7 research outputs found

    Systhesis and Photocatalytic Activities of Dy-doped Tio2 Nanoparticles hybrid with TiO2 (B) Nanobelts and Reduced Graphene Oxide

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    Thesis (M.Eng., Materials Engineering)--Prince of Songkla University, 201

    Decision Support System for Selection by Using Analytical Network Process (ANP)

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    Decision support system is a type ofinformation system whose principal objective is tosupport a human decision maker during theprocess of arriving at a decision.Decision makingproblem is the process of finding the best optionfrom all the flexible alternatives. MulticriteriaDecision Making (MCDM) is selection of the bestaction from a set of alternatives, each of which isevaluated against multiple, and often conflictingcriteria. Among many multi-criteria decisionmakingapproaches, the Analytic Network Process(ANP) has been coming into applications inrelevant areas in the past three years.The ANPhas been applied in a variety of areas as a usefuland practical multicriteria decision problem.Inreal life problems that involve dependence andfeedback, ANPis an effective tool for DecisionMaking. This paper proposes a systematicframework to select laptops using ANP. Theobjective of paper is to be applicable ANP fordecision making in laptop selection of desires

    Neonatal Sepsis, Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern, and Treatment Outcomes among Neonates Treated in Two Tertiary Care Hospitals of Yangon, Myanmar from 2017 to 2019

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    Neonatal sepsis is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in developing countries. This study aimed to assess the proportion of culture-confirmed sepsis, bacteriological pathogen profile, culture report turnaround times, antibiotic susceptibility patterns, and treatment outcomes of all with neonatal sepsis admitted in two tertiary care hospitals in Yangon, Myanmar, 2017–2019. This was a cross sectional study utilizing a standardized electronic database and paper-based records. Bacteriological profiles and associated factors were analyzed with descriptive statistics and Poisson Regression. Of those with suspected sepsis, 42% were bacteriologically confirmed and 74% of confirmed sepsis was resistant to at least first-line antibiotics. Neonates with late onset sepsis (LOS) (aPR: 1.2 (95% CI: 1.1–1.4, p = 0.008)) were more likely to have bacteriologically confirmed sepsis (45%) versus early onset sepsis (38%). Gram-negative organisms were most commonly isolated (63%), associated with multidrug-resistant organisms and with a high case-fatality rate (64%). These findings suggest that enhanced national guidance regarding infection control and prevention, antibiotic stewardship, and first-line antibiotic choices need to be provided. The link between LOS with infection and prevention protocols needs to be further explored in this context to decrease sepsis risk, neonatal mortality, and reduce further antimicrobial resistance

    HIV Care Cascade among Prisoners of the Mandalay Central Prison in Myanmar: 2011–2018

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    Prisoners have a higher HIV prevalence and higher rates of attrition from care as compared with the general population. There is no published evidence on this issue from Myanmar. We assessed (1) HIV test uptake, HIV positivity, and enrollment in care among newly admitted prisoners between 2017 and 18 (2) Treatment outcomes among HIV-positive prisoners enrolled in care between 2011 and 18. This was a cohort study involving secondary analysis of program data. Among 26,767 prisoners admitted to the Mandalay Central Prison between 2017 and 2018, 10,421 (39%) were HIV-tested, 547 (5%) were HIV-positive, and 376 (69%) were enrolled in care. Among the 1288 HIV-positive prisoners enrolled in care between 2011 and 2018, 1178 (92%) were started on antiretroviral therapy. A total of 883 (69%) were transferred out (post-release) to other health facilities, and among these, only 369 (42%) reached their destination health facilities. The final outcomes (censored on 30 June 2019) included the following: (i) Alive and in care 495 (38%), (ii) death 138 (11%), (iii) loss to follow-up 596 (46%), and (iv) transferred out after reaching the health facilities 59 (5%). We found major gaps at every step of the HIV care cascade among prisoners, both inside and outside the prison. Future research should focus on understanding the reasons for these gaps and designing appropriate interventions to fill these gaps

    Twelve month prospective study of snakebite in a major teaching hospital in Mandalay, Myanmar; Myanmar Snakebite Project (MSP)

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    The Myanmar Snakebite Project is an Australian government (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) supported foreign aid project in collaboration with the Myanmar government with the aim of improving outcomes for snakebite patients in Myanmar. As part of the project a case record database was established to document prospective cases of snakebite presenting to Mandalay General Hospital, in Upper Myanmar. The study period was 12 months (1-2-2016 to 31-1-2017). Snake identity was based on a mixture of identified dead snakes brought with patients, doctor's clinical opinion and patient identification. 965 patients were enrolled during the 12 month period, of whom 948 were included for analysis. The male: female ratio was 1.58:1. Most cases involved bites to the lower limbs (82.5%) and adults involved in farm work, confirming snakebite as an occupational disease in this community. Motorised transport was by far the most common form of transport to health care and most patients sought care from the health system (87.7%), not traditional healers (11.5%) as their first point of contact. The officially promoted application of a pressure pad, bandage and immobilisation as first aid for snakebite was almost never used, while most patients used some form of tourniquet (92.0%). 85.4% of cases where a snake ID was listed were bitten by Russell's vipers. Russell's viper bites were responsible for all fatalities (9.8% of cases) and all cases of Acute Kidney Injury (AKI). For all cases, clinical features included local swelling (76.5%), local pain (62.6%), AKI (59.8%), incoagulable blood (57.9%), regional lymphadenopathy (39.8%), nausea/vomiting (40.4%), thrombocytopenia (53.6%), abdominal pain (28.8%), shock (11.8%), secondary infection (8.6%), panhypopituitarism (2.1%). AKI required renal replacement therapy (RRT) in 23.9% of cases, all ascribed to Russell's viper bite. Green pit viper bites were the next most common cause of bites (7.6%) and were associated with incoagulable blood (29%) and occasionally shock (5%) and local necrosis (3%), and in one case AKI not requiring RRT. In contrast to Russell's viper bites, green pit viper bite was most likely to occur in the home (49%). Some green pit viper patients were treated with Russell's viper antivenom (15%), presumably because they had incoagulable blood, although this antivenom is not effective against green pit viper envenoming. For the entire patient group, antivenom was given in 80.5% of cases. The most common indications were presence of coagulopathy/non-clotting blood (59.8%), local swelling (47.4%), oliguria/anuria (19.8%), heavy proteinuria (19.4%). A febrile reaction to antivenom was reported in 47.9% of cases, while anaphylaxis, occurred in 7.9% of cases. Keywords: Snakebite, Antivenom, Russell's viper, AKI, Coagulopathy, Prospective observational study, Myanma