103 research outputs found

    A Planetary Microlensing Event with an Unusually Red Source Star: MOA-2011-BLG-291

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    We present the analysis of planetary microlensing event MOA-2011-BLG-291, which has a mass ratio of q=(3.8±0.7)×104q=(3.8\pm0.7)\times10^{-4} and a source star that is redder (or brighter) than the bulge main sequence. This event is located at a low Galactic latitude in the survey area that is currently planned for NASA's WFIRST exoplanet microlensing survey. This unusual color for a microlensed source star implies that we cannot assume that the source star is in the Galactic bulge. The favored interpretation is that the source star is a lower main sequence star at a distance of DS=4.9±1.3D_S=4.9\pm1.3\,kpc in the Galactic disk. However, the source could also be a turn-off star on the far side of the bulge or a sub-giant in the far side of the Galactic disk if it experiences significantly more reddening than the bulge red clump stars. However, these possibilities have only a small effect on our mass estimates for the host star and planet. We find host star and planet masses of Mhost=0.150.10+0.27MM_{\rm host} =0.15^{+0.27}_{-0.10}M_\odot and mp=1812+34Mm_p=18^{+34}_{-12}M_\oplus from a Bayesian analysis with a standard Galactic model under the assumption that the planet hosting probability does not depend on the host mass or distance. However, if we attempt to measure the host and planet masses with host star brightness measurements from high angular resolution follow-up imaging, the implied masses will be sensitive to the host star distance. The WFIRST exoplanet microlensing survey is expected to use this method to determine the masses for many of the planetary systems that it discovers, so this issue has important design implications for the WFIRST exoplanet microlensing survey

    Validation of TOI-1221 b: A warm sub-Neptune exhibiting TTVs around a Sun-like star

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    We present a validation of the long-period (91.682780.00041+0.0003291.68278^{+0.00032}_{-0.00041} days) transiting sub-Neptune planet TOI-1221 b (TIC 349095149.01) around a Sun-like (mV_{\rm V}=10.5) star. This is one of the few known exoplanets with period >50 days, and belongs to the even smaller subset of which have bright enough hosts for detailed spectroscopic follow-up. We combine TESS light curves and ground-based time-series photometry from PEST (0.3~m) and LCOGT (1.0~m) to analyze the transit signals and rule out nearby stars as potential false positive sources. High-contrast imaging from SOAR and Gemini/Zorro rule out nearby stellar contaminants. Reconnaissance spectroscopy from CHIRON sets a planetary scale upper mass limit on the transiting object (1.1 and 3.5 MJup_{\rm Jup} at 1σ\sigma and 3σ\sigma, respectively) and shows no sign of a spectroscopic binary companion. We determine a planetary radius of Rp=2.910.12+0.13RR_{\rm p} = 2.91^{+0.13}_{-0.12} R_{\oplus}, placing it in the sub-Neptune regime. With a stellar insolation of S=6.060.77+0.85 SS = 6.06^{+0.85}_{-0.77}\ S_{\oplus}, we calculate a moderate equilibrium temperature of Teq=T_{\rm eq} = 440 K, assuming no albedo and perfect heat redistribution. We find a false positive probability from TRICERATOPS of FPP =0.0014±0.0003 = 0.0014 \pm 0.0003 as well as other qualitative and quantitative evidence to support the statistical validation of TOI-1221 b. We find significant evidence (>5σ5\sigma) of oscillatory transit timing variations, likely indicative of an additional non-transiting planet.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 4 table

    Validating AU Microscopii d with Transit Timing Variations

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    AU Mic is a young (22 Myr) nearby exoplanetary system that exhibits excess TTVs that cannot be accounted for by the two known transiting planets nor stellar activity. We present the statistical "validation" of the tentative planet AU Mic d (even though there are examples of "confirmed" planets with ambiguous orbital periods). We add 18 new transits and nine midpoint times in an updated TTV analysis to prior work. We perform the joint modeling of transit light curves using EXOFASTv2 and extract the transit midpoint times. Next, we construct an O-C diagram and use Exo-Striker to model the TTVs. We generate TTV log-likelihood periodograms to explore possible solutions for the period of planet d and then follow those up with detailed TTV and RV MCMC modeling and stability tests. We find several candidate periods for AU Mic d, all of which are near resonances with AU Mic b and c of varying order. Based on our model comparisons, the most-favored orbital period of AU Mic d is 12.73596+/-0.00793 days (T_{C,d}=2458340.55781+/-0.11641 BJD), which puts the three planets near a 4:6:9 mean-motion orbital resonance. The mass for d is 1.053+/-0.511 M_E, making this planet Earth-like in mass. If confirmed, AU Mic d would be the first known Earth-mass planet orbiting a young star and would provide a valuable opportunity in probing a young terrestrial planet's atmosphere. Additional TTV observation of the AU Mic system are needed to further constrain the planetary masses, search for possible transits of AU Mic d, and detect possible additional planets beyond AU Mic c.Comment: 89 pages, 35 figures, 34 tables. Redid EXOFASTv2 transit modeling to recover more reasonable stellar posteriors, so redid Exo-Striker TTV modeling for consistency. Despite these changes, the overall results remain unchanged: the 12-7-day case is still the most favored. Submitted to AAS Journals on 2023 Feb 9t

    TOI-332 b: a super dense Neptune found deep within the Neptunian desert

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    To date, thousands of planets have been discovered, but there are regions of the orbital parameter space that are still bare. An example is the short period and intermediate mass/radius space known as the ‘Neptunian desert’, where planets should be easy to find but discoveries remain few. This suggests unusual formation and evolution processes are responsible for the planets residing here. We present the discovery of TOI-332 b, a planet with an ultra-short period of 0.78 d that sits firmly within the desert. It orbits a K0 dwarf with an effective temperature of 5251 ± 71 K. TOI-332 b has a radius of 3.200.12+0.163.20^{+0.16}_{-0.12} R⊕, smaller than that of Neptune, but an unusually large mass of 57.2 ± 1.6 M⊕. It has one of the highest densities of any Neptune-sized planet discovered thus far at 9.61.3+1.19.6^{+1.1}_{-1.3} g cm−3. A 4-layer internal structure model indicates it likely has a negligible hydrogen-helium envelope, something only found for a small handful of planets this massive, and so TOI-332 b presents an interesting challenge to planetary formation theories. We find that photoevaporation cannot account for the mass-loss required to strip this planet of the Jupiter-like envelope it would have been expected to accrete. We need to look towards other scenarios, such as high-eccentricity migration, giant impacts, or gap opening in the protoplanetary disc, to try and explain this unusual discovery

    KELT-25 b and KELT-26 b: A Hot Jupiter and a Substellar Companion Transiting Young A Stars Observed by TESS

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    We present the discoveries of KELT-25 b (TIC 65412605, TOI-626.01) and KELT-26 b (TIC 160708862, TOI-1337.01), two transiting companions orbiting relatively bright, early A stars. The transit signals were initially detected by the KELT survey and subsequently confirmed by Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) photometry. KELT-25 b is on a 4.40 day orbit around the V = 9.66 star CD-24 5016 (Teff=8280-180+440 K, M ∗ = 2.18-0.11+0.12 M o˙), while KELT-26 b is on a 3.34 day orbit around the V = 9.95 star HD 134004 (Teff = 8640-240+500 K, M ∗ = 1.93-0.16+0.14 M o˙), which is likely an Am star. We have confirmed the substellar nature of both companions through detailed characterization of each system using ground-based and TESS photometry, radial velocity measurements, Doppler tomography, and high-resolution imaging. For KELT-25, we determine a companion radius of R P = 1.64-0.043+0.039 R J and a 3σ upper limit on the companion\u27s mass of ∼64 M J. For KELT-26 b, we infer a planetary mass and radius of M P = 1.41-0.51+0.43MJ and R P = 1.94-0.058+0.060 R J. From Doppler tomographic observations, we find KELT-26 b to reside in a highly misaligned orbit. This conclusion is weakly corroborated by a subtle asymmetry in the transit light curve from the TESS data. KELT-25 b appears to be in a well-aligned, prograde orbit, and the system is likely a member of the cluster Theia 449