56 research outputs found

    Assessment of Future Climate Change Projections Using Multiple Global Climate Models

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    Nowadays, the hydrological cycle which alters river discharge and water availability is affected by climate change. Therefore, the understanding of climate change is curial for the security of hydrologic conditions of river basins. The main purpose of this study is to assess the projections of future climate across the Upper Ayeyarwady river basin for its sustainable development and management of water sector for this area. Global Ten climate Models available from CMIP5 represented by the IPCC for its fifth Assessment Report were bias corrected using linear scaling method to generate the model error. Among the GCMs, a suitable climate model for each station is selected based on the results of performance indicators (R2 and RMSE). Future climate data are projected based on the selected suitable climate models by using future climate scenarios: RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5. According to this study, future projection indicates to increase in precipitation amounts in the rainy and winter season and diminishes in summer season under all future scenarios. Based on the seasonal temperature changes analysis for all stations,  the future temperature are  predicted to steadily increase with higher rates during summer than the other two seasons and it can also be concluded that the monthly minimum temperature rise is a bit larger than the maximum temperature rise in all seasons

    Analysis of Streamflow Response to Changing Climate Conditions Using SWAT Model

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    The understanding of climate change is curial for the security of hydrologic conditions of river basins and it is very important to study the climate change impacts on streamflow by analyzing the different climate scenarios with the help of the hydrological models. The main purpose of this study is to project the future climate impact on streamflow by using the SWAT model. The multi-model projections indicated that Upper Ayeyarwady River Basin is likely to become hotter in dry season under low rainfall intensity with increasing temperature and likely to become wetter but warmer in both rainy and winter season because of high rainfall intensity with increased temperature in future. The impact of climate change scenarios is predicted to decrease the annual streamflow by about 0.30 to 1.92% under RCP2.6, 5.59 to 7.29% under RCP4.5 and 10.43 to 11.92% under RCP8.5. Based on the change in high and low flow percentage with respect to the baseline period, the difference between high and low flow variation range will increase year by year based on future scenarios. Therefore, it can be concluded that it may occur more low flow in the dry season which leads to increase in water scarcity and drought and more high flow in the wet season which can cause flooding, water insecurity, stress, and other water-related disasters

    Study on the Treatment of Liquid Waste from Rare Earth Processing by Chemical Precipitation

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    This paper describes treatment of liquid waste from rare earth processing by chemical precipitation. Monazite ore from Moemeik Myitsone area was used as raw material for rare earth processing. Large amount of solid and liquid wastes were generated after rare earth oxide processing. Solid waste was stored in the storage tanks and liquid waste needed further treatment before discharges to the environment. Research process serves the purpose of reducing the volume of the waste as much as possible to protect men and the environment from any undesirable effects for the present and future generation. Treatment methods are selected based on the composition, quantity and form of the waste materials. The used method is chemical precipitation method. For liquid waste treatment, the most coagulation treatment used is the Fe +++ co-precipitation followed by settling, decantation and filtration of the supernatant liquid. The efficiency of the process can be improved by careful control of the pH and the settling the decantation procedure. The sludge was filtered, dried in oven and collected in plastic bags and temporary stored in 100 liters plastic drums.   Finally all of the decontaminated effluents are safety discharged to the environment. All of the experiments were analyzed by the X- ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF). Before treatment, thorium and uranium contained <2000 ppm,  < 300 ppm and this is in the low level waste. After treatment result in decant water gives uranium (< 1 ppm) and thorium (< 10 ppm).According to the threshold limits for the UK radioactive classification system,   liquid waste from rare earth processing was less than (0.4 Bq/g) and this range is in exempt waste and can be discharge to drain and to the environment safety. The safety regime was in place and improved simultaneously by survey monitoring by using Alert Monitor 4 meter Scale in USV/H

    Domain-Specific Sentiment Lexicon for Classification

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    Nowadays people express their opinions about products, government policies, schemes and programs over social media sites using web or mobile. At the present time, in our country, government changes policies in every sector and people follow with the eyes or the mind on these policies and express their opinion by writing comments on social media especially using Facebook news media pages. Therefore, our research group intends to do sentiment analysis on new articles. Domain-specific sentiment lexicon has played an important role in opinion mining system. Due to the ubiquitous domain diversity and absence of domain-specific prior knowledge, construction of domain-specific lexicon has become a challenging research topic in recent year. In this paper, lexicon construction for sentiment analysis is described. In this work, there are two main steps: (1) pre-processing on raw data comments that are extracted from Facebook news media pages and (2) constructing lexicon for coming classification work. The word correlation and chi-square statistic are applied to construct lexicon as desired. Experimental results on comments datasets demonstrate that proposed approach is suitable for construction the domain-specific lexicon

    Study on Processing of Rare Earth Oxide from Monazite, Mongmit Myitsone Region

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    The present study investigates to support the production of rare earth oxide, which has been used for next research work of individual rare earth elements purification process from monazite, Mongmit Myitsone Region. The processing of rare earth oxide in this study involves four main parts, digestion of monazite concentrate, selective precipitation of rare earth hydroxide, precipitation of rare earth oxalate and calcination of rare earth oxide. The chemicals used in this study were commercial grade from local market. The products from each processing process were characterized by XRD and XRF. The final product contained (> 95 %) of total rare earth oxide and fulfilled to apply next purification process. This paper review the cheaper and easily way to extract rare earth oxide from Myanmar monazite

    Investigation of Japanese Encephalitis Virus Infection in Bogalay Township, Myanmar in 1999

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    An investigation was in Nyi-naung-wa village, Bogalay township for Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus infection and the possibility of a JE outbreak. JE virus antibody was determined among the pigs and the people living near the pig farms in that village and at an adjacent village as a control. The known JE virus vector Culex mosquito species were also identified in both villages. Haemagglutination inhibition (HAI) methods were used for the detectioon of JE and dengue antibodies. Homotypic or monotypic JE antibodies were detected in 33% of the pigs tested. No homotypic nor monotypic JE antibodis was detected among the villagers. Although there was no JE virus infection among the people, because of the presence of JE virus infection among the pigs and the presence of Culex mosquito vector in that area, the possibility of a JE outbreak in humans in that area, if the number of pig breeding per household increase and the mosquito density become higher is discussed

    Molecular Epidemiology of Dengue Viruses Co-circulating in Upper Myanmar in 2006

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    To understand the molecular epidemiology of circulating dengue viruses (DENV) in Upper Myanmar, DENV isolation was attempted by inoculating the sera of a panel of 110 serum samples onto a C6/36 mosquito cell line. The samples were collected from dengue (DEN) patients admitted at Mandalay Children’s Hospital in 2006. Infected culture fluids were subjected to a RT-PCR to detect the DENV genome. Three DENV strains were isolated. This was the first DENV isolation performed either in Mandalay or in Upper Myanmar. One strain belonged to DENV serotype-3 (DENV-3), and two other strains belonged to DENV serotype-4 (DEN-4). The sequence data for the envelope gene of these strains were used in a phylogenetic comparison of DENV-3 and DENV-4 from various countries. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that this DENV-3 strain was clustered within genotype II, and the two DENV-4 strains were clustered within genotype I in each serotype. The Myanmar strains were closely related to strains from the neighboring countries of Thailand and Bangladesh. These results are important for elucidating the trends of recent and future DEN outbreaks in Myanmar

    Detection of East/Central/South African Genotype of Chikungunya Virus in Myanmar, 2010

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    In 2010, chikungunya virus of the East Central South African genotype was isolated from 4 children in Myanmyar who had dengue-like symptoms. Phylogenetic analysis of the E1 gene revealed that the isolates were closely related to isolates from China, Thailand, and Malaysia that harbor the A226V mutation in this gene
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