264 research outputs found

    Contemporary truths through creation-centered mythology a visual through process

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    The experience of this year of study is an important aspect in the development of this body of work because it is very much in the present. The pressure of time, limited studio space and intense sharing with other artists (which is a luxury for me) has helped my work to evolve and become strong. I also learned to rely heavily on an intuitive process of thinking and working rather than a left-brained approach to ideas. As a religious person I have often come to crossroads in my career as an artist. I believe I have found a personal style which is both contemporary as well as spiritual in a way which coincides with my view of a wholistic spirituality; that is, depicting a kind of creationcentered view of spirituality

    Monitoring dune vegetation changes and associated driving forces at Culatra Island, Algarve, Portugal

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    As dunas do sistemas de ilhas barreira suportam uma grande variedade de vegetação que estabilizam e promovem o crescimento das dunas protegendo as zonas costeiras. Os habitats de vegetação diferem entre dunas frontal, interdunar e posterior de acordo com a sucessão evolutiva e a exposição da vegetação a fatores naturais como o vento e ondas. Esses fatores podem ter um efeito significativo sobre a geomorfologia das dunas. Além disso, a geomorfologia das dunas pode influenciar a ecologia, devido a evolução eco geomorfológicos que existem nas dunas costeiras, tais como os fatores reguladores "top down", como a areia eólica, e "bottom up", como as condições para um crescimento ótimo de sucessão comunitária. O sistema de ilhas barreira da Ria Formosa é uma reserva natural protegida desde 1987, esse sistema é constituído por uma lagoa protegida por cinco ilhas barreira e duas penínsulas separadas canais de marés, denominados como barras. Dentro deste sistema de ilhas barreira, a Ilha da Culatra contém uma importante comunidade pesqueira, presença de trilhas e colônias locais da gaivota-de-patas-amarelas (Larus Michahellis). Visto que a Ilha da Culatra contém “dunas cinzentas” que estão listadas como um tipo de habitat prioritário, de acordo com a diretiva europeia, foi necessário realizar um estudo rentável sobre o estado da vegetação. Foram investigados fatores que possam contribuir para a perturbação do sistema de vegetação das dunas da ilha da Culatra. O estudo na presente dissertação, desenvolveu um índice para calcular a perturbação da vegetação dunar dentro da Ilha da Culatra utilizando técnicas de detecção remota com a utilização de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG). Os materiais utilizados para a análise foram ortofotografias e imagens do Google Earth. Estes materiais e ferramentas permitiram classificar a vegetação para completar um índice de perturbação da vegetação. O índice foi realizado através da composição colorida de ortofotografias a cores verdadeiras. Para complementar os dados, foi também utilizada a imagem do Google Earth. As fontes de perturbação foram identificadas pela sobreposição de elementos antropogénicos digitalizados. Este estudo identificou a mudança no estado da vegetação de 2005 para 2017, envolvendo o aumento da perturbação. Constatou-se que a principal causa desta perturbação estava relacionada com marcas causadas por veículos na ilha. O índice e os métodos destacaram a necessidade da utilizar imagens de melhor qualidade, que podem ser de grande utilidade para estudos futuros devido à simplicidade dos métodos e à sua abordagem rentável. Além disso, este método e índice pode ser altamente transferível para outros sistemas dunares e pode ser utilizado como base de referência para o estudo posterior da vegetação dunar na ilha da Culatra, chamando a atenção e importância para a conservação do sistema dunar.Barrier island sand dune systems support a high variety of plant communities, which stabilise and promote growth of dunes protecting inland areas. According to plant succession and exposure, to natural factors such as wind and ocean, vegetation habitats differ between foredune, interdune and backdunes. This can have a significant effect on the geomorphology of the dunes. Moreover, the geomorphology of dunes can influence the ecology, due to the eco-geomorphological feedbacks that exist in coastal dunes such as “top down” (for example aeolian sand) and “bottom up” (such as the conditions for optimal growth of community succession) regulating factors. A protected natural reserve since 1987, the Ria Formosa consists of a lagoon protected by five barrier islands and two peninsulas supported by tidal inlets. Within this barrier system, Culatra Island contains a significant fishing communities, the presence of local footpaths and colonies of the Yellow legged gull (Larus Michahellis). Since Culatra Island contains “grey dunes" which are listed as a priority habitat type according to the EU habitats directive, it was therefore necessary to conduct a cost-effective study on the state of the vegetation and whether any factors are contributing to the perturbation of the Culatra Island dune vegetation system. This study developed an index to calculate dune vegetation perturbation within Culatra island using remote sensing techniques within a Geographical Information Systems environment (GIS). The materials used for the analysis were orthophotos and Google Earth imagery. These materials and tools enabled the ability to classify vegetation to complete a vegetation perturbance index. The index was carried out by the classification of orthomosaicked true colour images. To complement the data, Google Earth imagery was also used. Sources of perturbation were identified by the superimposition of digitized anthropogenic elements. This study identified the change in vegetation state from 2005 to 2017 involving the increase of perturbation. It was found that the main cause of this perturbation was related to track marks caused by vehicles on the island. The index and methods highlighted the need to use better quality imagery but can be of great use for further studies due to the simplicity of the methods and its cost-effective approach. Furthermore, this method and index can be highly transferable to other dune systems and can be utilized as a baseline for further study of dune vegetation on Culatra island, drawing attention and importance to the conservation of the system

    Blended learning in medical imaging pre-clinical skills training – does it work?

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    Undergraduate Medical Imaging (MI)students at QUT attend their first clinical placement towards the end of semester two. Students undertake two (pre)clinical skills development units – one theory and one practical. Students gain good contextual and theoretical knowledge during these units via a blended learning model with multiple learning methods employed. Students attend theory lectures, practical sessions, tutorial sessions in both a simulated and virtual environment and also attend pre-clinical scenario based tutorial sessions. The aim of this project is to evaluate the use of blended learning in the context of 1st year Medical Imaging Radiographic Technique and its effectiveness in preparing students for their first clinical experience. It is hoped that the multiple teaching methods employed within the pre-clinical training unit at QUT builds students clinical skills prior to the real situation. A quantitative approach will be taken, evaluating via pre and post clinical placement surveys. This data will be correlated with data gained in the previous year on the effectiveness of this training approach prior to clinical placement. In 2014 59 students were surveyed prior to their clinical placement demonstrated positive benefits of using a variety of learning tools to enhance their learning. 98.31%(n=58)of students agreed or strongly agreed that the theory lectures were a useful tool to enhance their learning. This was followed closely by 97% (n=57) of the students realising the value of performing role-play simulation prior to clinical placement. Tutorial engagement was considered useful for 93.22% (n=55) whilst 88.14% (n=52) reasoned that the x-raying of phantoms in the simulated radiographic laboratory was beneficial. Self-directed learning yielded 86.44% (n=51). The virtual reality simulation software was valuable for 72.41% (n=42) of the students. Of the 4 students that disagreed or strongly disagreed with the usefulness of any tool they strongly agreed to the usefulness of a minimum of one other learning tool. The impact of the blended learning model to meet diverse student needs continues to be positive with students engaging in most offerings. Students largely prefer pre -clinical scenario based practical and tutorial sessions where 'real-world’ situations are discussed

    High performance liquid chromatographic separations in biopharmaceutical analysis

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    The application of high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) methods to the analysis of drugs in plasma was investigated. A method for the analysis in plasma of the diuretic drug, xipamide was developed from first principles. It was based on reversed-phase chromatography following liquid-liquid extraction of the drug and internal standard into diethyl ether. The method was validated and the coefficient of variation for within-day and between-day replicate analyses were 3.1 and 4.8% respectively. In chapter 4, reversed-phase micellar chromatography was used to separate the drugs, chlorthalidone and xipamide. A method was developed for the determination of these drugs in plasma based on 1 iquid-1iquid extraction into diethyl ether followed by chromatography on a Cg- column using an eluent containing 0.05 M sodium dodecyl sulphate. The method was validated and the coefficient of variation for between-day and within-day replicate analyses were 3.1 and 4.6% respectively. In chapter 5, the retention characteristics of basic drugs on an unmodified silica column using reversed-phase eluents were studied. Drug retention as a function of pH was consistent with an ion exchange mechanism of retention. The analytical method, which used an 80% methanolic eluent, was coupled to a column switching arrangement in order to carry out on-line solid-phase extraction of the drugs from plasma. The mean coefficient of variation for 5 replicate analyses of each drug was less than 8%, even without internal standardisation. In chapter 6, the retention characteristics of 31 drugs on an alumina column were investigated. Using reversed-phase eluents, retention mechanisms were found to be similar to those on unmodified silica, consisting principally of ion exchange, as shown by drug retention behaviour with changing pH and ionic strength. The analytical method was coupled to a column switching arrangement and on-line solid-phase extraction was carried out. In chapter 7, the effect of varying the type of column and eluent composition on drug-free plasma profiles was investigated. The study was based on a Cj^g- and a CN- column; methanol and acetonitrile were the organic modifiers used. The plasma profiles were evaluated quantitatively by measuring the number of interfering peaks greater than 2 mm (equivalent to 8 x 10 absorbance units) in the area of interest along the chromatogram. Results were subjected to statistical treatment using a 3-factor analysis of variance design. The three factors were the column, type of organic modifier and either the percent organic modifier, pH or ionic strength. Analysis of the data revealed that significant effects were seen with changing eluent composition, particularly with regard to the percent organic modifier and that the observed effects were strongly dependent on the type of organic modifier and the type of column under consideration

    Synthesis, characterization, and functionalization of transition metal phosphide nanomaterials from single source molecular precursors

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    This thesis details the synthesis, characterization, and functionalization of transition metal phosphide nanomaterials from single source molecular precursors. The decomposition of the organometallic cluster, H2Fe3(CO) 9PtBu, yielded iron phosphide (Fe2P) nanomaterials of various morphologies depending on the surfactants used for the decomposition. Branched nanostructures were observed as a result of crystal splitting in a few of the surfactant systems. Cross-shaped structures were also observed and attributed to the twinning of two individual bundles during growth as the result of an interrupted growth process. The role of the solvents in particular the use of oleic acid for the formation of nanorods, in the formation of Fe2P nanoparticles will be discussed. Magnetic measurements taken of a variety of different morphologies of these iron phosphide nanoparticles will also be presented. Fe2P nanoparticles were also isolated via the decomposition of other clusters, including Fe3(CO) (P tBu)2, Fe2(CO)6(PHtBu) 2, Fe4(CO)11PtBu2, and Fe3(CO)10PtBu. In order to study the mechanism by which the clusters decompose, the decompositions were monitored using infrared spectroscopy. For all of the systems studied, the clusters rearranged in the surfactant solutions, ultimately resulting in Fe2(CO) 6(PHtBu)2 prior to decomposition. This rearrangement is believed to be a result of the interaction of the clusters with the surfactants employed, suppored by the finding that the solid state decomposition of H 2Fe3(CO)pPtBu was found to result in a combination of Fe 3P, Fe2P, and Fe3O4. In addition to the formation of the binary phases of transition metal phosphide nanomaterials, investigation into the formation of mixed metal phosphides of iron and manganese were also performed. For these experiments, H2 Fe3(CO)9PtBu with a manganese source, either Mn2(CO)10 or Mn(CO)5Br, were decomposed in a variety of surfactant systems. The resulting nanoparticles were only doped with manganese; pure stoichiometric phases were not isolated. Finally the functionalization of Fe2P split rods, T-shapes, and crosses with a gold shell was performed. Their optical properties were studied, and a redshift in the extinction maximum was seen as the shell thickness increased. This plasmon peak shift, as opposed to the trends seen in silica-Au core-shell structures as shell thickness increases, is attributed to the high permittivity of the Fe2P core

    Converged memory institutions : combining public library and cultural resources to achieve an information and social commons

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    The 21st Century’s living and working environment has been transformed by technological advancements, and affected by the trends of globalisation, financial restriction and citizen participation. In response, many information and cultural organisations [memory institutions] such as galleries, libraries, archives and museums are converging aspects of their collections, services and management. This convergence may be physical or virtual, and the subsequent evolution of operations has implications for sites, staff and users. This research explores the theory and practice of convergence as it is impacting upon a particular group and domain of memory institutions, namely public libraries in Western Australia. In addition there is a focus on the interrelationship of convergence with professional and institutional identity, and with the emerging concept of the information and social commons.The research consists of two principal forms of data collection. Firstly, a survey canvassing the opinions of Western Australian public librarians; and secondly, case studies undertaken in four Western Australian local government areas.The findings from these two methods are used to form recommendations for the best operation of a converged memory institution (CMI). Convergence is suggested as particularly appropriate at the local level, and libraries are recommended as the anchoring domain in a CMI, to maximise social capital and form a community hub. This thesis acknowledges the challenging and complex nature of convergence, but argues that as memory institutions converge they improve the delivery of information and cultural services via the optimisation of collectionutility and process efficiency. Thus greater information and social benefits are achieved, and the value and relevance of the collecting sector is reinforced

    Project-based Learning for Environmental Sustainability Action

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    The quest for social and economic development coupled with a growing population has led to complex and unsustainable interactions between humans and the natural resources of planet Earth. One approach to addressing complex, ‘wicked’ problems involves closing the gap between the sustainability knowledge of individuals and the competencies for positive environmental behaviours. Projectbased learning is one teaching-learning strategy which provides opportunities for cultivating a wide range of sustainability competencies to close this gap. Two cases are presented in this paper in which project-based learning was used for fostering environmental competencies and advancing sustainability. One relates to teachers in a graduate course, and the other, to students using an online learning platform. Evaluation of various qualitative documents and artefacts produced by participants revealed that i) teachers and students were motivated and enabled to take action on environmental and sustainability issues through project-based learning ii) participants’ environmental knowledge and sustainability competencies such as communication and collaboration skills were enhanced. School administrators should therefore encourage a culture where project-based learning is infused into the curriculum, and teachers’ collaborative efforts regarding projects are supported

    The Influence of Rejection Episodes in Recipients of Bilateral Corneal Grafts

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    Author version made available in accordance with Publisher copyright policy.We investigated whether a rejection episode in one graft was associated with rejection in the other graft, in recipients with bilateral corneal transplants. In a prospectively maintained, national register of 14 865 followed corneal grafts, 1476 patients with bilateral penetrating corneal grafts were identified. Occurrence of rejection was a risk factor for graft failure (p < 0.0001). Logistic regression was used to calculate the adjusted odds ratio for rejection in one eye following rejection in the other eye. In the subset of 1118 patients with bilateral grafts but no history of previous grafts or rejections in either eye, the adjusted odds ratio for a rejection episode in the first eye following rejection in the second was 3.27 (95% confidence interval, CI 1.85, 5.79; p < 0.001). The adjusted odds ratio was 2.04 (95% CI 1.07, 3.91; p = 0.03) for rejection in the second eye following rejection in the first. The median time between the first rejection episode in one eye and the first rejection episode in the other eye was 15 months. Patients with bilateral corneal grafts who suffer a graft rejection episode in one eye are at significantly greater odds of suffering a rejection episode in the other corneal transplant