228 research outputs found

    Molecular phylogeny of Annonaceae species from Binh Chau-Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve based on two chloroplast gene regions

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    In this study, based on molecular biology techniques, the matK and trnL-F regions of ten Annonaceae species grown in Binh Chau-Phuoc Buu Nature Reserve, Vietnam were successfully amplified and sequenced for the first time. Along with other highly homologous DNA sequences from the GenBank database, the molecular phylogeny of ten studied species was also established. By using the alignment tool of NCBI database, the percentage of identity among sequences of studied species was also presented. The study aims to partially contribute to the further understanding of the evolutionary relationships among Annonaceae species


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    Currently, interpreting has become a profession in high demand. This study surveyed students' perceptions of the essential self-training skills to become an interpreter. The study used a questionnaire to collect data collection tool which was a survey with 12 multiple-choice questions and 4 open-ended questions. 82 English–majoring students of High-quality program Batch 45 – at Can Tho University participated in the survey. The results show that students majoring in High-quality English Language perceive the importance of skills in interpreting: shorthand skills, listening comprehension skills, memorization skills, visualization skills, presentation skills, skills in using search engines, teamwork skills, multi-tasking skills, and pronunciation skills. Students also pointed out a number of skills that they think are equally important if they want to become an interpreter such as reflexes, situational skills, and contextual skills. On that basis, a number of measures of how to support students to develop their own training plans and hone their skills for their future careers are proposed.  Article visualizations

    An enhanced nodal gradient finite element for non-linear heat transfer analysis

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    The present work is devoted to the analysis of non-linear heat transfer problems using the recent development of consective-interpolation procedure. Approximation of temperature is enhanced by taking into account both the nodal values and their averaged nodal gradients, which results in an improved finite element model. The novel formulation possesses many desirable properties including higher accuracy and higher-order continuity, without any change of the total number of degrees of freedom. The non-linear heat transfer problems equation is linearized and iteratively solved by the Newton-Raphson scheme. To show the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method, several numerical examples are hence considered and analyzed

    Vibration and buckling behaviours of thin-walled composite and functionally graded sandwich I-beams

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    The paper proposes a Ritz-type solution for free vibration and buckling analysis thin-walled composite and functionally graded sandwich I-beams. The variation of material through the thickness of functionally graded beams follows the power-law distribution. The displacement field is based on the first-order shear deformation theory, which can reduce to non-shear deformable one. The governing equations of motion are derived from Lagrange's equations. Ritz method is used to obtain the natural frequencies and critical buckling loads of thin-walled beams for both non-shear deformable and shear deformable theory. Numerical results are compared to those from previous works and investigate the effects of fiber angle, material distribution, span-to-height's ratio, and shear deformation on the critical buckling loads and natural frequencies of thin-walled I-beams for various boundary conditions

    Recommendation Systems: A Systematic Review

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    This article presents a comprehensive and objective systematic review of existing research on recommendation systems with regards to core theory, latest studies, various applications, current attitudes, and potential future applications. The research is mainly based on exploring professional peer-reviewed studies and articles and using their abstracts to create a comprehensive and unbiased review of existing research. The following search terms were used to identify articles and studies for the research: recommendation systems; recommender systems; core theory of recommender systems; current attitudes towards recommendation systems; latest studies on recommendation systems; applications of recommendation systems; potential studies on recommendation systems; and future potential applications of recommendation systems. The research also used the advanced search filter to locate recent studies for comparison by limiting the search by year to find studies published from 2021 onwards. Most literature on this area highlights the importance of recommendation systems in almost all aspects of modern life. Specifically, recommendation systems have become critical components in business, health care, education, marketing, and social networking domains. Additionally, most studies identified reinforcement of learning and deep learning techniques as significant developments in the field. These techniques form the backbone of most modern recommendation systems. The primary concern that could hinder further evolution systems is their consequent filter bubble effects which many studies showed to be problematic. Healthcare is a central area that shows tremendous potential for these systems. Although recommender systems have been implemented in this domain, there remains a lot of untapped potential that, if unleashed, could revolutionize medicine and healthcare. But the problems facing these systems have to be tackled first to establish trust. Keywords: Recommendation systems, Recommender systems, Deep learning, Reinforcement learning DOI: 10.7176/CEIS/13-4-04 Publication date:August 31st 202


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    English has been used all across the world, including in Vietnam. From middle school to high school and even university, Vietnamese students have numerous opportunities to engage with English grammar, but there is still a significant gap between their understanding and the correct application of English grammar. In fact, Grammar has a significant impact on the writing skills of Vietnamese students in general, and especially the first-year students of English majors who were not much exposed to writing in high school, so they are not yet used to writing at a higher level. The majority of errors in their writings are due to the influence of their mother tongue and a lack of frequent practice and their misuse of word forms, as a matter of fact, the expected results have not been satisfactory. Based on the general insight into the writing competence of the freshmen, the study titled “An investigation into the common errors of word forms made in the writings of the freshmen: A case study” was done with the English-major students. A close survey was deliberately done with 142 paragraphs written by the first-year students to investigate the common errors of word forms made in their writings. From what was collected, the study subsequently offered some suggestions for helping the students improve their writing skills.  Article visualizations

    Experimental results of gaslift process

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    In the paper, the investigation results of periodical gas-lift flows in vertical pipes using experiment method are presented. The experiment facilities consist of flow measurement equipment, gas and fluid supplier facilities, tubing system. To study the influence of medium physical and dynamical characteristics on the process efficiency, two liquid-gas systems are used, namely, water-air and spindle oil-air. The objects of investigation are to obtain data from tests conducted in some conduits and to analyse the influence of system physical, geometrical and etc. parameters such as: initial liquid height in the conduits, gas injected volume, conduit diameter, conduit configuration and etc. on the considered process


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    In the current era of globalization, English is considered a necessary skill for education and work and a criterion for evaluation in recruitment and graduation assessments in many places in Vietnam. According to the project entitled "Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages in the National Education System Phase 2008 - 2020", non-English majored university students must achieve a minimum of Level 3 according to the 6-level Foreign Language Proficiency Framework used in Vietnam. Several universities have diversified their ways to meet these standards to facilitate students in meeting the English language outcomes, allowing students more opportunities to choose ways that are suitable for them. However, this also indicates that various influencing factors will impact students' selection of ways to meet these standards. This research explores the primary ways students choose to fulfill English language standards as stipulated and analyzes the factors influencing the choices of non-English major students in universities in Vietnam.  Article visualizations

    Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans is the predominant chytrid fungus in Vietnamese salamanders

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    The amphibian chytrid fungi, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) and B. salamandrivorans (Bsal), pose a major threat to amphibian biodiversity. Recent evidence suggests Southeast Asia as a potential cradle for both fungi, which likely resulted in widespread host-pathogen co-existence. We sampled 583 salamanders from 8 species across Vietnam in 55 locations for Bsal and Bd, determined scaled mass index as a proxy for fitness and collected environmental data. Bsal was found within 14 of the 55 habitats (2 of which it was detected in 2013), in 5 salamandrid species, with a prevalence of 2.92%. The globalized pandemic lineage of Bd was found within one pond on one species with a prevalence of 0.69%. Combined with a complete lack of correlation between infection and individual body condition and absence of indication of associated disease, this suggests low level pathogen endemism and Bsal and Bd co-existence with Vietnamese salamandrid populations. Bsal was more widespread than Bd, and occurs at temperatures higher than tolerated by the type strain, suggesting a wider thermal niche than currently known. Therefore, this study provides support for the hypothesis that these chytrid fungi may be endemic to Asia and that species within this region may act as a disease reservoir
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