82 research outputs found

    LHC Transverse Feedback System and its Hardware Commissioning

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    A powerful transverse feedback system ("Damper") has been installed in LHC. It will stabilise coupled bunch instabilities in a frequency range from 3 kHz to 20 MHz and at the same time damp injection oscillations originating from steering errors and injection kicker ripple. The transverse damper can also be used as an exciter for purposes of abort gap cleaning or tune measurement. The power and lowlevel systems layouts are described along with results from the hardware commissioning. The achieved performance is compared with earlier predictions and requirements for injection damping and instability control

    LHC Transverse Feedback System: First Results of Commissionning

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    A powerful transverse feedback system ("Damper") has been installed in LHC. It will stabilise the high intensity beam against coupled bunch transverse instabilities in a frequency range from 3 kHz to 20 MHz and at the same time damp injection oscillations originating from steering errors and injection kicker ripple. The LHC Damper can also be used as means of exciting transverse oscillations for the purposes of abort gap cleaning and tune measurement. The LHC Damper includes 4 feedback systems on 2 circulating beams (in other words one feedback system per beam and plane). Every feedback system consists of 4 electrostatic kickers, 4 push-pull wide band power amplifiers, 8 preamplifiers, two digital processing units and 2 beam position monitors with low-level electronics. The power and low-level subsystem layout is described along with first results from the commissioning of 16 power amplifiers and 16 electrostatic kickers located in the LHC tunnel. The achieved performance is compared with earlier predictions and requirements for injection damping and instability control. Requirements and first measurements of the performance of the power and low-level subsystems are summarized

    Codon swapping of zinc finger nucleases confers expression in primary cells and in vivo from a single lentiviral vector

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    BACKGROUND: Zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) are promising tools for genome editing for biotechnological as well as therapeutic purposes. Delivery remains a major issue impeding targeted genome modification. Lentiviral vectors are highly efficient for delivering transgenes into cell lines, primary cells and into organs, such as the liver. However, the reverse transcription of lentiviral vectors leads to recombination of homologous sequences, as found between and within ZFN monomers. METHODS: We used a codon swapping strategy to both drastically disrupt sequence identity between ZFN monomers and to reduce sequence repeats within a monomer sequence. We constructed lentiviral vectors encoding codon-swapped ZFNs or unmodified ZFNs from a single mRNA transcript. Cell lines, primary hepatocytes and newborn rats were used to evaluate the efficacy of integrative-competent (ICLV) and integrative-deficient (IDLV) lentiviral vectors to deliver ZFNs into target cells. RESULTS: We reduced total identity between ZFN monomers from 90.9% to 61.4% and showed that a single ICLV allowed efficient expression of functional ZFNs targeting the rat UGT1A1 gene after codon-swapping, leading to much higher ZFN activity in cell lines (up to 7-fold increase compared to unmodified ZFNs and 60% activity in C6 cells), as compared to plasmid transfection or a single ICLV encoding unmodified ZFN monomers. Off-target analysis located several active sites for the 5-finger UGT1A1-ZFNs. Furthermore, we reported for the first time successful ZFN-induced targeted DNA double-strand breaks in primary cells (hepatocytes) and in vivo (liver) after delivery of a single IDLV encoding two ZFNs. CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate that a codon-swapping approach allowed a single lentiviral vector to efficiently express ZFNs and should stimulate the use of this viral platform for ZFN-mediated genome editing of primary cells, for both ex vivo or in vivo applications

    Les suppositoires (de l'Antiquité à nos jours)

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    PARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    La ponction-concentration-réinjection en un temps de moelle osseuse autologue dans les défauts de consolidation osseuse (à propos de 22 cas (19 patients) de fractures localisées aux os longs du membre inférieur)

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    Entre 1998 et 2002, 19 patients adultes hospitalisés à l'Hôpital d'Instruction des Armées Percy o.nt été inclus dans un essai clinique de faisabilité de ponction-concentration-réinjection de moelle osseuse dans des foyers de pseudarthrose. Un total de 22 fractures osseuses à risque de ne pas consolider ou pseudarthroses avérées, sans perte de substance ont été traitées. L'efficacité de la technique a été jugée sur l'absence de récidive après une remise en charge complète, ainsi que sur la durée de consolidation et la survenue de complications. La moelle osseuse a par ailleurs été étudiée quant à sa richesse en éléments nucléés et en progéniteurs mésenchymateux après concentration. 15 fractures ont consolidé en 4,7 +- 2,4 mois, résultat comparable à la littérature. Si le nombre de patients n'a pas permis de mettre en évidence de lien entre la richesse médullaire et les caractéristiques des patients d'une part, leur évolution d'autre part, il semble que le sepsis soit l'une des causes principale d'échec. Par ailleurs, la consolidation est apparue possible pour une concentration réinjectée inférieure au seuil théorique de 1500 progéniteurs / mL. Présentant peu de complications, cette technique est renouvelable dans le temps sans amputation du capital osseux. Elle peut être proposée relativement tôt dans l'évolution d'une fracture. Mais sans essai plus vaste validant son efficacité elle reste du domaine de la recherche clinique.NANCY1-SCD Medecine (545472101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocPARIS-Bib. Serv.Santé Armées (751055204) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Epidémiologie des salmonelloses en Europe de 2002 à 2007

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    PARIS-BIUP (751062107) / SudocSudocFranceF
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