17 research outputs found

    Cryogenic thermometer calibration facility at CERN

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    Experiments and valve modelling in thermoacoustic device

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    In a so called heat driven thermoacoustic refrigerator, using either a pulse tube or a lumped boost configuration, heat pumping is induced by Stirling type thermodynamic cycles within the regenerator. The time phase between acoustic pressure and flow rate throughout must then be close to that met for a purely progressive wave. The study presented here relates the experimental characterization of passive elements such as valves, tubes and tanks which are likely to act on this phase relationship when included in the propagation line of the wave resonator. In order to carry out a characterization — from the acoustic point of view — of these elements, systematic measurements of the acoustic field are performed varying various parameters: mean pressure, oscillations frequency, supplied heat power. Acoustic waves are indeed generated by use of a thermoacoustic prime mover driving a pulse tube refrigerator. The experimental results are then compared with the solutions obtained with various one‐dimensional linear models including non linear correction factors. It turns out that when using a non symmetrical valve, and for large dissipative effects, the measurements disagree with the linear modelling and non linear behaviour of this particular element is show

    The ESS Superconducting RF Cavity and Cryomodule Cryogenic Processes

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    International audienceThe European Spallation Source (ESS) is one of Europe's largest research infrastructures, tobring new insights to the grand challenges of science and innovation in fields as diverse as material and life sciences, energy, environmental technology, cultural heritage,solid-state and fundamental physics by the end of the decade. The collaborative project is funded by a collaboration of 17 European countries and is under design and construction in Lund, Sweden.A 5 MW, long pulse proton accelerator is used to reach this goal. The pulsed length is 2.86 ms and the repetition frequency is 14 Hz (4% duty cycle). The choice of SRF technology is a key element in the development of the ESS linear accelerator (linac).The superconducting linacis composed of one section of spoke cavity cryomodules(352.21 MHz) and two sections of elliptical cavity cryomodules (704.42 MHz). These cryomodules contain niobium SRF cavities operating at 2 K, cooled by the accelerator cryoplantthrough the cryogenic distribution system.This paper presents the superconducting RF cavity and cryomodule cryogenic processes, which are developed for the technology demonstrators and to be ultimately integrated for the ESS tunnel operation

    Design of a New Horizontal Test Cryostat for Scrfcavities at the Uppsala University

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    At Uppsala University, the FREIA facility for researchand development of new accelerators and associatedinstrumentation, is presently in construction. Associatedto a new Helium Liquefier, a Horizontal Test Cryostat willbe used for high power RF tests of completely equippedSC cavities. This paper presents the main characteristicsof the cryostat. Two types of cavities have beenconsidered for test purpose: SC elliptical cavities forfuture free electron lasers and SC cavities for highintensity proton accelerators. A special valve boxincluding a subcooling stage and power coupler coolingwith supercritical Helium supply have been designed, fortemperature operation ranging from 2 K to 4.2 K. Thisfacility will play an essential role in the development andtest of cavities, couplers and cryomodules for the ESSproject. High power RF sources will be installed in orderto allow unique and complete tests of spoke cavities andcryomodules at high nominal peak power

    Design of a New Horizontal Test Cryostat for Scrfcavities at the Uppsala University

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    At Uppsala University, the FREIA facility for researchand development of new accelerators and associatedinstrumentation, is presently in construction. Associatedto a new Helium Liquefier, a Horizontal Test Cryostat willbe used for high power RF tests of completely equippedSC cavities. This paper presents the main characteristicsof the cryostat. Two types of cavities have beenconsidered for test purpose: SC elliptical cavities forfuture free electron lasers and SC cavities for highintensity proton accelerators. A special valve boxincluding a subcooling stage and power coupler coolingwith supercritical Helium supply have been designed, fortemperature operation ranging from 2 K to 4.2 K. Thisfacility will play an essential role in the development andtest of cavities, couplers and cryomodules for the ESSproject. High power RF sources will be installed in orderto allow unique and complete tests of spoke cavities andcryomodules at high nominal peak power