-linear equations. On the other hand, (2) a robust estimation module of a hierarchy of non-linear models has been designed and validated. A step ahead, the software architecture of the estimation module is discussed with the goal of being integrated in reactive software environments or within applications with time constraints

    Retrospective and Prospective Study of the Evolution of APC Costs and Electronic Subscriptions for French Institutions

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    French Résultats principaux Coûts 2020 Dépenses d\u27abonnement aux périodiques électroniques en 2020: 87,5 M€ Coûts des APC en 2020: 30,1 M€ Coûts prédits sous l\u27hypothèse d\u27une évolution à l\u27identique des tendances observées: Dépenses d\u27abonnement aux périodiques électroniques en 2030: 97,5 M€ Coûts des APC en 2030: 50,6 M€ Coûts prédits dans un scenario d\u27accélération vers le gold OA: Coûts des APC en 2030: 68,7 M€ Coûts prédits dans un scenario de hausse du libre accès green et transition du libre accès hybride vers gold: Coûts des APC en 2030: 38,5 M€ Coûts prédits pour 90% d\u27articles d\u27auteurs correspondants affiliés en France dans des revues gold (plafond théorique): Coûts des APC en 2030: 168,7 M€ English Main Results Figures for 2020 Total expenditure on journal subscriptions in 2020 is 87,5 M€ Total cost of APCs in 2020 is 30,1 M€ Predictions in case of continuing trends: Total expenditure on journal subscriptions in 2030 is 97,5 M€ Total cost of APCs in 2030 is 50,6 M€ Prediction in case of an acceleration towards Gold OA: Total cost of APCs is 68,7 M€ Prediction in case of an increase of Green OA and a transition from Hybrid OA towards Gold: Total cost of APCs in 2030 is 38,5 M€ Prediction in hypothetical case where 90% of the articles with a France-based corresponding author are APC-paid (theoretical cost ceiling): Total cost of APCs in 2030 is 168,7 M

    Dynamic Foveal 3D Sensing Using Affine Models

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    This study is aimed at developing a method of analysis of the 3D structure of a scene considering a monocular image sequence, with an uncalibrated camera -as for an active visual system- and using a continuous model of motion. Surprisingly perhaps, this problem has not been studied much in literature except \cite{vieville-faugeras:95}, but only preliminarly, and without any reference to active vision. This difficulty might have its source in the intrinsic complexity of the underlying equations, which yields a heavy implementation and are thus a-priori not robust. Moreover important developments of analytic equations are not possible as it is the case for calibrated systems \cite{vieville-clergue-etal:95,chaumette-boukir:91,boukir:93}, because of the algebraic complexity of the equations. In order to overcome this difficulty, we have attempted to develop a simplified parameterization of the problem in the case of two or more views, considering a scene with a set of stationary objects and applying an orthographic model of the projection. In this case, fusion along the image sequence is trivial. Thanks to the integration of active visual perception, we demonstrate that it is always possible to generate a displacement so that the previous model is valid, and we can then very easily reconstruct the observed scene. In the case where the motion constraints are approximately verified, we can show that the model is still approximately valid close to the retina. At an experimental level, we report a small implementation taking an image sequence as input, which allows us to compute the retinal motion fields and calculate the reconstruction up to a particular affine transform of the scene

    Implementing a multi-model estimation method

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    This work is realized within the scope of a general attempt to understand parametric adaptation, regarding visual perception. The key idea is to analyze how we may use multi-model parametric estimation as a 1st step towards categorization. More generally, the goal is to formalize how the notion of ``objects'' or ``events'' in an application may be reduced to a choice in a hierarchy of parametric models used to estimate the underlying data categorization. These mechanisms are to be linked with what occurs in the cerebral cortex where object recognition corresponds to a parametric neuronal estimation (see for instanced Page 2000 for a discussion and Freedman et al 2001 for an example regarding the primate visual cortex). We thus hope to bring here an algorithmic element in relation with the ``grand-ma'' neuron modelization. We thus revisit the problem of parameter estimation in computer vision, presented here as a simple optimization problem, considering (i) non-linear implicit measurement equations and parameter constraints, plus (ii) robust estimation in the presence of outliers and (iii) multi-model comparisons. Here, (1) a projection algorithm based on generalizations of square-root decompositions allows an efficient and numerically stable local resolution of a set of non-linear equations. On the other hand, (2) a robust estimation module of a hierarchy of non-linear models has been designed and validated. A step ahead, the software architecture of the estimation module is discussed with the goal of being integrated in reactive software environments or within applications with time constraints

    Implementing a Variant of the Kanatani's Estimation Method

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    We revisit the problem of parameter estimation in computer vision, reconsideri- ng and implementing what may be called the Kanatani's estimation reconsidering and implementing what may be called the Kanatani's estimation method, presented here as a simple optimisation problem, so (a) without any method, presented here as a simple optimisation problem, so (a) without any direct reference to a probabilistic framework but (b) considering (i) direct reference to a probabilistic framework but (b) considering (i) non-linear implicit measurement equations and parameter constraints, plus non-linear implicit measurement equations and parameter constraints, plus (ii) robust estimation in the presence of outliers and (iii) multi-model (ii) robust estimation in the presence of outliers and (iii) multi-model comparisons. comparisons. Here, (A) a projection algorithm based on generalisations of square-root Here, (A) a projection algorithm based on generalisations of square-root decompositions allows an efficient and numerically stable local resolution decompositions allows an efficient and numerically stable local resolution of a set of non-linear equations. On the other hand, (B) a robust estimation of a set of non-linear equations. On the other hand, (B) a robust estimation module of a hierarchy of non-linear models has been designed and validated. module of a hierarchy of non-linear models has been designed and validated. A step ahead, (C) the software architecture of the estimation module is A step ahead, (C) the software architecture of the estimation module is discussed with the goal of being integrated in reactive software discussed with the goal of being integrated in reactive software environments or within applications with time constraints, while an environments or within applications with time constraints, while an experimentation considering the parameterisation of retinal displacements experimentation considering the parameterisation of retinal displacements between two views is proposed as an illustration of the estimation module

    Sensitivity and specifi city of HAT Sero-K-SeT, a rapid diagnostic test for serodiagnosis of sleeping sickness caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense: a case-control study

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    Background Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) is a life-threatening infection aff ecting rural populations in sub- Saharan Africa. Large-scale population screening by antibody detection with the Card Agglutination Test for Trypanosomiasis (CATT)/Trypanosoma brucei (T b) gambiense helped reduce the number of reported cases of gambiense HAT to fewer than 10 000 in 2011. Because low case numbers lead to decreased cost-eff ectiveness of such active screening, we aimed to assess diagnostic accuracy of a rapid serodiagnostic test (HAT Sero-K-SeT) applicable in primary health-care centres. Methods In our case-control study, we assessed participants older than 11 years who presented for HAT Sero-K-SeT and CATT/T b gambiense at primary care centres or to mobile teams (and existing patients with confi rmed disease status at these centres) in Bandundu Province, DR Congo. We defi ned cases as patients with trypanosomes that had been identifi ed in lymph node aspirate, blood, or cerebrospinal fl uid. During screening, we recruited controls without previous history of HAT or detectable trypanosomes in blood or lymph who resided in the same area as the cases. We assessed diagnostic accuracy of three antibody detection tests for gambiense HAT: HAT Sero-K-SeT and CATT/T b gambiense (done with venous blood at the primary care centres) and immune trypanolysis (done with plasma at the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium). Findings Between June 6, 2012, and Feb 25, 2013, we included 134 cases and 356 controls. HAT Sero-K-SeT had a sensitivity of 0·985 (132 true positives, 95% CI 0·947–0·996) and a specifi city of 0·986 (351 true negatives, 0·968–0·994), which did not diff er signifi cantly from CATT/T b gambiense (sensitivity 95% CI 0·955, 95% CI 0·906–0·979 [128 true positives] and specifi city 0·972, 0·949–0·985 [346 true negatives]) or immune trypanolysis (sensitivity 0·985, 0·947–0·996 [132 true positives] and specifi city 0·980, 0·960–0·990 [349 true negatives]). Interpretation The diagnostic accuracy of HAT Sero-K-SeT is adequate for T b gambiense antibody detection in local health centres and could be used for active screening whenever a cold chain and electricity supply are unavailable and CATT/T b gambiense cannot be done

    Poster Past and future article processing charges (APC) for French institutions

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    Le ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche publie une étude qui chiffre les coûts générés par les frais de publication (APC) pour les institutions de recherche françaises depuis 2013 et prédit l’évolution de ces coûts à l’horizon 2030

    Retrospective and prospective study of the evolution of APC costs and electronic subscriptions for French institutions

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    Le ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche publie une étude qui chiffre les coûts générés par les frais de publication (APC) pour les institutions de recherche françaises depuis 2013 et prédit l’évolution de ces coûts à l’horizon 2030. L’étude Retrospective and prospective study of the evolution of APC costs and electronic subscriptions for French institutions permet de chiffrer les coûts générés par le modèle de publication en accès ouvert reposant sur le paiement par les auteurs de frais de publication ou APC (article processing charges). (…

    Les programmes de formation initiale (FI) à l’enseignement : Bilan des réformes récentes et nouvelles tendances pour une formation professionnelle efficace

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    La question directrice qui oriente cette étude est la suivante : Dans l’état actuel de nos connaissances et compte tenu de l’expérience accumulée après plus d’une décennie de réformes de la formation des maîtres en Amérique du Nord, comment concevoir et mettre en pratique dans les facultés et/ou les départements d’éducation des programmes de formation initiale des enseignants qui soient pleinement adaptés aux besoins et réalités du travail enseignant en milieu scolaire, et, par conséquent, aux rôles et compétences exigés aujourd’hui des praticiens de l’enseignement des niveaux primaire et secondaire