67 research outputs found
The Relationship Between Teachers’ Perceptions Towards Human Resource Management and School Climate at Myint-Mo Education Foundation (Mef) in Myanmar
This study was to investigate the significant relationship between teachers’ perceptions towards Human Resource Management and School Climate. The study conducted 60 full-time teachers based on their perceptions to discover the research findings in 2018-2019 academic year. This study focused on three objectives were to: (1) identify the level of teachers’ perceptions towards human resource management, (2) identify the level of teachers’ perceptions towards school climate, and (3) determine the significant relationship between teachers’ perceptions towards human resource management and school climate at Myint-Mo Education Foundation (MEF). The two theories were Human Resource Management Theory by Lunenburg & Ornstein (2008), and School Climate Model by Hoy, Tarter & Kottkamp (1991). The research designed the quantitative method. The Means and Standard Deviations, and The Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient were utilized to analyze the data for hypothesis testing by distributing 30 question items in HRM and 30 question items in school climate for investigating the objectives of the study. From the research findings, r value was .403, with significant by Pearson correlation of .003. The study showed that there was a significant relationship between teachers’ perceptions towards human resource management and school climate at Myint-Mo Education Foundation (MEF), Myanmar
Exploring the Effect of Professional Skills and Personality Traits to Job Performance of Employees in Automotive Corporation, Laguna, Philippines
In today’s global environment there is a competition on performances of organizations. Business organizations are seeking highly skilled professionals to be employed to achieve high performance and productivity over their competitors. This research is to determine the effects of personality traits, and professional skills on employee performance in an Automotive Corporation in the Philippines. The study is a quantitative research, and a descriptive correlation. Self-Constructed survey questionnaires were distributed to 97 employees of Automotive Corporation using convenience sampling. The statistical tools used for analyzing the results from the SPSS 22, was Pearson correlation to analyze the relationship and standard deviation and the mean for the descriptive study, and t-test and ANOVA were used to analyze the difference, and in terms of predictions, linear regression was used. The study shows that the relationship between Professional Skills has a positive significant relationship with employee performance but there is no significant relationship between personality traits and employee performance, though openness was dominant with the highest mean. The study also revealed that professional skills, personality traits, and employee performance are high. Considering the sex, males had higher employee performance than females. Further results revealed that only professional skills predicted employee performance. The result of the study implies that business owners need employees that can get the job done because employee performance is critical to the overall success of the company. The study recommends that industries should bear in mind that Professional Skills, and Personality Traits of workers isessential to the success of business organizations. 
National scale-up of tuberculosis-human immunodeficiency virus collaborative activities in Myanmar from 2005 to 2016 and tuberculosis treatment outcomes for patients with human immunodeficiency virus-positive tuberculosis in the Mandalay Region in 2015.
Background: HIV-associated TB is a serious public health problem in Myanmar. Study objectives were to describe national scale-up of collaborative activities to reduce the double burden of TB and HIV from 2005 to 2016 and to describe TB treatment outcomes of individuals registered with HIV-associated TB in 2015 in the Mandalay Region. Methods: Secondary analysis of national aggregate data and, for treatment outcomes, a cohort study of patients with HIV-associated TB in the Mandalay Region. Results: The number of townships implementing collaborative activities increased from 7 to 330 by 2016. The number of registered TB patients increased from 1577 to 139 625 in 2016, with the number of individuals tested for HIV increasing from 432 to 114 180 (82%) in 2016: 10 971 (10%) were diagnosed as HIV positive. Uptake of co-trimoxazole preventive therapy (CPT) and antiretroviral therapy (ART) nationally in 2016 was 77% and 52%, respectively. In the Mandalay Region, treatment success was 77% and mortality was 18% in 815 HIV-associated TB patients. Risk factors for unfavourable outcomes and death were older age (≥45 years) and not taking CPT and/or ART. Conclusion: Myanmar is making good progress with reducing the HIV burden in TB patients, but better implementation is needed to reach 100% HIV testing and 100% CPT and ART uptake in TB-HIV co-infected patients
Collaborative Exploration of Legume Crops and Wild Vigna Genetic Resources in Sagaing Region, Myanmar 2019
To collect legume genetic resources, a field survey was conducted in the Sagaing Region, Myanmar, from November 1 to 17, 2019. We concentrated on the collection of wild legumes belonging to genus Vigna. As a result, we collected a total of 43 seed samples from 23 survey sites and recorded three additional survey sites from where no seed samples could be collected. Collected seed samples consisted of 2 accessions of domesticated Glycine max (soybean), 2 of domesticated Lablab purpureus (hyacinth bean), 1 of domesticated Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (winged bean), 20 of Vigna angularis var. nipponensis (wild azuki bean), 6 of Vigna hirtella complex (wild Vigna), 6 of Vigna tenuicaulis (wild Vigna), 3 of domesticated Vigna umbellata (rice bean), and 3 of domesticated Vigna unguiculata (cowpea/yardlong bean). The collected seed samples have been primarily conserved in the seed bank of the Department of Agricultural Research in Myanmar, and the subset was transferred to the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) Genebank in Japan under the Standard Material Transfer Agreement of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. After the multiplication of seeds in Tsukuba Japan, the NARO Genebank plans to conserve them as distributable genetic resources for research, breeding, and training purposes for food and agriculture.マメ科作物の遺伝資源を収集するために,2019年11月1日から17日にかけてミャンマー連邦共和国ザガイン地方域における二国間共同現地調査を実施した.調査は,特にササゲ属野生種遺伝資源を主対象として行われた.その結果,合計43サンプルの遺伝資源を収集し,それに加えて3地点の遺伝資源生育地情報を記録した.収集品の内訳は,ダイズ(Glycine max) 2点,フジマメ(Lablab purpureus) 2点,シカクマメ(Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)1点,ツルアズキ(Vigna umbellata)3点,ササゲ/ジュウロクササゲ(Vigna unguiculata)3点,野生アズキ(Vigna angularis var. nipponensis)20点, Vigna属野生植物(Vigna hirtella complex)6点,Vigna属野生植物(Vigna tenuicaulis)6点である.収集した遺伝資源は,原産国ミャンマーのシードバンクに保存し,そのサブセットをITPGRFAのSMTAを用いてNAROジーンバンクに移転した.NAROジーンバンクでは,本調査で収集した種子を用いて増殖・特性評価を行った後,食糧農業に関する教育・研究・育種利用目的のために配布可能な遺伝資源として公開予定である(https://www.gene.affrc.go.jp/index_en.php).Figure 3点, Table 4点, Photo 91点, Seed Photo 4
Collaborative Exploration of Cucurbitaceae Vegetable Genetic Resources in Myanmar\nin 2019
This study describes the exploration of genetic resources of cucurbitaceous vegetables in northwestern Myanmar, Sagaing region, and this study was jointly conducted by the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), Japan, and the Department of Agriculture Research, Myanmar. A field survey was conducted in northwestern Myanmar from November 1 to 17, 2019. We collected a total of 24 accessions, 16 from Cucumis sativus L., two from Cucumis melo L., three from Cucurbita moschata Duchense, one from Cucurbita maxima Duchense ex Lam., one from Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb., and one from Momordica charantia L. The collected accessions were stored as seeds at the Myanmar Seed Bank and subsets were transferred to the Genetic Resources Center, NARO, using a standard material transfer agreement.本報告は農林水産省委託プロジェクト研究「海外植物遺伝資源の収集・提供強化」の予算により実施され,国立研究開発法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構とミャンマー植物遺伝資源センターとの間で行われたミャンマー北西部ザガイン管区におけるウリ科野菜遺伝資源の探索・収集に関わる調査報告書である.調査は2019年11月1日~17日にかけて行った.カムティ省のカムティ郡、ラヘ郡、レイシ郡において探索・調査を行った.その結果,キュウリ(Cucumis sativus)16点,ニホンカボチャ(Cucurbita moschata)3点,メロン(Cucumis melo)2点,セイヨウカボチャ(Cucurbita maxima),トカドヘチマ(Luffa acutangula)およびツルレイシ(Momordica charantia)の計24点の野菜遺伝資源を収集した.収集された遺伝資源種子の半分はミャンマー農業研究局シードバンクで保存され,残りはSMTAを用いて国立研究開発法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構ジーンバンクに移転された.Figure 1点, Table 3点, Photo 12点, Sample Photo 17
A Field Study Exploring Plant Genetic Resources in Kachin State and Chin State, Myanmar in 2017
Here, we report a Myanmar-Japan cooperative field study exploring plant genetic resources (PGRs) mainly in northern Kachin State and southern Chin State, Myanmar in November 2017. The field study was conducted in the above-mentioned areas where small exploration missions were dispatched, even though crop diversity was expected. Crop diversity has previously been observed in hilly and mountainous areas in Sagaing Region, which border Kachin State and Chin State. There were four objectives of this field study. First, we planned to survey cultivated and useful plants by visiting villages and marketplaces in Putao district of Kachin State. We visited a large basin and the surrounding hills at altitudes of 370 ? 530 m. The major crop in the basin was rice and various legumes, cereals, spices, herbs, medicinal plants, and vegetables were grown in cultivated fields, backyard garden, and in local marketplaces. Second, we intended to visit local villages at higher altitudes of 900 ? 1,540 m crossing higher passes in Mindat district of the southern Chin State and vicinity for survey. Although rice was also an important crop in those regions, its cultivation was limited to terraces in the valleys or small basins where irrigation water was available. There were small sloping cultivation fields near farmers’ houses where various crops were grown, as observed in Putao district. Cultivation of elephant foot yam was recently introduced as a cash crop, which might have led to the loss of traditionally grown crops, such as foxtail millet and finger millet. The third objective was to collect PGRs for food and agriculture. We collected 245 plant samples in Putao district of Kachin State (147 samples), Mindat district of Chin State (89) and neighboring Magway Region (8), and Yangon Region (1) of Myanmar, which included legumes (46), cereals (75), spices, herbs and medicinal plants (28), various vegetables (92), and others (4). The fourth objective was to collect the vernacular names and confirm the utilization methods of the crops and useful plants from an ethnobotanical perspective. Shan, Rawang, Jinghpaw, and Lisu people often used similar crop names within their respective languages in Putao district of Kachin State. Although they live close to other people in the district, they have maintained their own vernacular names for a variety of cultivated crops. Conversely, Chin people use various words for each crop among villages in Mindat district of Chin State. Consequently, we observed a diversity of cultivated and useful plants in Putao district of Kachin State and Mindat district of Chin State. These were collected as potential PGRs to be conserved at DAR Seed Bank in Myanmar and at the Genetic Resources Center (GRC) of the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), which implements the NARO Genebank Project (NARO GBP) in Japan. We observed the recent introduction of some cash crops, such as elephant foot yam and coffee trees, into the mountainous areas of Chin State, which might have led to the loss of traditionally grown crops, such as foxtail millet and finger millet. Further studies are needed on several wild and/or semi-domesticated Cucurbitaceae and Solanaceae plants used by local people both in Kachin State and Chin State for accurate taxonomic identification and analysis of diversity. It is important to consider introducing cash crops and the possible utilization of traditional cultivated and useful plants in order to develop agriculture in hilly and mountainous peripheral areas of Myanmar such as Putao and Mindat districts.本報告は,2017年11月にミャンマーのカチン北部およびチン州南部で日本とミャンマーが共同で実施した植物遺伝資源に関するフィールド研究の報告である.本フィールド研究は隣接するザガイン地方域における先行研究による知見に基づいて,作物の多様性が期待されるが探索があまりなされていない上記の地域を対象に計画,実行された.4つの目的があった.第一に,カチン州のプタオ県(district)の村や市場を訪れ,栽培された有用植物を調査する.私たちは標高370 ~ 530 mの広い盆地と周辺の丘陵部を訪れ,主要な作物は盆地のイネであるが,畑,バックヤードガーデン,地元の市場などでさまざまなマメ類,穀類,スパイス,ハーブ,薬草や野菜を確認した.第二に,私たちはチン州南部のミンダッ県及びその近傍の900 ~ 1,540 mのより高い標高の村々をさらに高い峠を越えながら訪問し調査することを計画した.イネはここでも重要な作物であったが,その栽培は灌漑用水が利用できる谷または小さな盆地のテラスに限られていた.プタオ県と同様に様々な作物が農家の近くの小さな傾斜畑に栽培されていた.近年,新しい換金作物であるコンニャク等の栽培がチン州に導入されアワやシコクビエなど伝統的作物が失われているようある.第三の目的は農業食糧遺伝資源を収集することであった.ミャンマーのカチン州プタオ県で147点,チン州ミンダッ地区で89点,近接するマグエ地方域で8点,ヤンゴン地方域で1点の計245点を収集した.それにはマメ科植物(46点),穀類(75点),スパイス・ハーブ・薬草(28点),野菜(92点),その他(4点)が含まれていた.四番目の目的は,民族植物学的視点から,作物や有用植物の方名(現地語での呼称)と利用方法を収集することであった.作物の名前に関しては,カチン州プタオ県のシャン人,ラワン人,ジンポー人,リス人は異なる村でもそれぞれの言語内では共通性のある作物名を使用する.彼らは地区内で互いに近くに住んでいるにもかかわらず,様々な栽培作物の呼称は独自の方名を維持している.一方,チン人は,チン州のミンダッ地区の調査で各作物について村ごとにある程度異なる呼称を使用している.本研究の結果,私たちはカチン州プタオ県とチン州ミンダット県に多様な栽培植物や有用植物を観察し,それらをミャンマーの農業研究局のシードバンクとわが国の農業生物資源ジーンバンクに保存される植物遺伝資源として収集した.近年チン州の山岳地帯にコンニャクやコーヒーノキなどの換金作物の導入を確認した.これによって伝統的に栽培されていたアワやシコクビエのような伝統作物が失われた可能性がある.カチン州とチン州の地元住民が利用している野生ないしは半栽培のウリ科植物やナス科植物は,専門家による正確な分類学的同定や多様性分析などさらに研究が必要である.プタオ県やミンダッ県のようなミャンマー周縁部の丘陵・山間地域の農業を発展させるためには,現金作物の導入だけでなく,伝統的な栽培された有用植物の活用の検討も重要と思われる
Political transition and emergent forest-conservation issues in Myanmar.
Political and economic transitions have had substantial impacts on forest conservation. Where transitions are underway or anticipated, historical precedent and methods for systematically assessing future trends should be used to anticipate likely threats to forest conservation and design appropriate and prescient policy measures to counteract them. Myanmar is transitioning from an authoritarian, centralized state with a highly regulated economy to a more decentralized and economically liberal democracy and is working to end a long-running civil war. With these transitions in mind, we used a horizon-scanning approach to assess the 40 emerging issues most affecting Myanmar's forests, including internal conflict, land-tenure insecurity, large-scale agricultural development, demise of state timber enterprises, shortfalls in government revenue and capacity, and opening of new deforestation frontiers with new roads, mines, and hydroelectric dams. Averting these threats will require, for example, overhauling governance models, building capacity, improving infrastructure- and energy-project planning, and reforming land-tenure and environmental-protection laws. Although challenges to conservation in Myanmar are daunting, the political transition offers an opportunity for conservationists and researchers to help shape a future that enhances Myanmar's social, economic, and environmental potential while learning and applying lessons from other countries. Our approach and results are relevant to other countries undergoing similar transitions
Political transition and emergent forest-conservation issues in Myanmar.
Political and economic transitions have had substantial impacts on forest conservation. Where transitions are underway or anticipated, historical precedent and methods for systematically assessing future trends should be used to anticipate likely threats to forest conservation and design appropriate and prescient policy measures to counteract them. Myanmar is transitioning from an authoritarian, centralized state with a highly regulated economy to a more decentralized and economically liberal democracy and is working to end a long-running civil war. With these transitions in mind, we used a horizon-scanning approach to assess the 40 emerging issues most affecting Myanmar's forests, including internal conflict, land-tenure insecurity, large-scale agricultural development, demise of state timber enterprises, shortfalls in government revenue and capacity, and opening of new deforestation frontiers with new roads, mines, and hydroelectric dams. Averting these threats will require, for example, overhauling governance models, building capacity, improving infrastructure- and energy-project planning, and reforming land-tenure and environmental-protection laws. Although challenges to conservation in Myanmar are daunting, the political transition offers an opportunity for conservationists and researchers to help shape a future that enhances Myanmar's social, economic, and environmental potential while learning and applying lessons from other countries. Our approach and results are relevant to other countries undergoing similar transitions
Late prehistoric and early historic chronology of Myanmar: a four-millennia sequence from Halin
Myanmar is located within an important geographic corridor of prehistoric demographic and technological exchange, yet relatively few archaeological sites have been securely dated. Here, the authors present a new radiocarbon chronology for Halin, a UNESCO-listed complex in the north-central Sagaing Division of Myanmar, which contributes to the generation of nuanced regional chronologies and to improving the temporal resolution of Southeast Asia more generally. Discussion of 94 radiocarbon determinates, together with site stratigraphy and pottery traditions, provides a chronological sequence from the early third millennium BC to the early second millennium AD. Corroboration of the beginning of this sequence would place Halin as the oldest currently dated Neolithic site in Mainland Southeast Asia and would provide support for the two-layer model of Neolithic migration
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