83 research outputs found

    Study on impacts of abolition of school fee on primary education in Myanmar

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    Thesis(Master) --KDI School:Master of Public Policy,2016In this paper, I examine the impacts of the school fee abolition on the primary educational attainment after the abolition process by using the quasi natural experiment. I use Linear Probability Model to analysis relationship between primary school fee and educational attainment. I find that the school fee abolition is not the main reason in order to get universal primary education in Myanmar from my analysis. Although the school fees are free, there are other socio economic characteristics as the obstacles to get the educational attainment.I. Introduction and Background II. Literature Review III. Public Expenditure for Education and Implementing Universal Primary Education in Myanmar IV. Empirical Analysis V. Conclusion and RecommendationsmasterpublishedThein Thein San SAN

    Myanmar Sugar SMEs: History, Technology, Location and Government Policy

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    Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) engaged in sugar processing in Myanmar appeared in the last decade of the socialist era. An acute sugar deficit, restricted trade in white sugar, and high demand from the conventional dairy business led to the growth of sugar SMEs by appropriate blending of semi-finished products (syrup) in the fields, which were then processed in vacuum pans and centrifugals to obtain white sugar. This became a tradable commodity and sugar SMEs grew in clusters in big cities. They are family-owned businesses. However, they lack the bagasse-based power generation.In recent years, large modern sugar factories operated by private and military companies have emerged as key players. The current shortage of fuel feedstock and competition for raw materials have become driving forces that shift sugar SMEs from market-oriented to raw material-oriented locations. Internal competition among key players made sugar price highly volatile, too. Being placed on a level playing field, the whole industry should be upgraded in terms of price and quality to become export-oriented

    Land tenure in rural lowland Myanmar: From historical perspectives to contemporary realities in the Dry zone and the Delta: Of lives of land Myanmar research series.

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    This study emerged out of an identified need to document social processes leading to land insecurity, and those leading to investment and sustainable use of lands by rural populations. Focusing on the Delta and Dry Zone, the main paddy producing regions of Myanmar, this analysis unravels the powers at play in shaping rural households’ relationship to land. From British colonization to the 2012 reforms, many issues have remained relatively unchanged with regards to local dynamics of landlessness, exclusion processes, local power plays, restrictions in farmers’ land rights and the State’s excessive focus on rice. In the midst of a fast evolving legal context, this work provides a typology of farmers and the landless and argues that more attention needs to be paid to understand the diversity of rural households and forms of landlessness

    Study on Wind Flow Behaviours of High Rise Buildings with CFD Simulation

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    Wind distribution flows are very important for designer to develop new urban planning and new design buildings. The aim of this paper research was to investigate wind flow behaviours around the buildings cluster.  Present work used a three dimensional scale down model of buildings where transient flow analysis was done. CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation is the main research method to investigate the wind environment around building complexes. Numerical investigation of air flow pattern around a cluster of existing high rise structures located in Mandalay city was carried out. It has been implemented through ANSYS Fluent 17.0 using SIMPLE algorithm as solver. Standard k- ɛ model was used for turbulence modelling. The inflow Basic Wind Speed in Mandalay is 80 mph. The inflow wind velocity profile with height is computed by power law equation and imposed by UDF (C+ program). This simulation was carried out to study the effect of wind directions on velocity distribution around the structures and wind pressure coefficient on the face of the L shape building. Analysis was performed at eight wind directions such as N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W and NW. In these simulation results, high stream line velocities are especially entering into the east side of the Condo A building as obstacles on the wind pathway from the interval between Tower building and L-shape building. When wind strikes building, causing a positive pressure zone to be formed on the windward face and a negative pressure zone is created at the sides and leeward face of the building

    Collaborative Exploration of Legume Crops and Wild Vigna Genetic Resources in Sagaing Region, Myanmar 2019

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    To collect legume genetic resources, a field survey was conducted in the Sagaing Region, Myanmar, from November 1 to 17, 2019. We concentrated on the collection of wild legumes belonging to genus Vigna. As a result, we collected a total of 43 seed samples from 23 survey sites and recorded three additional survey sites from where no seed samples could be collected. Collected seed samples consisted of 2 accessions of domesticated Glycine max (soybean), 2 of domesticated Lablab purpureus (hyacinth bean), 1 of domesticated Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (winged bean), 20 of Vigna angularis var. nipponensis (wild azuki bean), 6 of Vigna hirtella complex (wild Vigna), 6 of Vigna tenuicaulis (wild Vigna), 3 of domesticated Vigna umbellata (rice bean), and 3 of domesticated Vigna unguiculata (cowpea/yardlong bean). The collected seed samples have been primarily conserved in the seed bank of the Department of Agricultural Research in Myanmar, and the subset was transferred to the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) Genebank in Japan under the Standard Material Transfer Agreement of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. After the multiplication of seeds in Tsukuba Japan, the NARO Genebank plans to conserve them as distributable genetic resources for research, breeding, and training purposes for food and agriculture.マメ科作物の遺伝資源を収集するために,2019年11月1日から17日にかけてミャンマー連邦共和国ザガイン地方域における二国間共同現地調査を実施した.調査は,特にササゲ属野生種遺伝資源を主対象として行われた.その結果,合計43サンプルの遺伝資源を収集し,それに加えて3地点の遺伝資源生育地情報を記録した.収集品の内訳は,ダイズ(Glycine max) 2点,フジマメ(Lablab purpureus) 2点,シカクマメ(Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)1点,ツルアズキ(Vigna umbellata)3点,ササゲ/ジュウロクササゲ(Vigna unguiculata)3点,野生アズキ(Vigna angularis var. nipponensis)20点, Vigna属野生植物(Vigna hirtella complex)6点,Vigna属野生植物(Vigna tenuicaulis)6点である.収集した遺伝資源は,原産国ミャンマーのシードバンクに保存し,そのサブセットをITPGRFAのSMTAを用いてNAROジーンバンクに移転した.NAROジーンバンクでは,本調査で収集した種子を用いて増殖・特性評価を行った後,食糧農業に関する教育・研究・育種利用目的のために配布可能な遺伝資源として公開予定である(https://www.gene.affrc.go.jp/index_en.php).Figure 3点, Table 4点, Photo 91点, Seed Photo 4

    Collaborative Exploration of Cucurbitaceae Vegetable Genetic Resources in Myanmar\nin 2019

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    This study describes the exploration of genetic resources of cucurbitaceous vegetables in northwestern Myanmar, Sagaing region, and this study was jointly conducted by the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), Japan, and the Department of Agriculture Research, Myanmar. A field survey was conducted in northwestern Myanmar from November 1 to 17, 2019. We collected a total of 24 accessions, 16 from Cucumis sativus L., two from Cucumis melo L., three from Cucurbita moschata Duchense, one from Cucurbita maxima Duchense ex Lam., one from Luffa acutangula (L.) Roxb., and one from Momordica charantia L. The collected accessions were stored as seeds at the Myanmar Seed Bank and subsets were transferred to the Genetic Resources Center, NARO, using a standard material transfer agreement.本報告は農林水産省委託プロジェクト研究「海外植物遺伝資源の収集・提供強化」の予算により実施され,国立研究開発法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構とミャンマー植物遺伝資源センターとの間で行われたミャンマー北西部ザガイン管区におけるウリ科野菜遺伝資源の探索・収集に関わる調査報告書である.調査は2019年11月1日~17日にかけて行った.カムティ省のカムティ郡、ラヘ郡、レイシ郡において探索・調査を行った.その結果,キュウリ(Cucumis sativus)16点,ニホンカボチャ(Cucurbita moschata)3点,メロン(Cucumis melo)2点,セイヨウカボチャ(Cucurbita maxima),トカドヘチマ(Luffa acutangula)およびツルレイシ(Momordica charantia)の計24点の野菜遺伝資源を収集した.収集された遺伝資源種子の半分はミャンマー農業研究局シードバンクで保存され,残りはSMTAを用いて国立研究開発法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構ジーンバンクに移転された.Figure 1点, Table 3点, Photo 12点, Sample Photo 17


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    Collaborative exploration between Japan and Myanmar was conducted in the Southern Shan state and the Magway and the Sagaing divisions in Myanmar from November 16 to December 15, 1999. Of the low land rice varieties cultivated in Myanmar, 80 percent have been improved varieties introduced from foreign countries in the past 2-3 years. In the Southern Shan state and the border area of the Magway division and the Chin state, such genetic erosion of landraces has also occurred but some landraces which have sticky eating quality adapting the favor of local peoples, have still remained. Though all of the upland varieties in the both areas are old landraces, there is a strong fear that they will be replaced to cash crops such as oil crops or pulses due to their low yielding ability. A total of 179 landraces and 20 wild relatives, including Oryza granulata, O. rufipogon and hybrids between O. rufipogon and O. sativa were collected. Particularly landraces of upland rice which are adapted to dry and cool weather conditions were found in mountainous regions. Some landraces were grown for their high quality of sticky and glutinous endosperms

    Effect of seminal plasma removal, washing solutions, and centrifugation regimes on boer goat semen cryopreservation

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    Three experiments were carried out to improve semen quality during cryopreservation process. Total motility, forward motility, acrosome integrity, live spermatozoa, and normal spermatozoa were measured as semen quality. In Experiment 1, the effects of seminal plasma removal were analyzed by using two different extenders (GE and FE). The removal of seminal plasma gave higher and significant (P<0.05) effect in the total motility, forward motility, and live spermatozoa after cryopreservation. For two different extenders, however, the differences were not observed on the semen quality. In Experiment 2, three different washing solutions (namely, phosphate buffered saline, normal saline and Tris-based extender) were tested to evaluate the effects of semen quality after cryopreservation. Tris-based extender (TCG) conferred the highest (P<.05) sperm quality values in the total motility, forward motility, and live spermatozoa after cryopreservation. In Experiment 3, the effects of different centrifugation regimes (3000 × g for 3 min, 1600 × g for 10 min, 800 × g for 15 min) were evaluated on Boer semen quality. Semen quality parameters (namely, total motility, forward motility, acrosome integrity, and live spermatozoa) were significantly (P<.05) higher for cryopreserved spermatozoa centrifuged with 3000 × g for 3 min than the others. In conclusion, the removal of seminal plasma, washing solution TCG, and the use short-term centrifugation with a relative high g-force could contribute to the increased Boer semen quality after cryopreservation

    Evaluation on dry forage yields and nutritional characteristics of introduced herbaceous legumes in Myanmar

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    The study was carried out to evaluate the forage yields, nutritive values and in vitro fermentation parameters of herbaceous legumes. Five varieties of introduced herbaceous legumes; Stylosanthes guianensis cv. Ubon stylo, Macrotyloma axillare cv. Archer, Centrosema brasilianum cv. Ooloo, Stylosanthes guianensis cv. Stylo 184 and Macroptilum bracteatum cv. Cadarga were evaluated at the research farm, University of Veterinary Science, Yezin, Myanmar. No fertilizer and no irrigation were applied for cultivation to test drought resistance. Dry forage yield, nutritive values and gas production at four harvesting times were measured with 4×5 factorial arrangement (5 legumes and 4 harvesting time) in randomized complete block design. There was no interaction between legumes and harvesting time on forage yield, nutritive values and fermentation parameters but they were affected by the main effects of legume types and harvesting time. Among the legume forages, the highest dry forage yields were found in Ooloo, Ubon stylo, and Stylo 184, and followed by the DM yield of Archer and Cadarga. The DM yield of the second harvest was significantly higher (p&lt;0.05) than those of the first, third and fourth harvest which were not significantly different from each other. As a chemical composition, the DM content of Archer was lower (p&lt;0.05) than those of other varieties. Among the legumes forages, the lower CP content was found in Cadarga. The higher NDF was observed in Ooloo. Ooloo, Ubon stylo and Cadarga showed higher ADF in comparison with the other two varieties. Among the harvesting time, the lowest DM content was found at the first harvest. The highest CP content was found at third harvest. The NDF content was not significantly different. The lowest ADF content was found in fourth harvest. According to the dry forage yield, Ubon stylo and Ooloo had the highest dry forage yield and in term of nutritive values, Stylo 184 and Archer had higher nutritive values. As the main effect of forages, Stylo 184 and Archer had higher gas production in comparison with the other varieties. As the main effect of harvesting time, the fourth harvest had the highest gas production in comparison with other harvesting time. It could be better for cultivation by application of fertilizer and irrigation to get more forage yield and quality. &nbsp

    A Field Study Collecting Cultivated Crops and Useful Plants in Sagaing Region of Myanmar in 2014

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    This is a report of a cooperative field study team that explored plant genetic resources in northern Sagaing Region of Myanmar in November 2014. Naga villages in rather isolated areas that might have harbored crop diversity were targeted based on recent field studies and observation on plant genetic resources of mountainous villages in Southeast Asia. The team visited scattered Naga villages in Hkamti and Lahe Townships to collect plant genetic resources together with the GPS data and information about their vernacular names, agricultural practices, and food preparation or other uses. Slash-and-burn cultivation was commonly practiced on mountain slopes, where sorghum, Job\u27s tears, maize, finger millet, lablab bean, rice bean, soybean, cassava, yams, shallot, tomato, perilla, chili pepper, roselle, bitter gourd, cowpea, sponge gourd, pumpkin, taro, yam, a tall chenopod, holy basil, Elsholtzia blanda, mustard, banana, ginger, etc. were grown in addition to the staple food crop, rice. The field study team collected 102 samples of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, which included rice (29 samples), maize (6), cowpea (5), chili pepper (5), Zanthoxylum spp. (4), kidney bean (4), Job\u27s tear (3), foxtail millet (3), rice bean (3), soybean (3), Chenopodium sp. (3), perilla (3) and others together with available information, which were to be conserved at gene banks in Myanmar and Japan. The vernacular names collected for chosen crops were highly various particularly in Lahe Township. Commonality of crops grown on the mountainous slashand-burn cultivation fields in Sagaing Region to those of Kachin State of Myanmar, those of Lao PDR and those of Nagaland of India suggests that the people of those areas share "Southeast Asia Agriculture Basic Complex". There still remain diverse crop landraces in mountainous Sagaing Region, but the agricultural biodiversity will disappear rather quickly due to drastic socio-economical changes taking place there. We concluded that indigenous crop varieties on those areas need to be collected and studied as soon as possible.本報は2014年11月にャンマーのザガイン地方域,とくにナガ族居住山地を対象に実施した植物遺伝資源に関する共同現地調査隊の報告である.今までに行なってきた東南アジアの山村での現地調査や観察の結果,他地域との交流が活発ではなく多様な在来作物・有用植物遺伝資源の収集が期待されるナガ族居住地域を対象に選んだ.本調査隊はカムティ郡区およびラヘー郡区のナガ族山村を訪問し,GPS情報,方名,農作業法,調理法等の利用法とともに植物遺伝資源を収集した.山地の傾斜地では焼畑が共通して営まれ,主要食用作物であるイネとともに,モロコシ,ハトムギ,トウモロコシ,シコクビエ,フジマメ,タケアズキ,ダイズ,キャッサバ,シャロット,トマト,エゴマ,トウガラシ,ローゼル,ニガウリ,ササゲ,ヘチマ,カボチャ,サトイモ類,ヤマイモ類,背の高いアカザ類,カミメボウキ,ナギナタコウジュ類,カラシナ,バナナ,ショウガ等が栽培されていた.現地調査隊はイネ29点,トウモロコシ6点,ササゲ5点,トウガラシ類5点,サンショウ類4点,インゲンマメ4点,ハトムギ3点,アワ3点,タケアズキ3点,ダイズ3点,アカザ類3点,エゴマ3点他,計102点を収集し,これらはミャンマーと日本の両国のジーンバンクで保存されることとなった.調査した作物の方名は多様で,特にラヘー郡区で顕著であった.また,ザガイン地方域の山地の焼畑で栽培される作物の種類はカチン州,ラオス中北部,インド・ナガランド州の山地の焼畑で栽培されるものとの共通性が高く,これらの地域の人々が「東南アジア農耕文化基本複合」を共有していることが示唆された.ザガイン地方域の山地には多様な作物の地方品種が残存している一方,現在急速に進んでいる社会経済的な変革によって農業生物多様性が滅失すると考えられる.この地域の作物遺伝資源を可及的速やかに収集し研究すべきであると結論した