34 research outputs found

    dendrometeR : analyzing the pulse of trees in R

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    Dendrometers are measurement devices proven to be useful to analyze tree water relations and growth responses in relation to environmental variability. To analyze dendrometer data, two analytical methods prevail: (1) daily approaches that calculate or extract single values per day, and (2) stem-cycle approaches that separate high-resolution dendrometer records into distinct phases of contraction, expansion and stem-radius increment. Especially the stem-cycle approach requires complex algorithms to disentangle cyclic phases. Here, we present an R package, named dendrometeR, that facilitates the analysis of dendrometer data using both analytical methods. By making the package freely available, we make a first step towards comparable and reproducible methods to analyze dendrometer data. The package contains customizable functions to prepare, verify, process and plot dendrometer series, as well as functions that facilitate the analysis of dendrometer data (i.e. daily statistics or extracted phases) in relation to environmental data. The functionality of dendrometeR is illustrated in this note

    Comparison of integrative nature conservation in forest policy in Europe: a qualitative pilot study of institutional determinants

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    In this pilot study, we examine the relationship between the organisation of property rights and the economic importance of forestry on the one hand and the degree to which integrative nature conservation is formally implemented in forest policy on the other hand. Further, we are interested in whether political institutions moderate this relationship. We first offer a conceptualization of integrative nature conservation in forests and how to measure its implementation in law, ordinances and private agreements for a sample of European national and sub-national jurisdictions (Austria, Croatia, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Flanders, Baden-Württemberg and Piedmont). We subsequently try to assess the implementation of these rules and to relate them both to the structural characteristics of forestry and to an appraisal of pluralism in forest policy. Our qualitative analysis reveals that among the jurisdictions with a more centralized and corporatist forest policy, integrative nature conservation in forests tend to be less formally implemented the more corporatism dominates decision-making. It also confirms the expectation that among the more consensual jurisdictions with a strong forestry sector, rules tend to be less formally implemented. Further, the suspicion prevails that in the latter case, such rules are either complemented with exceptions for private forests or higher compensation. A more in-depth comparative examination is needed to further corroborate these findings

    Planning and Development of Social Services for Persons with Disabilities

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    Soziale Dienste zur Unterstützung von Menschen mit Behinderungen haben sich in den letzten Jahren dynamisch entwickelt und unterliegen auch aktuell einem erheblichen Veränderungsdruck. Die Forschungsarbeiten, die in diesem Band versammelt sind, haben die Entwicklung hin zu einer inklusionsorientierten Unterstützung in zahlreichen Projekten auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen aktiv begleitet.Social services to support persons with disabilities have developed dynamically in recent years and are currently subject to considerable pressure to change. The research work collected in this volume has actively accompanied the development towards inclusion-oriented support in numerous projects at different levels

    Hegel, Adorno and the origins of immanent criticism

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    ‘Immanent criticism' has been discussed by philosophers of quite different persuasions, working in separate areas and in different traditions of philosophy. Almost all of them agree on roughly the same story about its origins: It is that Hegel invented immanent criticism, that Marx later developed it, and that the various members of the Frankfurt School, particularly Adorno, refined it in various ways, and that they are all paradigmatic practitioners of immanent criticism. I call this the Continuity Thesis. There are four different claims that interest me. (i) Hegel is the originator of immanent criticism. (ii) Hegel's dialectical method is that of immanent criticism. (iii) Adorno practises immanent criticism and endorses the term as a description of his practice. (iv) Adorno's dialectical method is fundamentally Hegelian. In this article, I offer an account of immanent criticism, on the basis of which, I evaluate these four claims and argue that the Continuity Thesis should be rejected