103 research outputs found

    A portable quartz micro balance for physical vapor deposition techniques

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    A portable quartz crystal micro balance for physical vapor deposition techniques is presented. The device is used for the calibration of evaporators employed in the preparation of thin film systems that are studied in surface science. The design is based upon a portable sample setup, highly versatile and customizable. It can be transported within an ultrahigh vacuum system, stored in a sample garage and be used in front of different evaporators. Details of the setup are described. Finally, the performance of the device is demonstrated and compared to scanning tunneling microscopy measurements

    Apparatus for low temperature thermal desorption spectroscopy of portable samples

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    An experimental setup for low temperaturethermal desorption spectroscopy (TDS) integrated in an ultrahigh vacuum-chamber housing a high-end scanning probe microscope for comprehensive multi-tool surface science analysis is described. This setup enables the characterization with TDS at low temperatures (T > 22 K) of portable sample designs, as is the case for scanning probe optimized setups or high-throughput experiments. This combination of techniques allows a direct correlation between surface morphology, local spectroscopy, and reactivity of model catalysts. The performance of the multi-tool setup is illustrated by measurements of a model catalyst. TDS of CO from Mo(001) and from Mo(001) supported MgO thin films were carried out and combined with scanning tunneling microscopy measurements

    Evaluationsbericht Psychologie 2008:gemeinsamer Bericht über die Evaluationen der Lehrveranstaltungen, des B.Sc.-Studiengangs, der B.Sc.-Klausuren und der Auslandsaufenthalte im Fach Psychologie im WS 07/08 und SoSe 08

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    Dieser Bericht verknüpft alle am Fach Psychologie durchgeführten Evaluationen miteinander. Er enthält neben die Daten zur Lehrveranstaltungsevaluation, auch Ergebnisse der ersten Studiengangs- und Prüfungsevaluationen im B.Sc.-Studiengang, sowie eine Umfrage zu geplanten Auslandsaufenthalten. Diesen allen ist gemein, dass sie relevante Bereiche abdecken, in denen Studierende in unserem Fach Kompetenzen sammeln. Die Vernetzung dieser bisher teilweise eigenständigen, teilweise auch neuen Evaluationsbereiche soll kurzfristig dazu führen diese verschiedenen Quellen sichtbarer zu machen. Mittelfristig soll dadurch die Qualität der gesammelten Information erhöht werden. Wir erhoffen uns durch die Bündelung der Informationen auch einen einfacheren Überblick für Steuerung und Fortentwicklung im Fach Psychologie geben zu können

    Trust and distrust in information systems at the workplace

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    Digitalization of work processes is advancing, and this is increasingly supported by complex information systems (IS). However, whether such systems are used by employees largely depends on users’ trust in these IS. Because there are few systematic studies on this topic, this research provides an initial exploration and validation of preconditions for trust in work-related IS. In Study 1, N = 30 professionals were asked to describe occupational incidents in which they had highly trusted or distrusted an IS. Content analysis of 111 critical incidents described in the in-depth interviews led to 12 predictors of trust and distrust in IS, which partly correspond to the structure of the established IS success model (Delone & McLean, 2003) but also exceed this structure. The resulting integrative model of trust in IS at work was validated in Study 2 using an online questionnaire with N = 179 professionals. Based on regression analyses, reliability (system quality) and credibility (information quality) of IS were identified as the most important predictors for both trust and distrust in IS at work. Contrasting analyses revealed diverging qualities of trust and distrust in IS : whereas well-being and performance were rated higher in trust events, experienced strain was rated higher in distrust events. Together, this study offers a first comprehensive model of trust in IS at work based on systematic empirical research. In addition to implications for theory advancement, we suggest practical implications for how to support trust and to avoid distrust in IS at work