73 research outputs found

    Effect of Molecular Charge Asymmetry on Even-to-odd Ratio of High-order Harmonic Generation

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    Recently, asymmetric molecules, such as HeH2+_2^+, CO, OCS, HCl, have been evolved much attention since its rich information in the high-order harmonic generation (HHG), whose ratio of adjacent even and odd harmonics characterizes the asymmetry of molecules. In this paper, we study the dependence of even-to-odd ratio on the asymmetric parameters, in particular, the nuclear-charge ratio, and the permanent dipole, by exploiting a simple but general model of asymmetric molecules Z1Z2Z_1Z_2 subjected to an intense laser pulse. The HHG is simulated by the numerical method of solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation. We find out that this even-to-odd ratio strongly depends on the nuclear-charge ratio. In particular, the even-to-odd ratio reaches its maximum when the nuclear-charge ratio is about from 0.5 to 0.7. Besides, the dependence on the permanent dipole of the even-to-odd ratio has a non-trivial law. To explain, we calculate the analytical ratio of the transition dipole according to the emission of even and odd harmonics, and this ratio is well consistent with the even-to-odd ratio of the HHG

    Impact of trained human resources, adoption of technology and international standards on the improvement of accounting and auditing activities in the agricultural sector in Viet Nam

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    Recently, the adoption of accounting and auditing standards in the agricultural sector has been a global phenomenon that has gained increasing trend due to the significant role of the agricultural industry in the country's economy. Thus, the present study examines the impact of trained human resources, technology adoption, and international standards on improving accounting and auditing activities in the agricultural sector in Vietnam. The present research investigates the moderating impact of agricultural, institutional support among the linkage of trained human resources, technology adoption, international standards, and improvement of accounting and auditing activities in the agricultural sector. The present article has adopted the questionnaires to gather the primary data from selected respondents. The current research has applied the smart-PLS to test the study's hypotheses. The results revealed that trained human resources, technology adoption, and international standards positively impact the improvement of accounting and auditing activities in the agricultural sector. The findings also indicated that the agricultural institutional support significantly moderates the linkage of trained human resources, technology adoption, international standards, and improved accounting and auditing activities in the agricultural sector.Nguyen Van Hoa (University of Kinh Bac (UKB)), Nguyen Thi Hanh Duyen (Vinh University), Vu Ngoc Huyen (Viet Nam National University of Agriculture (VNUA)), Hoang Vu Quang (Researcher at Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development (IPSARD)), Nguyen Van Huong (Hung Yen University of Technology and Education (UTEHY)), Nguyen Thi Cam Tu (National Economics University (NEU)), Bui Thi Minh Nguyet (Vietnam National University of Forestry (VNUF))Includes bibliographical references


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    In this paper, we applied the B3P86 method and DGDZVP basis set to investigate electronic properties and infrared (IR) spectra for SinM (M = Sc, Y; n = 1-10) clusters. The NBO analyses show that electron transfers from the dopant atoms to silicon frame of the SinM clusters. It is remarkable that the Si-M bond is mainly formed by the overlaps of the 3s-AOs and 3p-AOs of Si atoms, and 3d-AOs and 4s-AOs of Sc (or 4d-AOs and AO-5s of Y). The chemical bonds in the SiM and Si2M clusters are dominated by the covalent character including sigma and pi bonds. In addition, the analysis of the IR spectra suggests that the vibrational modes of SinM clusters are delocalized over the whole cluster. Moreover, the high-frequency and strong-intensity modes usually involve the vibrations of the dopant atoms. The results of this work provide fundamental information for experimental studies on transition-metal doped silicon clusters

    Survey on Vietnamese teachers’ perspectives and perceived support during COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented damage to the educational system worldwide. Besides the measurable economic impacts in the short-term and long-term, there is intangible destruction within educational institutions. In particular, teachers – the most critical intellectual resources of any schools – have to face various types of financial, physical, and mental struggles due to COVID-19. To capture the current context of more than one million Vietnamese teachers during COVID-19, we distributed an e- survey to more than 2,500 randomly selected teachers from two major teacher communities on Facebook from 6th to 11th April 2020. From over 373 responses, we excluded the observations which violated our cross-check questions and retained 294 observations for further analysis. This dataset includes: (i) Demographics of participants; (ii) Teachers' perspectives regarding the operation of teaching activities during the pandemic; (iii) Teachers' received support from their schools, government bodies, other stakeholders such as teacher unions, and parents' associations; and (iv) teachers' evaluation of school readiness toward digital transformation. Further, the dataset was supplemented with an additional question on the teachers' primary source of professional development activities during the pandemic

    Phytoplankton composition in intensive shrimp ponds in Bac Lieu province, Vietnam

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    Algal overgrowth in shrimp culture ponds can affect the quality of the aquatic environment, thereby adversely affecting the shrimp and causing economic losses. The objective of this study was to evaluate the variation in phytoplankton composition in intensive shrimp ponds in Bac Lieu province, Vietnam. Phytoplankton samples were collected in three black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) ponds and three whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) ponds. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS and canonical correlation analysis softwares. In total, 75 species of phytoplankton were recorded in black tiger shrimp ponds and 64 species in whiteleg shrimp ponds. Diatoms had the highest species diversity with 29–30 species (39%–47%), followed by green algae with 9–19 species (14%–25%); species numbers of other phyla varied from 5–12 (8%–16%). The total number of phytoplankton species throughout the study varied from 34–50 species. Algal density was relatively high and ranged from 497,091–2,229,500 ind./L and 1,301,134–2,237,758 ind./L in black tiger shrimp and whiteleg shrimp ponds, respectively. The diatom density tended to increase during the final stage of the production cycle in black tiger shrimp ponds. Blue-green algae and dinoflagellates also increased in abundance at the end of the cycle, which can affect shrimp growth. Diatoms were significantly positively correlated with pH, salinity, total ammonia nitrogen, and nitrate (NO3–) concentrations (p < 0.05). Blue-green algae and dinoflagellates were positively correlated with salinity, phosphate (PO43–), and NO3–. Algal species diversity was lower in the whiteleg shrimp ponds than in the black tiger shrimp ponds. Several dominant algal genera were recorded in the shrimp ponds, including Nannochloropsis, Gyrosigma, Chaetoceros, Alexandrium, and Microcystis. The results of this study provide basic data for further investigations, and they contribute to the management of algae in brackish-water shrimp ponds

    The effect of environmental accounting information disclosure on financial performance of Vietnamese listed industrial firms: The moderating role of Leverage and Big4

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    Environmental Accounting Information Disclosure (EAID) is the most recent novelty in corporate non-financial information reporting practice. This study aims to evaluate the effects of EAID on the financial performance of Vietnamese enterprises. The population of this study comprises listed companies in the industrial sector on the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange for the period of five years (2017–2021). The research employed a purposive sampling technique and some analysis techniques, such as content analysis and regression analysis, including Ordinary Least Squares, Fixed Effects Model, Random Effects Model, and Feasible General Least Squares. The final regression results show a positive effect of EAID on profitability. Specifically, as a moderating variable, leverage weakens the relationship when financial performance is measured by ROA and ROE, whereas the quality of financial statements is assured by the Big 4, which strengthens the nexus between EAID and ROE. The study cannot confirm the negative moderating variable of the duality of the CEO position in the relationship. The research gives implications for improving financial performance with increased EAID and some future research directions

    Two decades of studies on learning management system in higher education: A bibliometric analysis with Scopus database 2000-2020

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    Over the past twenty years, using learning management systems in higher education has attracted increasing interest from researchers around the globe. In this context, the current study aimed to explore the volume, growth trajectory, and geographic distribution of learning management systems in higher education literature, along with identifying impactful authors, sources, and publications, and highlight emerging research issues. The authors conducted bibliometric analysis on 1334 documents, related to the use of learning management systems in the context of higher education, extracted from Scopus database. The findings show a rapidly growing knowledge base on learning management systems in higher education, especially intensely in the years 2015-2020 and primarily from research in developed societies. This flourishing is consistent with the development trend of international education and the strong development of technology. In addition, the core literature was identified based on the volume of publications and citations. The results also reveal the emerging intellectual structure of the field and provide points of reference for scholars studying the discipline. This paper offers a knowledge map for future research assessments of learning management systems in higher education