514 research outputs found

    Imaging criteria for assessing tumour response: RECIST, mRECIST, Cheson

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    AbstractMost methods define a limited number of “target” lesions to be measured and other “non-target” lesions to be evaluated qualitatively. RECIST criteria are the most widely used although other criteria have been proposed that are derived from them based on size alone, or size and attenuation. Modified RECIST (mRECIST) criteria only concern hepatocellular carcinoma and only take into account the viable portion (enhanced after injection during the arterial phase). Cheson criteria are more complex as target lesions are defined differently depending on the organ (lymph nodes, liver or spleen, other organs), and involve both CT and PET scans, as well as the clinical examination and bone marrow biopsy

    GATE simulation for medical physics with genius Web portal

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    présenté par C. ThiamPCSV team of the LPC laboratory in Clermont-Ferrand is involved in the deployment of biomedical applications on the grid architecture. One of these applications deals with the deployment of GATE (Geant4 Application for Tomographic Emission) for medical physics application. The aim of the developments actually performed is to enable an application of the GATE platform in clinical routine. However, this perspective is only possible if the computing time and user time are highly reduced. The new grid architecture, developed within the framework of the European project Enabling Grid for E-sciencE (EGEE) is there to answer this requirement. The use of the grid resources must be transparent easy and rapid for the medical physicists. For this perpose, we adapted the GENIUS web portal in order to facilitate the GATE simulations planning on the grid. We will present a demonstration of the GENIUS portal which integrates all the functionalities of EGEE: to create, to submit and manage GATE jobs on the grid architecture. Our GATE activities for dosimetry application entered in to direct phase of evaluation by the cancer treatment center of Clermont Ferrand (Centre Jean perrin).A work station is currently available in this center to test the use of GATE application on the grid through GENIUS. This portal will allow in a long term to use GATE application in brachytherapy and radiotherapy treatment planning using medical data (medical images, DICOM, binary data dose calculation in the heterogeneous mediums) and to analyze the results obtained in visual form. Other functionalities are under development and will make possible to register medical data on grid storages elements and to manage them. However, these data must be anonymised before their recording on the grid. Their access via the GENIUS portal must be made safe and fast (compared simulation computing time). In order to be sure that the medical data are accessible for calculations, their replication on various storage element (SE) should be possible. The grid services give the possibility of managing this information in a free way and transparently. Operations of data handling and catalogues on the grid are ensured by the Replica Manager system which integrates all tools making it possible to manage data on the grid. The computing grid give promising results and meet a definite need: reach acceptable computing time for a future use of Monte Carlo simulations for treatment planning in brachytherapy and radiotherapy

    Optimal R-Estimation of a Spherical Location

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    In this paper, we provide RR-estimators of the location of a rotationally symmetric distribution on the unit sphere of Rk\R^k. In order to do so we first prove the local asymptotic normality property of a sequence of rotationally symmetric models; this is a non standard result due to the curved nature of the unit sphere. We then construct our estimators by adapting the Le Cam one-step methodology to spherical statistics and ranks. We show that they are asymptotically normal under any rotationally symmetric distribution and achieve the efficiency bound under a specific density. Their small sample behavior is studied via a Monte Carlo simulation and our methodology is illustrated on geological data.Comment: Accepted in Statistica Sinic

    Efficacite agronomique du compost a base de la biomasse du « neem » et de l’anacarde sur des cultures maraicheres dans la zone des Niayes au Senegal

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    Dans la zone des Niayes au Sénégal, les sols sont pauvres en matières organiques et en éléments nutritifs nécessaires aux plantes. Les engrais chimiques utilisés pour améliorer les rendements ont engendré une forte pollution des sols et de la  nappe phréatique. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer la valeur agronomique du compost fabriqué à base des feuilles de neem et d’anacarde, de fiente de volaille et de la cendre de bois. Le compost obtenu présente un rapport C/N de 15,49 et des teneurs en N - P - K de 9,1, 14,8 et 7,3 mg/kg, respectivement. Les différentes doses du compost testées  sur  des  cultures  maraichères  ont  révélé  des  performances  agronomiques  meilleures par rapport aux témoins. La dose T3 (30 t/ha) a induit les meilleurs rendements pour la tomate (27,213 t/ha) et l’oignon (105,263 t/ha). Pour le chou et la pomme de terre, la dose T1 (10 t/ha) a permis d’obtenir les meilleurs rendements (144,533 t/ha et 55,163 t/ha, respectivement). Par contre pour le poivron, la dose T2 (20 t/ha) a favorisé les meilleurs rendements (32,534 t/ha) avec un poids moyen (81,748g) et un nombre de fruits/récolte considérablement plus élevé. Ce compost pourrait constituer une alternative réelle à l’utilisation abusive de l’engrais minéral dans la zone agricole des Niayes.Mots clés : Compost, Neem, Feuilles d’anacarde, Maraichage, Sénéga

    Profile of patients with HPV infection at the regional hospital of Saint-Louis, Senegal

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    Background: Objectives of current study was to define the sociodemographic characteristics of patients, to determine the frequency of HPV infection at the CHRSL and to describe factors associated with HPV infection. Methods: This was a prospective cross-sectional study conducted in the gynecology-obstetrics department of the Saint Louis Regional Hospital Center from November 11, 2019 to November 11, 2021, a period of 24 months. We studied sociodemographic, clinical and test results characteristics. Samples were taken from patients in the gynaecological position using a dedicated kit (cytobrush and tube). Viral research was carried out using the Atila Biosystems device for amplification and detection of viral DNA. This test genotypes HPV 16, 18 and 45, and detects 12 other HR HPVs (31, 33, 35, 39, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66 and 68) simultaneously using three probes labelled with different fluorophores. Analysis was performed using Epi-Info software and Excel 2010. Results: The study population comprised 128 patients. The mean age of the patients was 41.95 years, with extremes of 23 and 70 years. They were married (92.97%) and housewives (46.88%). Almost all patients (77.34%) were genitally active. The average age at marriage was 21.78 years, and polygamous households predominated (53.91%). The average age at first intercourse was 20.05 years. The average age at first pregnancy was 21.78. Over (57.81%) of patients had at least two partners. Incense was used in 97.66% of cases. The viral HPV test was positive in (38.28%) of patients. High-risk papillomaviruses were the most common, at 63.27%. Colposcopy was performed in 17.19%; normal and satisfactory in (63.64%) of patients, with 22.27% of cervical biopsies, and histology showed one CIN2 and two CIN3. Therapeutically, one thermoablation and two hysterectomies were performed. Conclusions: HPV viral typing in primary screening for cervical cancer offers opportunities and remains realistic and feasible in less developed countries such as Senegal, despite modest resources

    Caracterisation agromorphologique, chimique et biochimique des noix brutes de trois provenances d’anacardiers (Anacardium occidentale L.) au Sud du Senegal

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    La sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire est l’une des prĂ©occupations majeures des hommes dans le monde. Pour l’atteindre, les populations rurales tirent une grande partie de leurs alimentations dans les Produits Forestiers Non Ligneux. Anacardium occidentale L., une espèce agroforestière très prisĂ©e n’est pas en reste. Cependant, des Ă©tudes sur la valeur alimentaire et nutritionnelle de ses noix sont limitĂ©es et restent parcellaires. L’objectif de cette recherche est d’évaluer les teneurs en Ă©lĂ©ments nutritifs des noix brutes de Anacardium occidentale L. collectĂ©es Ă  Ziguinchor, SĂ©dhiou et Kolda. Pour ce faire, dans chaque zone, trois kilogrammes de noix ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ©es de manière alĂ©atoire dans diffĂ©rents lieux de stockage. Puis les mensurations ont portĂ© sur 450 noix par provenance. Les noix ont Ă©tĂ© ensuite dĂ©cortiquĂ©es puis soumises Ă  une analyse minĂ©rale (chimique et biochimique). Une analyse uni et multivariĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e Ă  l’aide de XLSTAT 6.0. L’analyse a montrĂ© l’existence d’une variabilitĂ© des caractĂ©ristiques entre les provenances. Une corrĂ©lation forte, significative mais nĂ©gative a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©tectĂ©e entre le poids des amandes et la cellulose brute, ce qui signifierait que les amandes de petite taille sont plus sucrĂ©es. A travers cette Ă©tude, plusieurs possibilitĂ©s s’offrent aux diffĂ©rents acteurs de la chaine de valeur anacarde. English title: Agromorphological, chemical and biochemical characterization of <I>Anacardium occidentale L.</I> in Sud Senegal Food security is one of the major concerns of people around the world. To achieve this, rural populations derive a large part of their food from Non-Wood Forest Products. Anacardium occidentale L., a highly prized agroforestry species, is not to be outdone. However, studies on the food and nutritional value of its nuts are limited and remain fragmented. The objective of this research is to evaluate the nutrient content of raw nuts of Anacardium occidentale L. collected in Ziguinchor, SĂ©dhiou and Kolda. To do this, in each area, three kilograms of nuts were taken at random from  different storage locations. Then the measurements were carried out on 450 nuts per provenance. The nuts were then shelled and then subjected to mineral analysis (chemical and biochemical). Univariate and multivariate analysis was performed using XLSTAT 6.0. The analysis showed the  existence of variability in characteristics between provenances. A strong, significant but negative correlation was detected between the weight of the almonds and the crude fiber, which would mean that the small almonds are sweeter. Through this study, several possibilities are available to the various players in the cashew value chain

    Cancer du testicule: particularités cliniques et limites thérapeutiques en milieu hospitalier urologique au Sénégal

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    RésuméButEtudier les particularités cliniques et les limites thérapeutiques de la prise en charge du cancer du testicule au Sénégal.Patients et méthodesCette étude, rétrospective, était menée sur une période de 15 ans de Janvier 1997 à Janvier 2012. Vingt-deux dossiers étaient colligés mais 17 étaient exploitables.Résultatsl’incidence annuelle moyenne était de 1,13 cas par an. L’âge moyen des patients était de 27 ans ± 9,5. La tranche d’âge la plus concernée était celle de 21 à 40 ans. Les circonstances de découverte étaient dominées par la grosse bourse (10 cas) et en cas de vacuité scrotale, la masse abdominale ou pelvienne (7 cas). L’orchidectomie a été le principal geste thérapeutique. Elle a été réalisée par voie inguinale haute (8 patients) et par voie trans-péritonéale (7 patients). Sur le plan histologique, nous avions noté une prédominance des tumeurs germinales non séminomateuses avec 10 cas de carcinome embryonnaire dont un cas de type infantile. En post opératoire, 7 cas de progression avaient été notés dans le suivi: 3 cas de carcinose péritonéale, 3 cas d’envahissement locorégionale avec des adénopathies rétropéritonéale et 1 cas de métastase pulmonaire. Avec un recul moyen de 6 mois, 9 patients étaient décédés, 4 étaient perdus de vue et les 4 autres étaient vivants.ConclusionLe cancer du testicule reste rare au Sénégal et concerne des sujets jeunes. Le diagnostic est encore posé à des stades très évolués avec une lourde mortalité.AbstractObjectiveTo investigate the clinical features and limitations of therapeutic management of testicular cancer in Senegal.Patients and methodsThis is a retrospective study over 15 years period between January 1997 and January 2012. Twenty-two cases were collected but only 17 had complete data for analysis.ResultsThe average annual incidence was 1.13 cases per year, with a mean age of 27±9.5 years. The most affected age group was between 21 and 40 years.Clinical diagnosis was suspected by the presence of a scrotal swelling in10 cases and by empty scrotum associated with abdominal or pelvic mass in the remaining 7 cases. Orchiectomy was the main treatment option, done either by high inguinal approach in 8 patients or by trans- peritoneal route in other 7 patients. Histologically, a predominance of embryonic non seminomatous germ cell carcinoma was noted in 10 cases including infantile type in one case. Seven cases developed disease progression:3 cases of peritoneal carcinmatosis, 3 other cases of locoregional invasion with retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy and one case of pulmonary metastasis. At a mean follow up of six months, nine patients died, four were lost to follow up while the remaining four cases were still alive.ConclusionTesticular cancer is a rare tumor in Senegal and usually involves young people. Clinical diagnosis is always done at very advanced stage with a very high mortality rate

    Osteolipoma: An unusual tumor of the parotid region

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    SummaryPurpose of studyOncology of the parotid region is rich and varied, like its components. During his career, the ENT surgeon may come across such an exceptional tumor as osteolipoma. The aim of this study was to describe the rarity and the etiopathogeny of osteolipoma with parapharyngeal location.Patients and methodWe had the opportunity to find this uncommon tumor in a 21-year-old female patient. The mass located in the parotid region was hard, barely mobile and at first looked like a parotid tumor. Total parotidectomy with facial nerve preservation was performed. It revealed a stony and dented tumor inside the internal lobe of the parotid located in the parapharyngeal space between the vertical portion of the mandible anteriorly and the styloid apophyse posteriorly. Macroscopic examination of the piece evidenced a lipomatous mass with hard as bone nodes in its middle. Histology revealed an osteolipoma.ConclusionA review of the literature shows the uncommon occurrence of this type of tumor. A few rare cases were reported among which two involving the parapharyngeal space
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