256 research outputs found

    Performance and sustainability of two alternative rabbit breeding systems

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to evaluate 2 alternative breeding systems that differ from the current system in terms of reproduction rhythm, age of females at first insemination and the age of kits at weaning and at slaughter. We measured the performance of 332 females and their offspring over 4 consecutive cycles, as well as the sustainability of the systems. We compared an intensive (group I: reproduction rhythm [RR]=35 d; first insemination [AI1]=20.6 wk of age; weaning age [WA]=32 d; slaughter age [WS]=63 d) an extensive (group E: RR=49 d; AI1=16.6 wk; WA=30 d; WS=70 d) and a semi-intensive system (group S: RR=42 d; AI1=19.6 wk; WA=35 d; WS=70 d) considered as the control system. Sustainability was evaluated using a multicriteria assessment method that takes 14 economic, environmental and social criteria into account, for which 3 to 5 indicators were expressed as the relative score [–1; –0.5; 0; +0.5; +1] for alternative systems compared to the control system. The productivity measured at 28 d (3.5, 4.2 and 4.6 kg/AI, for groups I, S and E, respectively), at 63 d post-partum (30, 38 and 42 kg/female for 4 cycles, respectively), and the total body energy measured 3 d after the 1st and at the 4th insemination (45.4, 46.8 and 49.5 MJ, respectively), were significantly increased when the reproductive rhythm decreased (P<0.001). Before and after weaning, kit mortality decreased when the reproduction rhythm decreased (11.4, 7.3, and 1.9% and 18.3, 15.3 and 10.6% for groups I, S and E, respectively, P<0.05). Carcass quality (weight and dressing percentage) was lower in I than in the S and E groups (P<0.001). On this basis, the yearly productivity per doe at weaning could be estimated at 79, 83, and 78 kg for groups I, S and E, respectively. Consequently, the productivity per reproductive cycle increases with the extensification of the breeding system. Nevertheless, compared with the current French system (S), simultaneous changes in several breeding practices could lead to new coherent and functional systems capable of improving various aspects of sustainability.This work was supported by the CAS DAR (Cunipalm n° 9023) and by the French Interprofessional Rabbit Association (CLIPP).Theau.clĂ©ment, M.; Guardia, S.; Davoust, C.; Galliot, P.; Souchet, C.; Bignon, L.; Fortun-Lamothe, L. (2016). Performance and sustainability of two alternative rabbit breeding systems. World Rabbit Science. 24(4):253-265. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2016.5154SWORD253265244Basset-Mens, C., van der Werf, H. M. G., Robin, P., Morvan, T., Hassouna, M., Paillat, J.-M., & VertĂšs, F. (2007). Methods and data for the environmental inventory of contrasting pig production systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 15(15), 1395-1405. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2006.03.009Bivolarski B.L., Vachkova E., Ribarski S.S. 2011. Effect of weaning age upon the slaughter and physiochemical traits of rabbit meat. Veterinarski Archiv., 8: 499-511.Coudurier B., Peyraud J.L., Blesbois E., Jeuland F., Urruty N., Huyghe C., Guyomard H. 2015. Methodology for the conception and evaluation of multiperforming production systems: application to a dairy farm and broiler chicken production. INRA Prod. Anim., 28: 51-76.Fortun-Lamothe, L., Prunier, A., Bolet, G., & Lebas, F. (1999). Physiological mechanisms involved in the effects of concurrent pregnancy and lactation on foetal growth and mortality in the rabbit. Livestock Production Science, 60(2-3), 229-241. doi:10.1016/s0301-6226(99)00096-2Fortun-Lamothe L., Litt J., Coutelet G., Gidenne T. 2012. A participatory approach to define objectives, criteria and indicators for evaluating the sustainability of rabbit rearing units. 10th World Rabbit Congress, 3-6 september 2012, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 821-825.Lairez J., Feschet P., Aubin, J., Bosckstaller, C., Bouvarel, I. 2015. Guide pour l'Ă©valuation multicritĂšre. Quae Ed., 232 pp.Maertens L., Perez, J.M., Villamide M., Cervera C., Gidenne T., Xiccato G. 2002. Nutritive value of raw materials for rabbits: EGRAN tables 2002. World Rabbit Sci. 10, 157-166.Theau-ClĂ©ment M., Roustan A., 1992. A study on relationships between receptivity and lactation in the doe, and their influence on reproductive performances. 5th Congress of World Rabbit Science Association, July 25-30, 1992, Corvallis, U.S.A., Vol A: 412-421.Theau-ClĂ©ment M., Boiti C., Mercier P., FaliĂšres J. 2000. Description of the ovarian status and fertilising ability of primiparous rabbit does at different lactation stage, In Proc.: 7th World Rabbit Congress Valencia Spain, Vol A: 259-266.Xiccato G., Trocino A., 2013. Energy and protein metabolism and requirements. In Nutrition of the rabbit (De Blas C., Wiseman J., eds), CABI; UK, 83-118.Zita L., TĆŻmovĂĄ E., SkƙivanovĂĄ V., Ledvinka Z. 2007. The effect of weaning age on performance and nutrient digestibility of broiler rabbits. Czech J. Anim. Sci., 25. 341-347

    Complementary and Alternative Approaches to Pain Relief During Labor

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    This review evaluated the effect of complementary and alternative medicine on pain during labor with conventional scientific methods using electronic data bases through 2006 were used. Only randomized controlled trials with outcome measures for labor pain were kept for the conclusions. Many studies did not meet the scientific inclusion criteria. According to the randomized control trials, we conclude that for the decrease of labor pain and/or reduction of the need for conventional analgesic methods: (i) There is an efficacy found for acupressure and sterile water blocks. (ii) Most results favored some efficacy for acupuncture and hydrotherapy. (iii) Studies for other complementary or alternative therapies for labor pain control have not shown their effectiveness

    Diagnosing Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium Status of Natural Grassland in the Presence of Legumes

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    In most temperate areas, sustainable management of grassland ecosystems has to deal with evaluation and management of N, P and K resources. For this purpose, appropriate diagnostic systems are needed in order to manage fertilisation accordingly. The nutrient index method based on nutrient concentrations in plant tissues relative to the degree of growth has been developed; it relies on critical curves which serve for diagnostic: for N, the critical curve gives the optimum N concentration for different levels of biomass accumulation in swards, for P and K optimum concentrations are a linear function of sward N concentration (Duru & Thélier-Huché, 1997). However limitations in the use of P nutrient index (PNI) were reported when the herbage contained a large proportion of white clover (Jouany et al., 2004). Our objectives were to verify whether similar behaviour were observed with other legumes and for K and N nutrition indices (KNI, NNI) as well

    Effect of light intensities on reproductive performance, nursing behaviour and preference of rabbit does

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    [EN] The aim of the experiment was to compare the reproductive performance and nursing behaviour of rabbit does reared under 2 different light intensities and observe the preference of does among cages with different light intensities. Female rabbits were randomly housed in 2 identical rooms, under the same housing conditions in wire-net cages. The 2 rooms only differed in the light intensity; group L: 150-200 lux (n=54 does, 230 inseminations), group D: 10-20 lux (n=54 does, 232 inseminations). Reproduction data from the first 5 consecutive reproductive cycles were evaluated. Nursing behaviour of the does (n = 24) was observed at the 2nd or 4th lactation. The preference of does (n=8) among 4 cages with different light intensities (10, 35, 75 or 155 lux)  as examined. There were 6-7% difference between the 2 groups in the number of kits born in total and those born alive (born total: 11.25 vs. 10.59 kits, P<0.1; liveborn: 10.75 vs. 10.00 kits, P<0.05; in groups L and D, respectively). Suckling mortality was nearly 2% higher in group D (L: 8.1, D: 10.0%; P<0.1), and in consequence the litter size of this group at 35 d of age was lower than that of the L rabbits (L: 8.75, D: 8.45 kits; P<0.05). The light intensity did not affect litter and individual weights at 35 d of age. The average numbers of daily nursing events (L: 1.23/d, D: 1.32/d), the length (L: 208±49, D: 213±43 s) and the daily distribution of nursing events were not affected by high light intensity. During the light period of the day, the darkest cage (10 lux) was the most preferred by the does (44.0, 18.6, 17.9 and 19.5% in 10, 35, 75 and 155 lux cages, respectively; P<0.001). The lower light intensity had no unambiguously unfavourable effect on the reproductive performance and nursing behaviour of the does. Based on the preference test, a lower light intensity may be advantageous from the point of view of animal welfare.This study was supported by the JĂĄnos Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (BO/00326/11/4) and by the GOP-1.3.1. project.Matics, Z.; SzendrƑ, Z.; Radnai, I.; Kasza, R.; GerencsĂ©r, Z. (2016). Effect of light intensities on reproductive performance, nursing behaviour and preference of rabbit does. World Rabbit Science. 24(2):139-144. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2016.4112SWORD139144242Besenfelder U., Theau-ClĂ©ment M., Sabbioni E., Castellini C., & Renieri T. (2010). Effects of different light intensities on quality of spermatozoa in rabbits. World Rabbit Science, 12(4). doi:10.4995/wrs.2004.570EFSA (European Food Safety Authority). 2005. Scientific Report. The impact of the current housing and husbandry systems on the health and welfare of farmed domestic rabbits. European Food Safety Authority Journal, 267: 1-31.GerencsĂ©r Zs., Matics Zs., Nagy I., BirĂł-NĂ©meth E., Radnai I., SzendrƑ Zs. 2010. The effect of the increased lighting prior to insemination on the rabbit does' production. (In Hung.) Magy. Állatorv. Lapja, 132: 647-650.Hoy St., Seitz K., Selzer D., SchĂŒddemage M. 2000. Nursing behaviour of domesticated and wild rabbit does under different keeping conditions. In Proc.: 7th World Rabbit Congress, July 4-7, 2000, Valencia, Spain, 537-543.Matics Zs., GerencsĂ©r Zs., MikĂł A., Radnai I., Odermatt M., Nagy I., SzendrƑ Zs. 2012. Effect of different lighting schedules (16L:8D or 12L:6D) on nursing behaviour of rabbit does. In Proc.: 10th World Rabbit Congress, September 3-6, 2012, Sharm El- Sheikh, Egypt, 1063-1067.Mirabito L., Galliot P., Souchet C. 1994. Effet de l'utilisation de la PMSG et de la modification de la photopĂ©riode sur les performances de reproduction de la lapine. In Proc.: 6Ăšmes JournĂ©es Recherche Cunicole, La Rochelle, France, December 6-7, I: 169-178.Schlolaut W. 1998. Das groÎČe Buch vom Kaninchen. DLG Verlag, Frankfurt am Main.Theau-ClĂ©ment M., Poujardieu B., Bellereaud J. 1990. Influence des traitements lumineux, modes de reproduction et Ă©tats physiologiques sur la productivitĂ© de lapines multipares. In Proc.: 5Ă©mes JournĂ©es Recherche Cunicole, Paris, France, I, Comm. 7.Theau-ClĂ©ment M., Malpaux B., Lamothe E., Milcent N., Juin H., Bodin L. 2008. Influence of photoperiod on the sexual behaviour of non-lactating rabbit does: preliminary results. In Proc.: 9th World Rabbit Congress, Verona, Italy, June 10-13, 2008, 465-469.TĆŻma J., TĆŻmovĂĄ E., ValĂĄĆĄek V. 2010. The effect of season and parity order on fertility of rabbit does and kit growth. Czech J. Anim. Sci., 55: 330-336.Xiccato G. 1996. Nutrition of lactating does. In Proc.: 6th World Rabbit Congress, July 9-12, 1996, Toulouse, France, 1, 29-47

    How to Simplify Tools for Natural Grassland Characterisation Based on Biological Measures Without Losing Too Much Information?

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    In marginal areas, such as the Pyrenees, natural grasslands are the only available resource for livestock feeding. Despite this, there is a lack of simple and efficient tools for advisers to aid the management of the complex vegetation of these grasslands. Therefore, we tested an approach derived from functional ecology, to construct such tools: using biological traits to inform on the agronomic characteristics and the way farmers’ practices act on them (Ansquer et al., 2004). Nevertheless, the required protocol of measurement is still time-consuming and difficult. In this paper, we test different ways of simplifying this protocol by reducing the number of species measured and not considering specific abundances

    Advance Access Publication 15 March

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    This review evaluated the effect of complementary and alternative medicine on pain during labor with conventional scientific methods using electronic data bases through 2006 were used. Only randomized controlled trials with outcome measures for labor pain were kept for the conclusions. Many studies did not meet the scientific inclusion criteria. According to the randomized control trials, we conclude that for the decrease of labor pain and/or reduction of the need for conventional analgesic methods: (i) There is an efficacy found for acupressure and sterile water blocks. (ii) Most results favored some efficacy for acupuncture and hydrotherapy. (iii) Studies for other complementary or alternative therapies for labor pain control have not shown their effectiveness

    High plasmatic progesterone levels at insemination depress reproductive performances of rabbit does

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    The aim of this experiment was to quantify the frequency of the high progesterone syndrome at the moment of insemination and to study the influence of progesterone level (P4) on receptivity and reproductive performances of primiparous and secondiparous rabbit does. A total of 422 primiparous INRA 0067 were inseminated twice at an interval of 42 days. Prior to artificial insemination (AI), sexual receptivity of the does was tested in the presence of a vasectomised buck and, just after AI, blood samples were collected to determine progesterone concentration by RIA. The mean plasma progesterone concentration was 1.8\ub13.4 ng/ml and significantly depended on parity (primiparous: 2.2\ub13.7 ng/ml, secondiparous: 0.9\ub12.2 ng/ml, P&lt;0.001). At the following AI, 78% of pseudopregnant rabbit does returned to the basal level of oestrous condition, demonstrating that the pseudopregnancy is a reversible process. The overall percentage of pseudopregnant does (P4 651 ng/ml) was 25.9%, but it was differently (P&lt;0.001) distributed between primiparous (31.2%) and secondiparous does (12.2%). Moreover, primiparous lactating females were more frequently pseudopregnant than non-lactating ones (36.5 vs. 18.9% respectively, P&lt;0.001). The progesterone level of primiparous does was related to the lactation status (2.5\ub13.8 vs. 1.5\ub13.2 ng/ml, respectively for lactating and non-lactating, P&lt;0.001). The receptivity was highly related to the level of progesterone (P4&lt;1: 74.1%, 1 64P4&lt;6: 79.1% vs. P4&gt;6: 56.3%, P=0.006). Also the kindling rate was significantly influenced by progesterone concentrations. Non-pseudopregnant does (P&lt;1 ng/ml) had the highest fertility rate (79.0%) but when the progesterone concentration increased from 1 64P4&lt;6 to P4&gt;6 ng/ml, the fertility decreased from 68.1 to 37.4%, respectively (P&lt;0.001). Consequently, the productivity at birth was highly depressed when the progesterone level was over 6 ng/ml (9.5 and 8.6 vs. 4.5 number of born alive rabbits/AI, for P4&lt;1, 1 64P4&lt;6 and P4&gt;6 respectively, P&lt;0.001). The productivity of pseudopregnant and nonreceptive females was very poor in comparison with pseudopregnant receptive does (0.4 vs. 9.5 born alive rabbits/AI). The productivity at birth was also highly (P&lt;0.001) influenced by the physiological status of the does. Primiparous non-lactating does produced the highest number of born alive rabbits/AI, whereas primiparous lactating does had the lowest productivity at birth (9.9 vs. 5.6), secondiparous lactating being intermediate (7.1). In conclusion, the high progesterone syndrome evaluated at the moment of insemination occurred in 25.9% of females and had a strong negative impact on receptivity and reproductive performance of rabbit does

    Influence of different eCG doses on sexual receptivity and productivity of rabbit does

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to examine sexual receptivity and productivity of does injected 48 h before insemination with 8 or 25 IU of eCG (groups 8 and 25, respectively) in comparison with a control group (no injection, group 0). One hundred twenty four does were inseminated during 11 consecutive cycles (reproduction rythm: 35 d; inseminations: 4 d post partum and weaning: 28 d post partum). In comparison with the control group, eCG signifi cantly improves the receptivity of does (60.3 vs 80.5 and 79.8%; P<0.001), kindling rate (70.4 vs 80.9 and 79.4%; P=0.030) and the number of weaned rabbits/insemination (5.9 vs 7.1 and 7.1; P=0.008) for group 0, 8 and 25 respectively, during the whole experiment. eCG effi ciency is not obviously demonstrated for primiparous and non-lactating does. Authors conclude that only an 8 IU dose is able to improve 62% the productivity (measured as weaned rabbits per insemination) of multiparous and lactating does inseminated 4 d post partum.Theau-Clément, M.; Lebas, F.; Boiti, C.; G. Brecchia, G.; Mercier, P. (2010). Influence of different eCG doses on sexual receptivity and productivity of rabbit does. World Rabbit Science. 16(2). doi:10.4995/wrs.2008.62816

    A Herbage Growth Model for Different Types of Natural Grassland

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    The aim of this work was to extend existing growth models established for pure stands to a wide range of grassland communities. For this purpose we built a simple growth model, including sub-models for radiation interception and use. Parameters for the effect of nutrient rates (N, P) and defoliation regimes were based on a plant trait database. Senescence and reproductive processes were particularly considered because of their importance in late spring growth. The model makes it possible to simulate the daily biomass production as a function of both environmental factors and the functional type of the dominant species in the community
