363 research outputs found

    Etude de l'influence des impuretés et des éléments à l'état de traces sur les mécanismes de croissance du graphite dans les fontes

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    Les fontes de fer sont des alliages eutectiques de fonderie dont la structure consiste en des précipités de graphite dans une matrice riche en fer. Les propriétés mécaniques de ces alliages peuvent être grandement modifiées en agissant sur la matrice et sur la forme des précipités de graphite. Industriellement, les formes de graphite les plus courantes sont lamellaire et sphéroïdal, et l'on passe de l'une à l'autre par un traitement de sphéroïdisation (ajout de 0,02-0,05% massique de cérium ou de magnésium). D'autres morphologies peuvent apparaître en fonction des conditions de refroidissement et de la composition chimique de la fonte liquide. De fait, de très nombreux éléments d'alliage ou à l'état de traces peuvent diminuer l'efficacité du traitement de sphéroïdisation et modifier la forme du graphite. L'objectif de cette étude a été double, d'une part caractériser la structure fine de différentes formes de graphite, d'autre part réaliser des expériences de laboratoire destinées à étudier l'effet de quelques éléments, O, Ce et Sb, sur la croissance du graphite primaire. Dans cette étude, différents types de graphite (sphéroïdal, lamellaire et morcelé) issus de fontes commerciales ont été étudiés par microscopie optique, microscopies électroniques à balayage et en transmission, et spectrométrie de masse des ions secondaires. Leur caractérisation a permis de mettre en évidence certaines similitudes à l'échelle nanométrique malgré les différences de morphologies à l'échelle micrométrique. Des expériences consistant à fondre du fer pur dans des creusets de graphite, avec ou sans ajout délibéré d’antimoine ou de cérium, ont été réalisées. Les échantillons ont été élaborés par chauffage soit sous air soit sous vide primaire, puis refroidis lentement et maintenus au dessus de la température eutectique afin de faire croître de gros précipités de graphite primaire, et enfin rapidement pour figer en une structure fine le liquide résiduel. Les différentes formes de graphite obtenues lors de ces expériences ont fait l'objet des mêmes analyses métallographiques que les fontes industrielles. L’antimoine a favorisé la formation de lamelles de graphite incurvées. Les courbures de ces lamelles ont lieu par des changements dans leur direction de croissance. Le cérium a produit du graphite sous forme de plaquettes courtes et épaisses dans les échantillons élaborés sous air et du graphite sphéroïdal ou explosé dans les échantillons élaborés sous vide. Ainsi, l’un des rôles de cet élément est de désoxyder la fonte, ce qui a été confirmé par l’observation de différents oxydes de cérium dans les échantillons. L’observation de morphologies de graphite particulières dans ces échantillons suggère que le rôle du cérium ne se limite pas à la désoxydation de la fonte et des mécanismes d’action de ces éléments ont été discutés. Les caractérisations microstructurales, et en particulier la microscopie électronique en transmission, montrent que le graphite peut s’adapter à différentes conditions de croissance et adopter diverses morphologies dans les fontes. Les résultats de ces travaux ont permis une meilleure compréhension de l’effet des éléments d’addition sur la croissance du graphite et un modèle de croissance permettant de décrire les observations a été proposé

    Structure of graphite precipitates in cast iron

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    This study presents microstructural investigations of graphite precipitates found in cast irons. Binary Fe eC, FeeCeSb and FeeCeCe alloys containing different graphite morphologies (flake and spheroidal) were produced and compared to commercial irons in an attempt to rationalize the effect of Sb and Ce on graphite growth. The extensive use of transmission electron microscopy (mainly electron diffraction and high resolution lattice fringe imaging) enabled further understanding of graphite growth mechanisms. It was found that the inner structure of graphite precipitates consists of growth blocks stacked upon each other, for all investigated morphologies. This suggests that graphite crystals develop mainly by a 2D nucleation and growth mechanism, and that the final shape of the precipitates is associated to the occurrence of crystallographic defects in the graphite lattice (such as twins, misorientations and rotations) during growth

    Hydrogen delayed cracking assessment for super high strength hot rolled heavy gauge martensitic steels

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    Crystallography of graphite spheroids in cast iron

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    To further understand graphite growth mechanisms in cast irons, this study focuses on the crystal structure of a graphite spheroid in the vicinity of its nucleus. A sample of a graphite spheroid from a commercial cast iron was characterised using transmission electron microscopy. The chemical composition of the nucleating particle was studied at the local scale. Crystal orientation maps of the graphite spheroid revealed misorientations and twist boundaries. High resolution lattice fringe images showed that the basal planes of graphite were wavy and distorted close to the nucleus and very straight further away from it. These techniques were complementary and provided new insights on spheroidal graphite nucleation and growth

    An experiment on the lateral steering behaviour of cyclists on narrow bidirectional cycle tracks

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    Cycling contributes to public health because it requires physical effort [1] and offers economic and environmental advantages over motorized transport [2]. However, 41,000 cyclists die every year in traffic crashes, 3% of the total worldwide [3]. Most fatal bicycle crashes are collisions with motor vehicles. Severe injuries among cyclists, however, are mostly due to single bicycle crashes and their numbers are increasing [4, 5]. An international review showed that the share of hospitalised casualties due to single-bicycle crashes varied from 3% to 41 % of the total number of hospitalised casualties [ 6]. ... The aim of the present study is to investigate the relationship between cycle track width and lateral position. We conducted an experiment in which the cycle track width was manipulated to determine its effect on lateral position. The results have been compared with previous findings from literature. [From: Introduction

    Compact representations of microstructure images using triplet networks

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    The microstructure of a material, typically characterized through a set of microscopy images of two-dimensional cross-sections, is a valuable source of information about the material and its properties. Every pixel of the image is a degree of freedom causing the dimensionality of the information space to be extremely high. This makes it difficult to recognize and extract all relevant information from the images. Human experts circumvent this by manually creating a lower-dimensional representation of the microstructure. However, the question of how a microstructure image can be best represented remains open. From the field of deep learning, we present triplet networks as a method to build highly compact representations of the microstructure, condensing the relevant information into a much smaller number of dimensions. We demonstrate that these representations can be created even with a limited amount of example images, and that they are able to distinguish between visually very similar microstructures. We discuss the interpretability and generalization of the representations. Having compact microstructure representations, it becomes easier to establish processing-structure-property links that are key to rational materials design

    Redistribution and Effect of Various Elements on the Morphology of Primary Graphite in Cast Iron

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    It has been shown repeatedly that many elements present as traces or at low level can affect graphite shape in cast irons. As part of a long term project aimed at clarifying the growth and the alteration of spheroidal graphite, a study on the effect of a few elements (Cu,Sn, Sb, and Ti) on primary graphite growth was undertaken and analysed with reference to an alloy without any such additions. This work was performed by remelting alloys in graphite crucibles thus saturating the melt in carbon and enabling primary graphite to grow by controlled cooling of the melt above the eutectic temperature. Primary graphite growth in the reference alloy was observed to be lamellar, while the added elements were found to affect bulk graphite and to modify its outer shape, with Sb leading eventually to rounded agglomerates together with wavy lamellae. Secondary ion mass spectrometry was used to analyze the distribution of elements, and no build-up of trace elements at the graphite surface could be observed. Instead, it is established that the perturbation of bulk graphite is associated with inhomogeneous distribution of metallic elements inside graphite precipitates

    Effect of various dopant elements on primary graphite growth

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    Five spheroidal graphite cast irons were investigated, a usual ferritic grade and four pearlitic alloys containing Cu and doped with Sb, Sn and Ti. These alloys were remelted in a graphite crucible, leading to volatilization of the magnesium added for spheroidization and to carbon saturation of the liquid. The alloys were then cooled down and maintained at a temperature above the eutectic temperature. During this step, primary graphite could develop showing various features depending on the doping elements added. The largest effects were that of Ti which greatly reduces graphite nucleation and growth, and that of Sb which leads to rounded agglomerates instead of lamellar graphite. The samples have been investigated with secondary ion mass spectrometry to enlighten distribution of elements in primary graphite. SIMS analysis showed almost even distribution of elements, including Mg and Al (from the inoculant) in the ferritic grade, while uneven distribution was evident in all doped alloys. Investigations are going on to clarify if the uneven distribution is associated with structural defects in the graphite precipitates

    Enhanced Support for High Intensity Users of the Criminal Justice System – an evaluation of mental health nurse input into Integrated Offender Management Services in the North East of England

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    The current UK Government’s focus on the development of services to manage and support offenders with mental health problems has resulted in a number of innovative project developments. This research examines a service development in the North East of England which co-located Mental Health nurses with two Integrated Offender Management teams. While not solving all problems, the benefits of co-location were clear – although such innovations are now at risk from government changes which will make Integrated Offender Management the responsibility of new providers without compelling them to co-operate with health services
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