875 research outputs found

    Trigeminal neuralgia

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    AbstractTwo different clinical entities, essential or secondary neuralgia, are associated with different pathologies. The pathways of CN V comprise the cervical spine, the brainstem, the root of the nerve and the three peripheral branches: V1, V2 and V3. The lesions responsible for neuralgia are neoplastic, vascular, inflammatory, malformative or post-traumatic. The examination protocol should explore the set of CN V pathways. Neurovascular compression is the main cause of essential neuralgia. It is investigated by T2-weighted inframillimetric volume. Two conditions are necessary to diagnose a neurovascular compression: localised on the root entry zone [(REZ), 2–6mm from the emergence of the pons] and perpendicularly. In the absence of neurovascular compression, thin slices and a gadolinium injection are necessary

    Imaging reconstruction for infrared interferometry: first images of YSOs environment

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    The study of protoplanetary disks, where the planets are believed to form, will certainly allow the formation of our Solar System to be understood. To conduct observations of these objects at the milli-arcsecond scale, infrared interferometry provides the right performances for T Tauri, FU Ori or Herbig Ae/Be stars. However, the only information obtained so far are scarce visibility measurements which are directly tested with models. With the outcome of recent interferometers, one can foresee obtaining images reconstructed independently of the models. In fact, several interferometers including IOTA and AMBER on the VLTI already provide the possibility to recombine three telescopes at once and thus to obtain the data necessary to reconstruct images. In this paper, we describe the use of MIRA, an image reconstruction algorithm developed for optical inter- ferometry data (squared visibilities and closure phases) by E. Thiebaut. We foresee also to use the spectral information given by AMBER data to constrain even better the reconstructed images. We describe the use of MIRA to reconstruct images of young stellar objects out of actual data, in particular the multiple system GW Orionis (IOTA, 2004), and discuss the encountered difficulties.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, Proc. SPIE conference 7013 "Optical and Infrared Interferometry" (Marseille 2008

    The role of surface roughness and slide-roll ratio in the decomposition of MoDTC in tribological contacts

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    In this study, the role of surface roughness and slide-roll ratio in the decomposition and friction performance of molybdenum dialkyldithiocarbamate (MoDTC) has been investigated. Tribotests were carried out in a MiniTraction Machine (MTM) using steel discs of varying roughness rubbing against smooth steel balls in a sliding/rolling contact. Tests were conducted at slide-roll ratio (SRR) values of SRR=100% and 200%. Raman spectroscopy was used to perform chemical characterisation on the resulting wear scars. The friction performance of rough discs was not affected by the slide-roll ratio. On the other hand, increasing the slide-roll ratio from 100% to 200% in tests with smooth discs resulted in higher friction with large instabilities. Raman analysis showed significant differences in chemical composition of the wear scars generated after tests with smooth and rough discs. Wear scars generated using rough discs were mainly composed of MoS2 indicating complete MoDTC decomposition while those generated using smooth discs were composed of a mixture of MoS2, MoSx (x>2) and FeMoO4 indicating partial MoDTC decomposition. Numerical simulation of the contact revealed that under similar loading conditions rough surfaces have higher local pressures than smoother surfaces. It is proposed that higher local pressures in rough surfaces promoted complete MoDTC decomposition. The novel finding from results presented in this study is that at similar temperature and MoDTC concentration, the degradation of MoDTC within tribocontacts is highly dependent on the roughness of the tribopair. This is because surface roughness determines the local pressure at the asperity asperity contact

    Dynamical Masses of Young Stars in Multiple Systems

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    We present recent measurements of the orbital motion in the young binaries DF Tau and ZZ Tau, and the hierarchical triple Elias 12, that were obtained with the Fine Guidance Sensors on the HST and at the Keck Observatory using adaptive optics. Combining these observations with previous measurements from the literature, we compute preliminary orbital parameters for DF Tau and ZZ Tau. We find that the orbital elements cannot yet be determined precisely because the orbital coverage spans only about 90 degr in position angle. Nonetheless, the range of possible values for the period and semi-major axis already defines a useful estimate for the total mass in DF Tau and ZZ Tau, with values of 0.90{+0.85}{-0.35} M_sun and 0.81{+0.44}{-0.25} M_sun, respectively, at a fiducial distance of 140 pc.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A

    Observations of T-Tauri Stars using HST-GHRS: I. Far Ultraviolet Emission Lines

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    We have analyzed GHRS data of eight CTTS and one WTTS. The GHRS data consists of spectral ranges 40 A wide centered on 1345, 1400, 1497, 1550, and 1900 A. These UV spectra show strong SiIV, and CIV emission, and large quantities of sharp (~40 km/s) H2 lines. All the H2 lines belong to the Lyman band and all the observed lines are single peaked and optically thin. The averages of all the H2 lines centroids for each star are negative which may indicate that they come from an outflow. We interpret the emission in H2 as being due to fluorescence, mostly by Ly_alpha, and identify seven excitation routes within 4 A of that line. We obtain column densities (10^12 to 10^15 cm^-2) and optical depths (~1 or less) for each exciting transition. We conclude that the populations are far from being in thermal equilibrium. We do not observe any lines excited from the far blue wing of Ly_alpha, which implies that the molecular features are excited by an absorbed profile. SiIV and CIV (corrected for H2 emission) have widths of ~200 km/s, and an array of centroids (blueshifted lines, centered, redshifted). These characteristics are difficult to understand in the context of current models of the accretion shock. For DR Tau we observe transient strong blueshifted emission, perhaps the a result of reconnection events in the magnetosphere. We also see evidence of multiple emission regions for the hot lines. While CIV is optically thin in most stars in our sample, SiIV is not. However, CIV is a good predictor of SiIV and H2 emission. We conclude that most of the flux in the hot lines may be due to accretion processes, but the line profiles can have multiple and variable components.Comment: 67 pages, 19 figures, Accepted in Ap

    Genome-wide identification of microRNA and siRNA responsive to endophytic beneficial diazotrophic bacteria in maize

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    Background: Small RNA (sRNA) has been described as a regulator of gene expression. In order to understand the role of maize sRNA (Zea mays - hybrid UENF 506-8) during association with endophytic nitrogen-fixing bacteria, we analyzed the sRNA regulated by its association with two diazotrophic bacteria, Herbaspirillum seropedicae and Azospirillum brasilense. Results: Deep sequencing analysis was done with RNA extracted from plants inoculated with H. seropedicae, allowing the identification of miRNA and siRNA. A total of 25 conserved miRNA families and 15 novel miRNAs were identified. A dynamic regulation in response to inoculation was also observed. A hypothetical model involving copper-miRNA is proposed, emphasizing the fact that the up-regulation of miR397, miR398, miR408 and miR528, which is followed by inhibition of their targets, can facilitate association with diazotrophic bacteria. Similar expression patterns were observed in samples inoculated with A. brasilense. Moreover, novel miRNA and siRNA were classified in the Transposable Elements (TE) database, and an enrichment of siRNA aligned with TE was observed in the inoculated samples. In addition, an increase in 24-nt siRNA mapping to genes was observed, which was correlated with an increase in methylation of the coding regions and a subsequent reduction in transcription. Conclusion: Our results show that maize has RNA-based silencing mechanisms that can trigger specific responses when plants interact with beneficial endophytic diazotrophic bacteria. Our findings suggest important roles for sRNA regulation in maize, and probably in other plants, during association with diazotrophic bacteria, emphasizing the up-regulation of Cu-miRNA

    Présentation d'un démonstrateur de synthÚse d'ouverture utilisant des liaisons par fibres optiques

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    Nous présentons un ensemble complet d'aquisition et de traitement de données interférométriques. Le dispositif expérimental de synthÚse d'ouverture, testé sur un objet de laboratoire, inclut des liaisons par fibres optiques permettant le transport cohérent des faisceaux. Ce dispositif a été utilisé pour une premiÚre évaluation de diverses méthodes de reconstruction d'image

    A Test of Pre-Main Sequence Evolutionary Models Across the Stellar/Substellar Boundary Based on Spectra of the Young Quadruple GG Tau

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    We present spatially separated optical spectra of the components of the young hierarchical quadruple GG Tau. Spectra of GG Tau Aa and Ab (separation 0".25 ~ 35 AU) were obtained with the Faint Object Spectrograph aboard the Hubble Space Telescope. Spectra of GG Tau Ba and Bb (separation 1".48 ~ 207 AU) were obtained with both the HIRES and the LRIS spectrographs on the W. M. Keck telescopes. The components of this mini-cluster, which span a wide range in spectral type (K7 - M7), are used to test both evolutionary models and the temperature scale for very young, low mass stars under the assumption of coeval formation. Of the evolutionary models tested, those of Baraffe et al. (1998, A&A, 337, 403) yield the most consistent ages when combined with a temperature scale intermediate between that of dwarfs and giants. The version of the Baraffe et al. models computed with a mixing length nearly twice the pressure scale height is of particular interest as it predicts masses for GG Tau Aa and Ab that are in agreement with their dynamical mass estimate. Using this evolutionary model and a coeval (at 1.5 Myrs) temperature scale, we find that the coldest component of the GG Tau system, GG Tau Bb, is substellar with a mass of 0.044 +/- 0.006 Msun. This brown dwarf companion is especially intriguing as it shows signatures of accretion, although this accretion is not likely to alter its mass significantly. GG Tau Bb is currently the lowest mass, spectroscopically confirmed companion to a T Tauri star, and is one of the coldest, lowest mass T Tauri objects in the Taurus-Auriga star forming region.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    The Schroš\ddot{o}dinger-Poisson equations as the large-N limit of the Newtonian N-body system: applications to the large scale dark matter dynamics

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    In this paper it is argued how the dynamics of the classical Newtonian N-body system can be described in terms of the Schroš\ddot{o}dinger-Poisson equations in the large NN limit. This result is based on the stochastic quantization introduced by Nelson, and on the Calogero conjecture. According to the Calogero conjecture, the emerging effective Planck constant is computed in terms of the parameters of the N-body system as ℏ∌M5/3G1/2(N/)1/6\hbar \sim M^{5/3} G^{1/2} (N/)^{1/6}, where is GG the gravitational constant, NN and MM are the number and the mass of the bodies, and is their average density. The relevance of this result in the context of large scale structure formation is discussed. In particular, this finding gives a further argument in support of the validity of the Schroš\ddot{o}dinger method as numerical double of the N-body simulations of dark matter dynamics at large cosmological scales.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Euro. Phys. J.
