32 research outputs found

    Young workers’ motivation to adopt safe behaviour : French validation of the Self-Determined Safety Motivation Scale

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    The adoption of safe work behaviour is largely related to workers’ motivation toward safety. Assessment of young French workers’ motivation toward safety is a challenge since no validated tool exists. The aim of this study was to translate into French the Self-Determined Safety Motivation Scale (SDSMS). Steps of parallel translation, against-translation, and pretest were conducted, prior to the administration to 225 participants. Results of exploratory factor analyses supported a five-factor structure, and confirmatory factor analyses suggested the questionnaire is in line with the Self-Determination Theory. However, results question the nature and relevance of the integrated motivation. Internal consistency was satisfactory for each subscale, and test–retest reliability was high for the majority of items. The French version of SDSMS is a reliable and valid tool for use in research and in practice.L’adoption de comportements de travail sécuritaires est liée en grande partie à la motivation des travailleurs à l’égard de la sécurité. Il est difficile d’évaluer la motivation de jeunes travailleurs de langue française à l’égard de la sécurité puisqu’il n’existe aucun outil de validation. Le but de cette étude était de traduire en français la Self-Determined Safety Motivation Scale (SDSMS), soit l’échelle de motivation autodéterminée à l’égard de la sécurité. Les étapes de traduction parallèle, de contre-traduction et de test ont été menées avant l’administration du test auprès de 225 participants. Les résultats de l’analyse factorielle exploratoire appuyaient une structure à cinq facteurs tandis que l’analyse factorielle confirmatoire suggérait que le questionnaire était conforme à la théorie de l’autodétermination. Cependant, les résultats remettent en question la nature et la pertinence de la motivation intégrée. La cohérence interne a été satisfaisante pour chaque sous-échelle et la fiabilité test-retest a été élevée pour la majorité des items. La version française du SDSMS est un outil fiable et valide pouvant être utilisé dans la recherche et la pratique

    French transcultural validation of the Compliance with Safety Behavior Scale

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    BACKGROUND: Preventive behavior of workers is a major determinant of occupational health and safety performance of an organization. The measure of this concept is a challenge with French-speaking workers as there is no existing French validated tool. OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this research was to realize a French transcultural validation of the Compliance with Safety Behavior Scale (CSBS). METHOD: Steps of parallel translations, reverse translation and pre-test were conducted before the administration of the CSBS to 195 participants. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted; Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients were calculated for each subscale; and intra-class correlation coefficients were calculated for each item. RESULTS: Exploratory factor analyses support a three-factor structure explaining 53.44 % of the variance and confirmatory factor analyses validate that the measuring tool reflects three distinct factors, which are 1) compliance with safety rules and procedures, 2) participation and initiatives related to prevention, and 3) concern for social and physical environment. Results demonstrate that internal consistency is satisfying for two subscales (0.80 < α< 0.82) and that eight items are highly reliable (0.71 < r < 0.99, p < 0.01). CONCLUSION: The French version of the CSBS represents a valid and reliable tool allowing its use both for research and for clinical practice

    Preventive behaviour at work of vocational students

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    Background: Statistics suggest young workers are a group at high risk of sustaining injury. Vocational students are frequently included in the ‘young workers’ group, with all other different types of workers aged 24 or less. However, the literature exposes vocational students as having specific descriptive characteristics, suggesting that this subgroup might differ from other ‘young workers’. The literature offers little description of this population towards prevention at work. The aim of the study was to explore factors associated with vocational students’ preventive behaviour at work. Methods: The study was conducted with 129 participants following a predictive correlational design. Preventive behaviour and some personal, occupational and environmental factors were recorded by validated questionnaires. Multiple regression analyses were used to identify factors associated with vocational students’ preventive behaviour at work. Results: Findings showed the majority of vocational students had a moderate level of preventive behaviour at work. Most relevant factors associated with preventive behaviour at work for this specific population were: (1) type of prevention training, (2) autonomous motivation, (3) study programme and (4) type of school. Conclusion: Vocational students are a specific population and it is important to work on relevant factors during their studies to help them become involved towards prevention

    Supporting Vocational Students' Development of Preventive Behaviour at Work: A Phenomenological Analysis of Teachers' Experiences

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    Statistics indicate that even if young workers complete vocational training, as a group they are at risk of sustaining injury. It appears that a lack of training in the area of injury prevention may explain some of this effect. Teachers are considered to be key actors in injury-prevention training and in the process of developing students' preventive behaviour at work, but little is known about the reality. The objective of this study was to understand how teachers experience their activities in support of students' development of injury-prevention behaviour at work. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eleven teachers from four different vocational training programs. The content of the interviews was then examined using phenomenological analysis. Results show representations participants form of occupational health and safety, of injury-prevention behaviour and of their roles as teachers in relation to prevention. A closer look at these roles reveals the daily challenges teachers encounter. Among other things, there seems to be a lack of continuity in the training process, insufficient pedagogical resources and resistance on the students' part. Results offer an insight into teachers' experience with their part in the support of vocational students' development of injury-preventing behaviour. It appears they recognize having to play an active role in the development of injury-preventing behaviour at work among students, but have to face daily challenges affecting their teaching. Results of this study can serve as a starting point to make improvements to the injury-prevention training offered in vocational training centres

    Evaluation of occupational therapy workshops to prevent work-related injuries or illnesses among vocational students

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    The few studies aiming to evaluate prevention interventions provided by occupational therapists in health at work were conducted in work settings. However, to intervene in primary prevention, developing occupational therapy interventions with students learning a trade is relevant. The objective is to evaluate workshops designed and set up by occupational therapists on vocational students’ preventive behavior at work. A systematic approach was used to design and set up the prevention workshops for students of cooking and hairstyling programs. Evaluation focused on three variables: (1) satisfaction with workshops, (2) apprenticeship, and (3) behavior observed. Results were positive on the three variables. Also, students who took part in the workshops showed near 15% (p < 0.05) more preventive behavior than those who received the traditional prevention training only. This study supports the effective role of occupational therapists to promote vocational students’ preventive behavior at work. The promising results open the door to the arrival of occupational therapists in vocational training centers

    Effets des changements organisationnels et technologiques sur la santé mentale de machinistes

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    Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Habiliter les travailleurs à la prévention : description des pratiques des ergothérapeutes québécois visant la mise en place des antécédents du comportement préventif au travail

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    Introduction. Les ergothérapeutes détiennent une expertise unique pour habiliter les travailleurs à adopter des comportements de prévention. Or, leurs pratiques en cette matière sont encore peu documentées. Objectif. Cette étude vise à décrire les pratiques des ergothérapeutes québécois quant à la mise en place des antécédents du comportement préventif chez leurs clients travailleurs. Méthode. Selon un devis de recherche descriptif mixte, des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été menées auprès de 13 ergothérapeutes œuvrant en santé au travail. En plus de décrire les pratiques concrètes des ergothérapeutes, les entrevues visaient à documenter l’importance, la fréquence et la pertinence accordées à chacun des antécédents dans le processus ergothérapique. Le contenu des entrevues a été analysé à l’aide d’analyses quantitatives simples et par une stratégie qualitative d’analyse de contenu. Résultats. Les participants intègrent diverses pratiques soutenant la mise en place des neuf antécédents du comportement préventif. Discussion. Il semble que les ergothérapeutes adoptent davantage de pratiques liées aux antécédents concernant la personne et l’occupation, qu’en ce qui a trait à l’environnement. De plus, les interventions actuelles se résument principalement à la sensibilisation et à la transmission d’information. Conclusion. Il est espéré que les résultats de cette étude permettront aux ergothérapeutes d’avoir accès à des pistes d’interventions concrètes visant l’habilitation des travailleurs aux comportements de prévention, renforçant ainsi leur rôle dans ce champ de pratique émergent.                           ____________________________________________________________________________ Enabling workers to prevention: Description of Quebec occupational therapists' practices aiming to establish the antecedents of preventive behaviours at work   Introduction. Occupational therapists have a unique expertise in enabling workers to adopt prevention behaviours. However, their practices in this area have not been studied yet. Aim. The aim of this study was to describe Quebec occupational therapists’ practices related to the antecedents of preventive behaviours at work. Method. According to a mixed descriptive research design, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 occupational therapists working in occupational health. Interviews were designed to document the importance, frequency, and relevance of each antecedent of preventive behaviours at work, as well as to describe the concrete occupational therapists’ practices related to these antecedents. Interviews’ content was analyzed using simple quantitative analyzes and a qualitative content analysis strategy. Results. Results suggest that occupational therapists use a variety of practices supporting the development of the nine antecedents of preventive behaviours at work with their clients. Discussion. Occupational therapists appear to adopt more practices about antecedents concerning the person and the occupation, as compared to those related to the environment. In addition, current interventions mainly focus on awareness and information sharing. Conclusion. It is hoped that results of this study will provide occupational therapists with access to concrete interventions aimed at enabling workers to prevention behaviours, reinforcing their role in this emerging field of practice

    Trabalho, estudo e produtividade: da confusão à definição

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    In the last decade, the concepts of "Work", "Study" and "Productivity" have been closely associated in clinical and theoretical research in Occupational Therapy. In fact, these concepts are very different from one another and are wrongly associated to "Occupational performance". This association provokes confusion and negative effects on both the clients and the theoretical development of the profession. From a psycho sociological point of view, this article aims to demonstrate the fundamental differences between the three concepts and discuss the pernicious effects of maintaining the conceptual confusion. The analysis will explore the following topics: peer recognition, autonomy, social relationships, identity, and performance measure.Na última década, os conceitos de "trabalho", "estudo" e "produtividade" têm sido fortemente associados às pesquisas clínica e teórica em Terapia Ocupacional. Na verdade, esses conceitos são muito diferentes entre si e são erroneamente associados à "desempenho ocupacional". Essa associação provoca confusão e efeitos negativos tanto para os clientes quanto para o desenvolvimento teórico da profissão. Do ponto de vista psico-sociológico, esse artigo tem como objetivo demonstrar as diferenças fundamentais entre os três conceitos e discutir os efeitos prejudiciais causados pela continuidade dessa confusão conceitual. A análise irá explorar os seguintes tópicos: a identificação entre iguais, a autonomia, as relações sociais, identidade e a medida de desempenho

    Conception et évaluation d’ateliers de formation visant à développer un comportement préventif au travail chez les élèves en apprentissage d’un métier

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    La formation à la prévention offerte dans les programmes de formation professionnelle présente plusieurs lacunes, faisant en sorte que les apprentissages qui y sont faits seraient peu mobilisés à l’entrée sur le marché du travail. Il appert, entre autres, que les ressources pédagogiques utilisées ne cibleraient pas les risques à la santé spécifiques au métier. Concevoir et évaluer des ateliers de formation visant le développement d’un comportement préventif au travail chez les élèves des programmes de secrétariat et de réalisation d’aménagements paysagers. Un processus systématique a été suivi pour concevoir les ateliers de formation. L’évaluation a porté sur trois variables : 1) la perception des apprenants, 2) les apprentissages réalisés et 3) le comportement préventif. Les résultats de cette étude décrivent la démarche de conception des ateliers de formation et suggèrent une amélioration significative sur les trois variables à la suite de la participation des élèves à ces mêmes ateliers. La démarche de conception des ateliers de formation détaillée dans cet article permet la réplication dans d’autres programmes de formation professionnelle. Des bases empiriques sont maintenant connues et peuvent servir de références dans l’élaboration d’études futures.The prevention training offered in vocational programs has several shortcomings, and, as a result, students make little use of it when they enter the labour market. It would appear that the teaching resources employed do not target the specific health risks associated with a given occupation. To design and evaluate workshops aimed at developing preventive behaviour in the workplace among students in secretarial and landscaping programs. A systematic process was followed in the development of the workshops. The evaluation focused on three variables : 1) the satisfaction with the workshops, 2) the apprenticeship, and 3) preventive behaviour. The results of this study describe the process for designing the workshops and suggest a significant improvement in the three variables following the participation of the students in these workshops. The process for designing the workshops described in this article can be replicated in other vocational programs. The empirical bases are now known and can be used as references in the development of future studies.La formación en prevención ofrecida en los programas de capacitación profesional presenta varias lagunas, lo que hace que los aprendizajes que se realizan en estos son poco movilizadores a la entrada en el mercado de trabajo. Parece ser, entre otras cosas, que los recursos educativos utilizados no se enfocan en los riesgos específicos a la profesión. Diseñar y evaluar talleres de capacitación encaminados a desarrollar un comportamiento preventivo en el trabajo en los estudiantes de los programas de secretariado y paisajismo. Se siguió un proceso sistemático para diseñar los talleres de capacitación. La evaluación se centró en tres variables: 1) la percepción de los alumnos, 2) el aprendizaje alcanzado y 3) el comportamiento preventivo. Los resultados de este estudio describen el proceso de diseño de los talleres de capacitación y sugieren una mejora significativa en las tres variables como resultado de la participación de los estudiantes en estos mismos talleres. El proceso de diseño de los talleres de capacitación detallado en este artículo permite la reproducción en otros programas de capacitación profesional. Se conocen ahora las bases empíricas y estas pueden servir como referencias en el desarrollo de estudios futuros

    Enseignement des sciences de l'occupation: soutenir le déploiement des compétences et organiser les situations cliniques dans une approche occupationnelle

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    L’article porte sur l’enseignement des sciences de l’occupation dans un cursus fondé sur le développement des compétences à l’Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), qui comprend un baccalauréat de trois ans, suivi d’une maîtrise d’un an et demi. La première section décrit les fondements théoriques et le cadre de l’enseignement des sciences de l’occupation. Ceux-ci ont permis de déployer les compétences de manière évolutive pour la formation en ergothérapie. Les principes de formation dans une approche par compétences posent qu’il ne suffit pas d’enseigner uniquement les concepts, mais aussi « quand » et « comment » les utiliser. Les étudiants développent ainsi des compétences pour agir en étant centrés sur le client et ses occupations. Le recours à des situations cliniques occupationnelles représente un élément important pour que ceux-ci s’imprègnent d’une conception de la personne comme un être occupationnel. La deuxième section présente les résultats d’un sondage mené auprès de 73 ergothérapeutes diplômés portant sur la perception de leurs compétences reliées au rôle d’expert en habilitation de l’occupation et sur la fréquence à laquelle ils y recourent. On y constate que la majorité des répondants rapportent une préparation « très adéquate » ou « adéquate » pour intervenir auprès des clientèles présentant des problèmes de santé. Plus des trois quarts de ceux-ci affirment agir quotidiennement en étant centrés sur le client et ses occupations alors que la totalité se perçoivent comme ayant une très bonne maîtrise de leurs compétences pour ce qui est d’agir en étant centré sur le client et ses occupations. Ces résultats témoignent d’une préoccupation occupationnelle des clients. Mots-clés. enseignement, compétences, expert, habilitation aux occupations, diplômés ___________________________________________________   Teaching occupational science : supporting competencies development and providing occupational clinical situations Abstract This paper describes the occupational science teaching experience within a competency-based approach at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Occupational Therapy Program. This program includes a three year baccalaureate degree and a one and half year master’s degree. The first section describes the theoretical principles and framework used for competencies deployment throughout the occupational therapy curriculum. Principles of a competency-based approach relate to the fact that this is not only a matter of teaching concepts, but also helping the students becoming aware of when and how to use those. Students then develop the competencies to practice in a client-centered as well as occupation-based manner. The use of clinical situations in an occupational approach is an important element for students to develop the conception of humans as occupational beings. The second section presents results from a survey of 73 graduates on the perception of their use of key competencies related to the role of expert in enabling occupation and on the frequency of this use. Results show that the majority report a « very adequate » and « adequate » preparation to intervene with clients with health problems. More than three quarters of them say they intervene daily with a great awareness for the clients’ occupations while all of them perceive themselves as having good competencies related as well, as enabling occupations. These results reflect an occupational concern for the clients. Keywords. teaching, competencies, expert, enabling occupations, graduate